2016er Attacks - HRC Defense Master Doc
LIBYA 2016ER ATTACKS RAND PAUL CLAIMED CLINTON’S HANDLING OF THE INTERVENTION IN LIBYA WAS HER “MAIN ACHILLES’ HEEL” Rand Paul Said Hillary Clinton’s “Main Achilles’ Heel” Was That She Did Not Think Through The “Unintended Consequences” Of Involvement In Libya And Did Not Provide “An Adequate Defense For Our Consulate In Libya.” “‘Her [Hillary Clinton’s] main Achilles’ heel is that she didn’t provide an adequate defense for our consulate in Libya,’ Paul said during a trip to Georgia just before the midterms. ‘And also, she didn’t think through the unintended consequences of getting involved in the Libyan war. So I think you’d have an interesting dynamic, were there a [Republican] nominee that was for less intervention overseas and in the Middle East and that’s fiscally conservative. You’ve never seen that kind of combination before, and I think there’s a lot of independent voters, actually, that might be attracted to that kind of message.’” [Politico, 11/9/14] Rand Paul Referred To U.S. Military Engagement In Libya As “Hillary’s War” And Said The Rise Of ISIS Was An Unintended Consequence Of It. “Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) certainly has a knack for boldness. On Sunday's Meet the Press, he dubbed U.S. military engagement in Libya ‘Hillary’s war’ and stated the rise of the Islamic State (ISIS) is not a result of President Obama's inaction in the Middle East but the unintended consequence of the U.S. military engagement in Libya.” [Breitbart, 8/27/14] Rand Paul: “Hillary's War In Libya Allowed Thousands Of Surface-To-Air Missiles To Fall Into The Hands Of Radical Islamists.” “Hillary's war in Libya is a perfect example…Hillary's war made us less safe. Libya's less stable, and radical jihadists run amok. They swim in our swimming pool! Hillary's war in Libya allowed thousands of surface-to-air missiles to fall into the hands of radical Islamists. As Hillary was declaring victory in Libya, Ambassador Stevens was pleading for more security.” [CPAC Speech, 2/27/15] CLINTON DEFENSE SECRETARY CLINTON CLAIMED THAT THE U.S. DID NOT ABANDON LIBYA AFTER INTERVENING TO OUST GADHAFI Secretary Clinton: “We Did Stick Around” In Libya After Gadhafi Was Ousted, “With Offers Of Money And Technical Assistance...To Border Security, Training.” When The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg claimed that the U.S. did not stick around for the aftermath of Qaddafi’s fall in Libya, Secretary Clinton said: “Well, we did stick around. We stuck around with offers of money and technical assistance, on everything from getting rid of some of the nasty stuff he left behind, to border security, to training.” [The Atlantic, 8/10/14] VISITING LIBYA JUST BEFORE GADHAFI’S DEATH, CLINTON OFFERED U.S. SUPPORT FOR A DEMOCRATIC TRANSITION, CITING U.S. AUSTERITY AS THE REASON AID TOTALS REMAINED LOW New York Times: In Late 2011, Secretary Clinton “Pledged Political And Economic Support For Libya’s Transitional Government.” “Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton pledged political and economic support for Libya’s transitional government on Tuesday, even as a senior administration official warned that Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi and his loyalists remained ‘a lethal nuisance’ who could stall the country’s evolution… Mrs. Clinton raised a host of issues with Mr. Abdel-Jalil and other Libyan officials, including the consolidation of political control, the prevention of violence against Colonel Qaddafi’s supporters and the integration of myriad rebel militias into a new security structure.” [New York Times, 10/18/11]
New York Times: Between February And October 2011, “The United States…Contributed $135 Million In Assistance To Libya’s New Leader…Including Humanitarian Aid And Military Equipment — Though Not Weapons, Which France, Qatar And Other Nations Have Supplied.” “The United States has contributed $135 million in assistance to Libya’s new leaders since February, including humanitarian aid and military equipment — though not weapons, which France, Qatar and other nations have supplied.” [New York Times, 10/18/11] • New York Times: In Late 2011 Secretary Clinton Promised Libya “Medical Equipment And Treatment In The United States For Some Of The Most Gravely Wounded Fighters, Educational And Cultural Exchanges And A Project…To Help Preserve Ancient Ruins.” “Mrs. Clinton promised more help on Tuesday, including medical equipment and treatment in the United States for some of the most gravely wounded fighters, educational and cultural exchanges and a project with Oberlin College in Ohio to help preserve ancient ruins at Cyrene.” [New York Times, 10/18/11] New York Times: Secretary Clinton “Said The Relatively Meager Amount Of New Assistance [To Libya] Reflected Not Only Fiscal Austerity At Home…But Also The Fact That Oil-Rich Libya Needed Expertise More Than Cash To Rebuild Its Society And Economy.” “Mrs. Clinton said the relatively meager amount of new assistance reflected not only fiscal austerity at home — she told Mr. Jibril that such aid faced deep opposition in Congress — but also the fact that oil-rich Libya needed expertise more than cash to rebuild its society and economy after four decades under Colonel Qaddafi.” [New York Times, 10/18/11] FACT CHECKERS HAVE DEBUNKED CLAIMS THAT THE U.S. ALLOWED REBELS TO ACQUIRE THOUSANDS OF SURFACE-TO-AIR MISSILES AFTER GADHAFI’S FALL Politifact: Of An Estimated 20,000 Surface-To-Air Missiles That Gadhafi Amassed Over 40 Years, “The United States Recovered 5,000, NATO Destroyed Thousands, The U.S.-Backed Transitional Government Acquired Many, And Many Are Inoperable.” “The 2011 U.S.-backed Libyan uprising -- part of the Arab Spring -- toppled the decades-long dictator Col. Muammar Gaddafi. At the time, the State Department estimated that Gaddafi had amassed about 20,000 MANPADS over 40 years…Of those 20,000 MANPADS -- the United States recovered 5,000, NATO destroyed thousands, the U.S.-backed transitional government acquired many, and many are inoperable. While we know terrorists got their hands on a few, it’s highly unlikely that they have ‘thousands.’” [Politifact, 3/9/15] 2016ER VULNERABILITIES Christie Said President Obama Had Taken The Leadership Role In Libyan Conflict—“He's Calling The Shots, And We All Know That.” MORGAN: “Would you like to see a spreading of that load going forward, where America's not the go-to country -- for military support, for helping out with despotic regimes and so on?” CHRISTIE: “Well, America's always got to be the leader in that regard.” MORGAN: “Does it have to be?” CHRISTIE: “I think it does –” MORGAN: “I mean, look at Libya and the way President Obama dealt with that. You know, he quite deliberately decided America wasn't going to be the leader.” CHRISTIE: “Yes. But we really are. I mean, come on, let's face it, we are. He's calling the shots, and we all know that. And so, let's not be kidding because they call it something different. America's taken the responsibility.” [Piers Morgan Tonight, CNN, 6/14/11] The Senate Voted 90-10 To Shelve Rand Paul’s Resolution Saying The President Could Not Act Unilaterally In Libya, Which He Forced To The Floor By Threatening To Hold Up Senate Action Until It Was Voted On. “On a 90-to-10 vote, the Senate on Tuesday voted to shelve a resolution proposed by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on the U.S. involvement in Libya, four days after Paul and a fellow freshman, Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), threatened to hold up Senate action until Paul’s measure was brought to the floor…The Paul resolution is comprised of one sentence: a statement made by then-Sen. Barack Obama in 2007 that the president cannot unilaterally act on matters of war.” [Washington Post, 4/5/11]
Pence Thanked Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton For Her Efforts To “Isolate Libya During A Time Of Extraordinary Tragedy In The Streets.” “Thank you, Chairman. And I want to thank the Secretary of State for her testimony and her service to the country. It’s good to see you back before the committee. I also want to thank you, specifically, for the efforts by the administration and your offices to further isolate Libya during a time of extraordinary tragedy in the streets, tragedy of which I think we're probably only partially aware. I – I want to continue to encourage and urge the administration to stand with those that are standing in that now bifurcated country to use all means at our disposal to provide support and certainly associate myself with Mr. Royce’s comments about isolating radio communications and – and would express appreciation for your efforts at Geneva and elsewhere to facilitate a coordinated -- a coordinated international response, including a no-fly zone. Gadhafi must go. And I'm – I’m grateful to hear the Secretary of State and the administration take that position unambiguously.” [Hearing on Assessing U.S. Foreign Policy Priorities and Needs Amidst Economic Challenges, House Foreign Affairs Committee, 3/1/11] Pence: “I Certainly Support The Decision To Enforce A No-Fly Zone [In Libya] With The Wanton Slaughter Of Civilians That Was Taking Place At The Hands Of Muammar Gaddafi.” “COTTO: Let’s get into this budget thing, but for starters, because obviously Libya is pretty significant in the news today, can I just get your initial thoughts on us getting involved over there? Do you think it’s a good idea? A bad idea? Too late? What are your thoughts? PENCE: Well, I certainly support the decision to enforce a no-fly zone with the wanton slaughter of civilians that was taking place at the hands of Muammar Gaddafi. I think the international community responded in a proper way. I’m disappointed that the President consulted with the UN and didn’t consult or seek resolution for the use of force from the Congress. It’s also disappointing for me to see us yield the lead role to the French in this matter. I mean, the French are essentially leading the world community in confronting Muammar Gaddafi.” [Radio Interview, WLS-AM, 3/21/11] Rubio Said Congress Should Go Beyond President Obama’s State Goals In Libya And Authorize The Removal Of Gadhafi. “While many Republicans have questioned U.S. military strikes in Libya and the Obama administration has emphasized limits on America's role, freshman GOP Sen. Marco Rubio says Congress should go beyond President Obama's stated goals and authorize the removal of Moammar Gadhafi.” [Palm Beach Post, 4/1/11] Rubio Refused To Give The President More Credit On Libya – Insisting It Was To The Credit Of Europe. Asked if the President should get more credit for bring down Gadaffi, Rubio said: “No, let's give credit where it's due. Number one, the French and the British carry the load on this and let's not forget that. Number two, the Libyan people. Actually, I should say it in the reverse. The Libyan people, OK? (Inaudible) -- those Libyans laying in those beds who fought for their freedom and were able to accomplish it. The British, the French and our NATO allies who were involved. I think the president did the right thing. He just took too long to do it and he didn't do enough of it and the proof is in -- is in -- is in -- you see it now before us. What has happened as a result of this being an extended conflict? A number of things. The country is now more beat up. It's going to cost more money to rebuild Libya. You have more people dead. You have more people maimed. And so people that instead of being able to go work have to go to rehab to be able to gain their functionality. You have thousands of rocket -- shoulder fired rockets that are missing all of that because of how long this took in the chaos.” [Rubio Media Availability on Jobs, 10/20/11] Politifact: Rand Paul’s Claim That U.S. Intervention In Libya “Allowed Thousands Of Surface-To- Air Missiles To Fall Into The Hands Of Radical Islamists” Is Mostly False. “Paul said that U.S. military involvement in Libya ‘allowed thousands of surface-to-air missiles to fall into the hands of radical Islamists.’ Experts told us that even though some terrorists are known to have a few Libyan surface-to-air missiles, the idea that they have ‘thousands’ is extremely unlikely… It’s also incorrect to say the United States’ military involvement caused these missiles to go missing. The weapon looting began before the United States and NATO showed up. And when they showed up, they destroyed or recovered many thousands. It’s arguable that American involvement had the exact opposite effect than what Paul asserts. The statement contains an element of truth but ignores critical facts that would give a different impression, so we rate Paul’s claim Mostly False.” [Politifact, 3/9/15]
BENGHAZI 2016ER ATTACKS State Department Stonewalling Ted Cruz On Hillary Clinton And Benghazi: “She Has Deliberately Stonewalled.” “‘What I think is that she has deliberately stonewalled,’ Cruz said in an interview with George Stephanopoulos on ‘This Week.’ ‘The American people deserve the truth; our men and women in harm’s way deserve the truth,’ the Texas Republican added.” [ABC News, 6/1/14; Ted Cruz Interview, This Week, ABC, 6/1/14] Political Messaging In Benghazi Response Ted Cruz Said Hillary Clinton Had “Stonewalled” On Benghazi And Said Her Chief Political Aide Instructed Foreign Services Officers Not To Talk To Members Of The Press Or Congress.” “MR. STEPHANOPOULOS: Rand Paul said her handling of Benghazi's disqualifying her from the presidency. Do you agree? SEN. CRUZ: What I think is that she has deliberately stonewalled. We know, for example, that her chief political aide, Cheryl Mills, went to senior foreign services officers and told them, don't talk to the press, don't talk to members of Congress.” [Ted Cruz Interview, “This Week with George Stephanopoulos”, ABC, 6/1/14] Inadequate Diplomatic Security And Preparation Rand Paul Said That Hillary Clinton Admitted She Had Not Read The Cables From Benghazi And If He Had Been President, He Would Have Fired Her. “Paul also commented on what he said was the current administration’s failure in the handling the 2012 attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya. ‘Six months in advance, possibly nine months in advance, Hillary Clinton was asked for more security and it was denied,’ Paul said. ‘At the same time, $100,000 was spent for a charging station at the Vienna embassy for their cars, $5 million was spent on crystal wear for the embassies, $100,000 was spent to send three comedians to India. I asked Hillary one question, ‘Did you read the cables?’ She said, ‘No.’ I said frankly, ‘If I had been president you would have been relieved of your duties.’’” [The Lima News, 10/21/14] Rand Paul: “Had I Been President At The Time” Of Benghazi, “I Would Have Relieved You Of Your Post.” “Ultimately, with your leaving, you accept the culpability for the worst tragedy since 9/11, and I really mean that. Had I been President at the time, and I found that you did not read the cables from Benghazi, you did not read the cables from Ambassador Stevens, I would have relieved you of your post.” [Senate Hearing on Benghazi Consulate Attack, C-SPAN, 1/23/13] Rand Paul Said Hillary Clinton Should Be Precluded From Being Commander In Chief Since She Could Not “Protect Our Embassies.” “But Paul saved special scorn for Clinton, the prospective frontrunner for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, specifically highlighting her role in the events surrounding the deadly 2012 attacks on American consulate in Benghazi, Libya. ‘If she wants to be commander in chief and she cannot protect our embassies, I don’t think that she could or should be,’ Paul said. ‘I think it precludes her from ever being considered as commander in chief.’” [Politico, 8/29/14] Rand Paul Compared The Benghazi Incident To A 1993 Mission In Somalia In Which President Clinton’s Then-Secretary Of Defense Resigned Following The Death Of Americans, And Said That If Hillary Clinton Had “Worked For Bill Clinton, She’d Probably Have Been Fired.” “The first-term senator went on to compare Benghazi to the 1993 mission in Mogadishu, Somalia, in which 18 U.S. military members were killed. Two months after the tragedy, President Bill Clinton announced the
resignation of Les Aspin, then secretary of the defense. Aspin had taken heat for denying security requests for U.S. forces in the region just a month before the attack. ‘He ignored the request and he resigned ultimately in disgrace,’ Paul said. ‘I think had Hillary Clinton worked for Bill Clinton, she'd probably have been fired.’” [CNN, 8/29/14] Rubio On Obama’s And Hillary Clinton’s U.S. Foreign Policy: They Thought “America’s Problems Around The World Were Created By A Robust Foreign Policy Through The Bush Administration, And That His Job Was To Extract Us From These Things Around The World. I Think That’s Proven To Be A Disaster.” MR: “The ultimate responsibility is on the President, and on the members of his cabinet, like Hillary Clinton, who guide policy and who make decisions on management and so forth with regards to the decisions that were made with security at this facility in Benghazi. And for the President, he’s the one who has failed to lay out a strategic view of what America’s role in the world is. To the extent that there is one, it seems to have been that America’s problems around the world were created by a robust foreign policy through the Bush administration, and that his job was to extract us from these things around the world. I think that’s proven to be a disaster.” [Hugh Hewitt Show, 6/9/14] Rubio On The Number One Question He Would Ask Hillary Clinton About Benghazi If Given The Opportunity: “Think That Question Would Be Explain To Us The Process By Which The Decision Was Made To Keep That Consulate Open, Given All Of This Information That’s Out There.” GB: “If you were in the House, hypothetically, and on this Select Committee…” MR: “Yeah.” GB: “And if Secretary Clinton were to show up, what is the number one question you think that she hasn’t sufficiently answered that you would put to her?” MR: “And I think that question would be explain to us the process by which the decision was made to keep that consulate open, given all of this information that’s out there, and I think it’ll be very important to see whether this Select Committee will be able to hold hearings in a classified setting, where the details about some of that reporting stream will be, they’ll be able to delve into.” [Hugh Hewitt Show, 6/9/14] Rand Paul Said That There Was A Bar That Everyone Running For The Presidency Needed To Pass Of Would They Defend The Country And Our Interests, And If You Were Not Able To Do That Then You Should Not Be President. ED BERLINER: “Should all of this then disqualify her [Hillary Clinton] as a candidate for the presidency?” RAND PAUL: “I think the main thing, and I think there’s a bar that everyone who wants to run for the president and that’s will you defend the country? Will you defend our people? Will you defend American interests? And I think if you’re not able to do that or not up to the task, that really you shouldn’t be president. And that’s why I’ve said Benghazi should preclude her from consideration because it wasn’t just that she made mistakes that day, it was for nine months preceding that. She was probably asked 20 times for more security for that embassy. When I asked her did you read the cables from Ambassador Stevens, she acted as if she just didn’t have time, she was too busy traveling the world and showing that she was a great traveling secretary of state. But there’s a real problem when the ambassador is pleading for help and saying we’re in danger of being overrun and you continue to reduce the security forces there. And I think it was worse than that. I think it’s sort of this politically correct sort of thing where they didn’t want people to have arms, they didn’t want our people to wear their uniforms. They didn’t want our people even to wear their military boots because that somehow would defend the sensibility of the Libyans. It just shows poor judgment I think that she was unable to really get beyond that to say, you know what, our first mission is actually to protect our people in the field.” [Midpoint, Newsmax TV, 3/3/15] Rand Paul Said That Benghazi Should Preclude Hillary Clinton From The Presidency Because It Was Not Just Mistakes On That Day, It Was Nine Months Of Ignoring Security Requests From The Ambassador. ED BERLINER: “Should all of this then disqualify her [Hillary Clinton] as a candidate for the presidency?” RAND PAUL: “I think the main thing, and I think there’s a bar that everyone who wants to run for the president and that’s will you defend the country? Will you defend our people? Will you defend American interests? And I think if you’re not able to do that or not up to the task, that really you shouldn’t be president. And that’s why I’ve said Benghazi should preclude her from consideration because it wasn’t just that she made mistakes that day, it was for nine months preceding that. She was probably asked 20 times for more security for that embassy. When I asked her did you read the cables from Ambassador Stevens, she acted as if she just didn’t have time, she was too busy traveling the world
and showing that she was a great traveling secretary of state. But there’s a real problem when the ambassador is pleading for help and saying we’re in danger of being overrun and you continue to reduce the security forces there. And I think it was worse than that. I think it’s sort of this politically correct sort of thing where they didn’t want people to have arms, they didn’t want our people to wear their uniforms. They didn’t want our people even to wear their military boots because that somehow would defend the sensibility of the Libyans. It just shows poor judgment I think that she was unable to really get beyond that to say, you know what, our first mission is actually to protect our people in the field.” [Midpoint, Newsmax TV, 3/3/15] Rand Paul Said It Showed “Poor Judgment” That Hillary Clinton Was Not Able To Get Over Political Correctness And Allow Security Forces In Libya To Have Arms And Their Uniforms, Even If It Offended The Sensibility Of Libyans. ED BERLINER: “Should all of this then disqualify her [Hillary Clinton] as a candidate for the presidency?” RAND PAUL: “I think the main thing, and I think there’s a bar that everyone who wants to run for the president and that’s will you defend the country? Will you defend our people? Will you defend American interests? And I think if you’re not able to do that or not up to the task, that really you shouldn’t be president. And that’s why I’ve said Benghazi should preclude her from consideration because it wasn’t just that she made mistakes that day, it was for nine months preceding that. She was probably asked 20 times for more security for that embassy. When I asked her did you read the cables from Ambassador Stevens, she acted as if she just didn’t have time, she was too busy traveling the world and showing that she was a great traveling secretary of state. But there’s a real problem when the ambassador is pleading for help and saying we’re in danger of being overrun and you continue to reduce the security forces there. And I think it was worse than that. I think it’s sort of this politically correct sort of thing where they didn’t want people to have arms, they didn’t want our people to wear their uniforms. They didn’t want our people even to wear their military boots because that somehow would defend the sensibility of the Libyans. It just shows poor judgment I think that she was unable to really get beyond that to say, you know what, our first mission is actually to protect our people in the field.” [Midpoint, Newsmax TV, 3/3/15] Cover-Up And Continuing Investigation Rand Paul: While The Administration Continued To Cover Up Benghazi, “I Will Continue To Seek The Truth Until Those At The Top Of This Two-Year Chain Of Deception Are Finally Held Accountable.” “This new Benghazi ‘intelligence’ report [from the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence] is little more than a C.Y.A. attempt designed to protect incompetent politicians and government agents at the expense of justice for the victims of September 11, 2012. They will continue to cover up. I will continue to seek the truth until those at the top of this two-year chain of deception are finally held accountable.” [Rand Paul Op-Ed, Breitbart, 12/1/14] Miscellaneous Rand Paul Said “Politics Is What Happens To Discuss Whether People Are Fit For Office,” And Said There Would Be A Discussion About Whether Hillary Clinton Was “Fit To Lead.” “Addressing criticism that his scrutiny of Benghazi is politically motivated, Paul said ‘Yeah, politics is what happens to discuss whether people are fit for office. There will be a discussion over the next four years whether or not Hillary Clinton is fit to lead this country.’” [Politico, 8/29/14] Rand Paul Blasted Hillary Clinton As Not “Fit To Lead The Country” For Her Response To Benghazi And Comments About Her Wealth. “Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said Hillary Clinton is not ‘fit to lead the country’ Friday, mocking the former secretary of state's comments about her wealth and condemning her response to the September 2012 attack on a U.S. facility in Benghazi.” [CBS, 8/2/14] Rubio Said Clinton Would Have To “Answer For Benghazi” If She Ran For President. RUBIO: “I think she's going to have to answer for Benghazi. I know people want to push that aside, but here's a fact. The State Department knew that the risk level for that facility was extremely high. They should have either
closed that facility or provided it adequate security. They did not, under her watch. She will have to answer for that.” [Situation Room, CNN, 2/25/14] CLINTON DEFENSE Secretary Clinton’s Cooperation With Investigations SECRETARY CLINTON TOOK RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE ATTACK IN BENGHAZI Secretary Clinton: “I Take Responsibility” For The Consequences Of The Benghazi Attack. “Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Monday tried to douse a political firestorm over the deadly assault on a U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya, saying she's responsible for the security of American diplomatic outposts. ‘I take responsibility,’ Clinton told CNN in an interview while on a visit to Peru. ‘I'm in charge of the State Department's 60,000-plus people all over the world, 275 posts. The president and the vice president wouldn't be knowledgeable about specific decisions that are made by security professionals. They're the ones who weigh all of the threats and the risks and the needs and make a considered decision.’” [CNN, 10/16/12] SECRETARY CLINTON TESTIFIED BEFORE TWO STATE DEPARTMENT COMMITTEES INVESTIGATING BENGHAZI IN 2013, AND HAS AGREED TO DO SO AGAIN… Secretary Clinton Testified Before The House And Senate Committees Investigating Benghazi In 2013. “In what probably was her final major public appearance as secretary of state, Hillary Rodham Clinton spent Wednesday delivering a forceful defense of the Obama administration’s response to the killings of four Americans in Libya last year and praising the commitment of the United States’ diplomats. Clinton, who returned to work this month after suffering a concussion and blood clot in early December, spent six hours testifying and answering questions. She started at 9 a.m. before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and ended after 5 p.m. with the House Foreign Affairs Committee.” [Washington Post, 1/23/13] CNN: Secretary Clinton “Has Agreed To Testify To The House's Select Committee Investigating Benghazi.” “Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has agreed to testify to the House's select committee investigating Benghazi, the panel's Democratic ranking member told CNN on Tuesday. Rep. Elijah Cummings said that Clinton agreed to testify before the committee investigating the 2012 terrorist attack in December after he contacted her months earlier.” [CNN, 1/28/15] Secretary Clinton Answered More Than 200 Questions On The Record About Benghazi On The Record. “On September 18, 2014, one day after our Committee’s first hearing, an entity known as Stop Hillary PAC delivered more than 264,000 signatures to the Select Committee insisting that you issue a subpoena to compel Secretary Clinton to testify, despite the fact that she had already testified before the House and Senate about Benghazi and answered more than 200 questions for the record.” [Select Committee on Benghazi Democrats Letter to Trey Gowdy, 3/6/15] …YET TREY GOWDY HAS DELAYED HER TESTIMONY FOR MONTHS Secretary Clinton Agreed To Testify As Early As December 2014 But Trey Gowdy Delayed Her Appearance. “As a courtesy, the Ranking Member contacted Secretary Clinton, and she responded that she was willing to testify at a public hearing to answer the Select Committee’s questions. She agreed without hesitation, and she offered to testify as early as December 2014. The Ranking Member personally communicated all of this information to you in October 2014. On November 12, 2014, in a joint phone call with both Republican and Democratic staff, Secretary Clinton’s attorney again confirmed her cooperation and willingness to testify in a public hearing before the Committee as early as December. But instead of
obtaining Secretary Clinton’s testimony in December, you decided to delay her testimony, explaining that you first wanted to obtain all of her documents related to Benghazi.” [Select Committee on Benghazi Democrats Letter to Trey Gowdy, 3/6/15] Wasteful And Political GOP Investigations MULTIPLE GOP-LED INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE BENGHAZI ATTACKS HAVE COST TAXPAYERS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS AND HAVE SOUGHT TO POLITICIZE THE TRAGEDY FOR THEIR OWN BENEFIT The Pentagon Said The Multiple Investigations Into The Benghazi Attacks Cost Millions And Thousands Of Hours In Personnel Time. “The Pentagon says Congress' multiple investigations of the deadly 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, have cost the department millions of dollars and thousands of hours of personnel time.” [Huffington Post, 3/25/14] • Assistant Secretary Of Defense Elizabeth King: The Six Investigations Into Benghazi Cost The Pentagon “Thousands Of Man-Hours” To Investigate “50 Congressional Hearings, Briefings, And Interviews.” “The Department has devoted thousands of man-hours to responding to numerous and often repetitive congressional requests regarding Benghazi which includes time devoted to approximately 50 congressional hearings, briefings, and interviews which the Department has led or participated in.” [Assistant Secretary Of Defense for Legislative Affairs Elizabeth King, Letter To Representative Adam Smith, 3/11/14] • Assistant Secretary Of Defense Elizabeth King Estimated The Total Cost Of Benghazi Related Congressional Requests To Be In The Millions Of Dollars. “The total cost of compliance with Benghazi related congressional requests sent to the Department and other agencies is estimated to be in the millions of dollars.” [Assistant Secretary Of Defense for Legislative Affairs Elizabeth King, Letter To Representative Adam Smith, 3/11/14] In A May 2014 FOX News Poll, 63% Of Respondents, Including 38% Of Republicans, Said That They Thought Republicans In Congress Were Investigating Benghazi For Mostly For Political Gain. [FOX News, 5/14/14] Lindsay Graham Consulted Lara Logan On The Now Discredited 60 Minutes Report On Benghazi. “What wasn’t known at the time was that Graham had consulted with CBS correspondent Lara Logan on the now-discredited Benghazi report that led to her being sidelined from the network for over six months. The Oct. 27 report started unraveling four days after airing, following revelations that security contractor Dylan Davies, the ‘60 Minutes’ eyewitness, had given conflicting stories about his whereabouts during the attack.” [Huffington Post, 5/4/14] HEADLINE: “Republicans Raising Money Off Benghazi Effort.” [Washington Post, 5/10/13] HEADLINE: “GOP Fundraises Off Benghazi Attack.” [Salon, 5/14/13] The NRCC Used Benghazi To Raise Money. “The National Republican Congressional Committee is using the debate over Benghazi to raise money. On a new fundraising page, the committee asks for donations to keep up the fight, declaring it a ‘coverup’ and using pictures of President Obama and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. The page implores supporters to ‘demand answers.’” [Washington Post, 5/10/13] • The NRCC Bragged That Their Benghazi Fundraising Page Gave Them The Most Trafficked Day In The History Of Their Website. “And it worked: the NRCC says its Clinton/Benghazi fundraising page made Friday the most trafficked day in the history of its Web site, and the Crossroads video has been viewed more than 100,000 times since Friday.” [Washington Post, 5/13/13]
Salon: The NRCC Sent A Second Fundraising Solicitation From John Bolton Asking For “$5 To Support The NRCC In Their Goal To Hold The Administration Accountable For Benghazi.” “Because no good scandal should go to waste, the National Republican Congressional Committee has enlisted John Bolton to turn the Benghazi attack into cash for Republican congressional campaigns. ‘As an Under Secretary of State during the September 11, 2001, attacks, and later as Ambassador to the UN, I saw very closely what a terrorist event looks like,’ Bolton wrote in an email solicitation sent to supporters this morning. ‘What’s happened with Benghazi is not how it’s supposed to be handled and I think it could be a hinge point for the Obama administration.’ Then came the ask: ‘Will you give $5 to support the NRCC in their goal to hold the administration accountable for Benghazi? Your $5 will go a long way. Americans deserve an explanation — please help out,’ Bolton wrote.” [Salon, 5/14/13] RNC: “Stand With @tgowdysc & Click To Demand @HillaryClinton Turn Over Her Secret Server.” [@GOP, Twitter, 3/12/15] Asked And Answered Questions COMMITTEES INVESTIGATING THE STATE DEPARTMENT RESPONSE TO ATTACKS IN BENGHAZI CONTINUE TO ASK QUESTIONS THAT HAVE LONG SINCE BEEN ANSWERED Boehner Said The Benghazi Select Committee Should Focus On “The Number Of Requests For More Security And Why It Was Not Provided.” “You know, I think that there are probably three areas that the Committee will look at—the events leading up to 9/11, 2012, the requests—the number of requests for more security and why it was not provided…” [Fox News, 5/11/14] The Independent Accountability Review Board Concluded That There Was Inadequate Security Due To Systemic “Failures And Leadership And Management Deficiencies At Senior Levels Within Two Bureaus Of The State Department.” “The Independent Accountability Review Board concluded that the Special Mission in Benghazi had inadequate security because of ‘[s]ystemic failures and leadership and management deficiencies at senior levels within two bureaus of the State Department.’ The Board found several factors that led to support gaps, including a misplaced reliance on local security forces, short-term staffing challenges, and the temporary nature of the facility. Multiple Congressional investigations have confirmed these findings.’” [House Select Committee On Benghazi Minority Website, accessed 9/16/14] House Committee On Benghazi Minority Website Noted That A Number Of Investigations Have Already Answered The Question “Why Was Security In Benghazi Inadequate Despite Repeated Requests?.” “Why was security in Benghazi inadequate despite repeated requests?... SOURCES THAT HAVE ANSWERED THIS QUESTION: The Independent Accountability Review Board Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Bipartisan Report Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Bipartisan Report House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Democratic Staff Report Accountability Review Board Vice Chairman Admiral Michael Mullen Accountability Review Board Chairman Ambassador Thomas Pickering” [House Select Committee On Benghazi Minority Website, accessed 9/16/14] Benghazi-Related Emails THE STATE DEPARTMENT HAS RELEASED SECRETARY CLINTON’S BENGHAZI-RELATED EMAILS TO THE HOUSE SELECT COMMITTEE AND DESPITE HAVING HAD ACCESS TO THE EMAILS FOR MONTHS, TREY GOWDY HAS MADE FALSE STATEMENTS ABOUT THEM
Secretary Clinton Handed Over 55,000 Pages Of Emails To The State Department, Who Turned Over The Relevant Benghazi-Related Emails To The Select Committee. “You have long been aware that Secretary Clinton used a personal email account. She provided her emails—55,000 pages of them— to the State Department, which in turn provided to the Committee those relevant to Benghazi. You are also aware, as we are, having read the responsive emails, that they are consistent with the findings of the nonpartisan Accountability Review Board. And you are aware that Secretary Clinton and her counsel have cooperated with the Select Committee in every way they have been asked, including the Secretary’s willingness to come back to Congress and testify yet again.” [Select Committee on Benghazi Democrats Letter to Trey Gowdy, 3/6/15] • 2/27/15: The State Department Confirmed That It Had Finished Production Of Secretary Clinton’s Emails Related To Benghazi. “On February 27, 2015, during a meeting with Select Committee staff, State Department officials confirmed that they had completed their production of Secretary Clinton’s emails relating to the Benghazi attacks. Based on your statements, the Committee’s next steps should have been to hold a hearing with Secretary Clinton in March. Instead, this week, you rushed to issue a unilateral subpoena to Secretary Clinton with no debate, no vote, and no deliberation whatsoever by Committee Members.” [Select Committee on Benghazi Democrats Letter to Trey Gowdy, 3/6/15] • The State Department Reviewed The 55,000 Pages Of Emails From Secretary Clinton’s Personal Account And Produced 850 Pages, Or 300 Emails, Related To Benghazi. “In fact, the Secretary had produced to the State Department 55,000 pages of emails from her personal account relating to a number of topics, including Benghazi. On February 13, 2015, the State Department reviewed those 55,000 pages and produced to the Select Committee Secretary Clinton’s emails related to Benghazi from March 3, 2011, to December 21, 2012, which consisted of approximately 850 pages, or about 300 emails.” [Select Committee on Benghazi Democrats Letter to Trey Gowdy, 3/6/15] Trey Gowdy Argued That Secretary Clinton Had Multiple Personal Emails. “The House committee investigating the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi will issue new requests to Hillary Clinton for emails from multiple personal accounts she used during her tenure as secretary of state. Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) told reporters on Tuesday that lawyers for the Benghazi Committee would be issuing the new requests - which he didn’t rule out could come in the form of subpoenas - to Clinton and her email providers in the coming weeks. ‘It was not as if she had both an official and a private email account. She did not use personal email in addition to government email. She used personal email in lieu of government email,’ Gowdy said. ‘And she had more than one private email account.’” [Politico, 3/3/15] • The State Department Disputed That Secretary Clinton Had Used Two Personal Emails. “The State Department has also refuted Gowdy’s claim that Clinton was using two personal email addresses. ‘There was just one email account,’ State Department Marie Harf said Wednesday.” [The Blaze, 3/4/15] • Select Committee Democrats Explained Trey Gowdy Had Long Been Aware That Secretary Clinton Used A Personal Email Address. “You have long been aware that Secretary Clinton used a personal email account. She provided her emails—55,000 pages of them—to the State Department, which in turn provided to the Committee those relevant to Benghazi. You are also aware, as we are, having read the responsive emails, that they are consistent with the findings of the nonpartisan Accountability Review Board. And you are aware that Secretary Clinton and her counsel have cooperated with the Select Committee in every way they have been asked, including the Secretary’s willingness to come back to Congress and testify yet again.” [Select Committee on Benghazi Democrats Letter to Trey Gowdy, 3/6/15] Stand-Down Order
U.S. MILITARY OFFICERS DEBUNKED THE CLAIMTHAT A “STAND-DOWN ORDER” WAS ISSUED DURING THE BENGHAZI ATTACK Associated Press: Military Officers Testified That There Were Was No “Stand-Down Order” That Prevented Them From Rescuing The Four Victims Of The Benghazi Attack. “Military officers testified that there was no ‘stand-down order’ that held back military assets that could have saved the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans killed at a diplomatic outpost and CIA annex in Benghazi, Libya. Their testimony undercut the contention of Republican lawmakers.” [Associated Press, 7/11/14] Associated Press: The “Stand Down” Theory Focused On A Team That Was Prevented From Flying To Benghazi And Told To Remain In Tripoli. “The ‘stand-down’ theory centers on a Special Operations team - a detachment leader, a medic, a communications expert and a weapons operator with his foot in a cast - that was stopped from flying from Tripoli to Benghazi after the attacks of Sept. 11-12, 2012, had ended. Instead, it was instructed to help protect and care for those being evacuated from Benghazi and from the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli.” [Associated Press, 7/11/14] • The Order To Remain In Place In Tripoli Allowed A Special Operations Team To Protect Embassy Personnel And A Medic To Save The Life Of An Evacuee From Benghazi. “The ‘stand- down’ theory centers on a Special Operations team - a detachment leader, a medic, a communications expert and a weapons operator with his foot in a cast - that was stopped from flying from Tripoli to Benghazi after the attacks of Sept. 11-12, 2012, had ended. Instead, it was instructed to help protect and care for those being evacuated from Benghazi and from the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli. The senior military officer who issued the instruction to ‘remain in place’ and the detachment leader who received it said it was the right decision and has been widely mischaracterized. The order was to remain in Tripoli and protect some three dozen embassy personnel rather than fly to Benghazi some 600 miles away after all Americans there would have been evacuated. And the medic is credited with saving the life of an evacuee from the attacks.” [Associated Press, 7/11/14] Military Officials Agreed That No Help Could Have Arrived In Benghazi In Time To Rescue The Victims. “Military officials differ on when that telephone conversation took place, but they agree that no help could have arrived in Benghazi in time. They put the call somewhere between 5:05 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. local time. It would take about 90 minutes to fly from Tripoli to Benghazi. The next U.S.-chartered plane to make the trip left at 6:49 a.m., meaning it could have arrived shortly before 9 a.m., nearly four hours after the second, 11-minute battle at the CIA facility ended at about 5:25 a.m.” [Associated Press, 7/11/14] Rear Admiral Brian Losey, The Special Operations Commander For Africa At The Time Of The Benghazi Attacks, Argued That There Was No Order To Stand Down. “Beyond questions of timing, the testimony of Rear Adm. Brian Losey, who was then Special Operations commander for Africa, also challenged the idea the team had the capacity to bolster security in Benghazi. Losey said there was ‘never an order to stand down.’ His instruction to the team ‘was to remain in place and continue to provide security in Tripoli because of the uncertain environment.’” [Associated Press, 7/11/14] • Losey Challenged What The Special Operations Team At The Focus Of The Stand Down Theory Could Have Done To Secure The Benghazi Compound. “Losey questioned what the four could have done to aid the situation in Benghazi, where American personnel were preparing to evacuate as soon as possible.” [Associated Press, 7/11/14] • Losey Noted That The Military Would Have Lost Its Command Operation In Tripoli If The Special Forces Team Had Left. “Losey questioned what the four could have done to aid the situation in Benghazi, where American personnel were preparing to evacuate as soon as possible. He said assigning the small team to defend a perimeter wouldn't have been appropriate and would have meant the military's losing its command operation in Tripoli ‘for the benefit of four riflemen who weren't even riflemen.’” [Associated Press, 7/11/14]
• Losey Said That Only One Member Of The Special Operations Team Was A Rifleman And His Foot Was In A Cast. “Losey questioned what the four could have done to aid the situation in Benghazi, where American personnel were preparing to evacuate as soon as possible. He said assigning the small team to defend a perimeter wouldn't have been appropriate and would have meant the military's losing its command operation in Tripoli ‘for the benefit of four riflemen who weren't even riflemen.’ ‘The guy's command and control, he's communications, medical,’ Losey recounted. ‘I've got one weapons guy with his foot in a cast. Didn't make a lot of sense.’” [Associated Press, 7/11/14] The Commander Of The Special Operations Team At The Focus Of The Stand Down Theory Agreed That It Was The Right Decision To Stay In Tripoli. “The Special Operations detachment leader's name is omitted from the testimony transcript, but he previously has been identified as Lt. Col. S.E. Gibson. More than a year-and-a-half later, Gibson, who is now a colonel, agreed that staying in Tripoli was the best decision.” [Associated Press, 7/11/14] NOVEMBER 2012: INTELLIGENCE OFFICIALS NOTED THAT CIA OPERATIVES IN BENGHAZI MADE DECISIONS ON THE GROUND WITHOUT INTERFERENCE FROM WASHINGTON November 2012: Senior Intelligence Official: “There Was No Second-Guessing Those Decisions Being Made On The Ground, By People At Every U.S. Organization That Could Play A Role In Assisting Those In Danger.” [Washington Post, 11/1/12] • Intelligence Officials Said Washington Did Not Interfere With The Decisions CIA Operatives Who Were On The Ground Made During The Benghazi Attack. “Instead, U.S. intelligence officials insisted that CIA operatives in Benghazi and Tripoli made decisions rapidly throughout the assault with no interference from Washington.” [Washington Post, 11/1/12] September 2014: New York Times: “American Officials Have Previously Acknowledged That The Central Intelligence Agency Security Team Paused To Try To Enlist Support From Libyan Militia Allies.” [New York Times, 9/4/14] SEPTEMBER 2014: A SENIOR INTELLIGENCE OFFICIAL REITERATED THAT WASHINGTON DID NOT SECOND-GUESS THE DECISIONS CIA OPERATIVES IN BENGHAZI MADE ON THE GROUND A Senior Intelligence Official Noted That There Was An Attempt To Secure Local Support To Defend The Diplomatic Compound And Argued That There Was No Second-Guessing Decisions Made On The Ground. “In an emailed statement on Thursday, a senior intelligence official said ‘a prudent, fast attempt was made to rally local support for the rescue effort and secure heavier weapons.’ The official said ‘there was no second-guessing those decisions being made on the ground’ and ‘there were no orders to anybody to stand down in providing support.’” [New York Times, 9/4/14] REP. DUTCH RUPPERSBERGER ARGUED THAT THE HOUSE AND SENATE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEES FOUND NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THE CLAIM OF A STAND DOWN ORDER Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger Said The House And Senate Intelligence Committees Found No Evidence To Support The Claim Of A Stand Down Order. “Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-Md.) said lawmakers never came across evidence indicating the station chief had told his team to ‘stand down’ and abort a rescue mission. ‘After interviewing these individuals, including those writing the book, and all of the others on the ground that night, both Republicans and Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee and the Senate Intelligence Committee concluded that there was not, in fact, an order to stand down and no evidence was found to support such a claim,’ he said.” [The Hill, 9/5/14] Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger Said Senior CIA Officials On The Ground In Benghazi Waited To Send The Security Team To Gather Intelligence And Avoid A Potential Ambush. “Contractors and other security officers told the House committee about 25 minutes passed between learning about the attack and the time the commandos departed for their rescue mission, the congressman said. ‘The team said
they were prepped and ready to go within minutes, but the senior CIA officers responsible for the welfare of all Annex personnel were concerned they might be sending their security team into an ambush so they tried to obtain better intelligence and heavy weapons before dispatching the team,’ Ruppersberger added.” [The Hill, 9/5/14] Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger Noted That A Senior CIA Official Had Told The House Intelligence Committee That The Outcome Could Have Been Worse If The Security Team Acted Earlier. “‘The team said they were prepped and ready to go within minutes, but the senior CIA officers responsible for the welfare of all Annex personnel were concerned they might be sending their security team into an ambush so they tried to obtain better intelligence and heavy weapons before dispatching the team,’ Ruppersberger added. He noted that a high-ranking CIA official told the committee the outcome could have been much worse if the rescue team had tried to act sooner.” [The Hill, 9/5/14] THE SENATE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE FOUND NO EVIDENCE THAT THE CIA CHIEF OF BASE IN BENGHAZI GAVE A STAND DOWN ORDER The Senate Intelligence Committee Found No Evidence That The Chief Of Base In Benghazi Intentionally Delayed Or Obstructed The Response To The Diplomatic Compound. “The Committee explored claims that there was a ‘stand down’ order given to the security team at the Annex. Although some members of the security team expressed frustration that they were unable to respond more quickly to the Mission compound, 12 the Committee found no evidence of intentional delay or obstruction by the Chief of Base or any other party.” [Review of the Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Facilities in Benghazi, Libya, September 11-12, 2012, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 1/15/14] THE SECURITY TEAM AT THE CIA ANNEX WAITED TO BUILD SUPPORT FROM LOCAL MILITIAS BEFORE MAKING THEIR WAY TO THE DIPLOMATIC COMPOUND 9/11/12: 9:40-10:03 PM: Before Departing For The Compound, The Security Team At The CIA Annex Attempted To Secure Support From The 17th February Brigade And Other Allied Militias. “During the period between approximately 9:40 p.m. and 10:03 p.m. Benghazi time, the Chief of Base and security team members attempted to secure assistance and heavy weapons (such as .50 caliber truck- mounted machine guns) from the 17th February Brigade and other militias that had been assisting the United States.” [Review of the Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Facilities in Benghazi, Libya, September 11-12, 2012, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 1/15/14] 9/11/12: 10:03 PM: The Security Team At The CIA Annex In Benghazi Responded To The Attack On The Compound 20-25 Minutes After First Receiving Notification. “Two armored vehicles were prepared so the security team could respond from the Annex. Approximately 20-25 minutes after the first call came into the Annex that the Temporary Mission Facility was under attack, a security team left the Annex for the Mission compound. In footage taken from the Annex's security cameras, the security team can be observed departing the CIA Annex at 10:03 p.m. Benghazi time.” [Review of the Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Facilities in Benghazi, Libya, September 11-12, 2012, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 1/15/14] When The Security Team Arrived At The Compound, The 17th February Brigade Refused To Provide Covering Fire For The Team Although Members Of The Militia Assisted The Team In Its Assault. “Outside the compound, the security team asked 17th February Brigade members to ‘provide cover’ for them to advance to the gate of the Temporary Mission Facility with gun trucks. The 17th February Brigade members refused, saying they preferred to negotiate with the attackers instead. Eventually, the security team initiated their plan of assault on the Mission compound. Some members of the 17th February Brigade ‘jump[ed] into the vehicle’ and ‘a few 17 Feb members follow[ed] behind on foot to support the team,’ according to the informal CIA notes provided to the Committee.” [Review of the Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Facilities in Benghazi, Libya, September 11-12, 2012, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 1/15/14]
THE CIA STATION CHIEF IN BENGHAZI MADE AN INDEPENDENT DECISION TO PAUSE THE RESCUE IN AN ATTEMPT TO GET HELP FROM LOCAL LIBYAN MILITIAS September 2014: New York Times: “American Officials Have Previously Acknowledged That The Central Intelligence Agency Security Team Paused To Try To Enlist Support From Libyan Militia Allies.” [New York Times, 9/4/14] Security Team Members Said They Waited Twenty Minutes In Their Vehicles While The Compound Was Attacked. “In a new book scheduled for release next week and obtained by The New York Times, the commandos say they protested repeatedly as the base chief ordered them to wait in their vehicles, fully armed, for 20 minutes while the attack on the diplomatic mission was unfolding less than a mile away.” [New York Times, 9/4/14] The Security Team Claimed The Base Chief Prevented Them From Rescuing Ambassador Stevens In Time. “Five commandos guarding the C.I.A. base in Benghazi, Libya, in September 2012 say that the base chief stopped them from interceding in time to save the lives of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and an American technician during the attack on the diplomatic mission there.” [New York Times, 9/4/14] New York Times: The Security Team Members’ Account Suggested That The CIA Station Chief Issued The “Stand Down” Orders On His Own. “The commandos’ account — which fits with the publicly known facts and chronology — suggests that the base chief issued the ‘stand down’ orders on his own authority. He hoped to enlist local Libyan militiamen, and the commandos speculate that he hoped the Libyans could carry out the rescue alone to avoid exposing the C.I.A. base.” [New York Times, 9/4/14] BOKO HARAM CONSERVATIVE ATTACK THE RNC ATTACKED SECRETARY CLINTON FOR DECLINING TO DESIGNATE BOKO HARAM AS A FOREIGN TERRORIST ORGANIZATION DURING HER TENURE RNC: “As Head Of State, Clinton Could Have Boxed In Terrorist Group Boko Haram Before They Unleashed Their ‘Chilling Brutality’ On The Region.” [RNC, 4/8/15] RNC: “According To A Report In The Daily Beast, Clinton's State Department ‘Fought Hard’ Against Putting Boko Haram On The Foreign Terrorist Organization List, Which Officials Now Say ‘May Have Hampered’ The Ability To Confront The Group.” [RNC, 4/8/15] RNC On Terrorist Designation Of Boko Haram: “As One Former U.S. Senior Official Said, ‘The One Thing [Clinton] Could Have Done, The One Tool She Had At Her Disposal, She Didn't Use. And Nobody Can Say She Wasn't Urged To Do It. It's Gross Hypocrisy.’” [RNC, 4/8/15] CLINTON DEFENSE MORE THAN TWENTY AFRICAN STUDIES SCHOLARS WROTE TO SECRETARY CLINTON IN MAY 2012 AND URGED THE STATE DEPARTMENT NOT TO DESIGNATE BOKO HARAM AS A FOREIGN TERRORIST ORGANIZATION… Daily Beast: “In 2012, More Than 20 Prominent U.S. Academics In African Studies Wrote To Clinton, Urging Her To Not To Label Bok Haram As A Foreign Terrorist Organization.” [Daily Beast, 5/7/14]
African Studies Scholars Letter To Secretary Clinton: “As Scholars With A Special Interest In Nigeria And Broad Expertise On African Politics, We Are Writing To Urge That You Not Designate Boko Haram A Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO).” [Letter To Secretary Clinton, 5/21/12] …CLAIMING THAT SUCH A DESIGNATION WOULD EMBOLDEN BOKO HARAM AND LIMIT THE TOOLS THE STATE DEPARTMENT COULD USE AGAINST THEM African Studies Scholars Letter To Secretary Clinton: “An FTO Designation Would Internationalize Boko Haram, Legitimize Abuses By Nigeria’s Security Services, Limit The State Department’s Latitude In Shaping A Long Term Strategy.” “We are acutely aware of the horrific violence perpetrated by Boko Haram, including attacks on both Muslims and Christians in Nigeria, whether government officials or civilian targets. We share your concerns about the impact of extremist violence on Nigeria’s democratic progress and security in general. However an FTO designation would internationalize Boko Haram, legitimize abuses by Nigeria’s security services, limit the State Department’s latitude in shaping a long term strategy, and undermine the U.S. Government’s ability to receive effective independent analysis from the region.” [Letter To Secretary Clinton, 5/21/12] African Studies Scholars Letter To Secretary Clinton: “An FTO Designation Would…Undermine The U.S. Government’s Ability To Receive Effective Independent Analysis From The Region.” [Letter To Secretary Clinton, 5/21/12] African Studies Scholars Letter To Secretary Clinton: “An FTO Designation Would Potentially Shift [Boko Haram’s] Posture Towards The US And…Undermine The Nigerian Government’s Ability To Address The Problem Through Law Enforcement And Thereby Improve Rule Of Law.” “An FTO designation would internationalize Boko Haram’s standing and enhance its status among radical organizations elsewhere. Boko Haram’s recent tactics, including the use of suicide bombers and improvised explosive devices, raise questions about their foreign links. The network’s focus has been overwhelmingly domestic, despite an August 2011 attack on the United Nations office in Abuja. Rhetorically, some of Boko Haram’s critique of northern underdevelopment and elite corruption is within the realm of mainstream political discourse. But there are clear indications that their tactics and targets have turned most Nigerians against them, including local populations in the north. An FTO designation would potentially shift the organization’s posture towards the US and validate the more radical factions’ analysis of outsider influence in Nigeria. It would also undermine the Nigerian government’s ability to address the problem through law enforcement and thereby improve rule of law.” [Letter To Secretary Clinton, 5/21/12] African Studies Scholars Letter To Secretary Clinton: “An FTO Designation [Of Boko Haram] Would Give Disproportionate Attention To Counter-Terrorism In Our Bilateral Relations, And Increase The Risk That The US Becomes Linked…To Abuses By The [Nigerian] Security Services.” “An FTO designation would give disproportionate attention to counter-terrorism in our bilateral relations, and increase the risk that the US becomes linked – whether in reality or perception – to abuses by the security services. An FTO designation would effectively endorse excessive use of force at a time when the rule of law in Nigeria hangs in the balance. There is already evidence that abuses by Nigeria’s security services have facilitated radical recruitment. This was made unequivocally clear in 2009 following the extrajudicial murder of Mohammed Yusuf, which was broadcast across the internet. That incident was immediately followed by Boko Haram’s radicalization, splintering, and increased propensity for large scale violence. Moreover, the routine use of the military for domestic law enforcement is a cause for alarm in a country with a deep history of military rule, and where formal declarations of states of emergency have historically led to broader political instability.” [Letter To Secretary Clinton, 5/21/12] African Studies Scholars Letter To Secretary Clinton: “Accurately Understanding And Properly Addressing The Issue Of Boko Haram Will Require A Diplomatic, Developmental, And Demilitarized Framework.” “Accurately understanding and properly addressing the issue of Boko Haram will require a diplomatic, developmental, and demilitarized framework. The State Department and its civilian developmental partners must be in the lead.” [Letter To Secretary Clinton, 5/21/12]
African Studies Scholars Letter To Secretary Clinton: “We Believe That An FTO Designation For Boko Haram Would Limit American Policy Options To Those Least Likely To Work, And Would Undermine The Domestic Political Conditions Necessary In Nigeria For An Enduring Solution.” [Letter To Secretary Clinton, 5/21/12] …AS WELL AS LIMIT THE WORK THAT COULD BE DONE BY NGOS TO MITIGATE THE TERRORIST GROUP’S BRUTALITY African Studies Scholars Letter To Secretary Clinton: “If Economic Development Is To Play A Role In Alleviating Tensions In Northern Nigeria, We Should Not Hamper Access By USAID Or Private NGOs In Providing Aid And Assistance In The Region.” “Once the State Department makes an FTO designation and that entity is added to the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list managed by the Treasury Department, it is illegal for U.S. citizens to have any interactions with that entity unless they apply for a license…Lack of information about the criteria for being listed makes it impossible to be removed and encourages selective enforcement. This cumbersome and arbitrary process has made it impossible for some humanitarian organizations to operate in the neediest areas of Africa. If economic development is to play a role in alleviating tensions in northern Nigeria, we should not hamper access by USAID or private NGOs in providing aid and assistance in the region.” [Letter To Secretary Clinton, 5/21/12] African Studies Scholars Letter To Secretary Clinton: “Should Boko Haram Be Designated An FTO Through This Regime, It Would Be Illegal For Nongovernmental Organizations To Interact With Members Of Boko Haram – Even If The Purpose Of Such Contact Was To Persuade Them To Renounce Violence.” [Letter To Secretary Clinton, 5/21/12] African Studies Scholars Letter To Secretary Clinton: “An FTO Designation Would Effectively Criminalize Broad Categories Of Research.” “An FTO designation would prevent independent scholarly inquiry about Boko Haram, and increase suspicion in the future about researchers with no governmental ties. Public policy benefits from dialogue with public scholars, and an FTO designation would effectively criminalize broad categories of research.” [Letter To Secretary Clinton, 5/21/12] THESE CLAIMS WERE ECHOED BY U.S. AND NIGERIAN OFFICIALS Assistant Secretary Of State For African Affairs Carson: “There Was A Concern That Putting Boko Haram On The Foreign Terrorist List Would In Fact Raise Its Profile, Give It Greater Publicity, Give It Greater Credibility, Help In Its Recruitment…Drive More Assistance In Its Direction.” “Inside the Clinton State Department, the most vocal official opposing designating Boko Haram was Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson, who served in that position from 2009 to 2013. Several officials said that the Nigerian government was opposed to the designation and Carson was focused on preserving the relationship between Washington and Abuja. Carson defended the decision to avoid naming Boko Haram a terrorist organization in a Wednesday phone call with reporters. ‘There was a concern that putting Boko Haram on the foreign terrorist list would in fact raise its profile, give it greater publicity, give it greater credibility, help in its recruitment, and also probably drive more assistance in its direction,’ he said.” [Daily Beast, 5/7/14] Nigerian Ambassador To The U.S. Adebowale Adefuye: “The Current Well-Intentioned Efforts By A Few Members Of Congress To Classify The Boko Haram As A Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) Actually Risk Deepening And Entrenching The Boko Haram Movement, Thereby Endangering More Lives.” “Our government is working hard to defeat the motley band of criminals popularly known as Boko Haram, a group that is likely to try to capitalize on the recent wave of unrest. In order to effectively combat Boko Haram, we need American help to be complementary — not contradictory — to our own efforts. The current well-intentioned efforts by a few members of Congress to classify the Boko Haram as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) actually risk deepening and entrenching the Boko Haram movement, thereby endangering more lives.” [Nigerian Ambassador Adefuye, The Hill, 9/20/12]
Nigerian Ambassador To The U.S. Adebowale Adefuye: An FTO Designation For Boko Haram Risked “Stymieing Desperately Needed Humanitarian And Commercial Activity.” “Contrary to providing substantive tools for defeating Boko Haram, a FTO designation, with its implications on all financial flows, risks stymieing desperately needed humanitarian and commercial activity. Ironically, aid destined for northern Nigeria, where poverty and lack of opportunity creates fertile soil for Boko Haram’s recruitment, is the most likely to be hindered. Dangerous opportunists would seek to fill this development vacuum and portray the U.S. effort as retaliation against Muslims in Nigeria’s north.” [Nigerian Ambassador Adefuye, The Hill, 9/20/12] ONE OF THE SIGNERS OF THE LETTER TO SECRETARY CLINTON URGING AGAINST AN TERRORIST DESIGNATION OF BOKO HARAM WAS FORMER BUSH AMBASSADOR JOHN CAMPBELL Council On Foreign Relations Scholar John Campbell Signed A Letter To Secretary Clinton Urging The State Department Not To Designate Boko Haram As A Foreign Terrorist Organization. [Letter To Secretary Clinton, 5/21/12] Council On Foreign Relations Senior Fellow For Africa Policy Studies John Campbell Served As A Political Counselor In Nigeria Under George H.W. Bush And The Ambassador To Nigeria Under George W. Bush. “John Campbell is the Ralph Bunche senior fellow for Africa policy studies at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in New York. Rowman & Littlefield published his book, Nigeria: Dancing on the Brink. The second edition was published in June 2013. He writes the blog ‘Africa in Transition’ and edits the Nigeria Security Tracker. From 1975 to 2007, Ambassador Campbell served as a U.S. Department of State Foreign Service officer. He served twice in Nigeria, as political counselor from 1988 to 1990, and as ambassador from 2004 to 2007. Ambassador Campbell's additional overseas postings include Lyon, Paris, Geneva, and Pretoria. He also served as deputy assistant secretary for human resources, dean of the Foreign Service Institute's School of Language Studies, and director of the Office of UN Political Affairs.” [Council on Foreign Relations, accessed 4/9/15] OTHERS ARGUED THAT DESIGNATING BOKO HARAM A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION WOULD NOT HAVE MATERIALLY HELPED NIGERIAN SECURITY FORCES… Daily Beast: “Had Clinton Designated Boko Haram As A Foreign Terrorist Organization, That Wouldn’t Have Authorized Any Increased Assistance To The Nigerian Security Forces.” “Had Clinton designated Boko Haram as a foreign terrorist organization, that wouldn’t have authorized any increased assistance to the Nigerian security forces; such assistance is complicated by the Leahy Law, a provision that prevents the U.S. from giving weapons to foreign military and police units guilty of human rights violations.” [Daily Beast, 5/7/14] Daily Beast: “Despite The State Department’s Refusal To Put Boko Haram On The Terrorism List, There Were Several Other Efforts To Work With The Nigerian Government On Countering The Extremist Group, Mainly Through Diplomatic And Military Intelligence Channels.” “Not everyone agrees that Clinton’s failure to act had significant negative effects. A former senior U.S. counterterrorism official told The Daily Beast that despite the State Department’s refusal to put Boko Haram on the terrorism list, there were several other efforts to work with the Nigerian government on countering the extremist group, mainly through diplomatic and military intelligence channels. ‘Designation is an important tool, it’s not the only tool,’ this official said. ‘There are a lot of other things you can do in counterterrorism that doesn’t require a designation.’” [Daily Beast, 5/7/14] …AND THAT THE STATE DEPARTMENT WAS ABLE TO WORK AGAINST BOKO HARAM DESPITE THE LACK OF DESIGNATION Daily Beast: “Three Boko Haram-Related Individuals Were Personally Sanctioned During Clinton’s Time At State.” “Not everyone agrees that Clinton’s failure to act had significant negative effects. A former senior U.S. counterterrorism official told The Daily Beast that despite the State Department’s refusal to put Boko Haram on the terrorism list, there were several other efforts to work with the Nigerian
government on countering the extremist group, mainly through diplomatic and military intelligence channels…‘The utility was limited, the symbolism was perhaps significant, but the more important issue was how we were dealing with the Nigerians,’ this official said, noting that three Boko Haram-related individuals were personally sanctioned during Clinton’s time at State.” [Daily Beast, 5/7/14] • State Department: Under Secretary Clinton, The State Department Designated As Global Terrorists “The Most Visible Leader” Of Boko Haram, As Well As Two Others Who “Have Ties To Boko Haram And Have Close Links To Al-Qa’ida In The Islamic Maghreb.” “The Department of State designated Abubakar Shekau, Abubakar Adam Kambar, and Khalid al-Barnawi as Specially Designated Global Terrorists under section 1(b) of Executive Order 13224. Shekau is the most visible leader of the Nigeria-based militant group Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awati Wal-Jihad, commonly referred to as Boko Haram. Khalid al-Barnawi and Abubakar Adam Kambar have ties to Boko Haram and have close links to al-Qa’ida in the Islamic Maghreb, a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization.” [State Department, 6/21/12] A FACT CHECKER ASSERTED THAT THE U.S. WORKED WITH NIGERIA ON COUNTERING BOKO HARAM AND THAT AN FTO DESIGNATION WOULD NOT HAVE STOPPED BOKO HARAM’S MASS KIDNAPPING Washington Post Fact Checker: Discussions Between The U.S. And Nigeria Over Sanctioning Boko Haram “Was A Step-By-Step Diplomatic Process. It Was Made Clear That Formal Designation Of The Group Could Come Later.” “In other words, it was a step-by-step diplomatic process. It was made clear that formal designation of the group could come later — and it did, the very next year. But in the meantime, the State Department hoped it could use the threat of designation — and the pressure from Congress — to induce better behavior by the Nigerian military and a more serious approach to the threat by the Nigerian government. By contrast, officials feared that going immediately to a designation would forfeit that potential leverage and upset the Nigerian government.” [Fact Checker, Washington Post, 5/19/14] Washington Post Fact Checker On Boko Haram: “There Is No Evidence That An FTO Designation Any Sooner Would Have Prevented The Kidnapping Of The Girls.” “Given the facts at hand, it was not an unreasonable solution — and the process by which the decision was made was fair-minded and thorough. Officials on both sides of the debate argued their case, and, as is often the case, a compromise was reached. Moreover, there is no evidence that an FTO designation any sooner would have prevented the kidnapping of the girls.” [Fact Checker, Washington Post, 5/19/14] RUSSIA 2016ER ATTACKS 2016ER REPUBLICANS HAVE CRITICIZED CLINTON OVER HER “RESET” POLICY WITH RUSSIA Perry: [Hillary Clinton] “Is The One Who Literally Brought The Reset Button To The Kremlin To Reestablish The New Relationships With Russia.” “It was then that they began to understand what ending the war in Iraq really meant. What the impact of that was for our country, for the world. It was then that they saw the consequences of the empty words towards a dictator in Syria, the red line that was drawn. It was then that we witnessed the Russian president annex crimea. The orchestrator of these policies that we've seen, that I just mentioned, will most likely be the Democrat nominee for president. She is the one who literally brought the recessed button to the kremlin to reestablish the new relationships with Russia. They did reset us for sure, they reset us to pre-1989 from my perspective. The American people saw this.” [First In The Nation Leadership Forum, NH, 4/17/15] • Perry Said The Reset With Russia “Reset Us To Pre-1989.” “The orchestrator of these policies that we've seen, that I just mentioned, will most likely be the Democrat nominee for president. She is the one who literally brought the recessed button to the kremlin to reestablish the new relationships
with Russia. They did reset us for sure, they reset us to pre-1989 from my perspective. The American people saw this.” [First In The Nation Leadership Forum, NH, 4/17/15] Bobby Jindal Blamed The Obama White House And Former Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton For Fumbling Foreign Policy, Including “Russia's Incursion Into Crimea And Ukraine.” “Otherwise, Jindal's remark were heavy on blaming the Obama White House, including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, for fumbling foreign policy. ‘Today, we see a world in which the Obama administration has neglected or abandoned America's long-standing allies. Our “special relationship” with Britain is gone, NATO is drifting, Eastern Europe is disaffected, and Israel has been purposefully alienated from the United States,’ he said. He went on to say the last months has sparked the rise of ISIS, Russia's incursion into Crimea and Ukraine, and other flare-ups around the world.” [The Post And Courier, 10/7/14] Fiorina: “I Have Met Vladimir Putin And Know That It Will Take More To Halt His Ambitions Than A Gimmicky Red ‘Reset’ Button.” [Conservative Political Action Conference, 2/26/15] Jeb Bush’s Prepared Remarks To The Chicago Council On Global Affairs Contained A “Veiled Allusion” To Hillary Clinton In Criticizing The US-Russian “Reset” She Spearheaded. “While the excerpts make no specific mention of Hillary Clinton, they contain a veiled allusion to the former secretary of state's 2009 attempt to re-establish relations between the United States and Russia. The so-called reset has become a focal point in Republican attacks against Clinton as she prepares for a potential 2016 run. ‘With grandiosity, they announce resets and disengage,’ Bush will say. ‘Hashtag campaigns replace actual diplomacy and engagement. Personal diplomacy and maturity is replaced by leaks and personal disparagement.’” [CNN, 2/18/15] Walker: Hillary Clinton Gave Russia A Reset Button. “The fervent Republicans who throng the Conservative Political Action Conference every year aren’t representative of the American electorate … Rubio and others skipped ahead to criticize former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, whom they excoriated as no different from Obama in foreign affairs. ‘She actually gave a reset button to the Russians,’ exclaimed Walker, to whoops from the audience. ‘A reset button!’” [Los Angeles Times, 3/3/15] CLINTON DEFENSE THE RUSSIA RESET WAS CONSIDERED BY SOME EXPERTS AND JOURNALISTS TO HAVE ACHIEVED ITS MAIN OBJECTIVES BY 2011 Carnegie Endowment Report: “Little More Than A Year On, The Reset Has Produced Some Impressive Concrete Outcomes.” “Little more than a year on, the reset has produced some impressive concrete outcomes, ranging from a new strategic nuclear arms control agreement to cooperation on the transit of troops and equipment to Afghanistan to a united front on a new round of sanctions against Iran.” [Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2010] Washington Post: “The Reset In Relations” Between The U.S. And Russia “Has Brought The United States A Number Of Rewards.” “Still, a serious rupture between the United States and Russia could have wide-reaching consequences. The reset in relations has brought the United States a number of rewards, including cooperation on fighting terrorism, permission to use Russian territory to supply troops in Afghanistan, agreement on the New START nuclear arms pact and cooperation on dealing with Iran.” [Washington Post, 12/8/11] December 2011: Washington Post: “The Obama Administration Has Shown Signs Of A Less Tolerant Approach To Russia, Suggesting It Had Met Its Reset Objectives And Was Preparing For A Testier Relationship.” “The Obama administration has shown signs of a less tolerant approach to Russia, suggesting it had met its reset objectives and was preparing for a testier relationship…At the end of October, Clinton’s chief technology aide visited Russia to promote the benefits of a free Internet. Her assistant secretary for democracy and human rights met beleaguered activists, asking what kind of support the United States could provide.” [Washington Post, 12/8/11]
UNDER SECRETARY CLINTON, THE U.S. AND RUSSIA NEGOTIATED A NEW ARMS REDUCTION TREATY WHICH WAS PRAISED FOR ITS IMPORTANCE AND SMOOTH IMPLEMENTATION AND APPROVED BY THE SENATE IN 2010 The Senate Voted To Allow Ratification Of The New START Treaty In December 2010 In A 71-26 Vote With 13 Republicans Voting In Favor. [Treaty Doc. 111-5, Vote 298, 111th Congress, 12/22/10] Washington Post: The New START Treaty Aimed To Reduce The Stockpile Of Deployed, Strategic Nuclear Weapons In Both Countries” And Establish “New Procedures To Verify Which Weapons Each Country Possesses.” “President Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a sweeping new arms reduction pact Thursday that pledges to reduce the stockpile of deployed, strategic nuclear weapons in both countries and commits the old Cold War adversaries to new procedures to verify which weapons each country possesses.” [Washington Post, 4/8/10] Washington Post: “Experts From The Right And The Left Agree The [New START] Treaty Extends A Verification Plan That Has Allowed The World's Two Nuclear Giants To Maintain Stability That Has Existed For The Past 20 Years.” [Washington Post, 4/8/10] USA Today: The New START Treaty Limited The U.S. And Russia Each To “1,550 Strategic Warheads, Down From 2,200.” “A U.S.-Russia nuclear arms treaty that limits the number of atomic warheads the former Cold War foes can possess and allows them to inspect each other's arsenals — securing a key foreign policy goal of President Barack Obama— went into effect Saturday…New START, negotiated last year, limits each side to 1,550 strategic warheads, down from 2,200. It limits the number of deployed strategic launchers and heavy bombers to 700.” [USA Today, 2/5/11] Washington Post: Carnegie Endowment Nuclear Nonproliferation Scholar Said NATO Allies Strongly Supported New START And Thought “We Would Really Lose Credibility” If The U.S. Failed To Pass It. “The stakes were high: Defeat of the pact would have severely damaged Obama's global standing, hampering his ability to negotiate other treaties, and would have dealt a major setback to the president's ‘reset’ of relations with Russia. ‘It's one of those things in life where failing to get it would be more important than actually what you get with it,’ said George Perkovich, a scholar on nuclear nonproliferation at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Perkovich noted that Washington's NATO allies had strongly supported the pact. ‘We would really lose credibility’ if it failed, he said Tuesday.” [Washington Post, 12/22/10] Washington Post: New START Required The Votes Of Two-Thirds Of Senators Present To Allow President Obama To Proceed With Ratification. “The Senate ratified the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, known as New START, by a vote of 71 to 26, easily clearing the threshold of two-thirds of senators present as required by the Constitution for treaty ratification.” [Washington Post, 12/22/10] Steven Pifer Of The Brookings Institute Said Of The New START: “Implementation Appears To Be Going Smoothly…Russia Has Already Met These Limits” And “The Two Sides Have Carried Out More Than One Hundred Inspections And Exchanged Almost 6,000 Treaty Notifications.” “New START requires both countries to reduce arsenals to no more than 1,550 deployed strategic warheads on 700 deployed strategic missiles and bombers by February 2018. Implementation appears to be going smoothly. Russia has already met these limits, while U.S. strategic forces are moving towards them. The two sides have carried out more than one hundred inspections and exchanged almost 6,000 treaty notifications.” [Steven Pifer, Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, 2/4/14] UNDER SECRETARY CLINTON, THE U.S. SUCCESSFULLY NEGOTIATED TRANSPORT OF LETHAL MATERIEL THROUGH RUSSIA TO SUPPORT THE WAR IN AFGHANISTAN Congressional Research Service: “In February 2009, Russia Allowed A Resumption Of Shipment Of Non-Lethal Equipment Into Afghanistan Through Russia.” And This Path “Played A Significant
Role In Removing Much U.S. Equipment During The 2014 U.S. Drawdown.” “Russia seeks to contain U.S. power in Central Asia and to prevent the infiltration of radical Islamists based in Afghanistan into Russia. In part acting on the latter interest, Russia cooperated in developing the Northern Distribution Network supply line to Afghanistan. In February 2009, Russia allowed a resumption of shipment of non- lethal equipment into Afghanistan through Russia. (Russia had suspended the shipments in 2008 over differences over the Russia-Georgia conflict.) About half of all ground cargo for U.S. forces in Afghanistan flowed through the Northern Distribution Network from 2011-2014, despite the extra costs as compared to the Pakistan route. The route played a significant role in removing much U.S. equipment during the 2014 U.S. drawdown.” [Congressional Research Service, 2/24/15] • Defense News: Pakistan Had Closed Its Border To The US, Which Forced Them To Rely On Northern Routes Of Transport, Including Through Russia, Even Though They Were Longer And More Expensive. “Pakistan has agreed to reopen its border to NATO supply convoys into Afghanistan after a seven-month blockade, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said July 3, adding Washington was sorry for the loss of life in a botched U.S. air raid last year…The border blockade has forced the United States and its allies to rely on much longer, more expensive northern routes through Central Asia, Russia and the Caucasus. The cost of ferrying supplies by air and over northern railways and roads has cost the U.S. military about $100 million a month, according to the Pentagon.” [Defense News, 7/3/12] Associated Press: Following Clinton’s First Visit To Russia As Secretary Of State In October 2009, A Senior Official Confirmed An “Agreement That Allows U.S. Military Planes To Transport Lethal Materiel Over Russia To Afghanistan.” “Clinton's visit to Moscow is her first since becoming Washington's top diplomat and since President Barack Obama, who visited Russia in July, vowed to ‘reset’ U.S.-Russia relations. The senior official traveling with Clinton said that there had been some improvements in cooperation, including a recent agreement that allows U.S. military planes to transport lethal materiel over Russia to Afghanistan.” [Associated Press, 10/12/09] SECRETARY CLINTON WAS AT TIMES AN OUTSPOKEN CRITIC OF RUSSIAN PRESIDENT PUTIN Washington Post: Putin Blamed Secretary Clinton For Inciting Protests Against His Administration, Saying “She Set A Tone For Some Of Our Public Figures…They Heard This Signal And Launched Active Work With The U.S. State Department.” “Putin lacerated Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton for questioning the validity of last Sunday’s parliamentary elections and suggested that she had galvanized thousands of protesters by declaring the vote ‘neither free nor fair.’ ‘She set the tone for some of our public figures inside the country, sent a signal to them. They heard this signal and launched active work with the U.S. State Department’s support,’ he said.” [Washington Post, 12/8/11] Reuters: In A Speech To The Organization For Security And Cooperation In Europe, Secretary Clinton Called Russia’s 2011 Parliamentary Elections “Neither Free Nor Fair.” “‘When authorities fail to prosecute those who attack people for exercising their rights or exposing abuses, they subvert justice and undermine the people's confidence in their governments,’ Clinton said in a speech at the meeting of the 56-nation OSCE, Europe's biggest rights watchdog. ‘As we have seen in many places, and most recently in the Duma elections in Russia, elections that are neither free nor fair have the same effect,’ she added, in comments that went a step further than her criticism of the vote on Monday.” [Reuters, 12/6/11] Los Angeles Times: Secretary Clinton Criticized The Conviction Of Russian Businessman Mikhail Khodorovsky, Saying It “Raises Serious Questions About…The Rule Of Law Being Overshadowed By Political Considerations.” “‘Today's conviction in the second trial of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev on charges of embezzlement and money laundering raises serious questions about selective prosecution -- and about the rule of law being overshadowed by political considerations,’ Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said in a statement. ‘This and similar cases have a negative impact on Russia's reputation for fulfilling its international human rights obligations and improving its investment climate.’” [Los Angeles Times, 12/28/10]
UNDER SECRETARY CLINTON, THE U.S. SECURED RUSSIAN COOPERATION ON IRAN SANCTIONS Secretary Clinton Announced In May 2010 That China And Russia Had Agreed To Back Sanctions Against Iran Over Its Nuclear Program. “The United States is to begin circulating today at the United Nations in New York a new resolution of sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program and continued enrichment of uranium. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s surprise announcement during Senate testimony Tuesday morning – and her elaboration that both Russia and China are on board in supporting the new resolution – is seen in part as a Big Powers’ response to a deal struck with Iran Monday by Brazil and Turkey to move a portion of Iran’s enriched uranium stockpile out of the country.” [Christian Science Monitor, 5/18/10] The U.N. Security Council Imposed Sanctions On Iran In June 2010 With The Support Of China And Russia. “After several months of grueling diplomacy, the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday imposed a fourth round of sanctions on Iran's military establishment -- a move that the United States and other major powers said should prompt the Islamic Republic to restart stalled political talks over the future of its nuclear program…The administration did succeed in preserving support from China and Russia, although only after assuring them that the measures would not impair their ability to continue trading with Tehran.” [Washington Post, 6/10/10] SECRETARY CLINTON HAS ADVOCATED FOR A RAMPED UP U.S. RESPONSE TO THE RUSSIAN INCURSION INTO CRIMEA, INCLUDING ARMING UKRAINIAN TROOPS Secretary Clinton: “I Think We Should Be Putting More Financial Support Into The Ukrainian Government…Make It Very Clear That The Money Comes With Certain Strings And That In The Absence Of Accountability, The Money Won’t Come.” “I think we should be putting more financial support into the Ukrainian government…I think we’re smart enough to figure out how we would hold them accountable for that and to make it very clear that the money comes with certain strings and that in the absence of accountability, the money won’t come.” [Politico, 1/21/15] Secretary Clinton: “I Do Think We Should Do More To Help Ukraine Defend Its Borders…New Equipment, New Training For The Ukrainians.” “I do think we should do more to help Ukraine defend its borders…New equipment, new training for the Ukrainians. The United States plus NATO have been very reluctant to do that, and I understand it completely because it’s a very sticky, potentially dangerous, situation. But I think the Ukrainian army and the Ukrainian civilians who’ve been fighting against the separatists have proven that they’re worthy of some greater support.” [Politico, 1/21/15] 2016ER VULNERABILITIES Lindsey Graham Voted Against Allowing New START Treaty Ratification. th [Treaty Doc. 111-5, Vote 298, 111 Congress, 12/22/10] SYRIA 2016ER ATTACKS RUBIO INSISTED THAT DESPITE CLINTON’S CLAIMS SHE ADVOCATED FOR ARMING SYRIAN REBELS AS SECRETARY OF STATE, SHE WAS “COMPLICIT IN IMPLEMENTING AND PUBLICLY DEFENDING THE PRESIDENT’S DISASTROUS FOREIGN POLICIES.” Rubio Said He Urged Obama And Secretary Clinton In 2011 To “Intervene Decisively To Oust Assad And To Identify And Arm The Moderate Syrian Opposition.” “The truth is that, when the Syrian people rose up in 2011 in protest against Bashar al-Assad’s brutal rule, our vital national interest
was to prevent a protracted civil war in which radical jihadists from all over the world could rush into a vacuum. If they could seize operational spaces, they could use them to plan and carry out attacks against our allies and ultimately America. In the early stages of this conflict, responsible, bipartisan voices called for U.S. leadership, hoping precisely to prevent the outcome we have now seen play out. I urged Secretary Clinton and President Obama to intervene decisively to oust Assad and to identify and arm the moderate Syrian opposition. Instead, we were told that Assad was a ‘reformer’ and that we should not get involved.” [Marco Rubio, Washington Post, 9/12/14] Rubio Attacked Hillary Clinton For Saying She Privately Advocated For A Different Syria Position Than What Obama Pursued: “She And Other Administration Officials Who Found Their Voices Only After They Left Office Were Complicit In Implementing And Publicly Defending The President’s Disastrous Foreign Policies.” “Some former Obama administration officials, notably Secretary Clinton, have tried to argue that they advocated internally for a different approach, that they saw the train wreck coming. But the fact of the matter is that when they were in positions of responsibility, they failed to prevent the situation that now exists. ‘What are we going to arm them with and against what?’ Secretary Clinton said of the Syrian opposition in 2012. She and other administration officials who found their voices only after they left office were complicit in implementing and publicly defending the president’s disastrous foreign policies — and we’ll be dealing with the consequences for decades to come.” [Marco Rubio, Washington Post, 9/12/14] CLINTON DEFENSE SECRETARY CLINTON HAS BEEN DESCRIBED AS TOUGH AND INFLUENTIAL VOICE IN INTERNAL OBAMA ADMINISTRATION DEBATES WHILE SHE WAS SECRETARY OF STATE Wall Street Journal’s William Galston: As Secretary Of State, “Mrs. Clinton Was Among The Administration’s Toughest Voices During Internal Debates.” “The only significant difference between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in 2008 was her vote for the Iraq war, which probably cost her the presidential nomination. Little has changed. During her tenure as secretary of state, Mrs. Clinton was among the administration’s toughest voices during internal debates. She supported the use of American air power in Libya, and the Navy SEAL raid that killed Osama bin Laden. (Both Vice President Joe Biden and Defense Secretary Robert Gates opposed it.)” [William Galston, Wall Street Journal, 7/23/14] SECRETARY CLINTON’S MEMOIR DESCRIBES HER SUPPORT FOR A PLAN TO VET AND ARM MODERATE SYRIAN REBELS… Hard Choices: “If The United States Could Train And Equip A Reliable And Effective Moderate Rebel Force, It Could Help Hold The Country Together During A Transition, Safeguard Chemical Weapons Stockpiles, And Prevent Ethnic Cleansing And Score Settling.” “One of the prime worries about Syria—and one of the reasons it was a wicked problem—was the lack of any viable alternatives to Assad on the ground. He and his allies could plausibly argue, like Louis XV of France, ‘Après moi, le déluge.’ (After Assad, chaos.) The power vacuum in Iraq after the fall of Saddam and the disbanding of the Iraqi Army offered a cautionary tale. But if the United States could train and equip a reliable and effective moderate rebel force, it could help hold the country together during a transition, safeguard chemical weapons stockpiles, and prevent ethnic cleansing and score settling. But could it be done? The key would be thoroughly vetting the rebel fighters to ensure we first weeded out the extremists and then maintained close intelligence sharing and operational coordination with all our partners.” [Hillary Clinton, Hard Choices, 6/10/14] Hard Choices: The Key To Effectively Arming Syrian Rebels “Would Be Thoroughly Vetting The Rebel Fighters To Ensure We First Weeded Out The Extremists And Then Maintained Close Intelligence Sharing And Operational Coordination With All Our Partners.” “One of the prime worries about Syria—and one of the reasons it was a wicked problem—was the lack of any viable alternatives to Assad on the ground. He and his allies could plausibly argue, like Louis XV of France, ‘Après moi, le déluge.’ (After Assad, chaos.) The power vacuum in Iraq after the fall of Saddam and the disbanding of
the Iraqi Army offered a cautionary tale. But if the United States could train and equip a reliable and effective moderate rebel force, it could help hold the country together during a transition, safeguard chemical weapons stockpiles, and prevent ethnic cleansing and score settling. But could it be done? The key would be thoroughly vetting the rebel fighters to ensure we first weeded out the extremists and then maintained close intelligence sharing and operational coordination with all our partners.” [Hillary Clinton, Hard Choices, 6/10/14] …AND HER WORK WITH FOREIGN LEADERS TO ENSURE AN EFFORT TO ARM MODERATE SYRIAN REBELS COULD BE COORDINATED WITH REGIONAL PARTNERS Hard Choices: In Coordinating Syria Efforts, Secretary Clinton Worked With Leaders Of Turkey, Great Britain, France, And Germany To Address Questions Such As “What Would It Take To Impose A No-Fly Zone?...Could We Better Coordinate Support For The Armed Opposition?” “Although there had been continuous consultations between us and the Turks since the [Syria] conflict started, I thought we should intensify operational planning by our militaries in order to prepare contingency plans. What would it take to impose a no-fly zone? How would we respond to the use or loss of chemical weapons? How could we better coordinate support for the armed opposition? The Turks agreed, and two days later Davutoğlu and I got on the phone to discuss our thinking with the Foreign Ministers of Great Britain, France, and Germany.” [Hillary Clinton, Hard Choices, 6/10/14] Hard Choices: Secretary Clinton Pushed “To Begin Arming And Training Moderate Syrian Rebels…[Confident] We Could Put In Place Effective Coordination With Our Regional Partners.” “Our military’s top brass, reluctant to get involved in Syria, consistently offered dire projections of the forces that would be required to overcome Assad’s advanced air defenses and conduct a Libya-style no- fly zone. But Secretary of Defense Panetta had become as frustrated as I was with the lack of options in Syria; he knew from his own time leading the CIA what our intelligence operatives could do…I returned to Washington reasonably confident that if we decided to begin arming and training moderate Syrian rebels, we could put in place effective coordination with our regional partners.” [Hillary Clinton, Hard Choices, 6/10/14] INTERNAL DISAGREEMENTS OVER U.S. SYRIA POLICY DID NOT BECOME PUBLIC UNTIL FORMER DEFENSE SECRETARY LEON PANETTA AND JOINT CHIEFS CHAIRMAN MARTIN DEMPSEY TOLD CONGRESS THEY SUPPORTED A CLINTON-BACKED PLAN TO ARM MODERATE SYRIAN REBELS New York Times: In February 2013, Then-Defense Secretary Panetta And Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff Dempsey For The First Time Acknowledged Support For A 2012 “Plan To Arm Carefully Vetted Syrian Rebels…Backed By Hillary Rodham Clinton.” “[O]n Thursday, deep divisions over what to do about one of those issues — the rising violence in Syria — spilled into public view for the first time in a blunt exchange between Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, and the leaders of the Pentagon. Testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta acknowledged that he and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, had supported a plan last year to arm carefully vetted Syrian rebels. But it was ultimately vetoed by the White House, Mr. Panetta said, although it was developed by David H. Petraeus, the C.I.A. director at the time, and backed by Hillary Rodham Clinton, then the secretary of state.” [New York Times, 2/7/13] SECRETARY CLINTON CLAIMS TO HAVE RECOMMENDED U.S. AMBASSADOR TO SYRIA ROBERT FORD, WHO PUSHED FOR A PLAN TO ARM MODERATE SYRIAN REBELS Secretary Clinton: “In Early 2010…I Recommended That The President Nominate Robert Ford…As The First U.S. Ambassador To Syria In More Than Five Years.” “In early 2010, about a year before the maelstrom began in Syria, I recommended that the President nominate Robert Ford, an experienced diplomat who had served across the Middle East, most recently in Iraq, as the first U.S. Ambassador to Syria in more than five years.” [Hillary Clinton, Hard Choices, 6/10/14]
McClatchy: Syrian Ambassador Robert Ford Spent Years “Agitating From Within A Reluctant Administration To Arm Vetted Moderates To Fight Bashar Assad’s Brutal Regime,” But Ultimately Changed His Mind After Becoming “Increasingly Critical Of [Syrian Rebels] As Disjointed And Untrustworthy.” “Robert Ford was always one of the Syrian rebels’ loudest cheerleaders in Washington, agitating from within a reluctant administration to arm vetted moderates to fight Bashar Assad’s brutal regime. In recent weeks, however, Ford, the former U.S. ambassador to Syria who made news when he left government service a year ago with an angry critique of Obama administration policy, has dropped his call to provide weapons to the rebels. Instead, he’s become increasingly critical of them as disjointed and untrustworthy because they collaborate with jihadists.” [McClatchy, 2/18/15] U.S. Ambassador To Syria Robert Ford On Secretary Clinton’s Push To Arm Rebels: “Clinton Understood That The Guys With The Guns Mattered…That It Would Have Regional Implications, And That It Could Become One Large Operating Area For Al Qaeda.” “For Clinton personally, the engagement of the armed groups was crucial and the White House’s forced policy of pretending that the best way to support the revolution was through the civilian opposition based in Turkey was foolish. ‘Clinton understood that the guys with the guns mattered, not the people in Istanbul, that it would have regional implications, and that it could become one large operating area for al Qaeda,’ said Ford. ‘In 2012 and the start of 2013 the most we could do was to provide help to the civilian opposition. We had no permission from the White House to help the FSA, so we did not do so.’” [Daily Beast, 8/14/14] SECRETARY CLINTON CITED THE U.S. FAILURE TO BOLSTER ARMED REBELS IN SYRIA AS A REASON FOR THE GROWING POWER OF JIHADISTS IN SYRIA Secretary Clinton: “The Failure To Help Build Up A Credible Fighting Force” Among The Syrian Opposition “Left A Big Vacuum, Which The Jihadists Have Now Filled.” “I know that the failure to help build up a credible fighting force of the people who were the originators of the protests against Assad—there were Islamists, there were secularists, there was everything in the middle—the failure to do that left a big vacuum, which the jihadists have now filled. They were often armed in an indiscriminate way by other forces and we had no skin in the game that really enabled us to prevent this indiscriminate arming.” [The Atlantic, 8/10/14] JOHN MCCAIN HAS REPEATEDLY ACKNOWLEDGED THAT PRESIDENT OBAMA DECIDED NOT TO ARM SYRIAN REBELS DESPITE SECRETARY CLINTON’S PUSH TO DO SO John McCain On The Syrian Opposition: President Obama’s “Entire National Security Team, Including His Secretary Of State, Said We Want To Arm And Train And Equip These People, And He Made The Unilateral Decision To Turn Them Down.” “MCCAIN:…I'm astounded that Mr. Carney should say that the Free Syrian Army is now stronger. In fact, they have been badly damaged. CARNEY: That's not what I said, Senator. I said, if I could, sir, what I said is that we know a great deal more about the makeup of the opposition. MCCAIN: Oh, come on, you knew about it -- come on, Jay, we knew all about them then. You just didn't choose to know. I was there in Syria. We knew them. Come on, you guys are the ones -- it's your boss is the one that when the entire national security team wanted to arm and train them, that he turned them down…facts are stubborn things, Mr. Carney. And that is, his entire national security team, including his secretary of state, said we want to arm and train and equip these people, and he made the unilateral decision to turn them down. And the fact that they didn't leave a residual force in Iraq, overruling all of his military advisers, is the reason why we're facing ISIS today. So the facts are stubborn things in history. And people ought to know them. And now the president is saying basically that we are going to take certain actions, which I would favor. But to say that America is safer, and that the situation is very much like Yemen and Somalia shows me that the president really doesn't have a grasp for how serious the threat of ISIS is.” [CNN, 9/10/14] John McCain: President Obama “Overruled The Senior Leaders Of His Own National Security Team, Who Were In Unanimous Agreement That America Needs To Take Greater Action To Change The Military Balance Of Power In Syria.” “Mr. McCain said he was dismayed that Mr. Obama had ‘overruled the senior leaders of his own national security team, who were in unanimous agreement
that America needs to take greater action to change the military balance of power in Syria.’” [New York Times, 2/7/13] WASHINGTON POST’S DAN BALZ CLAIMED THAT SECRETARY CLINTON SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN EXPECTED TO PUBLICLY STATE DISAGREEMENT WITH OBAMA’S SYRIA POLICY BECAUSE DOING SO MAY HAVE MADE HER “APPEAR DISLOYAL” Washington Post’s Dan Balz: “[A]s A Former Member Of The Administration, Clinton Is Not Exactly A Free Agent…If She Thinks The Administration Should Have Taken A More Aggressive Posture Earlier, She Is Likely To Be Restrained From Saying So, Lest She Appear Disloyal.” [Dan Balz, Washington Post, 9/4/13] 2016ER VULNERABILITIES RICK PERRY HAD LIMITED PRAISE FOR SECRETARY CLINTON’S ASSESSMENT OF THE RIGHT COURSE OF ACTION IN SYRIA Rick Perry On Early Intervention In Syria: “I Think On That Issue [Secretary Clinton] Was Closer To Being Right Than She Has Been On Some Other Ones.” In an article about Texas Governor Rick Perry’s statements on foreign policy in a speech in Iowa, U.S. News and World Report reported: “Asked Tuesday at the Iowa State Fair whether he agreed with the former secretary of state’s assessment that a lack of prior U.S. intervention in Syria emboldened jihadists to penetrate Iraq, the GOP governor of Texas found some daylight with the potential future presidential rival. ‘I think on that issue she was closer to being right than she has been on some other ones,’ he replied.” [U.S. News and World Report, 8/12/14] ISIL 2016ER ATTACKS RAND PAUL CLAIMED SECRETARY CLINTON SAID “ISIS IS NOT A THREAT…TO AMERICA” Rand Paul: Hillary Clinton Said “ISIS Is Not A Threat – Not A Threat To America. Those I Think Were Her Exact Words.” RAND PAUL: “Well you know, I don't think we really want a commander-in- chief who is battling climate change instead of terrorism. She also has been out there saying ISIS is not a threat – not a threat to America. Those I think were her exact words.” BILL HEMMER: “Did she say that?” RAND PAUL: “I believe a couple of months ago there was a quote from her saying ISIS is not a threat to America. But what I would say is that for her to be out there saying that the biggest threat to our safety and our wellbeing is climate change, I think is -- goes to the heart of the matter whether she has the wisdom to lead the country, which I think it's obvious she doesn't.” [America’s Newsroom, Fox News, 9/5/14] BOBBY JINDAL BLAMED SECRETARY CLINTON FOR ALLOWING THE RISE OF ISIL AS PART OF THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION Bobby Jindal Blamed The Obama White House And Former Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton For Fumbling Foreign Policy, Including “The Rise Of ISIS.” “Otherwise, Jindal's remark were heavy on blaming the Obama White House, including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, for fumbling foreign policy. ‘Today, we see a world in which the Obama administration has neglected or abandoned America's long-standing allies. Our “special relationship” with Britain is gone, NATO is drifting, Eastern Europe is disaffected, and Israel has been purposefully alienated from the United States,’ he said. He went on to say the last months has sparked the rise of ISIS, Russia's incursion into Crimea and Ukraine, and other flare-ups around the world.” [The Post And Courier, 10/7/14] CLINTON DEFENSE
SECRETARY CLINTON HAD RECOGNIZED THAT ISIS WAS A REGIONAL THREAT, BUT SAID SHE COULD NOT HAVE PREDICTED THE SUCCESS OF ISIS IN TAKING OVER PORTIONS OF IRAQ Clinton Said She Thought ISIS Was A “Regional Problem” As Opposed To “Just A Syrian Problem,” But Never Could Not Have Predicted The Rise Of ISIS And Its Efficacy “In Seizing Cities In Iraq And Trying To Erase Boundaries To Create An Islamic State.” “‘So this is not just a Syrian problem anymore,’ Clinton said. ‘I never thought it was just a Syrian problem. I thought it was a regional problem. I could not have predicted, however, the extent to which ISIS could be effective in seizing cities in Iraq and trying to erase boundaries to create an Islamic state. That’s why it’s a wicked problem.’” [Daily Caller, 6/12/14] JUNE 2014: SECRETARY CLINTON JOINED OBAMA IN RULING OUT AIRSTRIKES AGAINST ISIL, CITING THE LEADERSHIP PROBLEMS OF IRAQI PRIME MINISTER MALIKI CNN: June 2014: “Hillary Clinton Has Firmly Planted Herself With The White House And Those Who Say The United States Should Not Provide Military Assistance – Particularly Airstrikes – To The Iraqi Government” To Fight ISIL. “Hillary Clinton has firmly planted herself with the White House and those who say the United States should not provide military assistance – particularly airstrikes – to the Iraqi government in response to the rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and other militants.” [CNN, 6/13/14] CNN: In June 2014, Secretary Clinton Said About Airstrikes In Iraq: “That Is Not A Role For The United States,” Citing Insufficient Commitment To “An Inclusive Iraq” From Prime Minister Maliki. “Earlier on Friday, the BBC released a 20-minute interview with Clinton, where the former secretary of state said airstrikes in Iraq were not appropriate ‘at this time.’ ‘That is not a role for the United States,’ Clinton said. ‘There needs to be a number of steps that Maliki and his government must take to demonstrate that he is committed to an inclusive Iraq – something he has not done up to date.’” [CNN, 6/13/14] CNN: Clinton Called Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki’s Government “Dysfunctional, Unrepresentative, Authoritarian…There’s No Reason On Earth That I Know Of That We Would Ever Sacrifice A Single American Life For That.” “Clinton characterized the Maliki government as ‘dysfunctional, unrepresentative, authoritarian’ in front of an audience of 1,500 in Washington. For that reason, she added – to sustained applause – that ‘there's no reason on earth that I know of that we would ever sacrifice a single American life for that.’” [CNN, 6/13/14] AUGUST 2014: SECRETARY CLINTON ASSERTED THAT FAILURE TO FOLLOW HER RECOMMENDATIONS AND MORE AGGRESSIVELY TRAIN AND EQUIP SYRIAN REBELS LEFT AN OPENING FOR ISIL’S RISE Secretary Clinton: “The Failure To Help Build Up A Credible Fighting Force” Among The Syrian Opposition “Left A Big Vacuum, Which The Jihadists Have Now Filled.” “I know that the failure to help build up a credible fighting force of the people who were the originators of the protests against Assad—there were Islamists, there were secularists, there was everything in the middle—the failure to do that left a big vacuum, which the jihadists have now filled. They were often armed in an indiscriminate way by other forces and we had no skin in the game that really enabled us to prevent this indiscriminate arming.” [The Atlantic, 8/10/14] • HEADLINE: “Hillary Clinton Joins Critics Of Obama's Response To ISIS In Iraq.” [Christian Science Monitor, 8/10/14] OCTOBER 2014: SECRETARY CLINTON “DESCRIBED THE SERIOUS THREAT POSED BY ISLAMIC STATE,” SAYING MILITARY ACTION WAS ESSENTIAL BUT NOT SUFFICIENT IN DEFEATING ISIL
Wall Street Journal: “Former Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton Described The Serious Threat Posed By Islamic State.” “Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton described the serious threat posed by Islamic State in remarks here Wednesday, saying the group is far more advanced and well-funded than al Qaeda ever was. ‘This is the best funded, most professional, expansionist Jihadist military force that we have seen ever,’ she said.” [Wall Street Journal, 10/8/14] Secretary Clinton: ISIL Is “The Best Funded, Most Professional, Expansionist Jihadist Military Force That We Have Seen Ever.” “Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton described the serious threat posed by Islamic State in remarks here Wednesday, saying the group is far more advanced and well- funded than al Qaeda ever was. ‘This is the best funded, most professional, expansionist Jihadist military force that we have seen ever,’ she said.” [Wall Street Journal, 10/8/14] CBC News: Secretary Clinton Called Military Action Against ISIL “Critical…Essential To Try To Prevent Their Further Advance…[But] Military Action Alone Is Not Sufficient.” “Hillary Clinton, the former U.S. secretary of state, says military action is ‘critical’ to the U.S.-led fight against Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria, but is ‘not sufficient’ on its own. ‘I think military action is critical. In fact, I would say essential to try to prevent their further advance and their holding of more territory,’ Clinton told an audience at the Canada 2020 conference in Ottawa…‘Military action alone is not sufficient,’ Clinton quickly added, describing the fight against Islamic jihadists as ‘a long-term commitment.’” [CBC News, 10/6/14] FEBRUARY 2015: SECRETARY CLINTON BACKED PRESIDENT OBAMA’S STRATEGY OF USING AIR STRIKES AND REGIONAL SOLDIERS IN THE FIGHT AGAINST ISIL Politico: Secretary Clinton “Essentially Backed The President’s Strategy” Against ISIL, Saying “You Have To Use, Not Only Air Force But Also Army Soldiers From The Region…A Lot Of The Right Moves Are Being Made.” “On the effort against ISIL, Clinton suggested during the Q&A with journalist Kara Swisher that there was little use in inserting U.S. combat troops into the fight and essentially backed the president’s strategy so far. ‘It’s a very hard challenge, because you can’t very well put American or Western troops in to fight this organism,’ she said, in her clearest statement yet on the topic. ‘You have to use, not only air force but also army soldiers from the region and particularly from Iraq. … A lot of the right moves are being made, but this is a really complicated and long-term problem.’” [Politico, 2/24/15] 2016ER VULNERABILITIES RAND PAUL’S AIDE HAD TO WALK BACK FALSE COMMENTS HE MADE ABOUT SECRETARY CLINTON ASSERTING THAT ISIL WAS NOT A THREAT TO AMERICA An Aide To Rand Paul Walked Back His Comments And Said Paul Meant To Criticize Hillary Clinton For Her Comments On The Prisoner Swap For U.S. Soldier Bowe Bergdahl, Not That She Underestimated The Threat Of ISIS. “An aide to Republican Senator Rand Paul said the lawmaker intended to criticize Hillary Clinton, a possible 2016 Democratic rival for the presidency, for comments on the prisoner swap for U.S. soldier Bowe Bergdahl, not that she underestimated the threat posed by Islamic State. ‘Hillary Clinton has said ISIS is not a threat to the United States,’ Paul said on Fox News Channel’s ‘Hannity’ on Sept. 3. The Kentucky lawmaker repeated that assertion to Fox’s Bill Hemmer two days later, noting his belief that those were Clinton’s ‘exact words.’…An aide to Paul who requested anonymity said the lawmaker meant to refer to Clinton’s remark in June that the five Taliban fighters exchanged for Bergdahl were ‘not a threat’ to the U.S.” [Bloomberg, 9/9/14] ISRAEL 2016ER ATTACKS
REPUBLICANS ACCUSED SECRETARY CLINTON OF NEGLECTING U.S. ALLIES LIKE ISRAEL, DAMAGING THE U.S.-ISRAEL RELATIONSHIP, AND MISUNDERSTANDING THE PROBLEMS POSED BY GAZA Bobby Jindal Attacked The Obama Administration And Hillary Clinton For Neglecting And Abandoning Our Allies. “Otherwise, Jindal's remark were heavy on blaming the Obama White House, including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, for fumbling foreign policy. ‘Today, we see a world in which the Obama administration has neglected or abandoned America's long-standing allies. Our 'special relationship' with Britain is gone, NATO is drifting, Eastern Europe is disaffected, and Israel has been purposefully alienated from the United States,’ he said. He went on to say the last months has sparked the rise of ISIS, Russia's incursion into Crimea and Ukraine, and other flare-ups around the world.” [The Post And Courier, 10/7/14] Jindal: “The Worst Legacy Of Obama & Hillary Clinton Is The Intentional Damage They Caused To Our Relationship With Israel And The Coddling Of Iran.” [@BobbyJindal, Twitter, 3/3/15] Ted Cruz: “Hillary Clinton Seems To Fundamentally Misunderstand The Problem” In Gaza. In a statement posted to his official Facebook page, Senator Ted Cruz wrote: “Hillary Clinton seems to fundamentally misunderstand the problem. Hamas doesn't put rockets in schools, mosques, hospitals, and homes because ‘Gaza is pretty small.’ Hamas does so--and tells civilians to stay there, when the rockets are about to be taken out--because they want to use the citizens of Gaza as human shields. The entire objective, for Hamas, is to have heart-wrenching pictures of dead Palestinian women and children emblazoned across the evening news, for the UN and the media to use to demonize Israel. Using civilians as human shields is a war crime, and Secretary Clinton should not be excusing it merely as a consequence of the small size of Gaza.” [Blog Post, Senator Ted Cruz, Facebook, 7/29/14] CLINTON DEFENSE SOME COLUMNISTS CLAIMED THAT SECRETARY CLINTON IS LIKELY TO HAVE A BETTER RELATIONSHIP WITH ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER NETANYAHU THAN PRESIDENT OBAMA CURRENTLY DOES… Foreign Policy’s Aaron David Miller: Secretary Clinton “Has Some Natural Advantages That Would Help Mitigate Some Of The Gratuitous Tensions That Have Made An Already Tough [U.S.-Israel] Relationship Tougher And Perhaps Lay The Groundwork For More Productive Cooperation.” “Indeed, she conceded in her book Hard Choices that she was never comfortable playing the bad cop with Netanyahu to Joe Biden’s more even-tempered good cop. And yet, she has some natural advantages that would help mitigate some of the gratuitous tensions that have made an already tough relationship tougher and perhaps lay the groundwork for more productive cooperation.” [Aaron David Miller, Foreign Policy, 11/10/14] Foreign Policy’s Aaron David Miller On Secretary Clinton: “Should She Become President…Better Ties With Israel Are Virtually Guaranteed.” “Should she become president, on one level, better ties with Israel are virtually guaranteed. I remember well the transition from Bush 41 to Bill Clinton in 1993. A willful effort was made to demonstrate that the page had turned and that the roller coaster ride under Bush and Secretary of State James Baker (quite productive really) was over. Granted it was easier then because Yitzhak Rabin was prime minister. But let’s not forget that the Clintons dealt with Bibi too as prime minister. It was never easy. But clearly it was a lot more productive than what we see now. A couple of interim Israeli-Palestinian agreements and a successful leader summit helped keep things quiet. It was conflict management. But, hey, that’s kind of what’s required now.” [Aaron David Miller, Foreign Policy, 11/10/14] Washington Post: “From Netanhayu’s Perspective, Clinton Would Be An Improvement Over President Obama.” “From Netanhayu’s perspective, Clinton would be an improvement over President
Obama, who has all but washed his hands of an Israeli leader he finds overbearing, Israeli officials and observers said in interviews here.” [Washington Post, 3/1/15] SECRETARY CLINTON HAS LONG-STANDING PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS WITH ISRAELI LEADERS Foreign Policy’s Aaron David Miller: Secretary Clinton “Has Long-Standing Ties To A Wide Range Of Israeli Personalities.” “To put it simply, as a more conventional politician, Hillary is good on Israel and relates to the country in a way this president doesn’t. She visited the country for the first time in 1981 and has been as frequent visitor ever since; she has long-standing ties to a wide range of Israeli personalities and has incorporated all of the tropes from Leon Uris’s novel Exodus, including making the desert bloom, etc., into her vocabulary. Unlike Obama, who was not quite 6 years old at the time of the 1967 war (the seminal event that mobilized both the non-Jewish and Jewish communities in support of Israel), Hillary is from a different generation and functioned in a political world in which being good on Israel was both mandatory and smart.” [Aaron David Miller, Foreign Policy, 11/10/14] Foreign Policy’s Aaron David Miller: “Hillary Has Formed Close Relationships With Israelis,” Such As The Family Of Assassinated Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. “Then there’s the reality that unlike Barack Obama, Hillary has formed close relationships with Israelis. These aren’t instrumental ties of convenience either. Like her husband who was shattered by Rabin’s murder, she grieved personally too. And her friendship with Rabin’s wife Leah was among the strongest. I accompanied her to Mrs. Rabin funeral in 2000 and observed how deeply she was affected by Leah’s passing, which along with Rabin’s murder reflected a consequential moment in the Clinton presidency. Rabin, Yasser Arafat (the most frequent visitor to the Oval Office in 2000), and the Oslo process gave a young president with little experience in foreign policy a brief brush with history and the larger-than-life personalities that can drive it. Hillary had a front-row seat. And I believe the tragedy and unfulfilled promise of it all touched her deeply. She has empathy for the Palestinians too, a fact that got her into trouble in 1998 when in a message to the Seeds of Peace organization she endorsed Palestinian statehood before it was fashionable in U.S. policy. But her real affinity lies with the Israelis. Indeed, like Bill Clinton, the Israelis frustrate her. But she has bought off on the idea that unless you can get Israeli buy-in, there just won’t be a deal. And that means being tough at times but very reassuring most of the time. Vinegar is useful, but honey more so.” [Aaron David Miller, Foreign Policy, 11/10/14] CLINTON HAS SHOWN HER ABILITY TO WORK WITH NETANYAHU IN THE PAST Washington Post: The Relationship Between Secretary Clinton And Netanyahu Was Built On A Shared Sense That Each Can Do Business With The Other…[And] Did Not Seem To Suffer From The Rougher Patches During Clinton’s Tenure As Secretary Of State.” “Clinton’s tough line with Netanyahu was born of a two--decades-old acquaintance built on wary respect and a shared sense that each can do business with the other. Their relationship did not seem to suffer from the rougher patches during Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state, officials said. Clinton and Netanyahu made a point of showing no hard feelings when Clinton visited Israel just two months after the March 2010 settlement debacle and telephonic dressing-down.” [Washington Post, 3/1/15] Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Said He Knew Secretary Clinton Understood “That Israel Will Have To Take Whatever Action Is Necessary To Defend Its People.” “I’m sure you understand that Israel will have to take whatever action is necessary to defend its people. This is something that I don’t have to explain to Americans. I know that you, President Obama, and the American people understand that perfectly well.” [Al Jazeera English, YouTube, 11/20/12] Washington Post: Secretary Clinton Praised Netanyahu “Publicly For Taking ‘Unprecedented’ Steps Toward Peace, Defended Israeli Military Action In The Gaza Strip In 2012 And Nudged Netanyahu Into A Cease-Fire With Old-Fashioned Shuttle Diplomacy.” “She also praised him publicly for taking ‘unprecedented’ steps toward peace, defended Israeli military action in the Gaza Strip in 2012 and nudged Netanyahu into a cease-fire with old-fashioned shuttle diplomacy.” [Washington Post, 3/1/15]
SECRETARY CLINTON SUPPORTED EXPANSION OF U.S. FUNDING FOR ISRAEL’S IRON DOME MISSILE DEFENSE SYSTEM Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Thanked Secretary Clinton For Her “Support Of Iron Dome.” “I want to thank you especially for your support of Iron Dome—it’s been saving lives.” [Al Jazeera English, YouTube, 11/20/12] According To Her Memoir, Secretary Clinton And President Obama “Got To Work Expanding Security Cooperation And Investing In Key Joint Defense Projects, Including Iron Dome.” “President Obama and I wanted to take it to the next level. Right away, we got to work expanding security cooperation and investing in key joint defense projects, including Iron Dome, a short-range missile defense system to help protect Israeli cities and homes from rockets.” [Hillary Clinton, Hard Choices, 6/10/14] • Assistant Secretary Of State For Political-Military Affairs Andrew Shapiro: “Since Day One, President Obama And Secretary Clinton Have Not Only Honored And Re-Energized America's Enduring Commitment To Israel's Security, But Have Taken Action To Expand It To An Unprecedented Level.” “Since day one, President Obama and Secretary Clinton have not only honored and re-energized America's enduring commitment to Israel's security, but have taken action to expand it to an unprecedented level. Our work is rooted in knowledge shared across the decades by presidents and policymakers on both sides of the aisle that a strong and secure Israel -- and an Israel at peace with its neighbors -- is critical not only to the interests of Israelis and Palestinians, but also to America's strategic interests.” [Assistant Secretary Shapiro Remarks at the Brookings Saban Center, State Department, 7/16/10] • Assistant Secretary Of State For Political-Military Affairs Shapiro: The President Asked Congress For $205 Million To Support Iron Dome Because He And Secretary Clinton Understood That “The Rocket Threats From Hezbollah And Hamas Represent The Most Immediate Challenge” To Israeli Security. “Let me now turn to another area where we are deepening our security relationship with Israel. The rocket threats from Hezbollah and Hamas represent the most immediate challenge. This is a very real daily concern for ordinary Israelis living in border towns such as Sderot, who know that a rocket fired from Gaza may come crashing down at any moment. As a Senator, President Obama travelled to Israel and met with families whose homes had been destroyed by rockets. So the President understands this threat. Secretary Clinton understands it. And I understand it. That is why earlier this spring, the President asked Congress to authorize $205 million to support the production of an Israeli-developed short range rocket defense system called Iron Dome.” [Assistant Secretary Shapiro Remarks at the Brookings Saban Center, State Department, 7/16/10] SECRETARY CLINTON SIGNALED THAT SHE WOULD BE ABLE TO RETAIN ISRAEL’S SUPPORT FOR AN IRANIAN NUCLEAR DEAL Washington Post: Secretary Clinton “Is On Record Voicing Much The Same Concern” As Israel Over A Possible Iran Deal, And “If A Deal Is Signed, Clinton Would Carry It Forward But Would Probably Also Find Ways To Reassure Netanyahu That The United States Will Not Be Hoodwinked.” “The Iran deal at issue now is likely to be resolved before the 2016 election, but not the underlying fear for Israelis that Iran remains what Netanyahu calls an ‘existential’ threat next door. Clinton is on record voicing much the same concern, along with doubts that Iran would abide by any deal it struck. If a deal is signed, Clinton would carry it forward but would probably also find ways to reassure Netanyahu that the United States will not be hoodwinked.” [Washington Post, 3/1/15] SECRETARY CLINTON DENOUNCED HAMAS AND PALESTINIAN ATTEMPTS TO BYPASS A PEACE PROCESS WITH ISRAEL
Secretary Clinton: “I Would Not Put Hamas In The Category Of People We Could Work With.” “I would not put Hamas in the category of people we could work with. I don’t think that is realistic because its whole reason for being is resistance against Israel, destruction of Israel, and it is married to very nasty tactics and ideologies, including virulent anti-Semitism. I do not think they should be in any way treated as a legitimate interlocutor, especially because if you do that, it redounds to the disadvantage of the Palestinian Authority, which has a lot of problems, but historically has changed its charter, moved away from the kind of guerrilla resistance movement of previous decades.” [The Atlantic, 8/10/14] Secretary Clinton: “What You See Is Largely What Hamas Invites And Permits Western Journalists To Report On From Gaza.” [The Atlantic, 8/10/14] Secretary Clinton On Israel-Gaza Conflict: “Part Of The Hamas Calculation…[Was] To Provoke Israel To Respond.” In a live question-and-answer session at Twitter headquarters in San Fransisco, Secretary Clinton said: “Because of the actions by Hamas, first to rain rockets onto Israel, Israel being provoked — because I do think that was part of the Hamas calculation, to provoke Israel to respond, to defend itself, which any nation has to do if you are under attack like that, and then we see the unfortunate effects of any conflict with innocent people being caught in the crossfires.” [Politico, 7/21/14] Secretary Clinton Called The 2012 United Nations General Assembly Vote To Recognize Palestine As A Nonmember State “Unfortunate And Counterproductive.” “Secretary of State Hillary Clinton blasted the United Nations General Assembly Thursday for voting to recognize Palestine as a nonmember state. ‘I want to say a few words about the unfortunate and counterproductive resolution at the United Nations General Assembly,’ Clinton said at an event hosted by Foreign Policy magazine in Washington D.C.” [Politico, 11/29/12] SECRETARY CLINTON DEFENDED ISRAEL’S ACTIONS DURING A RECENT ISRAEL-GAZA CONFLICT Secretary Clinton: International Criticism Of Israel’s Self-Defense “Is Uncalled For And Unfair.” “We do see this enormous international reaction against Israel, and Israel’s right to defend itself, and the way Israel has to defend itself. This reaction is uncalled for and unfair.” [The Atlantic, 8/10/14] Secretary Clinton: “It Is Not ‘Accurate Or Fair’ To Say Israel May Have Committed War Crimes.” “Hillary Clinton retorts an U.N commissioner, tells @FareedZakaria, it isn't ‘accurate or fair’ to say Israel may have committed war crimes.” [Twitter, @danmericaCNN, 7/25/14] Secretary Clinton: “If I Were The Prime Minister Of Israel, You’re Damn Right I Would Expect To Have Control Over Security” In The West Bank. “I got Netanyahu to agree to the unprecedented settlement freeze, it did not cover East Jerusalem, but it did cover the West Bank and it was actually legitimate and it did stop new housing starts for 10 months…So what I tell people is, yeah, if I were the prime minister of Israel, you’re damn right I would expect to have control over security [in the West Bank], because even if I’m dealing with Abbas, who is 79 years old, and other members of Fatah, who are enjoying a better lifestyle and making money on all kinds of things, that does not protect Israel from the influx of Hamas or cross-border attacks from anywhere else. With Syria and Iraq, it is all one big threat. So Netanyahu could not do this in good conscience.” [The Atlantic, 8/10/14] …AND CALLED THE TEMPORARY RESOLUTION OF THE 2012 ISRAEL-GAZA CONFLICT ONE OF HER BIGGEST ACCOMPLISHMENTS Politico: Secretary Clinton Considers The 2012 Cease-Fire Between Israel And Hamas “One Of Her Biggest Accomplishments As Secretary Of State,” But That Truce “Has Fallen Apart Less Than Two Years Later.” “Hillary Clinton often points to the 2012 cease-fire between Israel and Hamas as one of her biggest accomplishments as secretary of state. She may have to add an asterisk to that story. The truce Clinton helped forge has fallen apart less than two years later, and Israel and the Palestinian militant group that runs the Gaza Strip are again deep in military conflict.” [Politico, 7/15/14]
Politico: In The Weeks Before The Cease-Fire Collapsed, Secretary Clinton “Singled Out The Deal Repeatedly As One Of Which She Is Particularly Proud.” “On her book tour in the United States and Europe, and in several speeches before the book’s release, she has singled out the deal repeatedly as one of which she is particularly proud — and still intact. In a C-SPAN interview that aired over the July 4 weekend, right before hostilities broke out in a concerted fashion, Clinton was asked about her ‘favorite’ story from the book. She offered several anecdotes, but noted the Gaza cease-fire first.” [Politico, 7/15/14] 2016ER VULNERABILITIES EUROPE 2016ER ATTACKS Rubio On If He Thinks There Is A Signature Achievement Of Hillary Clinton’s Tenure As Secretary Of State: “I Do Not.” MR: “Around the world today, perhaps, the most common theme is one of serious doubt about the U.S.’ willingness to lead or ability to lead, whether it’s in Asia or Europe, or in any part of the planet, so what is the signature achievement of her four and a half years at the State Department?” HH: “Do you think there is one?” MR: “I do not. In fact, I think if you look at the administration’s foreign policy especially during her watch, it completely lacked any sort of strategic vision of what America’s role is in the world in the 21st Century.” [Hugh Hewitt Show, 6/9/14] Bobby Jindal Attacked The Obama Administration And Hillary Clinton For Neglecting And Abandoning Our Allies. “Otherwise, Jindal's remark were heavy on blaming the Obama White House, including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, for fumbling foreign policy. ‘Today, we see a world in which the Obama administration has neglected or abandoned America's long-standing allies. Our 'special relationship' with Britain is gone, NATO is drifting, Eastern Europe is disaffected, and Israel has been purposefully alienated from the United States,’ he said. He went on to say the last months has sparked the rise of ISIS, Russia's incursion into Crimea and Ukraine, and other flare-ups around the world.” [The Post And Courier, 10/7/14] CLINTON DEFENSE SECRETARY CLINTON HAS MAINTAINED A CLOSE RELATIONSHIP WITH EUROPEAN ALLIES… British Foreign Secretary William Hague On Secretary Clinton: “We Each Relied Heavily On The Bond Of The Special Relationship During A Time Of Momentous Upheaval And Change In The Middle East.” “The working relationship between a British Foreign Secretary and an American Secretary of State is exceptionally close. I think I speak for both of us in saying that we each relied heavily on the bond of the Special Relationship during a time of momentous upheaval and change in the Middle East. But one of the many reasons I enjoyed working with you so much is because we share the conviction that foreign policy is not just about responding to the crises of today; it is about improving the condition of humanity.” [British Foreign Secretary Hague Remarks, 10/11/13] British Foreign Secretary William Hague On Secretary Clinton: “As Secretary Of State You Strongly Supported My Campaign To End The Use Of Rape As A Weapon Of War.” “As Secretary of State you strongly supported my campaign to end the use of rape as a weapon of war, and last month we passed an inspiring milestone, when 134 countries came together for the first time to endorse our new global declaration promising to end sexual violence in conflict.” [British Foreign Secretary Hague Remarks, 10/11/13] British Foreign Secretary William Hague On Secretary Clinton: “I Am Pleased On My Own Account To Be Able To Thank You For Our Excellent Working Relationship And Friendship, For Your Inspiring Faith In Value Of Diplomacy, For Your Attachment To Britain.” “So I am proud to pay
tribute to you tonight Hillary, for this richly-deserved recognition of your service to your country and to the world; and I am pleased on my own account to be able to thank you for our excellent working relationship and friendship, for your inspiring faith in value of diplomacy, for your attachment to Britain, your belief in the power of friendship between nations, your often infectious optimism, your infallible good humour, your steely resolve, and for being a Secretary of State who not only served the American people, but fought powerfully for all of us who want to see the expansion of human rights and freedom everywhere.” [British Foreign Secretary Hague Remarks, 10/11/13] Clinton On U.S.-U.K. Relationship: “It Is So Special To Me, Personally, And I Think It Is Very Special Between Our Countries…It Doesn't Matter In Our Country Whether It's A Republican Or Democrat, Or Frankly In Your Country Whether It's A Conservative Or A Tory…There Is A Level Of Trust And Understanding.” “‘It is so special to me, personally, and I think it is very special between our countries. There's just a—not just a common language—but a common set of values that we can fall back on,’ she said. ‘It doesn't matter in our country whether it's a Republican or Democrat, or frankly in your country whether it's a Conservative or a Tory. There is a level of trust and understanding. It doesn't mean we always agree because of course we don't.’” [National Journal, 7/3/14] • National Journal: Clinton “Clinton Misidentifed The Two Largest Political Parties In The U.K.,” As A Tory And A Conservative Are One In The Same. “In an interview with the BBC's Woman's Hour show, Clinton misidentifed the two largest political parties in the U.K. after being asked about the ‘special relationship’ between the American and British governments….For those of you not super into British politics: A Tory is the same thing as a Conservative. They are the same party—it would be like saying the GOP is different from the Republican Party. Granted, it's not exactly a Kinsley gaffe, but it does look somewhat embarrassing for a former secretary of State and, as Alex Seitz-Wald points out, one who has championed her own worldliness.” [National Journal, 7/3/14] French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius On Secretary Clinton: “You’re Both An Altogether Remarkable Woman And A Friend Of Europe And France.” “My dear Hillary, I wanted to tell you how extremely pleased we are to have you here at the Ministry, which is familiar to you. You’ve come here to present your book, and I’m sure it will be a very great success. It’s been a pleasure for me – along with our friends present and a number of predecessors you worked with too – to welcome you for this really friendly discussion, because – even though this will embarrass you – you’re both an altogether remarkable woman and a friend of Europe and France.” [Foreign Minister Fabius Remarks, 7/7/14] French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius Praised Clinton’s “Leadership…Natural Authority,” And Her Efforts Aimed At Allowing Women To “Have An Increasingly Important Role In A Global Society.” “What’s always struck me is that you don’t often take for yourself the posts you’ve held and the positions you’ve adopted, you take them so that women genuinely have an increasingly important role in global society. That’s really something extremely important. I was also always struck, during the too short a time I worked with you, by what in plain French is called ‘leadership.’ What’s more, there is no word to translate this into excellent French, but it’s true to say that this leadership is very impressive both due to your skills and because you have a natural authority which means that when you speak, everyone listens, and very often everyone follows.” [Foreign Minister Fabius Remarks, 7/7/14] Washington Post: “The Air Campaign Over Libya…Has Emerged As A Foreign Policy Success For The Obama Administration And Its Most Famous Cabinet Member, Secretary Of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.” “At 5:45 p.m. on March 19, three hours before the official start of the air campaign over Libya, four French Rafale jet fighters streaked across the Mediterranean coastline to attack a column of tanks heading toward the rebel city of Benghazi…Seven months later, with longtime U.S. nemesis Moammar Gaddafi dead and Libya’s onetime rebels now in charge, the coalition air campaign has emerged as a foreign policy success for the Obama administration and its most famous Cabinet member, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.” [Washington Post, 10/30/11]
Washington Post: Secretary Clinton Was Able To Forge An International Coalition To Intervene In Libya “Using Her Mixture Of Political Pragmatism And Tenacity To Referee Spats Among NATO Partners.” “Seven months later, with longtime U.S. nemesis Moammar Gaddafi dead and Libya’s onetime rebels now in charge, the coalition air campaign has emerged as a foreign policy success for the Obama administration and its most famous Cabinet member, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. Some Republicans derided the effort as ‘leading from behind,’ while many others questioned why President Obama was entangling the nation in another overseas military campaign that had little strategic urgency and scant public support. But with NATO operations likely to end this week, U.S. officials and key allies are offering a detailed new defense of the approach and Clinton’s pivotal role — both within a divided Cabinet and a fragile, assembled-on-the-fly international alliance. What emerges from these accounts is a picture of Clinton using her mixture of political pragmatism and tenacity to referee spats among NATO partners, secure crucial backing from Arab countries and tutor rebels on the fine points of message management.” [Washington Post, 10/30/11] Reuters: Secretary Clinton Called German Chancellor Angela Merkel “The Greatest Leader In Europe.” “Former U.S. secretary of state Hillary Clinton called Chancellor Angela Merkel ‘the greatest leader in Europe’ during a visit to Berlin on Sunday and said it was high time America had a woman leader too, though without confirming she would seek the job.” [Reuters, 7/6/14] …WHILE STILL PRESSURING FRIENDLY NATIONS TO STAND UP TO RUSSIA Wall Street Journal’s Washington Wire: Secretary Clinton “Called On European Nations To Become Less Dependent On Russian Energy Supplies And Impose Stronger Sanctions.” “‘Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called on European nations to become less dependent on Russian energy supplies and impose stronger sanctions on their Eastern neighbor. ‘They need to understand they must stand up to [Russian President] Vladimir Putin,’ Mrs. Clinton said on CNN in an interview with Fareed Zakaria. ‘The reluctance has to do with European dependence on energy from Russia.’” [Washington Wire, Wall Street Journal, 7/27/14] • Wall Street Journal’s Washington Wire: As Secretary Of State, Clinton Established “A Roughly 100-Person Office That Seeks To Further Diplomacy Through Energy Security.” “Mrs. Clinton said that while she was Secretary of State during the first term of the Obama administration, she told European nations then that they need to diversify their energy supplies. As secretary, she created in 2011 the department’s Bureau of Energy Resources, a roughly 100-person office that seeks to further diplomacy through energy security.” [Washington Wire, Wall Street Journal, 7/27/14] Secretary Clinton On The Malaysian Airplane That Crashed Over Ukraine: If Evidence Links Russia To The Crash, Europe Must “Put Putin On Notice That He Has Gone Too Far.” Speaking about the crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in Ukraine, Secretary Clinton said, “If there is evidence linking Russia to this, that should inspire the Europeans to do much more on three counts. One, toughen their own sanctions — make it very clear there has to be a price to pay. Number two, immediately accelerate efforts and announce they are doing so to find alternatives to Gazprom. Russia has not diversified its economy. It is still largely dependent upon natural resources, principally gas and oil. And thirdly do more in concert with us to support the Ukrainians…Put Putin on notice that he has gone too far and we are not going to stand idly by. So, the Europeans have to be the ones to take the lead on this. It was a flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur over European territory. There should be outrage in European capitals.” [Charlie Rose, PBS, 7/17/14] CNN: London Mayor Boris Johnson Said That “Hillary Clinton Is Worried That European Governments Are Being ‘Too Wimpy’ In Dealing With Russian President Vladimir Putin” And That “She Wanted Us In Britain To Stick It, To Take It To Putin.” “Hillary Clinton is worried that European governments are being ‘too wimpy’ in dealing with Russian President Vladimir Putin, London's mayor Boris Johnson said Friday… ‘Her general anxiety was that Putin, if unchallenged and unchecked, would continue to expand his influence in the perimeter of what was the Soviet Union. She spoke of alarm in Estonia and the Baltic states. I was very, very struck by that.’ ‘I was struck by the firmness with which she
wanted us in Britain to stick it, to take it to Putin,’ he said, once again underlining he was not using Clinton's exact words but offering a ‘brutal summary’ of what she said.” [CNN, 2/13/15] ECONOMIC INEQUALITY 2016ER ATTACKS REPUBLICANS ATTACKED SECRETARY CLINTON FOR SUPPORTING POLICIES THAT RAISED INCOME INEQUALITY AND FOR SUGGESTING THAT RAISING THE MINIMUM WAGE WOULD HEAL THE ECONOMY Ted Cruz: “I Chuckle Every Time I Hear Barack Obama Or Hillary Clinton Talk About Income Inequality, Because It’s Increased Dramatically Under Their Policies.” [Washington Post, 1/26/15; Ted Cruz Remarks, Freedom Partners Chambers of Commerce Forum, 1/25/15; VIDEO] HEADLINE: “Ted Cruz: “I Can Only Laugh” When Obama, Clinton Discuss Income Inequality Since They Made It Worse.” [BuzzFeed, 12/18/14; Ted Cruz Interview, KJCE AM, The Laura Ingraham Show, 12/18/14; AUDIO] Regarding The Plight Of Working People, Christie Said That “Mrs. Clinton's Answer To That Is To Say, 'Raise The Minimum Wage’” Even Though Parents Don’t Aspire To Have Their Children Earn The Minimum Wage. “Any Republican, of course, would have to come through a potential bloodbath of a primary to make it to the general election — widely presumed to be a showdown with Democrat Hillary Clinton, although she has yet to state her intentions. When it comes to improving the lot of working people, Christie said with a dose of sarcasm, ‘Mrs. Clinton's answer to that is to say, 'Raise the minimum wage.’ ‘I will tell you this: No parents are sitting around the kitchen table tonight and saying, 'If our child can get a higher minimum wage, my gosh, every one of our aspirations for them will be realized,'‘ Christie said to appreciative chuckles.” [New York Daily News, 2/26/15] CLINTON DEFENSE SECRETARY CLINTON HAS CITED INCOME INEQUALITY AS A ROADBLOCK TO UPWARD MOBILITY IN AMERICA AND SIGNALED THAT HER CAMPAIGN WOULD FOCUS ON FINDING SOLUTIONS HEADLINE: “Clinton: US Needs Solutions To Income Inequality” [Associated Press, 3/23/15] Wall Street Journal: Secretary Clinton Signaled That “The Need To Combat Economic Inequality” Would Be A Theme Of her Campaign. “Hillary Clinton road-tested two themes likely to shape her pitch to voters in the 2016 presidential campaign—the value of working together and the need to combat economic inequality—during a panel discussion with Democratic groups on Monday…Mrs. Clinton pointed to income inequality as a persistent problem. ‘A lot of our cities truly are divided,’ she said. ‘They have some of the most dynamic, well-educated, affluent people in the world, and people who are trapped in generational poverty.’ The issue is a top concern for many progressives in the party and an emerging theme among some Republicans as well.” [Wall Street Journal, 3/23/15] • TIME: A Center For American Progress Report Was Considered An Attempt By Clinton Allies To Frame “An Economic Policy Agenda For Her Presumptive 2016 Presidential Campaign.” “Hillary Clinton’s allies appear to be taking their first shot at framing an economic policy agenda for her presumptive 2016 presidential campaign, with a new report out Thursday from the Clinton-friendly liberal think tank Center for American Progress.” [TIME, 1/15/15] • MSNBC: Inclusive Prosperity Report Aims To Figure Out How To “Boost Wages For The Middle Class And Share Prosperity More Broadly.” “A new report from a leading Democratic think
tank offers clues about how Hillary Clinton might tackle economic inequality, which has become a key motivating issue of the progressive base, if she decides to run for president in 2016. The report, assembled by an international panel of prominent economists and policy experts, tries to tackle one of the biggest and most difficult questions of contemporary economics – how to boost wages for the middle class and share prosperity more broadly.” [MSNBC, 1/16/15] Associated Press: Inclusive Prosperity Report Touted “Tax Credits For Middle-Class Families, Incentives For Employees To Partake In Profit-Sharing, Attention To Collective Bargaining Rights And Tying The Repayment Of Student Loans To A Graduate's Income.” Inclusive Prosperity Report “also offered other ideas with broad appeal in the party: tax credits for middle-class families, incentives for employees to partake in profit-sharing, attention to collective bargaining rights and tying the repayment of student loans to a graduate's income earned over two decades or more.” [Associated Press, 1/18/15] Secretary Clinton: “Economists Have Documented How The Share Of Income And Wealth Going To Those At The Very Top…Has Risen Sharply Over The Last Generation…Some Are Calling It A Throwback To The Gilded Age Of The Robber Barons.” “‘The dream of upward mobility that made this country a model for the world feels further and further out of reach and many Americans understandably feel frustrated, even angry,’ Clinton said…. ‘And where is it all going?’ Clinton asked. ‘Economists have documented how the share of income and wealth going to those at the very top, not just the top 1 percent but the top 0.1 percent, the 0.01 percent of the population, has risen sharply over the last generation,’ she said. ‘Some are calling it a throwback to the Gilded Age of the robber barons.’” [MSNBC, 5/16/14] AS A SENATOR, CLINTON REPEATEDLY ADVOCATED TO RAISE THE MINIMUM WAGE th Then-Senator Clinton Co-Sponsored The Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007. [S.2, 110 Congress, date co-sponsored 1/4/07] Library Of Congress: Then-Senator Clinton Introduced The Standing With Minimum Wage Earners Act In 2006 And 2007, Which Would Adjust The Minimum Wage Each Year To Proportionately Match “The Annual Increase In Pay For Members Of Congress.” [S.2725, 109th Congress, introduced , 5/4/06; S.2514, 110th Congress introduced 12/18/07] Then-Senator Clinton: “The Reality Is A Full-Time Job That Pays Minimum Wage Just Does Not Provide Enough Money To Support A Family Today… We Have A Responsibility To Help Families Earn A Living Wage.” “The reality is a full-time job that pays minimum wage just does not provide enough money to support a family today. A single mother with two children who works 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year earns only $10,700 a year. This amount—$10,700 a year—is almost $6,000 below the Federal poverty line for a family of three. We have a responsibility to help families earn a living wage.” [Congressional Testimony, Congressional Quarterly, 5/4/06] Then-Senator Clinton: “Raising The Minimum Wage Will Also Narrow The Dramatic Income Gap Between The Haves And The Have-Nots Across The Country.” “In addition to helping America’s hardest working families, raising the minimum wage will also narrow the dramatic income gap between the haves and the have-nots across the country. The average income of the richest fifth of New York State families is 8.1 times the average income of the poorest fifth. Nationwide, families in the top fifth made 7.3 times more than those in the bottom fifth. This discrepancy needs to be fixed and my bill would be a step in the right direction towards fairness for America’s hard-working families.” [Congressional Testimony, Congressional Quarterly, 5/4/06] Then-Senator Clinton: “My Legislation…Ensures That Every Time Congress Gives Itself A Raise In The Future That Americans Get A Raise Too. This Is The Right And Fair Thing To Do For Hardworking Americans.” [Congressional Testimony, Congressional Quarterly, 5/4/06] AS A SENATOR, CLINTON FORGED BIPARTISAN COMPROMISE TO EXPAND UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS IN 2003 AND PUSHED TO EXTEND THEM IN 2003 AND 2008
New York Times: “In A Case Study Of How Legislative Objectives Can Trump Ideology,” Then- Senators Clinton And Nickles “Teamed Up Last Week To Help Deliver Added Unemployment Benefits To Millions Of Americans.” “He tried to impeach her husband and hated her health care plan. She was not thrilled when he complained about post-Sept. 11 aid to New York. Yet, in a case study of how legislative objectives can trump ideology, Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton, Democrat of New York, and Don Nickles, Republican of Oklahoma, teamed up last week to help deliver added unemployment benefits to millions of Americans.” [New York Times, 1/13/03] 2003: Then-Senator Clinton Co-Sponsored A Bill To Extend Temporary Unemployment Benefits Through 2004. [S.1708, 108th Congress, co-sponsored 10/2/03] 2008: Then-Senator Clinton Voted To Invoke Cloture On The Unemployment Compensation th Extension Act Of 2008. The bill was passed by voice vote on this same day. [H.R.6867, Vote 214, 110 Congress, 11/20/08; H.R.6867, Action Summary, 11/20/08] AS A SENATOR, CLINTON INTRODUCED AND CO-SPONSORED PAYCHECK FAIRNESS LEGISLATION Then-Senator Clinton Introduced The Paycheck Fairness Act In 2005 And 2007. [S.841109th Congress, introduced 4/19/05; S.766, 110th Congress, introduced3/6/07] Then-Senator Clinton Co-Sponsored The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act Of 2009. [S.181, 111th Congress, co-sponsored 1/8/09] AS A SENATOR, CLINTON REPEATEDLY VOTED AGAINST THE BUSH TAX CUTS th Then-Senator Clinton Voted Against The Bush Tax Cuts In 2001. [H.R.1836, Vote 170, 107 Congress, 5/26/01] th Then-Senator Clinton Voted Against The Bush Tax Cuts In 2003. [H.R.2, Vote 196, 108 Congress, 5/23/03] Then-Senator Clinton Voted Against Extending The Bush Tax Cuts In 2006. [H.R.4297, Vote 118, 5/11/06] WALL ST TIES 2016ER ATTACKS RUBIO ATTACKED CLINTON FOR HAVING THE SUPPORT OF WALL STREET AND BIG DONORS Rubio Called Hillary Clinton The “Front-Runner For The Democratic Nomination” Who Would Have “The Support Of Many On Wall Street, Many Of The Big Donors Around The Country.” INSKEEP: “How strong a candidate do you think Hillary Clinton is...” RUBIO: “Well, I...” INSKEEP: “...Assuming she runs?” RUBIO: “Yeah, so I would say a couple things about it - first is, clearly she's a front-runner for the Democratic nomination. I think she'd have the support of many on Wall Street, many of the big donors around the country.” [Morning Edition, NPR, 7/22/14] Rubio On Hillary Clinton: “If She Runs For President, No Candidate In American History Will Have More Support In The Boardrooms Than Hillary Clinton. That’s A Fact!” “And then putting on a little Elizabeth Warren spin, Rubio went on a a [sic] bit of anti-Wall Street screed, saying that ‘If she runs for President, no candidate in American history will have more support in the boardrooms than Hillary Clinton. That’s a fact! And yet the average voter doesn’t believe that.’” [Florida Politics, 12/6/14]
CLINTON DEFENSE SECRETARY CLINTON CRITICIZED REPUBLICANS FOR WEAKENING FINANCIAL REFORM Secretary Clinton On Republican Attempts To Weaken Dodd-Frank: “Attacking Financial Reform Is Risky And Wrong.” “Hillary Clinton is defending the Dodd-Frank Act as Republicans in Congress look for ways to water down the overhaul of financial regulation and some fellow Democrats accuse her of being too cozy with Wall Street. ‘Attacking financial reform is risky and wrong,’ Clinton, a former U.S. Secretary of State who’s considering a White House run in 2016, wrote Friday in a Twitter message. ‘Better for Congress to focus on jobs and wages for middle class families.’” [Bloomberg, 1/16/15] 2008: THEN-SENATOR CLINTON SIGNALED SHE WOULD BE OPEN TO RAISING THE CAPITAL GAINS TAX RATE New York Times: In 2008, Then-Senator Clinton “Said She Would Not Raise The Capital Gains Rate Above 20 Percent ‘If I Raised It At All.’” “If she runs for president, it will be very interesting to see whether Mrs. Clinton takes a position substantially to Barack Obama’s right on capital gains taxes, as she did in 2008. In a debate in April of that year, Mrs. Clinton said she would not raise the capital gains rate above 20 percent ‘if I raised it at all.’” [New York Times, 3/13/15] • New York Times: Due To The Affordable Care Act And The 2013 Fiscal Cliff Deal, “The Top Tax Rate On Capital Gains Has Gone From 15 Percent In 2008 To 23.8 Percent Today, Higher Than The Red Line Mrs. Clinton Set.” “The Affordable Care Act created an additional 3.8 percent tax on capital gains for high earners, and the so-called fiscal cliff deal of 2013 added another 5 points to the rate, so the top tax rate on capital gains has gone from 15 percent in 2008 to 23.8 percent today, higher than the red line Mrs. Clinton set. In his most recent budget, Mr. Obama proposed to further increase the rate to 28 percent.” [New York Times, 3/13/15] 2016ER VULNERABILITIES WOMEN 2016ER ATTACKS RAND PAUL CALLED BILL CLINTON A SEXUAL PREDATOR AND CALLED DEMOCRATIC EFFORTS TO PORTRAY THEMSELVES AS CHAMPIONS OF WOMEN HYPOCRITICAL IN LIGHT OF HIS ACTIONS HEADLINE: “Rand Paul: Democrats Should Disown ‘Sexual Predator’ Bill Clinton.” [Washington Post, 2/6/14] Rand Paul Called Bill Clinton A “Sexual Predator.” “Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said in a new interview that Democrats should distance themselves from Bill Clinton if they are serious about women's rights. Asked on Newsmax TV whether Clinton is an unsavory character, Paul repeated his assertion that the former president is a ‘sexual predator.’” [Aaron Blake, Washington Post, 2/6/14] Rand Paul Called Democrats Hypocritical For Being “Big On All These Workplace Rules To Protect Women,” But When Bill Clinton Was President “He Really Didn’t Obey The Workplace Rules On Women And What He Did Was Inappropriate.” “Paul's been anything but shy in his criticism of the former president over the Monica Lewinsky scandal. ‘I think the American people don't like hypocrisy. Democrats have been big on all these workplace rules to protect women, most of which I agree with. But then when he was commander and chief he really didn't obey the workplace rules on women and what he did was inappropriate,’ Paul offered.” [NH1, 10/16/14]
Rand Paul Said That Democrats Said They Were “Great Saviors Of Women In The Workplace,” But Bill Clinton’s Affair With An Intern Was “Sexual Harassment.” “’You know what’s funny about it is I tell people – they’re like, “Why did you bring up the Clintons? Why did you bring up Bill being such a predator and sexual harassment and what he did with an intern in the workplace?”’ Paul said. ‘I said, ‘Well, because they asked me the question.’ I tend to answer questions and they ask me the question. I answered the question and they asked my wife the same question. But it is an important point because the Democrats want to say, ‘We’re the great saviors of women in the workplace.’ One of the things we have done that is a step forward, has been over the last couple of decades is women should be protected from predatory behavior of their bosses. And that’s what Bill Clinton’s affair, whatever you want to call it with an intern was, was sexual harassment.’” [Breitbart, 2/5/14] Rand Paul: “Until They [Democrats] Get Rid Of The Hypocrisy That They’re Going To Be Great Feminist And They’re Going Defend A Big Bully In The Workplace Who Takes Advantage Of A 20- Year-Old Girl, I Don’t Think They Have A Leg To Stand On.” “‘And so until they get rid of the hypocrisy that they’re going to be great feminist and they’re going defend a big bully in the workplace who takes advantage of a 20-year-old girl, I don’t think they have a leg to stand on,’ Paul continued. ‘And that hypocrisy defeats their whole argument. I mean look at the other people who give money. Look at a Woody Allen, who is a big Democrat giver across the country, whose seven-year-old girl described what he did to her. And yet nobody in Hollywood blinks an eye and says he’s still our big pal. We love Woody Allen. He’s a great giver to Democrat causes. And really there should be a social shunning of somebody who would do something like that, if not prison.’” [Breitbart, 2/5/14] Rand Paul Said There Was “A Question Of Hypocrisy” In The Fact That Democrats Said There Was A War On Women By The Republicans, And Yet They Defended A Man Who Did Something “Inexcusable” In the Workplace. Rand Paul on his comments about Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky: “You know, I'm not so sure. I mean, like I said, it's hard to separate them. It's not her fault. I mean, she's had to tolerate the same sort of problems from him, you know, I guess over time. But I would say that it's more a question of the entire Democrat Party, who says there's a war on women and that somehow the other party is committing this, and yet they support and defend a guy who really, in the workplace, was doing something that was inexcusable, should not be tolerated. And so really there's a question of hypocrisy. And I think people don't like hypocrisy. And so we'll see. I don't know if it makes any difference now or not. I just keep answering the questions you all ask me.” [CBS This Morning, CBS, 1/29/14] Rand Paul Suggested It Was Hypocritical Of Democrats To Cast The GOP As Anti-Women While Celebrating Bill Clinton, And Said That Anyone Who Accepted Money From Or Had A Fundraiser With Bill Clinton Should Give It Back. “The Kentucky Republican and likely 2016 presidential candidate is making a habit of ripping former President Bill Clinton, dubbing the 42nd president a ‘sexual predator’ and suggesting that it is hypocritical of Democrats to cast the GOP as anti-women when they celebrate someone who preyed on women working under him in the workplace. ‘They can’t have it both ways. And so I really think that anybody who wants to take money from Bill Clinton or have a fundraiser has a lot of explaining to do. In fact, I think they should give the money back,’ Mr. Paul said on C-SPAN’s ‘Newsmakers.’ ‘If they want to take a position on women's rights, by all means do. But you can't do it and take it from a guy who was using his position of authority to take advantage of young women in the workplace.” [Washington Times, 2/9/14] REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES CRITICIZED HILLARY CLINTON FOR PRESENTING HERSELF AS AN ADVOCATE FOR WOMEN’S RIGHTS WHILE THE CLINTON FOUNDATION ACCEPTED DONATIONS FROM COUNTRIES WITH POOR WOMEN’S RIGHTS RECORDS Carly Fiorina On Secretary Clinton: “She Tweets About Women’s Rights In This Country And Takes Money From Governments That Deny Women The Most Basic Human Rights.” [Politico, 2/26/15] Rand Paul: “There Is Indeed A War On Women…In Saudi Arabia…When Hillary Clinton Claims She Will Support Women's Rights, Ask Her Why She Accepted Millions Of Dollars” From The Saudis.
“Sen. Rand Paul, who's long been a fierce critic of Hillary Clinton, will call on the former secretary of state to return contributions made from Saudi Arabia to her family's foundation. In a Friday night speech in New Hampshire, the Kentucky Republican will say there's been a ‘war on women...in Saudi Arabia’ and will urge Clinton to denounce contributions from the country to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. ‘There has been much talk of a war on women. There is indeed a war on women . . . in Saudi Arabia,’ he will say, according to an excerpt of his prepared remarks. ‘When Hillary Clinton claims she will support women's rights, ask her why she accepted millions of dollars from (Saudi Arabia).’” [CNN, 3/20/15] Rand Paul On Hillary Clinton: “How Could We Possibly Consider For The Presidency A Woman Who's Going To Take Money From Stone Age Countries, Then Act As If She Can Somehow Be Objective, Or Be A Champion For Women's Rights?” “In North Conway, he recounted for more than 100 Republican donors and activists the stories of women who had been accused of adultery, then killed, after trials in sexist judicial system. ‘How could we possibly consider for the presidency a woman who's going to take money from Stone Age countries, then act as if she can somehow be objective, or be a champion for women's rights?’ asked Paul.” [Bloomberg, 3/21/15] Rand Paul Said There Was A “Grand Hypocrisy” For The Clintons Because They Liked To Talk About The War On Women And Yet They Were Accepting Money From Countries Like Saudi Arabia Where Rape Victims Were Lashed. RAND PAUL: “I think the thing is about the Clintons is that there is a certain sense that they think they're above the law. And I think there's also this grand hypocrisy for the Clintons in the sense that we have this whole thing, this war on women thing, that they like to talk about and yet Hillary Clinton has taken money from countries that rape victims are publicly lashed. In Saudi Arabia a woman was gang raped by seven men. She was publicly lashed 90 times and then she was convicted of being in the car with an unmarried man. We should be boycotting, voluntarily boycotting a country, not buying stuff from a country that does that to women.” [Meet the Press, NBC, 4/12/15] FIORINA ATTACKED CLINTON FOR PUSHING EQUAL PAY LAWS DESPITE AN APPARENTLY POOR RECORD ON EQUAL PAY IN CLINTON’S SENATE OFFICE Carly Fiorina On Secretary Clinton: “She Tweets About Equal Pay For Women But Won’t Answer Basic Questions About Her Own Offices’ Pay Standards.” [Politico, 2/26/15] CLINTON DEFENSE THEN-FIRST LADY CLINTON ADVOCATED FOR WOMEN ON THE INTERNATIONAL STAGE New York Times: In A 1995 Speech To The Fourth World Conference On Women In Beijing, Hillary Clinton “Gave A Devastating Litany Of Abuse Afflicting Women Around The World And Declared: ‘Human Rights Are Women’s Rights, And Women’s Rights Are Human Rights.’” “Both events explicitly invoke Mrs. Clinton’s forceful speech in Beijing as first lady in 1995, at the Fourth World Conference on Women, when she gave a devastating litany of abuse afflicting women around the world and declared: ‘Human rights are women’s rights, and women’s rights are human rights.’ The Beijing speech has been a touchstone for Mrs. Clinton since she stepped down as secretary of state in early 2013.” [New York Times, 3/8/15] SECRETARY CLINTON CHAMPIONED WOMEN’S RIGHTS DURING HER TENURE AT THE STATE DEPARTMENT BY ELEVATING THE ROLE OF WOMEN’S ISSUES IN DIPLOMACY AND OVERSEEING PROGRAMS THAT DIRECTLY ASSISTED WOMEN ACROSS THE WORLD New York Times: Secretary Clinton “Appointed A Close Aide, Melanne Verveer, As The First United States Ambassador At Large For Global Women’s Issues.” “At the State Department, Mrs. Clinton emphasized how empowering women and girls could also enhance economies, national security
and the overall progress of a country. She appointed a close aide, Melanne Verveer, as the first United States ambassador at large for global women’s issues.” [New York Times, 3/8/15] Politico: Clinton Is “The Secretary Of State Who Elevated The Office Of Global Women’s Issues To The Seventh Floor Of The State Department With A Special ‘Ambassador At Large’ [And]…Mandated Gender Training For All New Foreign-Service Officers.” “The idea that Hillary Clinton simply doesn’t sincerely believe in her own doctrine just doesn’t tally with her rhetorical and substantive support for women and women’s rights across decades of public service. After all, this is the secretary of state who elevated the Office of Global Women’s Issues to the seventh floor of the State Department with a special ‘ambassador at large,’ who mandated gender training for all new foreign- service officers and under whom USAID programming for women mushroomed.” [Politico, 3/17/15] National Journal: “The Office Of Global Women’s Issues Runs Some 70 Public-Private Partnership Programs In 40 Countries” That Benefit African Textile Workers, Victims Of Sexual Violence In Congo, And Rural Workers Seeking Microloans. “The result has been high-level international advocacy for women and a department-wide proliferation of programs addressing the problems of women and girls. The department’s Middle East Partnership Initiative, for instance, has trained Egyptian women to be online activists and has tried to reduce child marriages in Yemen. The Office of Global Women’s Issues runs some 70 public-private partnership programs in 40 countries, ranging from teaching African women how to export their textiles and agricultural products, to training rural health providers in Congo in how to assist female victims of sexual violence, and offering micro-finance loans (in the form of pigs) to improve rural women’s economic stability.” [National Journal, 3/21/13] New York Times: Secretary Clinton’s Behind The Scenes Work On Behalf Of Women Included Her Successful Intervention “When Saudi Arabian Courts Refused A Mother’s Pleas To Block The Marriage Of Her 8-Year-Old Daughter To A 50-Year-Old Man.” “At the State Department, Mrs. Clinton emphasized how empowering women and girls could also enhance economies, national security and the overall progress of a country… Some of that work was behind the scenes, however. In her memoir, ‘Hard Choices,’ Mrs. Clinton tells of quietly intervening when Saudi Arabian courts refused a mother’s pleas to block the marriage of her 8-year-old daughter to a 50-year-old man. ‘Fix this on your own, and I won’t say a word,’ she recalled telling the Saudis. A new judge, she wrote, quickly approved the divorce.” [New York Times, 3/8/15] National Journal: Secretary Clinton “Placed Women’s Rights And Needs On The Agenda At International Conferences, On Trips, And Throughout The State Department Itself.” “Clinton and her handpicked ambassador-at-large for global women’s issues, Melanne Verveer, placed women’s rights and needs on the agenda at international conferences, on trips, and throughout the State Department itself. Clinton institutionalized this way of conducting foreign policy in 2010 in a first-time ‘quadrennial review’ that mentioned women more than 100 times, followed by a March 2012 directive billed as the department’s first-ever guidance to embassies and bureaus on how to advance the ‘strategic imperative’ of gender equality. ‘The department is focusing across all of our work to reduce disparities and proactively promote gender equality,’ the directive said.” [National Journal, 3/21/13] National Journal: Secretary Clinton Issued “The Department’s First-Ever Guidance To Embassies And Bureaus On How To Advance The ‘Strategic Imperative’ Of Gender Equality.” “Clinton and her handpicked ambassador-at-large for global women’s issues, Melanne Verveer, placed women’s rights and needs on the agenda at international conferences, on trips, and throughout the State Department itself. Clinton institutionalized this way of conducting foreign policy in 2010 in a first-time ‘quadrennial review’ that mentioned women more than 100 times, followed by a March 2012 directive billed as the department’s first-ever guidance to embassies and bureaus on how to advance the ‘strategic imperative’ of gender equality. ‘The department is focusing across all of our work to reduce disparities and proactively promote gender equality,’ the directive said.” [National Journal, 3/21/13] National Journal: Secretary Clinton And Ambassador-At-Large Verveer “Were Insistent Advocates For Afghan Women, Making Sure They Had A Presence At Peace Talks And International Conferences About The Future Of Afghanistan.” “Clinton and her handpicked ambassador-at-large for
global women’s issues, Melanne Verveer, placed women’s rights and needs on the agenda at international conferences, on trips, and throughout the State Department itself…Both Clinton and Verveer were insistent advocates for Afghan women, making sure they had a presence at peace talks and international conferences about the future of Afghanistan.” [National Journal, 3/21/13] THE CLINTON FOUNDATION SUPPORTED PROGRAMS TO HELP MILLIONS OF WOMEN AND GIRLS ACROSS THE WORLD, INCLUDING THE NO CEILINGS INITIATIVE LED BY SECRETARY CLINTON Clinton Spokesman Merrill Highlighted The Work Of The Clinton Foundation In The Areas Of “Haiti, Global Health, Women And Girls & No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project, Childhood Obesity, Economic Development, Climate Change, Clinton Global Initiative, Too Small To Fail, Job One.” [Nick Merrill, 3/2/15] Clinton Foundation: “CGI Members Have Formed Partnerships That Have Made Tremendous…Improving Educational Opportunities For 36.5 Million People; Expanding Access To Capital For 3.1 Million People; And Increasing Opportunities Of Various Kinds For 2.8 Million Women And Girls.” [Clinton Foundation, 2/19/15] Clinton: As Part Of A CGI Commitment, “The Inter-American Development Bank…Is Projected To Help 500,000 Disadvantaged Youth Enter The Workforce Over The Next Five Years…More Than Half Of These Will Be Women And Girls.” “The Inter-American Development Bank is working with corporate partners, including Microsoft, Caterpillar, and Walmart to implement an employment program across ten Latin American countries. This work began a year ago and is projected to help 500,000 disadvantaged youth enter the workforce over the next five years. More than half of these will be women and girls.” [Clinton Foundation, 2/19/15] HEADLINE: “Hillary Clinton Announces ‘No Ceilings’ Initiative To Empower Women” [Washington Post, 11/1/13] Clinton Foundation: “No Ceilings Brings Together Global Partners To Build An Evidence-Based Case For Full Participation And Accelerate Progress For Women And Girls.” “No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project is an initiative led by Secretary Clinton and Chelsea Clinton to advance the full participation of women and girls around the world. Access to equal rights and opportunities for women and girls is the unfinished business of the 21st century and is essential for achieving prosperity, stability, and security across the globe. No Ceilings brings together global partners to build an evidence-based case for full participation and accelerate progress for women and girls.” [Annual Report, Clinton Foundation, 2014] AS A SENATOR, CLINTON INTRODUCED AND CO-SPONSORED PAYCHECK FAIRNESS LEGISLATION Then-Senator Clinton Introduced The Paycheck Fairness Act In 2005 And 2007. [S.841, 109th Congress, introduced 4/19/05; S.766, 110th Congress, introduced 3/6/07] Then-Senator Clinton Co-Sponsored The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act Of 2009. [S.181, 111th Congress, co-sponsored 1/8/09] 2016ER VULNERABILITIES TED CRUZ PORTRAYED BILL CLINTON AS AN ASSET TO HILLARY CLINTON’S POTENTIAL PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN Ted Cruz: “Hillary’s Greatest Strength Is Bill Clinton.” “The comment came as the culmination of a discussion about how a conservative who ran for president with a populist campaign message could beat
Hillary Clinton in 2016. Cruz said that ‘Hillary’s greatest strength is Bill Clinton,’ insofar as she can evoke the 1990s and portray herself as a moderate in the mold of her husband. The association with Bill Clinton is a double-edged sword, though, he suggested.” [National Review, 2/26/15] LGBT CONSERVATIVE ATTACKS Wall Street Journal’s Jason Riley: “Only One Side Is Really Guilty Of Hypocrisy…Hillary Clinton Who Opposed Gay Marriage Until Two Years Ago Is Tweeting About Indiana's Intolerance.” “Well, both sides are claiming intolerance here. But I think only one side is really guilty of hypocrisy. And that's what I see going on here. Hillary Clinton who opposed gay marriage until two years ago is tweeting about Indiana's intolerance. The Democratic governor of Connecticut who banned state employees from traveling to Indiana even though Connecticut has essentially the same law in place. So that's what I think is going on here. It is the height of hypocrisy, positions held just a few years ago by Democrats are now considered anti-gay and bigotry in place.” [Fox News Sunday, Fox News, 4/5/15] CLINTON DEFENSE SECRETARY CLINTON HAS WON THE SUPPORT OF MAJOR LGBT ADVOCACY GROUPS, INCLUDING THE HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN AND EQUALITY CALIFORNIA Human Rights Campaign VP: “We Feel This Incredible Attachment” To Secretary Clinton. “‘I have seen grown, adult men and women weep at the possibility of her becoming the next president,’ said Fred Sainz, vice president of Human Rights Campaign, who said he has friends in the gay community who are saving money so they can afford to volunteer on a future potential Clinton campaign. ‘We feel this incredible attachment to her. In spite of tremendous challenges, she’s persisted and that’s a quality that LGBT people identify with.’” [Daily Beast, 7/21/14] Daily Beast: “LGBT Activists Say That Clinton Has Been A Loyal Ally” In The Senate And State Department. “On other matters [besides marriage equality], LGBT activists say that Clinton has been a loyal ally dating back to her time in the U.S. Senate, when she worked to lift restrictions on gay and lesbian couples adopting children. As Secretary of State, she gave a famous speech in Geneva in which she declared that ‘Gay rights are human rights’ and directed the State Department to offer equal benefits to same-sex partners.” [Daily Beast, 7/21/14] Metro Weekly: In March 2015, The 800,000 Member Equality California Became “The First LGBT- Rights Group To Endorse Clinton’s Anticipated Candidacy.” “Although she has yet to formally announce her candidacy, Hillary Clinton has already garnered her first 2016 presidential endorsement by an LGBT-rights organization. Equality California announced their endorsement of Clinton for president on Monday, making the 800,000 member organization the first LGBT-rights group to endorse Clinton’s anticipated candidacy. ‘We want Hillary Clinton to run and are ready to mobilize our 800,000 members to help her win,’ said Equality California Executive Director Rick Zbur in a statement. ‘We’re enthusiastic about her candidacy because she has the best record of accomplishment on LGBT issues of any potential candidate. Equality California is ready for Hillary!’” [Metro Weekly, 3/16/15] DURING HER TENURE AS SECRETARY OF STATE, CLINTON PUT LGBT RIGHTS AND PROTECTIONS AT THE FOREFRONT OF AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY… New York Times: “In Her Four Years At The State Department, [Secretary Clinton] Prioritized International Gay Rights.” “It’s a sentiment often expressed as gay voters mull what Mrs. Clinton’s potential 2016 presidential campaign would mean for gay rights. In her four years at the State Department, she prioritized international gay rights, including a 2011 speech in Geneva in which she urged countries to accept gays and lesbians. In the year and a half since she left her post, she has made
gay rights a focus. Last fall she accepted an award at the Elton John AIDS Foundation gala in New York; the singer praised Mrs. Clinton’s efforts for human rights.” [New York Times, 8/29/14] CNN: “Clinton Aides Say She Regularly Raises The Issue In Meetings With Her Counterparts And She Has Instructed Embassies Around The World To Report On Violence And Discrimination Against The LGBT Community.” “Gay rights have also taken on a greater role in U.S. foreign policy. Clinton aides say she regularly raises the issue in meetings with her counterparts and she has instructed embassies around the world to report on violence and discrimination against the LGBT community and challenge laws that criminalize LGBT status or conduct.” [CNN, 12/6/11] CNN: As Secretary Of State, “Clinton Announced A $3 Million Fund To Support Civil Society And Non-Governmental Organization Activists Working On [Gay Rights], As Well As Enhancing Protection For Refugees And Asylum Seekers Who Are Being Persecuted Because Of LGBT Status.” “The administration will take treatment of gays into consideration when making decisions on awarding foreign aid…As part of the administration's effort, Clinton announced a $3 million fund to support civil society and non-governmental organization activists working on the subject, as well as enhancing protection for refugees and asylum seekers who are being persecuted because of LGBT status. Gay rights groups praised the effort as a significant step toward protecting the rights of gays and lesbians around the world.” [CNN, 12/6/11] …PROCLAIMED THAT GAY RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS CNN: “U.S. Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton Challenged Nations Around The World… To Recognize That ‘Gay Rights Are Human Rights And Human Rights Are Gay Rights.’” “U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton challenged nations around the world Tuesday to recognize that ‘gay rights are human rights and human rights are gay rights,’ building on an order by President Barack Obama directing all U.S. agencies to ‘promote and protect’ the rights of gay people.” [CNN, 12/6/11] Secretary Clinton In December 2009: “Over This Past Year, We Have Elevated Into Our Human Rights Dialogues And Our Public Statements A Very Clear Message About Protecting The Rights st Of The LGBT Community Worldwide.” [Remarks on the Human Rights Agenda for the 21 Century, State Department, 12/14/09] CNN: In June 2011, The United Nations Human Rights Council “Passed A Resolution Supporting Equal Rights For All, Regardless Of Sexual Orientation” For Which “The State Department Lobbied Intensively.” “In what the State Department is calling an ‘historic step’ the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva Friday passed a resolution supporting equal rights for all, regardless of sexual orientation. The resolution, introduced by South Africa, is the first-ever U.N. resolution on the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered persons. It passed with 23 votes in favor, 19 opposed and three abstentions, amidst strong criticism of South Africa by some African nations…The State Department lobbied intensively for the resolution and Nossel says the U.S. was pleased to see African leadership, from South Africa in particular, as well as strong support from South America, Colombia and Brazil. The resolution also will commission the first-ever U.N. report on the challenges that LGBT persons face around the globe and Nossel says the Obama administration hopes it will ‘open a broader international discussion on how to best promote and protect the human rights of LGBT persons,’ Nossel says… Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has made gay rights a key focus of the State Department’s human rights agenda, expressing her view that ‘gay rights are human rights and human rights are gay rights.’” [CNN, 6/17/11] Secretary Clinton In December 2009: “We Are Particularly Concerned About…Organized Efforts To Kill And Maim Gays And Lesbians In Some Countries That We Have Spoken Out About, And Also Conveyed Our Very Strong Concerns About To Their Governments…The Governments Need To Pay Much Greater Attention To The Kinds Of Abuses That We’ve Seen.” “Over this past year, we have elevated into our human rights dialogues and our public statements a very clear message about protecting the rights of the LGBT community worldwide. And we are particularly concerned about some of the specific cases that have come to our attention around the world. There have been organized efforts to
kill and maim gays and lesbians in some countries that we have spoken out about, and also conveyed our very strong concerns about to their governments – not that they were governmentally implemented or even that the government was aware of them, but that the governments need to pay much greater attention to the kinds of abuses that we’ve seen in Iraq, for example.” [Remarks on the Human Rights st Agenda for the 21 Century, State Department, 12/14/09] ...CONDEMNED INTERNATIONAL DISCRIMINATION AND VIOLENCE AGAINST LGBT INDIVIDUALS CNN: “In An Impassioned Defense Of Such Rights, Clinton Called The Rights Of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, And Transgender People ‘Universal’ And Criticized Nations That Criminalize Gay Behavior Or Tolerate Abuse Of Gay, Bisexual Or Transgendered People.” [CNN, 12/6/11] CNN: Secretary “Clinton Said Religious Beliefs And Cultural Practices Are No Excuse For Discriminating Or Tolerating Violence Against Gay People.” “Speaking to the U.N. Human Rights Council, before an audience that included diplomats from Arab, African and other countries with poor records on gay rights, Clinton said religious beliefs and cultural practices are no excuse for discriminating or tolerating violence against gay people. ‘No practice or tradition trumps the human rights that belong to all of us, and this holds true for inflicting violence on LGBT people,’ she said. ‘It is a violation of human rights when people are beaten or killed because of their sexual orientation, or because they do not conform to cultural norms about how men and women should look or behave.’” [CNN, 12/6/11] CNN: Under Secretary Clinton, “The State Department Has Raised Concerns About Proposed Laws In Nigeria That Would Criminalize Conduct, As Well As In Uganda, Which Would Have In Some Cases Applied The Death Penalty.” [CNN, 12/6/11] New York Times: “In June [2014], At The Aspen Ideas Festival, Mrs. Clinton Denounced Russia’s Treatment Of Lesbians, Gay Men, Bisexuals And Transgender People.” [New York Times, 8/31/14] State Department: “In December 2010, The State Department Led Efforts At The UN General Assembly To [Successfully] Reinsert Language On Sexual Orientation Into A Resolution On Extrajudicial, Summary, And Arbitrary Executions, After The Language’s Removal In Committee.” “In December 2010, the State Department led efforts at the UN General Assembly to reinsert language on sexual orientation into a resolution on extrajudicial, summary, and arbitrary executions, after the language’s removal in committee. The amendment was approved by a 93-55 margin.” [State Department, 12/6/11] …AND INSTITUTED LGBT PROTECTIONS AT STATE DEPARTMENT CNN’s Frida Ghitis: Thanks To Secretary Clinton, “Today, American Diplomats, As Part Of Their Official Mandate And As An Explicit Tenet Of U.S. Values, Must Speak Up For The Rights Of Individuals Experiencing Persecution On The Basis Of Their Sexual Orientation.” “In doing this, she announced it was now the official policy of the U.S. government to promote the rights of LGBT people everywhere. Clinton has always been a couple of steps ahead of President Barack Obama when it comes to gay rights. It's a safe bet she persuaded him to jump on board and put the full force of the administration behind this new policy…Today, American diplomats, as part of their official mandate and as an explicit tenet of U.S. values, must speak up for the rights of individuals experiencing persecution on the basis of their sexual orientation, as when a couple were sentenced in Cameroon for ‘looking’ gay.” [Frida Ghitis, CNN, 2/7/13] New York Times: Secretary Clinton “Asked American Diplomats To Raise The Issue Wherever Harassment Or Abuse Arises And Required A Record Of Them In The State Department’s Annual Report On Human Rights.” “The administration’s announcement formalizes several steps that Mrs. Clinton has already ordered. She has asked American diplomats to raise the issue wherever harassment or abuse arises and required a record of them in the State Department’s annual report on human rights. On Tuesday, she also announced a $3 million program to finance gay-rights organizations to combat discrimination, violence and other abuses.” [New York Times, 12/6/11]
State Department: “In June 2010, Secretary Clinton Revised State Department Equal Employment Opportunity Policy [And]… Explicitly Added Protection Against Discriminatory Treatment Of Employees And Job Applicants Based On Gender Identity.” “In June 2010, Secretary Clinton revised State Department equal employment opportunity policy. As the previous policy prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation, the new policy explicitly added protection against discriminatory treatment of employees and job applicants based on gender identity.” [State Department, 12/6/11] State Department: “As One Of Her First Acts In Office, Secretary Clinton Directed A Review Of Whether The State Department Could Extend Additional Benefits To Domestic Partners,” Which The Department Eventually Did. “As one of her first acts in office, Secretary Clinton directed a review of whether the State Department could extend additional benefits to domestic partners. Following President Obama’s 2009 memorandum on same-sex domestic partners’ benefits, the State Department announced extension of the full range of legally available benefits and allowances to same-sex domestic partners of Foreign Service staff serving abroad.” [State Department, 12/6/11] AFTER LEAVING THE STATE DEPARTMENT, SECRETARY CLINTON ANNOUNCED HER PERSONAL SUPPORT FOR MARRIAGE EQUALITY Politico: In March 2013, “Former Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton Endorsed Gay Marriage On Monday, Saying She Supports It ‘Personally, And As A Matter Of Policy And Law.’” “In a move that could have implications for a 2016 White House campaign, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton endorsed gay marriage on Monday, saying she supports it ‘personally, and as a matter of policy and law.’” [Politico, 3/18/13] Secretary Clinton: “I Made A Very Clear Statement When I Got Out Of The State Department. I Was Free To Comment On Domestic Political Issues That I Fully Support Marriage Equality.” “I made a very clear statement when I got out of the State Department. I was free to comment on domestic political issues that I fully support marriage equality. That like most Americans I know, my views have changed over time. I think evolved is the word that a lot of people have used. It fits me as well as it fits others.” [CNN Town Hall, 6/17/14] Secretary Clinton: Marriage “Should Be Available To Everyone Regardless Of Who They Love.” “In large measure, based on the experiences that I had with so many people who I knew and cared about, and it really became very clear to me that if we're going to support marriage in our country, it should be available to everyone regardless of who they love and that this marriage equality issue is a great human rights issue.” [CNN Town Hall, 6/17/14] Secretary Clinton: “I'm Very, Very Proud To State That I'm A Full Supporter Of Marriage Equality.” [CNN Town Hall, 6/17/14] CNN’s Frida Ghitis: “[Secretary] Clinton Has Always Been A Couple Of Steps Ahead Of President Barack Obama When It Comes To Gay Rights.” [Frida Ghitis, CNN, 1/30/13] SECRETARY CLINTON SPOKE OUT AGAINST STATE LAWS THAT ALLOWED DISCRIMINATION AGAINST LGBT AMERICANS Secretary Clinton: “Like IN Law, AR Bill Goes Beyond Protecting Religion, Would Permit Unfair Discrimination Against #LGBT Americans…I Urge Governor To Veto.” [Twitter, @HillaryClinton, 4/1/15] WEALTHY/OUT-OF-TOUCH 2016ER ATTACKS
JEB BUSH CRITICIZED HILLARY CLINTON’S REMARK THAT SHE HADN’T DRIVEN SINCE 1996 Jeb Bush Jabbed At Hillary Clinton’s Remark To The 2014 NADA Convention That She Hadn’t Driven Since 1996, Assuring The Convention That “For The Record, I Do Drive” And Noting He Had Just Bought A Ford Fusion. “Clinton was a keynote speaker at last year’s auto dealers convention, in New Orleans, where she disclosed that she had not driven a car in nearly 20 years. ‘The last time I actually drove a car myself was 1996,’ she said. Jokingly, she added: ‘I remember it very well. Unfortunately, so does the Secret Service, which is why I haven’t driven since then.’ Bush made an indirect reference to Clinton’s remark. During the question-and-answer session, when the association’s chairman asked Bush his favorite kind of car, Bush said he just bought a Ford Fusion. ‘For the record, I do drive,’ he said, adding that he plans to return to the dealership for a two-hour tutorial on the Fusion’s technology.” [Washington Post, 1/23/15] Jeb Bush Claimed He Drove Himself To Chipotle And Eats It At Home. “Bush also took a shot at Hillary Clinton’s trip to Chipotle, saying that he cooks at home and that he doesn’t need to go to the fast- casual chain — though sometimes he does. ‘Do I go there? Yeah, I go there. The one on US 1. Drive my own car, park my own car, get out of my own car,’ he said, according to ABC News, in an apparent reference to Clinton’s stopover in Maumee, Ohio, earlier this week. ‘Get Chipotle, take it home.’” [Politico, 4/17/15] New York Times: Jeb Bush’s Remark That He Drove Himself To Chipotle When He Went There Was Seen As “An Apparent Swipe At [Hillary] Clinton, Who Has Said She Hasn’t Driven Since 1996.” “Afterward, Mr. Bush ambled to the kitchen of the tiny Concord Snowshoe Club, which was jammed with reporters waiting to see him take a slice of pie. As he poked a fork into a slice of overstuffed blueberry pie, Mr. Bush was asked by a reporter if he ever eats at Chipotle – the Mexican fast-food restaurant where Mrs. Clinton this week made a sunglasses-clad incognito appearance in Ohio. Mr. Bush said he cooked Mexican food at home – his wife is Mexican – and doesn’t need to go out. But he does eat at Chipotle, he said. And when he goes, he added, he drives himself and parks himself, an apparent swipe at Mrs. Clinton, who has said she hasn’t driven since 1996.” [New York Times, 4/16/15] JEB BUSH SAID HE DROVE HIMSELF TO CHIPOTLE, IN RESPONSE TO CLINTON’S ROAD TRIP Jeb Bush Claimed He Drove Himself To Chipotle And Eats It At Home. “Bush also took a shot at Hillary Clinton’s trip to Chipotle, saying that he cooks at home and that he doesn’t need to go to the fast- casual chain — though sometimes he does. ‘Do I go there? Yeah, I go there. The one on US 1. Drive my own car, park my own car, get out of my own car,’ he said, according to ABC News, in an apparent reference to Clinton’s stopover in Maumee, Ohio, earlier this week. ‘Get Chipotle, take it home.’” [Politico, 4/17/15] Jeb Bush Claimed He Cooked Mexican Food At Home So He Didn’t Need To Go To Chipotle. “When it comes to chipotle, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush cooks it himself. ‘I actually cook it at home. I don’t need to go to Chipotle,’ Bush said at a Republican gathering at the Snow Shoe Club here when asked whether he goes to the burrito restaurant. Though he didn’t mention Hillary Clinton by name, Bush was clearly aware of her recent Ohio pit stop to the Mexican fast food chain on her road trip across the country, taking the opportunity tonight to take a not-so-subtle jab at the former secretary of state.” [ABC News, 4/16/15] Jeb Bush, Asked What He Thought Of Hillary Clinton’s Trip To Chipotle, Told Crowd He Didn’t Need To Go To Chipotle Because He Cooked Mexican Food At Home, But Said He Drove His Own Car There And Brought Chipotle Home When He Did. “Potential opponent Hillary Clinton's trip to Iowa this week was also a topic of conversation - one person from the audience asked what he thought of her trip to Chipotle, responding ‘I actually cook it at home. I don't need go to Chipotle. Do I go there? Yeah I go there. Drive my own car. Park my own car. Get out of my own car. Buy Chipotle, take it home.’” [CBS News, 4/17/15]
HEADLINE: “Jeb Bush Takes Jab at Hillary Clinton: 'I Don’t Need to Go to Chipotle.'” [ABC News, 4/16/15] JEB BUSH’S PLANNED TAX RETURN RELEASE WAS INTENDED TO HEIGHTEN HIS CONTRAST WITH HILLARY CLINTON Jeb Bush Associates Said His Planned Tax Return Release Was Intended To Dispel Romney Comparisons And Heighten Contrast With Hillary Clinton. “Candidates for president are not required to release tax returns. But many have done so – to greater and lesser degrees – for decades. [Jeb] Bush associates and other senior Republicans say that in addition to dispelling comparisons to Romney, the effort to be transparent about his finances is also meant to contrast with Hillary Clinton, the favorite for the Democratic nomination. Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, amassed tens of millions of dollars over the last 14 years. Republicans are expected to press for disclosure of extensive tax return information as well as more detailed accounting of the finances of the non-profit Clinton Foundation.” [Politico, 1/7/15] WALKER CALLED HILLARY CLINTON ELITIST AND SAID SHE WAS OUT OF TOUCH WITH AMERICANS Walker: The Way Hillary Clinton Reacted To Questions About Her Emails Proved She Was Out Of Touch Because She Seemed Like “She Couldn’t Believe She Actually Had To Respond To That.” “WALKER: ‘Well, I think you look at a whole pattern of things. Even the way she reacted to the e-mails. And then I think the fact and sort of saying, hey, this was a mistake. It was almost like when she stood in front of the U.N. and talked about this. She couldn't believe she actually had to respond to that. When you look at saying, you were dead broke but when you came out of the White House when she had a book deal pending and two houses out there. When she talk about not having driven for 18 years. I think those are all things that everyday people really wonder what is it that they're talking about. This is not someone who's connected with every day America.’” [The Kelly File, Fox News, 4/20/15] Walker: I Doubt Hillary Clinton Has Been To Kohl’s, Let Alone Shopped In The Last 15 To 20 Years. “Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin repeatedly laced into Mrs. Clinton as well, charging that she ''thinks the way to grow the economy is to grow Washington'' and would not reform federal entitlement programs that many Democrats cherish. He also cast her as out of touch by contrasting his discount shopping habits with hers: ‘I doubt that the presumptive nominee for the other party has ever been to Kohl's before, let alone shopped in the last 15 to 20 years.’” [New York Times, 4/18/15] Washington Post: Walker’s Line Of Attack Against Clinton Was That She Was An Elitist And He Was Not. “Sensing a tough, expensive general-election campaign against Clinton on the horizon — and an electoral map that could favor the Democrats — each Republican camp is plotting how to convincingly make the case as her best-positioned challenger … For Walker, that process has largely been straightforward, and he has developed what may be the clearest line of attack against Clinton: that she’s an elitist and he’s not.” [Washington Post, 4/19/15] RUBIO SAID HILLARY CLINTON WILL STRUGGLE TO CONNECT WITH EVERYDAY AMERICANS Rubio: “I Think Secretary Clinton’s Going To Struggle To Connect With Everyday Americans And Their Struggles Of Daily Life.” HH: “Now Senator Rubio, Secretary Clinton’s got this gimmick going. She’s driving around, she stopped at a Pilot Flying J, which makes her a backer of the Browns under Jimmy Haslam, so I like that. But can we, can you give us a comment on what you think about what is obviously a bit hackneyed, get in the van and drive around Iowa approach to this campaign and take no questions?” MR: “Well look, I think Secretary Clinton’s going to struggle to connect with everyday Americans and their struggles of daily life. I mean, and that’s a big problem. That’s one of the reasons why her ideas are so outdated. They’re still ideas based on an era that came and went. The 21st Century is just a dramatically different time. I mean, there are millions of people out there that are working as hard as they ever had. But now they live paycheck to paycheck. They weren’t living paycheck to paycheck with those jobs a decade or longer ago. They are now. They are one unexpected expense away from disaster.
If their car breaks down, their refrigerator gives out, a tire blows, they’re in a lot of trouble. And people know that. It’s an extraordinary amount of insecurity, and we need to address that.” [Hugh Hewitt, 4/14/15; AUDIO] Rubio: Clinton’s Ideas “To Help Every Americans Will Not Help Everyday Americans.” GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS (ABC NEWS) (Off-camera) “She says she wants to run to be the champion of everyday Americans. Why are you running?” MARCO RUBIO (2016 REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE) “Because her ideas to help every Americans will not help everyday Americans.” [Good Morning America, ABC, 4/14/15] RAND PAUL SAID HILLARY CLINTON HAD SO MUCH BAGGAGE SHE NEEDED A SECOND PLANE FOR IT Rand Paul Said That Hillary Clinton Would Need “Two Planes – One For Her And Her Entourage, And One For Her Baggage.” “Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) dinged Hillary Clinton during a speech in New Hampshire on Saturday, suggesting the Democratic presidential candidate could face a serious primary challenge. ‘I'm starting to worry that when Hillary Clinton travels, there's gonna need to be two planes – one for her and her entourage, and one for her baggage,’ Paul, himself a presidential candidate, said to laughs and applause at the Republican Leadership Summit. ‘I'm concerned that the plane with the baggage is really getting heavy and teetering,’ Paul added.” [The Hill, 4/18/15] Rand Paul Said Hillary Clinton’s Lack Of Defense For Benghazi, Her Use Of A Private Email Server And Foreign Contributions Were All Baggage – So Much That She Would Need A Whole Plane For It. BILL HEMMER: “What do you mean, baggage? How would you define that in 18 seconds or less?” RAND PAUL: “Well, baggage is something that's harmful to you that has to do with your history, basically. And I think her [Hillary Clinton] lack of defense over Benghazi's baggage, I think her e-mail server that was not a government server, is baggage. And I also think these contributions to the Clinton Foundation are baggage. So yeah, I think she'll need a whole plane for it.” [America’s Newsroom, Fox News, 4/21/15] CLINTON DEFENSE HUMBLE ORIGINS SECRETARY CLINTON’S MOTHER GREW UP “IN A HOME OF NEGLECT AND ABUSE” Daily Beast: “As A Girl, Clinton’s Mother, Dorothy Rodham, Grew Up In A Home Of Neglect And Abuse” And For Clinton’s Mother, “College Was Financially Impossible.” “Secretary of State Hillary Clinton quieted a room of nearly 2,300 people on Thursday with a story of her mother’s girlhood struggles, while speaking at a New York Women’s Foundation breakfast in Manhattan. As a girl, Clinton’s mother, Dorothy Rodham, grew up in a home of neglect and abuse, Clinton said. At 8 years old, Rodham escorted her younger sister to California by train, alone, to reside with their paternal grandparents. She worked as a nanny for money, and excelled at high school, but college was financially impossible.” [Daily Beast, 5/10/12] New York Times: As A Child, Clinton’s Mother Was Given Food By A Teacher Who “Recognized A Child In Need.” “Clinton said her mother told her about ‘those moments of kindness that kept her going’ in her childhood, such as a teacher who shared food with her at school, pretending she had brought too much food for herself, when really she recognized a child in need. ‘When I was old enough to understand the challenges my own mother faced, that lit a spark,’ Clinton said.” [New York Times, 4/23/15] Hillary For America: “Hillary Grew Up In A Middle Class Family In Park Ridge, A Suburb Of Chicago, Illinois. Her Dad Was A World War II Veteran, He Owned A Small Business, Printing Drapery, He Operated The Press Himself, And Hillary And Her Two Brothers Helped Out.” [Talking Points, Hillary for America, 4/12/15]
CHARITABLE WORK HILLARY CLINTON HAS COMMITTED HER LIFE TO PUBLIC SERVICE, WITH A SPECIAL FOCUS ON IMPROVING THE LIVES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN Children’s Defense Fund: Hillary Clinton Joined The Children’s Defense Fund “As A Young Staff Attorney Right Out Of Law School And Knocked On Doors To Research And Help Prepare CDF’s First Landmark Report…A Major Catalyst For The Enactment Of The Education For All Handicapped Children Act.” “Hillary Rodham Clinton was with [the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF)] from the beginning. Rodham joined CDF as a young staff attorney right out of law school and knocked on doors to research and help prepare CDF’s first landmark report, Children Out of School in America – a major catalyst for the enactment of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, now the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.” [Press Release, Children’s Defense Fund, 9/30/13] Washington Post: “Hillary Rodham Clinton…Through More Than Three Decades In Public Life Has Advocated On Behalf Of Children.” [Washington Post, 6/27/13] NPR: “Talking About So-Called Women's Issues May Be Trendy These Days, But Clinton Has Been Working On These Issues Essentially Her Whole Life. Some Of This Passion May Have Been Driven By Her Own Mother's Difficult Childhood.” [NPR, 4/11/15] NPR: Beginning In High School, Where Clinton Baby-Sat “The Children Of Migrant Laborers… Her Resume Continues With One Item After Another Aimed At Improving The Lives Of Women And Children.” “When Clinton was in high school, she volunteered with her church youth group to baby-sit the children of migrant laborers. From there, her resume continues with one item after another aimed at improving the lives of women and children.” [NPR, 4/11/15] NPR: Hillary Clinton Used Her Roles As First Lady And Secretary Of State As “Platforms She Used To Advance Women's Empowerment And The Well-Being Of Children Worldwide.” “In Arkansas, [Hillary Clinton] co-founded the group Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families. And all of this was before she became first lady and secretary of state, both platforms she used to advance women's empowerment and the well-being of children worldwide.” [NPR, 4/11/15] THROUGH THE CLINTON FOUNDATION, HILLARY CLINTON HAS PROMOTED INITIATIVES TO EMPOWER WOMEN, EDUCATE CHILDREN, AND REDUCE YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT HEADLINE: “Hillary Clinton Announces ‘No Ceilings’ Initiative To Empower Women” [Washington Post, 11/1/13] • Clinton Foundation: “No Ceilings Brings Together Global Partners To Build An Evidence- Based Case For Full Participation And Accelerate Progress For Women And Girls.” “No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project is an initiative led by Secretary Clinton and Chelsea Clinton to advance the full participation of women and girls around the world. Access to equal rights and opportunities for women and girls is the unfinished business of the 21st century and is essential for achieving prosperity, stability, and security across the globe. No Ceilings brings together global partners to build an evidence-based case for full participation and accelerate progress for women and girls.” [Annual Report, Clinton Foundation, 2013-2014] • Clinton Foundation: No Ceilings And Its Partners Pledged $600 Million “To Help 14 Million Girls Receive A Safe And Quality Secondary Education Over The Next Five Years.” “CHARGE – the Collaborative for Harnessing Ambition and Resources for Girls’ Education – is a $600 million commitment by No Ceilings and the Center on Universal Education at the Brookings Institution that brings together 30 crosssector partners to help 14 million girls receive a safe and quality secondary education over the next five years. The collaborative will ensure that girls can attend and complete primary and secondary school; make schools safer and more secure; improve the quality of learning;
support girls’ transition to higher education and employment; and cultivate local leaders to champion this work at the grassroots level.” [Annual Report, Clinton Foundation, 2013-2014] Christian Science Monitor On Secretary Clinton: “The Longtime Children’s Advocate Helped Launch The Too Small To Fail Initiative To Promote Ways That Parents, Businesses, And Communities Can Give Children A Better Start In The Critical Years Between Birth And Age 5.” “The people who will benefit most from Hillary Rodham Clinton’s new life beyond the Beltway are too young to follow her on Twitter. On Friday, the longtime children’s advocate helped launch the Too Small to Fail initiative to promote ways that parents, businesses, and communities can give children a better start in the critical years between birth and age 5. The campaign will help publicize research on the relationship between babies’ and toddlers’ experiences and brain development. It will provide guidance to parents on simple steps to enhance children’s health and early learning opportunities. And it aims to secure commitments from private businesses, both through financial investments and through structures that help working parents spend quality time with their children.” [Christian Science Monitor, 6/14/13] • Clinton Foundation: “Too Small To Fail Is Building A Public Action Campaign Focused On Closing [The] Word Gap To Help Ensure That All Children Start School Ready To Learn.” “Too Small to Fail, a joint initiative launched in 2013 by the Clinton Foundation and Next Generation, aims to help parents and communities take meaningful actions to improve the health and well-being of children ages zero to five, and prepare them to succeed in the 21st century. Studies show that by age four, children from lower income families hear, on average, 30 million fewer words than their peers from higher income families, creating a ‘word gap’ that sets them back before they’ve entered their first classroom. Working with partners across the country, Too Small to Fail is building a public action campaign focused on closing this word gap to help ensure that all children start school ready to learn.” [Annual Report, Clinton Foundation, 2013-2014] Associated Press: “Hillary Rodham Clinton Is Encouraging Companies To Train And Hire Young People…Launching A Project Called ‘Job One.’” “Hillary Rodham Clinton is encouraging companies to train and hire young people, offering a new jobs pitch during her family's annual domestic policy summit as she considers another presidential campaign. The former secretary of state was launching a project called ‘Job One’ at the Clinton Global Initiative America meeting Tuesday, featuring hiring, training and mentoring initiatives from 10 companies, including The Gap, JPMorgan Chase, Microsoft and Marriott.” [Associated Press, 6/24/14] • Clinton Foundation: Job One Encouraged Partnerships To “Expand Training, Hiring, Or Mentoring Opportunities For Youth And Build The Business Case For More Companies To Engage Unemployed Youth.” “Through Job One, a key focus area of Secretary Clinton’s work at the Clinton Foundation, the Foundation is bolstering an often-missed element from our national workforce training conversations: business-designed and -led career pathways for opportunity youth – young people who are both out-of-school and out-of-work. By working hand-in-hand with businesses, leading non-profits, economists, and advocates across the country, the Clinton Foundation is helping to identify and scale effective ways for companies to address their core business needs through engaging opportunity youth… In 2014, Job One encouraged and spotlighted 16 Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Commitments to Action that expand training, hiring, or mentoring opportunities for youth and build the business case for more companies to engage unemployed youth.” [Annual Report, Clinton Foundation, 2014] FOCUS ON EVERYDAY AMERICANS SECRETARY CLINTON PLEDGED TO BE A CHAMPION FOR EVERYDAY AMERICANS, AND TO “FIGHT FOR PEOPLE SO THEY CAN…GET AHEAD AND STAY AHEAD” Brinster, Jeremy 5/4/2015 10:56 AM Secretary Clinton: “Everyday Americans Need A Champion, And I Want To Be That Champion.” Comment [1]: The important part here is [Hillary For America, 4/12/15] GOP vulnerabilities. She wants to be a champion for everyday Americans, Republican policies will hurt them.
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Politico: Secretary Clinton Pledged To “Stand Up And Fight For People So They Can…Get Ahead And Stay Ahead” In An Election Where “Wage Stagnation…Minimum Wage…Income Inequality” Are At The Forefront. “In her official announcement on Sunday and since, Clinton has said ‘the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top,’ that ‘people are struggling,’ that she wants to ‘stand up and fight for people so they cannot just get by, but they get ahead and stay ahead.’ Wage stagnation. Raising the minimum wage. Income inequality. The realistic prospects of the working families in this country in 2015. These are the issues that are at the forefront heading into this election cycle.” [Politico, 4/16/15] STATE DEPT EMAILS-SECURITY 2016ER ATTACKS JEB BUSH SLAMMED HILLARY CLINTON FOR USING PRIVATE EMAIL SERVER AS SECRETARY OF STATE, CALLED ON HER TO RELEASE HER EMAILS HEADLINE: “Jeb Bush: ‘Baffling’ That Hillary Clinton Didn’t Consider Security Risk Of Personal E- Mail.” [Washington Post, 3/6/15] Jeb Bush Said Hillary Clinton’s Decision To Use A Private Computer Server As Secretary Of State Was “A Little Baffling.” “During his conversation with Radio Iowa this morning, Bush also commented on the controversy surrounding the private computer server Hillary Clinton used for her email when she was secretary of state. Bush, as Florida’s governor, used a private email account and personal server. He still encourages people to send messages to that [email protected] address, but Bush indicated that, if he’s elected president, he would not use a private email account. ‘For security purposes, you need to be behind a firewall that recognizes the world for what it is and it’s a dangerous world and security would mean that you couldn’t have a private server,’ Bush said. ‘It’s a little baffling, to be honest with you, that didn’t come up in Secretary Clinton’s thought process.’” [Radio Iowa, 3/6/15] Jeb Bush Spokeswoman: “Hillary Clinton Should Release Her Emails. Hopefully She Hasn’t Already Destroyed Them…Governor Bush Believes Transparency Is A Critical Part Of Public Service And Of Governing.” “A potential rival of Clinton in the presidential campaign, former Gov. Jeb Bush (R-Fla.), called on the former secretary of state to make the collection of emails public. ‘Hillary Clinton should release her emails. Hopefully she hasn’t already destroyed them,’ Bush spokeswoman Kristy Campbell said. ‘Governor Bush believes transparency is a critical part of public service and of governing.’ Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill emphasized to the Times that emails Clinton sent to other government officials at their official accounts would have been archived as part of those accounts. In her statement, Psaki made the same point.” [Politico, 3/2/15] 3/2/15: Jeb Bush Called On Hillary Clinton To Release Her Unclassified Emails Because “Transparency Matters,” Noted He Released His. Jeb Bush @JebBush “Transparency matters. Unclassified @HillaryClinton emails should be released. You can see mine, here. http://jebbushemails.com.” [@jebbush, Twitter, 3/3/15] Jeb Bush Spokeswoman Dismissed Comparisons Between His Personal Email Server And Hillary Clinton’s, Noting “His Emails Were Available Via Public Records Requests Throughout His Time In Office And Have Remained Available.” “In an email of talking points to supporters, Burns Strider, a senior advisor to Correct the Record, a group that defends Mrs. Clinton in the news media, pointed out that former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida, also a likely 2016 presidential candidate, also hosts his own personal email server. Mr. Bush is a prolific user of email who continued to use his personal jeb.org domain, which his aides could also access, while he was in the governor’s office, said Kristy Campbell, Mr. Bush’s spokeswoman. Under Florida’s records laws, emails from Mr. Bush’s personal account have been made public. ‘His emails were available via public records requests throughout his time in office and have remained available,’ Ms. Campbell said.” [New York Times, 3/4/15]
RAND PAUL MOCKED HILLARY CLINTON FOR SAYING HER PRIVATE SERVER WAS GUARDED BY SECRET SERVICE Rand Paul On Hillary Clinton Saying Her Private Email Serve Was Protected By Secret Service: “Does She Think There’s, Like, Floppy Disks In Her Basement?” “‘The whole email thing,’ he continued, in reference to Clinton’s contentious use of a private email server while secretary of state, ‘is she sort of above the rules? She doesn’t have to use a government server? ‘My server was protected by the secret service’ – does she think there’s, like, floppy disks in her basement? I think there’s a lot more going on; there’s more coming.’” [The Guardian, 4/18/15] Rand Paul Said That Hillary Clinton Said Her Private Email Server Was Secure Because They Had People Guarding It, But Did She “Think People Are Hacking By Climbing In Through Your Basement Window To Hack Your Hard Drive?” RAND PAUL: “Yeah, well I mean, thing is she says it was secure because we had people guarding the server. It’s like, what does she think, there’s floppy disks down there or something? I mean, that’s crazy. You think people are hacking by climbing in through your basement window to hack your hard drive?” [SXSW, Austin TX, 3/15/15] RAND PAUL SUGGESTED HILLARY CLINTON ENDANGERED STATE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES AND NATIONAL SECURITY BY USING A PRIVATE EMAIL Rand Paul Said He Was Concerned About Russian Hackers Breaking Into Our Systems And Thought It Was Why We Required Our Officials To Use Government Servers, And That Hillary Clinton May Have Opened Herself Up To Espionage By Using A Private Server. WOLF BLITZER: “Our own justice reporter, Evan Perez, yesterday right here in THE SITUATION ROOM, he broke the news that the Russian government used hackers the break into the State Department and the White House computer system, had access to details about the president's schedule, his meetings, his movements. You are on the Foreign Relations Committee. How vulnerable is the United States that this could happen again?” RAND PAUL: “Well, it concerns me a great deal. And I think we have to protect ourselves. That's one of the reasons why I think we require that our high officials use government servers. And this is one of the concerns about Hillary Clinton in using a private server that she may have opened herself up to espionage and we will maybe never know the truth because she erased the files. But this is of a great deal of concern to me.” [Situation Room, CNN, 4/8/15] RAND PAUL THOUGHT HILLARY CLINTON SENT CLASSIFIED INFORMATION THROUGH HER PRIVATE SERVER BECAUSE HER SCHEDULE OR ANY CONVERSATIONS WITH THE PRESIDENT WERE ALL CLASSIFIED Rand Paul Said That Hillary Clinton’s Schedule As Secretary Of State Was Classified Because We Did Not Want People To Know Where She Was And Attack Her And He Questioned Whether She Ever Got Her Calendar Via Email. RAND PAUL: “See, I think there are two questions. The law has said we want all their emails to archive. I’m not really that huge on the whole archiving thing, you know, whether you can still have privacy with your emails. But the other part of the law’s for national security reasons. So for example, Hillary Clinton’s calendar is classified. Why? Because we don’t want people to know where she’s going, they might attack her. President’s schedule is classified – they release only the things where they’re going to have adequate security, where they’re going to let you know where the president is. So is she going to tell us she never got her calendar over email? Now she says they had –” [SXSW, Austin TX, 3/15/15] Rand Paul Said That If Hillary Clinton Was Communicating With The President, It Should Have Got Through A Secure Server. EVAN SMITH: “So your concern is that it’s not adequately secure. You’re not concerned that she used a private email address per se?” RAND PAUL: “Not so much. But I am concerned about – she said she didn’t want to carry two phones. I wish someone could explain to her you can put two email icons on your phone. I mean, the thing is that she said she didn’t want two phones for convenience sake. Well you know, convenience shouldn’t trump national security. If she’s communicating with the president, it ought to go through a secure server and that doesn’t mean guards guarding the floppy disk.” [SXSW, Austin TX, 3/15/15]
Rand Paul Said That General Petraeus Pled Guilty To Having Secure Information Unsecured And That Somebody Should Ask Hillary Clinton The Same, If Anything On Her Personal Email Should Have Been On A Secure Server. “’There is the question of whether or not if she [Hillary Clinton] has those emails on a personal email and they’re talking about secure subjects, whether that’s actually compromised,’ Paul said. ‘And that’s what he pled guilty to, what Petraeus pled guilty to, having secure information unsecured.’ ‘So I think somebody ought to ask the question, whether or not she has anything on the email that should have been on a secure server,’ Paul said.” [Buzzfeed, 3/6/15] RUBIO SAID HILLARY CLINTON’S USE OF PRIVATE EMAILS LEFT THEM “EXTREMELY VULNERABLE” TO HACKERS AND FOREIGN GOVERNMENT Rubio On Hillary Clinton Using A Private Email Account When She Was Secretary Of State: “Using A Private Server Outside The Government System Is Extremely Vulnerable, To Hackers And All Sorts Of Foreign Countries That Can Hack In And Get Secrets.” KELLY: “All right, let me switch gears with you because there was a lot of news today, we just talked about it, about Hillary Clinton using only, exclusively a personal e-mail account when she's secretary of state. Her team said, this is a nonissue. It's exactly the same thing Colin Powell did which there real questions about but that's what they're saying, there's no there, there. Your take on it?” RUBIO: “Well, there may or may not be obviously that's something that will have to be further examined. There are two there's that we have to look at. The first is using a private server outside the government system is extremely vulnerable, to hackers and all sorts of foreign countries that can hack in and get secrets. You're Secretary of State, potentially transacting national business on an unsecured server or private server and that leaves our secrets and not on just that but our strategies exposed for the Chinese and the Russian and other intelligence agencies.” [Kelly File, Fox News, 3/3/15] Rubio On Hillary Clinton Using A Private Email Account When She Was Secretary Of State: The State Department Disclosure Rule Was “Clearly Violated.” KELLY: “All right, let me switch gears with you because there was a lot of news today, we just talked about it, about Hillary Clinton using only, exclusively a personal e-mail account when she's secretary of state. Her team said, this is a nonissue. It's exactly the same thing Colin Powell did which there real questions about but that's what they're saying, there's no there, there. Your take on it?” […] RUBIO: “And the other is, the state department has a rule because the diplomatic discourse and so forth, is part of the archives of the United States. So that rule was clearly violated.” [Kelly File, Fox News, 3/3/15] Rubio When Asked If He Would Use Email If He Was In The Executive Branch In 2017: “You Shouldn’t Put Anything Into Email You Don’t Thinks Going To Be Read By A Foreign Intelligence Agency.” “When Rubio was asked whether he'd use email if he were in the executive branch in 2017, his answer focused on security. ‘You shouldn't put anything into email you don't thinks going to be read by a foreign intelligence agency. Especially if you're the president of the United States or a candidate for it, it's a real risk,’ he said. He added that ‘virtually every major presidential campaign in the last two cycles has been hacked by a foreign government or foreign intelligence to some extent, so there's a danger involved in communications because it gives your adversaries insight into your thinking and so forth.’” [CBS News, 3/4/15] Rubio On Hillary Clinton’s Email Controversy At The State Department: If She Was “Transacting State Department Business On An Insecure Server, That Alone Is Reason To Be Alarmed.” VAN SUSTEREN: “What about the Hillary Clinton, secretary of state, controversy over the emails?” RUBIO: “Number one, it appears she violated the rules that the State Department had established. But the bigger concern is was she transacting government business on a server that's not secure? Because we know these servers are targets for foreign intelligence. We know the Chinese, the Russians, the North Koreans, the Cubans and others are constantly trying to hack into computers, and especially that of governmental officials. She if was transacting State Department business on an insecure server, that alone is reason to be alarmed.” [On the Record w/ Greta van Susteren, Fox News, 3/4/15]
Rubio On Hillary Clinton’s State Department Email Controversy: “The Security Elements Of This Are What’s Most Concerning. If In Fact, She Was Conducting Official State Department Business Of That Magnitude On A Private Server, It Shows Poor Judgement.” HANNITY: “Senator Rubio, you be making an effort to become the next president. What do you make of all of these controversies involving her?” RUBIO: “I’m interested to see what happened over the next few days. What’s relevant here is whatever was being written about with regards to state department business, in particular, for the following reason. If you have a server at home that you’re conducting sensitive diplomatic conservations, even stuff that isn’t classified, it’s vulnerable to hacking and intrusion by foreign intelligence agencies. They constantly try to intrude on the government computers. It would be a lot easier, usually, to get into a personal service system, as well. And your concerned about that, because they’re not just looking for classified information, they’re looking for into any sort of back and forth that gives them insight into US diplomatic strategy and things of this nature. So to me, the security elements of this are what’s most concerning. If in fact, she was conducting official state department business of that magnitude on a private server, it shows poor judgement.” [Hannity radio show, 3/10/15; AUDIO] Rubio On The Hillary Clinton Email Controversy: “It's Not So Much The E-Mails And The Traffic, It's Whether There Was Sensitive -- Even If It Isn't Classified. Sensitive Information Regarding U.S. Diplomacies, Strategic Views Et Cetera That Were Contain In Those E-Mails. If You Are Using A Private Server, You Make Them Susceptible To Foreign Espionage.” GUILFOYLE: All right, lots of discussion, Senator, about the legality or illegality thereof -- Hillary Clinton doing this, depriving the people, the tax payers of those public records, your thoughts. RUBIO: So she claims that all of the e- mails that have anything to do with the State Department have been turned over to the State Department. So now, let's see what the State Department produces. I think the bigger issue on the one that I focus on is, it's not so much the e-mails and the traffic, it's whether there was sensitive -- even if it isn't classified. Sensitive information regarding U.S. diplomacies, strategic views et cetera that were contain in those e- mails. If you are using a private server, you make them susceptible to foreign -- foreign espionage. We know for a fact that multiple nations and even some non-state actors are constantly looking to have access to all sorts of drivers and all sorts of technology that are used by government all leaders, even candidates. And if there was anything in those e-mails that was sensitive in nature, not just -- and classified, God forbid, but even sensitive. I think it puts national security at risk and that's an important question that needs to be answer. Was she insecure in the way she used her communication?” [The Five, Fox News, 3/30/15] WALKER BLASTED SECRETARY CLINTON’S “AUDACITY” IN USING A PRIVATE EMAIL ADDRESS AND SAID SHE COULD NOT ENSURE THAT CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION WASN’T COMPROMISED HEADLINE: “Walker Says Clinton ‘Should Answer Questions’ About Email Use.” [New York Times, 3/5/15] • Walker: Hillary Clinton’s Potential Evasion Of Laws Was Something She Should Answer Questions About. “Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, a likely Republican presidential candidate in 2016, criticized Hillary Rodham Clinton for using a personal email account when she was secretary of state. ‘Hillary Clinton's potential evasion of laws is something she should answer questions about,’ Mr. Walker said through his spokeswoman, Kirsten Kukowski, in an email.” [New York Times, 3/5/15] HEADLINE: “Walker Rips Clinton For ‘Audacity’ In Email Scandal.” [Weekly Standard, 3/9/15] • Walker: How Could Hillary Clinton Ensure That Confidential Information Wasn’t Compromised? “In an interview Sunday afternoon, Scott Walker strongly criticized Hillary Clinton's exclusive use of private email as secretary of state and rejected accusations that he's guilty of hypocrisy on the issue. ‘It’s a logical assumption that the secretary of state is talking about highly confidential classified information. How can she ensure that that information wasn’t compromised?’ Walker told The Weekly Standard following an event with supporters in Des Moines.” [Weekly Standard, 3/9/15]
• Walker: The Bigger Issue Was The “Audacity” For Hillary Clinton To Put Her Personal Interest Above The Interests Of The Country. “‘It’s a logical assumption that the secretary of state is talking about highly confidential classified information. How can she ensure that that information wasn’t compromised?’ Walker told the Weekly Standard following an event with supporters in Des Moines. ‘I think that’s the bigger issue—is the audacity to think that someone would put their personal interest above classified, confidential, highly sensitive information that’s not only important to her but to the United States of America. I think is an outrage that Democrats as well as Republicans should be concerned about.’” [Weekly Standard, 3/9/15] CLINTON DEFENSE CLASSIFIED MATERIAL WAS NOT SENT OR RECEIVED BE SECRETARY CLINTON ON HER PRIVATE EMAIL ADDRESS Clinton Spokesman: “A Separate, Closed System Was Used By The Department For The Sole Purpose Of Handling Classified Communications Which Was Designed To Prevent Such Information From Being Transmitted Anywhere Other Than Within That System, Including To Outside Email Accounts.” “Was classified material sent or received by Secretary Clinton on this email address? No. A separate, closed system was used by the Department for the sole purpose of handling classified communications which was designed to prevent such information from being transmitted anywhere other than within that system, including to outside email accounts.” [Nick Merrill, 3/10/15] Clinton Spokesman: “Classified Information Was Viewed In Hard Copy By The Secretary While In The Office. While On Travel, The Department Had Rigorous Protocols For Her And Traveling Staff To Receive And Transmit Information Of All Types.” “How did Secretary Clinton receive and consume classified information? The Secretary’s office is located in a secure area. Classified information was viewed in hard copy by the Secretary while in the office. While on travel, the Department had rigorous protocols for her and traveling staff to receive and transmit information of all types.” [Nick Merrill, 3/10/15] THERE IS NO EVIDENCE THERE WAS A BREACH OF SECRETARY CLINTON’S SERVER, AND STEPS WERE TAKEN TO ENSURE SECURITY AFTER AN UNRELATED HACK Clinton Spokesman: “There Is No Evidence There Was Ever A Breach” Of Secretary Clinton’s Private Email Server. “Was the server ever hacked? No, there is no evidence there was ever a breach.” [Nick Merrill, 3/10/15] Clinton Spokesman: There Was No “Unauthorized Intrusion” Into Secretary Clinton’s Email, Nor Was Anyone Else Given Access to It. “Was there ever an unauthorized intrusion into her email or did anyone else have access to it? No.” [Nick Merrill, 3/10/15] Clinton Spokesman: When Secretary Clinton’s Email Address Was Exposed In February 2013, “Steps Were Taken At That Time To Ensure The Security And Integrity Of Her Electronic Communications.” “What was done after her email was exposed in February 2013 after the hacker known as ‘Guccifer”’ hacked Sid Blumenthal’s account? While this was not a breach of Secretary Clinton’s account, because her email address was exposed, steps were taken at that time to ensure the security and integrity of her electronic communications.” [Nick Merrill, 3/10/15] SECRETARY DID NOT ROUTINELY CORRESPOND WITH FOREIGN LEADERS THROUGH EMAIL Clinton Spokesman: “During Her Time At State, [Clinton] Communicated With Foreign Officials In Person, Through Correspondence, And By Telephone…The Review Of All Of Her Emails Revealed Only One Email With A Foreign (UK) Official.” [Nick Merrill, 3/10/15] SECRETARY CLINTON’S PRIVATE SERVER EMPLOYED SOPHISTICATED SECURITY MEASURES…
Guardian: Cyber Security Experts Said Secretary Clinton’s Private Server “Employs Several Techniques To Obscure Its Location As Well As Some Sophisticated Security Shields To Protect It From Hackers.” “The private email infrastructure created by Hillary Clinton after she left the State Department employs several techniques to obscure its location as well as some sophisticated security shields to protect it from hackers, cyber security experts have told the Guardian.” [Guardian, 3/7/15] Washington Times: “Experts Say…Mrs. Clinton’s Email Server At Her Suburban New York Home In Chappaqua Might Not Have Been Much Less Secure Than The Official Ones At State.” “Ironically, experts say, Mrs. Clinton’s email server at her suburban New York home in Chappaqua might not have been much less secure than the official ones at State, given the lapses at Foggy Bottom. ‘Given the fact that every two years the Chinese or the Russians succeed in getting into the State server it’s not clear it [Mrs. Clinton’s server] made that much difference,’ said James Lewis, director and senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and a former State Department employee.” [Washington Times, 4/2/15] AND DURING THE TIME CLINTON SERVED AS SECRETARY OF STATE, THE STATE DEPARTMENT STRUGGLED TO ENSURE THAT ITS OWN COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS WERE SECURE Brinster, Jeremy 5/5/2015 7:53 PM Wall Street Journal: “The Government Faces Challenges Keeping Hackers Out Of Its Own Comment [2]: Adding this here but obviously Networks.” “For all of the U.S. government’s prowess at getting into people’s computers through the its tricky NSA and the military’s Cyber Command, the government faces challenges keeping hackers out of its own networks.” [Wall Street Journal, 2/19/15] Buzzfeed: “The State Department’s Communications System Is Operating Without Basic Technical Security Measures In Place, Despite Warnings About Its Vulnerabilities.” “The State Department’s communications system is operating without basic technical security measures in place, despite warnings about its vulnerabilities, according to documents obtained by BuzzFeed and sources who have worked on the project. The system, known as SMART (the State Messaging and Archive Retrieval Toolset), is used to share internal State Department documents, including sensitive diplomatic cables — the type of document released to WikiLeaks in 2010, in the biggest data breach in the history of the United States government.” [Buzzfeed, 10/2/13] Buzzfeed: “Failures Have Left Thousands Of [State Department] Cables And Messages, Including Highly Sensitive And Classified Ones, Vulnerable To Espionage Or Leaks For The Last Four Years.” “The sources, who spoke to BuzzFeed on condition of anonymity, say the failures have left thousands of cables and messages, including highly sensitive and classified ones, vulnerable to espionage or leaks for the last four years. The State Department approved the project (and hundreds of millions of dollars in payments to contractors) in 2009 despite known flaws, and proceeded even after the 2010 Chelsea Manning leaks, despite two inspector general reports condemning the project’s lack of security, and even after then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton promised to stop another leak.” [Buzzfeed, 10/2/13] STATE DEPT EMAILS-TRANSPARENCY 2016ER ATTACKS TED CRUZ CALLED FOR AN INVESTIGATION INTO HILLARY CLINTON’S PRIVATE EMAIL ACCOUNT HEADLINE: “Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz Says Justice Dept. Has An Obligation To Investigate Clinton Emails.” [Associated Press, 3/7/15]
![2016er Attacks - HRC Defense Master Doc - Page 73](/cdn-cgi/image/width=600,quality=80,format=webp/https://cdn.relayto.com/images_originals/576c1d5523856.jpeg)
Ted Cruz Said The Department Of Justice Should Investigate Hillary Clinton’s Use Of Private E- mail To Conduct Official Business As Secretary Of State. “Sen. Ted Cruz says the Justice Department should investigate Hillary Rodham Clinton's use of a private email account to conduct official business while she was secretary of state. The Texas Republican and possible 2016 presidential contender said Saturday that the department ‘absolutely’ should launch an investigation to determine whether Clinton violated any laws, adding that it has an ‘obligation to do so.’” [Associated Press, 3/7/15] HEADLINE: “Ted Cruz: DOJ Should Investigate Hillary Clinton’s Email.” [MSNBC, 3/7/15] Ted Cruz On Hillary Clinton’s E-mails: “I Think What She Has Admitted Right Now On Its Face Raises Serious Questions About Whether She Violated Federal Law, Or Even Potentially Committed Criminal Conduct.” “HH: One minute, Senator, what about her Homebrew statements? Do you think she’s telling the truth? TC: I think what she has admitted right now on its face raises serious questions about whether she violated federal law, or even potentially committed criminal conduct. There needs to be a fair and an impartial investigation.” [Ted Cruz Interview, Hugh Hewitt Show, 3/11/15; AUDIO] Ted Cruz Suggested A Special Prosecutor Was Necessary To Investigate Hillary Clinton’s E-mails. “HH: Special prosecutor? TC: It needs to not be a partisan prosecutor at the Department of Justice who is engaged simply in a cover up and a whitewash. It needs to be someone with impeccable integrity to investigate whether she violated the law.” [Ted Cruz Interview, Hugh Hewitt Show, 3/11/15; AUDIO] HEADLINE: “TED CRUZ: Hillary Clinton's Mass Email Deletion Could Be 'Criminal Conduct'”. [Business Insider, 4/1/15] RAND PAUL SAID HILLARY CLINTON WAS HYPOCRITICAL BECAUSE SHE FIRED A STATE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE FOR USING PRIVATE EMAIL Rand Paul Said There Was “Hypocrisy” For Hillary Clinton To Overcome Because She Fired One Of Her Ambassadors For Using Private Email, Then Did So Herself. RAND PAUL: “And here’s the thing about the Clintons – the Clintons kind of think the laws for you ordinary people. They think that they’re somehow above the law. She fired one of her ambassadors for using a private email, and then she did the same thing. The law can’t be different for different people, and I think that there’s a certain arrogance and hypocrisy that’s going to be difficult to overcome. She’s already destroyed 30,000 emails. She didn’t obey the rule in the emails and now we’re to trust her that the emails she destroyed had nothing to do with government functions.” [SXSW, Austin TX, 3/15/15] Rand Paul Said That It Was Illegal For The Executive Branch To Use Personal Email And Hillary Clinton Chastised One Of Her Employees For Doing So. “‘Well, apparently it’s illegal for the executive branch to do it that way,’ Paul said when asked about Clinton’s [personal] email issue. ‘And apparently she chastised her employees for doing that.’ ‘There’s a question also if she was talking about things — remember what happened with Petraeus, he was bringing home stuff that was not secured properly? He actually pled guilty not of giving it to anybody, but having it unsecured,’ Paul said.” [Buzzfeed, 3/6/15] RAND PAUL WAS “OFFENDED” HILLARY CLINTON DID NOT WANT TO CARRY TWO CELL PHONES OUT OF CONVENIENCE Rand Paul Said He Was “Offended” But The Fact Hillary Clinton Did Not Want To Carry Two Cell Phones Out Of Convenience And That It Was “Insulting That She Says For Convenience Sake That She May Have Endangered Our National Security.” “U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, who is expected to announce a run for president in the next couple of weeks, is taking aim at presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton, raising concerns about money her foundation accepted from ‘unsavory governments’ and the controversy surrounding the private email account she used while Secretary of State. ‘I’ve been offended by the fact that she said she didn’t want to carry two cell phones for convenience,’ the Kentucky Republican said of Clinton’s claim that she kept a private email address because it would be easier on her. ‘First thing — we ought to inform her than in the 21st century you can
put two email accounts on one phone ... It is insulting that she says for convenience sake that she may have endangered our national security.’” [Boston Herald, 3/25/15] Rand Paul Criticized Hillary Clinton Saying She Did Not Want To Carry Two Cell Phones: “We st Ought To Inform Her That In The 21 Century You Can Put Two Email Accounts On One Phone.” “U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, who is expected to announce a run for president in the next couple of weeks, is taking aim at presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton, raising concerns about money her foundation accepted from ‘unsavory governments’ and the controversy surrounding the private email account she used while Secretary of State. ‘I’ve been offended by the fact that she said she didn’t want to carry two cell phones for convenience,’ the Kentucky Republican said of Clinton’s claim that she kept a private email address because it would be easier on her. ‘First thing — we ought to inform her than in the 21st century you can put two email accounts on one phone ... It is insulting that she says for convenience sake that she may have endangered our national security.’” [Boston Herald, 3/25/15] Rand Paul On Hillary Clinton Using Private Email: “I Don’t Think Convenience Should Trump National Security.” MATT LAUER: “Secretary Clinton said she did this for convenience, she used that private e-mail server, she didn't want to carry two devices, she only wanted to carry one. You've called for this independent investigation. What did she say or not say that makes you believe perhaps she's not telling the whole truth?” RAND PAUL: “Well, here's the thing. I don't think convenience should trump national security. She also has admitted in other interviews that she has an iPhone and a Blackberry, so she does carry two devices. I think that the fact that she didn't obey the rules on putting her e- mails on a government server and now she says there wasn't classified information, I'm not sure that can be trusted since we can't trust her to do the right thing the first time. And the thing about classified information, we're not talking about transmitting necessarily a document that is classified, but many of her conversations would be classified. So, let's say I wanted to know tomorrow about all her conversations by e-mail with the president. I would think many of those would be classified, and just -- yet she says that she did these conversations on a private server.” [Today Show, NBC, 3/11/15] RAND PAUL QUESTIONED HOW WE COULD BELIEVE HILLARY CLINTON DID NOT DELETE RELEVANT EMAILS WHEN SHE BROKE THE LAW REGARDING EMAILS IN THE FIRST PLACE Rand Paul Said That Hillary Clinton Did Not Obey The Email Rules And Questioned How We Could Trust Her That None Of The 30,000 Emails She Destroyed Had To Do With Government Functions. RAND PAUL: “And here’s the thing about the Clintons – the Clintons kind of think the laws for you ordinary people. They think that they’re somehow above the law. She fired one of her ambassadors for using a private email, and then she did the same thing. The law can’t be different for different people, and I think that there’s a certain arrogance and hypocrisy that’s going to be difficult to overcome. She’s already destroyed 30,000 emails. She didn’t obey the rule in the emails and now we’re to trust her that the emails she destroyed had nothing to do with government functions.” [SXSW, Austin TX, 3/15/15] Rand Paul Said That Hillary Clinton Proved Herself Not To Be Trustworthy By Failing To Put Her Emails On A Secure Government Server, So He Questioned How We Could Trust That None Of The Emails She Deleted Were Pertinent Or That Emails From Her Trip To Libya Did Not Exist. On Hillary Clinton using private email: RAND PAUL: “Yes, nothing seems to ever be gone for good on the internet. But the other question I would have is, there is a period of time when she was traveling to Libya that we are concerned about her e-mails, and those aren't out there. So, did she delete those? I mean, really the problem is is when someone shows themselves not necessarily to be trustworthy with doing the right thing. She was supposed to put the e-mails on a government server, on a secure server, and she didn't. And now she says, well, I didn't do the right thing then, but trust me now, the ones I deleted weren't pertinent. And now trust me even though there aren't e-mails that exist concerning this trip to Libya, trust me that I am doing the right thing. I don't know, my sense of trust is a little bit lost, I must say.” [Today Show, NBC, 3/11/15] RAND PAUL SAID THAT HILLARY CLINTON FLOUTED THE LAW AND ACTED LIKE SHE WAS ABOVE IT BY USING A PRIVATE EMAIL SERVER
Rand Paul Asked If Hillary Clinton Was “Above The Rules” By Not Having To Use A Government Email Server. “‘The whole email thing,’ he continued, in reference to Clinton’s contentious use of a private email server while secretary of state, ‘is she sort of above the rules? She doesn’t have to use a government server? ‘My server was protected by the secret service’ – does she think there’s, like, floppy disks in her basement? I think there’s a lot more going on; there’s more coming.’” [The Guardian, 4/18/15] Rand Paul Said That Hillary Clinton Using A Personal Email While At The State Department Was “Directly Flouting The Law.” BRIAN KILMEADE: “But one of the stories for the last two days headlining is that Senator Hillary -- excuse me -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's lack of using the State Department e-mail, using a personal e-mail for four years. And when people request to get it, she has not been handing it over, because she wasn't using it. Is this a big deal to you?” RAND PAUL: “Yeah. And not only is it the e-mails and directly the flouting the law, I think there's going to be a constitutional question of whether or not she was receiving foreign gifts while in office. The Constitution explicitly says that as a senator or as a Secretary of State, you're not allowed to receive gifts from foreign countries. They've been receiving millions of dollars in their foundation. Now if they're going to say, that's not us, me directly, but do they profit in any way from their foundation, does it pay for their travel, does it pay for any of their expenses? She's got a lot of questions she's going to have answer.” [Fox & Friends, Fox News, 3/4/15] RAND PAUL SUGGESTED HILLARY CLINTON DESTROYED EVIDENCE BY DESTROYING HER SERVER Rand Paul Said That Hillary Clinton’s Server Being Destroyed “Sounds Like Destroying Evidence To Me” And That The Clintons Acted Like They Were Above The Law. SEAN HANNITY: “All right. What do you think about her server being destroyed?” RAND PAUL: “Sounds like destroying evidence to me.” HANNITY: “What do you think about -- do you think the Records Act was broken, because that was two years after the fact that she finally handed over some of the emails? Do you think laws were broken?” PAUL: “I think it shows that the Clintons believe that they're above the law, that for the rest of us, the common people, we have to obey the law, but the Clintons, they get to do whatever they want.” [Hannity, Fox News, 4/7/15] Rand Paul Said That Hillary Clinton Sent Emails In A “Secret Fashion” From A Private Account To “Keep Them Secret From the American Public” And He Did Not Think The Public Should Tolerate It. On Hillary Clinton’s private emails: RAND PAUL: “Well, here's -- here's the problem. She has now admitted she didn't go by the State Department rules or the Executive Branch rules. We also have Trey Gowdy's commission saying that during a period of time, they're interested, her trips to Libya, she's on her phone, appearing to either text or e-mail, and there are no e-mails in that period of time. Can we trust Hillary Clinton to produce all of her e-mail when we couldn't trust her to obey the law that she had to use a State Department e-mail? The only way we get to the truth is by an independent investigation, and I do believe that public opinion can provoke that. So, I'm not giving up on this. The president would have to appoint an investigator or would have to come from Trey Gowdy's commission. But they're stonewalling us time after time. They'd do anything to not reveal these e-mails. She was doing it in a secret fashion to keep them secret from the American public. I don't think the American public should tolerate it.” [Kelly File, Fox News, 3/10/15] Rand Paul Said That There Were Reportedly No Emails From Hillary Clinton’s Trip To Libya, Yet There Were Pictures Of Her Texting Or Emailing From Her Phone. On Hillary Clinton’s private emails: RAND PAUL: “Well, here's -- here's the problem. She has now admitted she didn't go by the State Department rules or the Executive Branch rules. We also have Trey Gowdy's commission saying that during a period of time, they're interested, her trips to Libya, she's on her phone, appearing to either text or e-mail, and there are no e-mails in that period of time. Can we trust Hillary Clinton to produce all of her e-mail when we couldn't trust her to obey the law that she had to use a State Department e-mail? The only way we get to the truth is by an independent investigation, and I do believe that public opinion can provoke that. So, I'm not giving up on this. The president would have to appoint an investigator or would have to come from Trey Gowdy's commission. But they're stonewalling us time after time. They'd do anything to not reveal these e-mails. She was doing it in a secret fashion to keep them secret from the American public. I don't think the American public should tolerate it.” [Kelly File, Fox News, 3/10/15]
CLINTON DEFENSE CLINTON RELEASED ABOUT 30,000 WORK RELATED EMAILS TO STATE DEPARTMENT FROM HER TENURE AS SECRETARY, DECLINING TO TURN OVER ONLY PERSONAL, PRIVATE EMAILS New York Times: Secretary Clinton Claimed She “Turned Over To The Obama Administration All Correspondence About Government Business But Had Erased Records Of About Private Matters.” “Hillary Rodham Clinton revealed on Tuesday that she had deleted about half her emails from her years as secretary of state, saying she had turned over to the Obama administration all correspondence about government business but had erased records of communications about private matters, like yoga routines, her daughter’s wedding and her mother’s funeral…Mrs. Clinton said she turned over some 30,490 emails to the State Department in December, nearly two years after leaving office.” [New York Times, 3/10/15] Clinton Spokesman: Clinton Provided “30,490 Printed Copies Of Work-Related Emails” To The State Department In December 2014. “On December 5, 2014, 30,490 printed copies of work-related emails sent and received by Secretary Clinton form March 18, 2009 to February 1, 2013 were provided to the Department. This totaled roughly 55,000 pages. About 90% of thee emails were already in the Department’s record-keeping system because they were sent to or received by ‘state.gov’ accounts. [Before March 18, 2009, Secretary Clinton continued using the email account she had used during her Senate service.]” [Nick Merrill, 3/10/15] Clinton Spokesman: Secretary Clinton’s “Email Account Contained A Total Of 62,320 Sent And Received Emails From March 2009 To February 2013.” Secretary Clinton’s “email account contained a total of 62,320 sent and received emails from March 2009 to February 2013. Based on the review process described below, 30,490 of these emails were provided to the Department, and the remaining 31,830 were private, personal records.” [Nick Merrill, 3/10/15] Clinton Spokesman: 31,830 Of Secretary Clinton’s Emails Were “Private, Personal Records.” Secretary Clinton’s “email account contained a total of 62,320 sent and received emails from March 2009 to February 2013. Based on the review process described below, 30,490 of these emails were provided to the Department, and the remaining 31,830 were private, personal records.” [Nick Merrill, 3/10/15] SECRETARY CLINTON ASKED THE STATE DEPARTMENT TO RELEASE THE EMAILS SHE HAD GIVEN THEM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE Hillary Clinton Asked The State Department To Release Her Emails. “Hillary Clinton broke her 48- hour silence over the use of her personal email account while she served as secretary of state with a late- night tweet Wednesday saying she wants ‘the public to see my email.’ But her response is unlikely to tamp down the pressure for answers as she faces the deepest scrutiny she's been under since leaving the government. ‘I asked State to release them,’ Clinton tweeted at 11:35 p.m. ET ‘They said they will review them for release as soon as possible.’” [CNN, 3/4/15] SECRETARY CLINTON INSISTED THAT SHE FOLLOWED EVERY RULE AND WENT “ABOVE AND BEYOND” DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS Associated Press: Secretary Clinton On State Department Email Regulations: “I Fully Complied By Every Rule I Was Governed By.” “‘I fully complied by every rule I was governed by,’ Clinton said in her first public comments since it was disclosed last week that she exclusively used a private email and server for government business.” [Associated Press, 3/10/15] Associated Press: Secretary Clinton “Says She Went ‘Above And Beyond’ What She Was Required To Do As A State Department Employee.” “Clinton was answering questions Tuesday for the first time about her email practices as secretary of state. The possible Democratic presidential candidate
said during a news conference on Tuesday that she ‘fully complied with every rule I was governed by.’ She says she went ‘above and beyond’ what she was required to do as a State Department employee.” [Associated Press, 3/10/15] THE STATE DEPARTMENT BEGAN REVIEWING SECRETARY CLINTON’S EMAILS FOR RELEASE State Department Spokeswoman Psaki: “We Will Review The Entire 55,000-Page Set And Release In One Batch At The End Of That Review To Ensure That Standards Are Consistently Applied.” “‘We will review the entire 55,000-page set and release in one batch at the end of that review to ensure that standards are consistently applied throughout the entire 55,000 pages,’ Psaki said.” [Politico, 3/10/15] THE STATE DEPARTMENT FIRST ASKED FORMER SECRETARIES OF STATE TO TURN OVER EMAILS CONTAINING OFFICIAL BUSINESS IN OCTOBER 2014, AND SECRETARY CLINTON WAS THE FIRST TO RESPOND Clinton Spokesman: The State Department “Formally Requested The Assistance Of The Four Previous Secretaries In A Letter To Their Representatives Dated October 28, 2014 To Help In Furtherance Of Meeting The Department’s Requirements Under The Federal Records Act.” “The [State] Department formally requested the assistance of the four previous Secretaries in a letter to their representatives dated October 28, 2014 to help in furtherance of meeting the Department’s requirements under the Federal Records Act. The letter stated that in September 2013, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) issued new guidance clarifying records management responsibilities regarding the use of personal email accounts for government business.” [Nick Merrill, 3/10/15] Clinton Spokesman: Secretary Clinton Was “The First To Respond” To A State Department Letter Requesting Work-Related Emails From Former Secretaries. “Following conversations with Department officials and in response to the Department’s October 28, 2014 letter to former Secretaries requesting assistance in meeting the Department’s record-keeping requirements, Secretary Clinton directed her attorneys to assist by identifying and preserving all emails that could potentially be federal records. This entailed a multi-step process to provide printed copies of the Secretary’s work-related emails to the Department, erring on the side of including anything that might potentially be a federal record. As the State Department has said, Secretary Clinton was the first to respond to this letter.” [Nick Merrill, 3/10/15] MULTIPLE FEDERAL REGULATIONS GRANT GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS THE FLEXIBILITY TO DETERMINE WHICH OF THEIR EMAILS COULD BE CONSIDERED PUBLIC RECORDS Clinton Spokesman: “The Federal Records Act Puts The Obligation On The Government Official To Determine What Is And Is Not A Federal Record,” As Does The State Department Foreign Affairs Manual. “The Federal Records Act puts the obligation on the government official to determine what is and is not a federal record. The State Department Foreign Affairs Manual outlines guidance ‘designed to help employees determine which of their e-mail messages must be preserved as federal records and which may be deleted without further authorization because they are not Federal record materials.’” [Nick Merrill, 3/10/15] SECRETARY CLINTON’S ATTORNEYS USED MANY LAYERS OF SEARCHES IN ORDER TO DETERMINE WHICH WERE WORK-RELATED Clinton Spokesman: “Secretary Clinton Directed Her Attorneys To Assist By Identifying And Preserving All Emails That Could Potentially Be Federal Records.” “Following conversations with Department officials and in response to the Department’s October 28, 2014 letter to former Secretaries requesting assistance in meeting the Department’s record-keeping requirements, Secretary Clinton directed her attorneys to assist by identifying and preserving all emails that could potentially be federal records. This entailed a multi-step process to provide printed copies of the Secretary’s work-related
emails to the Department, erring on the side of including anything that might potentially be a federal record. As the State Department has said, Secretary Clinton was the first to respond to this letter.” [Nick Merrill, 3/10/15] Clinton Spokesman: In Order To Determine Which Emails Would Be Released, Clinton Attorneys Searched By Date, Sender, Recipient, And Keywords Including “Benghazi.” “A search was conducted on Secretary Clinton’s email account for all emails sent and received from 2009 to her last day in office, February 1, 2013. After this universe was determined, a search was conducted for a ‘.gov’ (not just state.gov) in any address field in an email. This produced over 27,500 emails, representing more than 90% of the 30,490 printed copies that were provided to the Department. To help identify any potential non-‘.gov’ correspondence that should be included, a search of first and last names of more than 100 State Department and other U.S. government officials was performed. This included all Deputy Secretaries, Under Secretaries, Assistant Secretaries, Ambassadors-at-Large, Special Representatives and Envoys, members of the Secretary’s Foreign Policy Advisory Board, and other senior officials to the Secretary, including close aides and staff. Next, to account for non-obvious or non-recognizable email addresses or misspellings or other idiosyncrasies, the emails were sorted and reviewed both by sender and recipient. Lastly, a number of terms were specifically searched for, including: ‘Benghazi’ and ‘Libya.’” [Nick Merrill, 3/10/15] CLINTON FOUNDATION-DONATIONS 2016ER ATTACKS JEB BUSH SAID HE ASSOCIATED HILLARY CLINTON WITH “FOREIGN FUNDRAISING,” A JAB AT HER FOUNDATION Jeb Bush Responded To The Words “Hillary Clinton” With “Foreign Fundraising,” And “Barack Obama” With “Failed President.” “Some of those who remained weren’t convinced. When Hannity brought up immigration they booed, prompting Bush to quip, ‘I’m marking you down as neutral, and I want to be your second choice.’ It was a good line, and Bush delivered other zingers too. Asked to respond to the words ‘Hillary Clinton,’ he replied ‘foreign fund-raising,’ a barbed reference to a Washington Post story, published earlier this week, reporting that the Clinton Foundation raised money from overseas governments during Hillary’s tenure as Secretary of State. When Hannity said ‘Barack Obama,’ Bush replied ‘failed President.’” [New Yorker, 2/27/15] TED CRUZ CRITICIZED HILLARY CLINTON FOR TAKING FOREIGN DONATIONS AND CALLED ON HER TO RETURN ALL THE MONEY SHE RAISED FROM FOREIGN NATIONS HEADLINE: “Ted Cruz: Hillary Clinton Is ‘On The Payroll Of Foreign Nations’”. [National Review, 2/26/15] Ted Cruz Said Hillary Clinton Was On The Payroll Of Foreign Nations. “Senator Ted Cruz (R., Texas) described Hillary Clinton as being ‘on the payroll of foreign nations’ based on a Washington Post report that the Clinton Foundation violated an ethics agreement with President Obama by accepting foreign donations while she served in his administration.” [National Review, 2/26/15] Ted Cruz: “Call Me Crazy, [But] I Don’t Think The Secretary Of State, Or, For That Matter The President, Should Be On The Payroll Of Foreign Nations.” “‘Call me crazy, [but] I don’t think the secretary of State, or, for that matter the president, should be on the payroll of foreign nations,’ Cruz told a group of reporters and conservative bloggers during an interview at CPAC.” [National Review, 2/26/15] RAND PAUL IMPLIED FOREIGN ENTITIES DONATING TO THE CLINTON FOUNDATION WERE BUYING INFLUENCE ON POLICY
Rand Paul Said That It Was Illegal To Accept Election Contributions From Anyone From A Foreign Country And Questioned Whether Donations To Hillary Clinton’s Foundation Acted Like A Contribution And Whether They Expected Anything In Return. RAND PAUL: “Well, we have rules that we specifically have written into the law to try to prevent foreigners from influencing our elections. So it's actually illegal for anybody to take a contribution for the election from anybody from a foreign country. Now, these aren't contributions to her [Hillary Clinton] campaign, but the question is, do they kind of act like the same thing as a contribution? Are they expecting something in return?” [Hannity, Fox News, 4/20/15] Rand Paul Said There Was An “Appearance Of Impropriety” In The Clinton Foundation Accepting Foreign Donations, Even After A Rule Change, Because It Could Appear People Were Buying Influence Or That You Had Mixed Loyalties. “The Clinton Foundation changed its policies regarding donations from foreign governments, but that hasn't quieted one of the Democratic presidential candidate's most vocal critics -- Republican Sen. Rand Paul. ‘I still think there is an appearance of impropriety in the sense that we have campaign election laws that say you can't take money from foreign countries or foreign citizens,’ Paul, a Kentucky senator and 2016 presidential candidate said in an interview with CBS News. ‘The reason is, we don't want it to appear as if people are buying influence in our government or that you might have mixed loyalties.’” [CBS News, 4/16/15] Rand Paul Said That Hillary Clinton Accepting A Significant Amount Of Money From Saudi Arabia Through Her Foundation Would Bring Up The Question Of Whether She Was Compromised As A Potential Head Of State. “Asked if the Clinton Foundation taking of foreign donations could compromise Clinton as a potential head of state, Paul said, ‘Taking a million dollars from Saudi Arabia, I don’t know how much she got from them, but taking a significant amount of money from foreign countries in the middle east, it would definitely bring up the question.’” [Buzzfeed, 3/6/15] Rand Paul Said That Foreign Donations To The Clinton Foundation Were “Thinly Veiled Bribes” And Called On Hillary Clinton To Return Any Donations From Countries That Abused Women’s Rights. “Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) told POLITICO on Friday that foreign contributions to the Clinton Foundation are ‘thinly veiled bribes,’ and said Hillary Clinton should return any donations from Saudi Arabia or other countries that abuse the rights of women. ‘The normal Clinton response is to cover up, deny, refuse to acknowledge,’ Paul said in a telephone interview as he was being driven through New Hampshire. ‘But the question is whether the country will rise up and respond to the unseemly nature of accepting foreign donations.’” [Politico, 3/20/15] Rand Paul: Why Would A Country Like Saudi Arabia That “Lives With Stone Age Barbarism” Give Money To Hillary Clinton Or The Clinton Foundation “Unless They Were Buying Influence?” SEAN HANNITY: “Do you think that [the money given to the Clinton Foundation] was a bribe? Do you think that money was given for the specific purpose for buying influence, the money that she got from Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman and some of these other places?” RAND PAUL: “Well, it's kind of unusual that a country like Saudi Arabia that will imprison a rape victim -- in fact, they gave 70 lashes to a rape victim for being in a car with a man who was not her husband while she was being raped -- that is so beyond the pale, so unconscionable that Hillary Clinton shouldn't have taken that money and she should return it. But here's the thing is, why would a country that lives with Stone Age barbarism like that -- why would they give money to Hillary Clinton, or to the Clinton Foundation, unless they were buying influence? Why would they give it if Hillary Clinton is supporting opposite policies? The thing is, is that there are a lot of unsavory characters. And when they hand out money, I think by the millions, you have to wonder why Hillary Clinton would accept it and why, frankly, she won't return it.” [Hannity Show, Fox News, 3/24/15] RAND PAUL CALLED FOR HILLARY CLINTON TO RETURN THE MONEY SHE ACCEPTED FROM FOREIGN COUNTRIES Rand Paul Said Hillary Clinton Should Return The Money She Took From Foreign Countries To Send The Message That “American Politicians Can’t Be Bought And Sold By Foreign Countries.” “The Clinton Foundation changed its policies regarding donations from foreign governments, but that hasn't quieted one of the Democratic presidential candidate's most vocal critics -- Republican Sen. Rand
Paul… But Paul said they should go even further. ‘Some of these countries, it's hard to separate government from the individual,’ Paul said. ‘I really think that not only should she not take the money from foreign countries I think she should give back what she's taken because I think that it really it's a sense of impropriety.’ ‘It sends a message that basically American politicians can't be bought and sold by foreign countries,’ Paul said.” [CBS News, 4/16/15] Rand Paul Called For Hillary Clinton To Return Donations From Countries That Abuse Women: “This Is the Kind Of Thing You Would Think Someone For Women’s Rights Would Be Standing Up Against, Instead Of Accepting Thinly Veiled Bribes.” “Paul said that in addition to Saudi Arabia, the [Clinton] foundation should return donations from the United Arab Emirates and Brunei. ‘In countries that stone people to death for adultery and imprison people for adultery, this is the kind of thing you would think someone for women’s rights would be standing up against, instead of accepting thinly veiled bribes,’ the senator added.” [Politico, 3/20/15] RAND PAUL SUGGESTED THE CLINTON FOUNDATION ACCEPTING FOREIGN DONATIONS VIOLATED THE CONSTITUTION Rand Paul Said There Were Questions About Hillary Clinton’s Foundation Taking Foreign Donations Because The Constitution Explicitly Forbid You From Accepting Foreign Gifts While Secretary Of State. “The potential 2016 GOP presidential contender said he’s concerned about the recent news that she conducted her business as secretary of state exclusively via private email, but that he was also concerned about recent revelations that the Clinton Foundation accepted donations from foreign governments while she was serving as the country’s top diplomat. ‘The Constitution actually explicitly forbids you as a senator or as a secretary of state from taking foreign gifts — it’s actually directly in the constitution,’ Mr. Paul said. ‘Now, she’s probably going to maintain this was a foundation, but that means that she needs to now release where all the money is spent in the foundation. Did she take any plane flights paid for by the foundation? Did she have any hotel stays paid for by the foundation? Are any of her chauffeurs, limousines or mansions paid for out of her foundation?’ ‘All that’s gonna have to be public since she’s been taking foreign money to make sure that she can reassure us that she hasn’t broken the law,’ he said.” [Washington Times, 3/6/15] Rand Paul Said He Thought There Would Be A Constitutional Question About Whether Hillary Clinton Received Foreign Gifts While In Office, Which Was Forbidden. BRIAN KILMEADE: “But one of the stories for the last two days headlining is that Senator Hillary -- excuse me -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's lack of using the State Department e-mail, using a personal e-mail for four years. And when people request to get it, she has not been handing it over, because she wasn't using it. Is this a big deal to you?” RAND PAUL: “Yeah. And not only is it the e-mails and directly the flouting the law, I think there's going to be a constitutional question of whether or not she was receiving foreign gifts while in office. The Constitution explicitly says that as a senator or as a Secretary of State, you're not allowed to receive gifts from foreign countries. They've been receiving millions of dollars in their foundation. Now if they're going to say, that's not us, me directly, but do they profit in any way from their foundation, does it pay for their travel, does it pay for any of their expenses? She's got a lot of questions she's going to have answer.” [Fox & Friends, Fox News, 3/4/15] RAND PAUL SUGGESTED THE CLINTON FAMILY PERSONALLY BENEFITTED FROM DONATIONS MADE TO THEIR FOUNDATION Rand Paul Questioned If Hillary Clinton’s Foundation Paid For Any Of Her Flights, Hotels, Limousines Or Mansions, Saying The Finances Needed To Be Made Public To Make Sure She Had Not Broken The Law By Letting Her Foundation Accept Foreign Donations. “The potential 2016 GOP presidential contender said he’s concerned about the recent news that she conducted her business as secretary of state exclusively via private email, but that he was also concerned about recent revelations that the Clinton Foundation accepted donations from foreign governments while she was serving as the country’s top diplomat. ‘The Constitution actually explicitly forbids you as a senator or as a secretary of state from taking foreign gifts — it’s actually directly in the constitution,’ Mr. Paul said. ‘Now, she’s probably going to maintain this was a foundation, but that means that she needs to now release
where all the money is spent in the foundation. Did she take any plane flights paid for by the foundation? Did she have any hotel stays paid for by the foundation? Are any of her chauffeurs, limousines or mansions paid for out of her foundation?’ ‘All that’s gonna have to be public since she’s been taking foreign money to make sure that she can reassure us that she hasn’t broken the law,’ he said.” [Washington Times, 3/6/15] Rand Paul Said That The Clintons Received Millions Of Dollars To Their Foundation And He Wondered If They Profited At All From Their Foundation By Having It Pay For Their Travel Or Any Other Expenses. BRIAN KILMEADE: “But one of the stories for the last two days headlining is that Senator Hillary -- excuse me -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's lack of using the State Department e- mail, using a personal e-mail for four years. And when people request to get it, she has not been handing it over, because she wasn't using it. Is this a big deal to you?” RAND PAUL: “Yeah. And not only is it the e-mails and directly the flouting the law, I think there's going to be a constitutional question of whether or not she was receiving foreign gifts while in office. The Constitution explicitly says that as a senator or as a Secretary of State, you're not allowed to receive gifts from foreign countries. They've been receiving millions of dollars in their foundation. Now if they're going to say, that's not us, me directly, but do they profit in any way from their foundation, does it pay for their travel, does it pay for any of their expenses? She's got a lot of questions she's going to have answer.” [Fox & Friends, Fox News, 3/4/15] RICK PERRY QUESTION SECRETARY CLINTON’S LOYALTY OVER FOREIGN DONATIONS TO THE CLINTON FOUNDATION Responding To Reports That The Clinton Foundation Took Donations From Foreign Countries While Hillary Clinton Was In Office, Rick Perry Said Clinton Failed The Question Of Common Sense. “And Perry is not afraid of ripping the bark off the likely Democratic nominee. On the issue of Hillary Clinton’s foundation taking donations from foreign countries even while she was in office, he says, ‘The question needs to be answered whether you can legally take the money. There’s the legality. But on the question of common sense, she fails.’ He says merely promising you won’t take money in the future is not sufficient. ‘I don’t think the American people will accept that.’ He concedes that the left will probably rally her around Clinton, which appears to be just fine with Perry. He is ready for the presidential ‘marathon,’ as he describes it. His opponents need to make certain they are up to speed — especially on national security.” [Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post, 2/26/15] Rick Perry Questioned Hillary Clinton’s Loyalty When Attacking Her Foundation’s Donations From Foreign Governments. “BASH: You have talked about some questionable donations to the Clinton foundation. What exactly do you think is wrong with these donations? Why does it raise questions for you? PERRY: I think most Americans realize that a phone call at 3:00 in the morning to the president of the United States about an issue that deals with a foreign country that is given maybe tens of millions of dollars to the foundation that she oversees is not right. And it's not only the appearance of impropriety, it's also the ethical side of this that I think most Americans really have a problem with. And I'm really concerned about not just going forward but what has been received at the Clinton foundation over the course of years and how that affects this individual's judgment. BASH: She was secretary of state so you could argue that she sort of, you know -- that they're going from the pool that she's familiar with, if that makes sense. PERRY: You can argue that, but I think it falls flat in the face of the American people when it comes to arguing are you going to trust an individual who has taken that much money from a foreign source where is their loyalty.” [Rick Perry Interview, State of the Union, Fox News, 3/1/15] JINDAL SAID FOREIGN DONATIONS TO THE CLINTON FOUNDATION UNDERMINED HER CREDIBILITY Jindal Called On Hillary Clinton To Return Foreign Money Donated To The Clinton Foundation Claiming The Donations Undermined Her Credibility. “Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal weighed in Monday on the controversy surrounding donations by foreign governments to the Clinton Foundation, calling on Hillary Clinton to return the money in light of her likely bid for president. ‘I don't think the practice of her foundation accepting those donations is appropriate at all. I think they should return them, and I think it undermines her credibility,’ Jindal, a likely Republican candidate for president, told the
Washington Examiner. ‘If she does aspire to be president, if she does want to be in position of making foreign policy again, taking these donations from foreign governments ... is bad both in perception and actuality.’” [Washington Examiner, 2/23/15] CLINTON DEFENSE CLINTON FOUNDATION ANNOUNCED THAT SHOULD HILLARY CLINTON DECIDE TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT, THE FOUNDATION WOULD FOLLOW APPROPRIATE PROCEDURES FOR ACCEPTING DONATIONS FROM FOREIGN DONATIONS, JUST LIKE IT HAD HAD UNDER SECRETARY CLINTON… Clinton Foundation: “Should Secretary Clinton Decide To Run For Office, We Will Continue To Ensure The Foundation's Policies And Practices Regarding Support From International Partners Are Appropriate, Just As We Did When She Served As Secretary Of State.” “Like other global charities, the Clinton Foundation receives support from individuals, organizations and governments from all over the world. Contributions are made because the Foundation's programs improve the lives of millions of people around the globe. The Clinton Foundation has a record of transparency that goes above what is required of U.S. charities. This includes the voluntary disclosure of contributions on the Foundation's website. Should Secretary Clinton decide to run for office, we will continue to ensure the Foundation's policies and practices regarding support from international partners are appropriate, just as we did when she served as Secretary of State.” [Clinton Foundation, 2/19/15] Wall Street Journal: Clinton Foundation Spokesman Claimed Donors “Go Through A Vigorous Vetting Process.” “A spokesman for the Clinton Foundation said the charity has a need to raise money for its many projects, which aim to do such things as improve education, health care and the environment around the world. He also said that donors go through a vigorous vetting process.” [Wall Street Journal, 2/17/15] Clinton Spokesman Merrill: “The Clinton Foundation…Has Said It Will Re-Evaluate Its Contributor Practices If Secretary Clinton Runs, Just As Was Done When She Became Secretary Of State.” [Nick Merrill, 3/2/15] …AND DEFENDED THE FOUNDATION’S GLOBAL WORK THAT WAS SUPPORTED BY FOREIGN GOVERNMENT DONATIONS… Clinton Foundation Spokesman: Projects “Aim To Do Such Things As Improve Education, Health Care And The Environment Around The World.” “A spokesman for the Clinton Foundation said the charity has a need to raise money for its many projects, which aim to do such things as improve education, health care and the environment around the world. He also said that donors go through a vigorous vetting process.” [Wall Street Journal, 2/17/15] Clinton Foundation Spokesman Craig Minassian And Hillary Clinton Spokesman Nick Merrill Sent Around Talking Points To Clinton Allies “In Hopes That You Will Join Us In Defending The Good Work The Foundation Does And Will Continue To Do.” “It’s been a little while since we’ve sent one of these, but given the attacks on the Clinton Foundation as of late, we wanted to send around some points in hopes that you will join us in defending the good work the Foundation does and will continue to do.” [Nick Merrill, 3/2/15] Clinton Spokesman Merrill: “In The Last Couple Of Weeks, There Has Been Little Mention Of The Good Work The Foundation Does, And That It Is Without A Doubt A World-Class Philanthropy.” “As you’ve probably seen reading the stories in the last couple of weeks, there has been little mention of the good work the Foundation does, and that it is without a doubt a world-class philanthropy.” [Nick Merrill, 3/2/15]
Clinton Spokesman Merrill Highlighted The Work Of The Clinton Foundation In The Areas Of “Haiti, Global Health, Women And Girls & No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project, Childhood Obesity, Economic Development, Climate Change, Clinton Global Initiative, Too Small To Fail, Job One.” [Nick Merrill, 3/2/15] Clinton Spokesman Merrill: “The Clinton Foundation Is A Philanthropy, Period.” [Nick Merrill, 3/2/15] Clinton Spokesman Merrill: Clinton Foundation Receives “Contributions From Around The World, Because They're Doing Groundbreaking, Life-Changing Work Around The Globe.” [Nick Merrill, 3/2/15] Clinton Spokesman Merrill: Clinton Foundation Contributions “Are Responsible For Millions Of People Getting Access To Live-Saving HIV/AIDS Treatment.” “These contributions are important because they are responsible for millions of people getting access to life-saving HIV/AIDs treatment, more than 40,000 farmers in Malawi, Tanzania, and Rwanda improving their incomes by more than 500 percent; 33,500 tons of greenhouse gas emissions being reduced annually across the U.S.; supporting the Clinton Global Initiative whose members have made nearly 3,100 Commitments to Action to improving more than 430 million lives around the world and so much more. The list goes on.” [Nick Merrill, 3/2/15] Clinton Spokesman Merrill: “Without These Contributions… Fewer People Would Have Access To Affordable HIV/AIDS Medication; Fewer People Would Have Access To Clean Water…And Fewer Children In The US Would Have Access To Healthy Foods.” “Without these contributions, it's clear what would have happened – fewer people would have access to affordable HIV/AIDS medication; fewer people would have access to clean water; fewer economic opportunities would be made available in developing communities in nations across Africa, Asia, and South; and fewer children in the US would have access to healthy foods.” [Nick Merrill, 3/2/15] Clinton Spokesman Merrill: It Is “Important To Acknowledge That After Much Scrutiny, And When You Cast Aside Those Whose Goal It Is To Make Political Hay, That This Is A Philanthropy, Widely Recognized As A Successful One, And It Does An Enormous Amount Of Good.” “The bottom line: The ability to fund the Foundation is the ability to improve the lives of millions of people across the world. And while it’s appropriate to raise questions to ensure that money is being used as efficiently as possible to achieve its mission, it’s just as important to acknowledge that after much scrutiny, and when you cast aside those whose goal it is to make political hay, that this is a philanthropy, widely recognized as a successful one, and it does an enormous amount of good that the people who founded it and work there should be nothing but immensely proud of. Period.” [Nick Merrill, 3/2/15] Clinton Spokesman Merrill: “The Work Of The Clinton Foundation Is Effective, Which Is Why It Has Bipartisan Support From Places Like News Corporation [And] Chris Ruddy Of NewsMax.” “The work of the Clinton Foundation is effective, which is why it has bipartisan support from places like News Corporation, Chris Ruddy of NewsMax, and counts among its contributors and CGI participants President George H.W. Bush, Laura Bush, Condi Rice, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Carly Fiorina, and dozens of governors and mayors from both sides of the aisle.” [Nick Merrill, 3/2/15] Clinton Spokesman Merrill: “Every Penny Of The Money Algeria Donated For Haiti Went To Help Haiti.” “Every penny of the money Algeria donated for Haiti went to help Haiti. People forget about the outpouring of support for those debased by the earthquake and the need to get money and supplies there quickly. The United Nations asked President Clinton to head Haiti relief and encouraged countries to support the effort. President Bush partnered with WJC to set up the Bush-Clinton Haiti Fund in part because the Clinton Foundation had an expertise in addressing such challenges efficiently and effectively - as they previously did with the Tsunami is SE Asia.” [Nick Merrill, 3/2/15] Clinton Spokesman Merrill: “When People Call For The Donations To Be Returned, They Are Dismissing The Fact That Lives Will Be Affected, Even Lost.” “People are trying to make this political
forget the human toll of HIV/AIDs or earthquakes or that as governments have fewer resources around the world. That’s exactly where NGO’s need to step into the void to help improve people's lives. When people call for the donations to be returned, they are dismissing the fact that lives will be affected, even lost.” [Nick Merrill, 3/2/15] …AND EMPHASIZED THE UNUSUALLY HIGH LEVEL TRANSPARENCY SURROUNDING THE FOUNDATION’S DONATIONS Clinton Spokesman Merrill: “Unlike Many Other Similar Charities, The Foundation Voluntarily Discloses All Of Its Contributors' Names, Right On The Clinton Foundation Website.” “Let’s remember why journalists are able to dig through all these records. Because unlike many other similar charities, the Foundation voluntarily discloses all of its contributors' names, right on the Clinton Foundation website. And it refuses to take anonymous contributions. No charity is required to do these, but the Clinton Foundation does it, on its own accord.” [Nick Merrill, 3/2/15] Clinton Spokesman Merrill: Clinton Foundation “Refuses To Take Anonymous Contributions.” [Nick Merrill, 3/2/15] Clinton Spokesman Merrill: Clinton Foundation “Counts Among Its Contributors And CGI Participants President George H.W. Bush, Laura Bush, Condi Rice, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Carly Fiorina, And Dozens Of Governors And Mayors From Both Sides Of The Aisle.” [Nick Merrill, 3/2/15] AS THE CLINTON FOUNDATION CAME UNDER INCREASING FIRE FOR FOREIGN DONATIONS, FOUNDATION OFFICIALS PROMOTED POSITIVE OUTCOMES FROM PARTNERSHIPS THROUGH ITS GLOBAL INITIATIVE Clinton Foundation: “Since CGI Was Created In 2005, CGI Members Have Made Nearly 3,200 Commitments To Improve More Than 430 Million Lives In 180 Countries.” “Here are the facts: since CGI was created in 2005, CGI members have made nearly 3,200 commitments to improve more than 430 million lives in 180 countries. These commitments are helping address issues such as climate change, economic development, global health, access to education, and the empowerment of women and girls.” [Clinton Foundation, 2/19/15] Clinton Foundation: As Part Of A CGI Commitment, “Procter & Gamble Has Provided 7.5 Billion Liters Of Clean Water At No Cost To Those Who Need It Most In More Than 70 Countries Worldwide.” “Several commitments by Procter & Gamble to provide safe drinking water to millions in need of clean water, by scaling up production of clean water packets and distribute them with the help of NGOs around the world. So far, Procter & Gamble has provided 7.5 billion liters of clean water at no cost to those who need it most in more than 70 countries worldwide.” [Clinton Foundation, 2/19/15] Clinton Foundation: As Part Of A CGI Commitment, “The Inter-American Development Bank…Is Projected To Help 500,000 Disadvantaged Youth Enter The Workforce Over The Next Five Years…More Than Half Of These Will Be Women And Girls.” “The Inter-American Development Bank is working with corporate partners, including Microsoft, Caterpillar, and Walmart to implement an employment program across ten Latin American countries. This work began a year ago and is projected to help 500,000 disadvantaged youth enter the workforce over the next five years. More than half of these will be women and girls.” [Clinton Foundation, 2/19/15] Clinton Foundation: A Commitment By “The UTeach Institute…With ExxonMobil, The Carnegie Corporation Of New York, And UT Austin…Is Projected To Produce 10,000 STEM Teachers From 34 Universities By 2020.” “The UTeach Institute has partnered with ExxonMobil, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, and UT Austin to educate STEM teachers. This commitment is projected to produce 10,000 STEM teachers from 34 universities by 2020, and it is expanding to ten additional universities with support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.” [Clinton Foundation, 2/19/15]
Clinton Foundation: “Nike Made A CGI Commitment To Create And Fund The Coalition For Adolescent Girls (CAG), A Group That Brings Together International Organizations To Invest In Girls To Promote Their Social And Economic Development.” “Nike made a CGI commitment to create and fund the Coalition for Adolescent Girls (CAG), a group that brings together international organizations to invest in girls to promote their social and economic development. Since its creation, over 50 organizations have come together to bring their perspectives and resources to bear on a variety of issues. CAG members have launched programs that promote education and literacy, provide vocational training, and prevent teenage pregnancy.” [Clinton Foundation, 2/19/15] THE CLINTON FOUNDATION SPENDS TENS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS EACH YEAR ON DIRECT PROGRAM EXPENDITURES 2013: The Clinton Foundation Spent $29,389,026 On Direct Program Expenditures. [Clinton Foundation, IRS Form 990, 11/19/14] 2012: The Clinton Foundation Spent $15,727,680 On Direct Program Expenditures. [Clinton Foundation, IRS Form 990, 11/19/14] THE CLINTON FOUNDATION AWARDS MILLIONS IN GRANTS TO CHILDHOOD OBESITY PROGRAMS AND HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS TO HENDRIX COLLEGE 2013: The Clinton Foundation Gave $2.3 Million To The Alliance For A Healthier Generation For Childhood Obesity Programs. [Clinton Foundation, IRS Form 990, 11/19/14] 2012: The Clinton Foundation Gave $2.016 Million To The Alliance For A Healthier Generation For Childhood Obesity Programs. [Clinton Foundation, IRS Form 990, 9/10/13] 2011: The Clinton Foundation Gave $2,374,669 To The Alliance For A Healthier Generation For Childhood Obesity Programs. [Clinton Foundation, IRS Form 990, 9/28/12] 2013: The Clinton Foundation Gave $175,000 To Hendrix College For Education Programs. [Clinton Foundation, IRS Form 990, 11/19/14] 2011: The Clinton Foundation Gave $250,000 To Hendrix College For Education Programs. [Clinton Foundation, IRS Form 990, 9/28/12] THE CLINTON FOUNDATION HAS RAISED MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN AID TO REBUILD HAITI, INCLUDING ALLOCATIONS FOR EDUCATION PROGRAMS Clinton Foundation: “Since 2010, The Clinton Foundation Has Raised A Total Of $36 Million For Haiti” Including Projects Aimed At “Enhancing Education.” “Since 2010, the Clinton Foundation has raised a total of $36 million for Haiti, including relief funds as well as projects focused on supporting Haiti’s small and medium businesses, improving livelihoods, enhancing education and exploring the nexus of agriculture, energy and environment.” [Clinton Foundation, accessed 2/9/15] THE CLINTON FOUNDATION HAS FOCUSED ON A WIDE VARIETY OF CHARITABLE CAUSES AS WELL AS IMPORTANT POLICY DISCUSSIONS Military Times: “The Nonprofit Clinton Foundation Is Putting Its Political Heft Behind Troop And Veterans Health.” “The nonprofit Clinton Foundation is putting its political heft behind troop and veterans health, focusing a portion of its two-day annual Health Matters Summit this week to jump-start yearlong initiatives on military medical care and wellness. In the coming year, the organization will collaborate with organizations, communities and individuals to support veterans health programs. To jump-start its efforts, summit organizers held panel discussions with veterans and veterans groups to discuss the challenges they face and probe possible solutions to support military wellness.” [Military Times, 1/27/15]
HEADLINE: “Hillary Clinton Announces ‘No Ceilings’ Initiative To Empower Women” [Washington Post, 11/1/13] Clinton Foundation: “No Ceilings Brings Together Global Partners To Build An Evidence-Based Case For Full Participation And Accelerate Progress For Women And Girls.” “No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project is an initiative led by Secretary Clinton and Chelsea Clinton to advance the full participation of women and girls around the world. Access to equal rights and opportunities for women and girls is the unfinished business of the 21st century and is essential for achieving prosperity, stability, and security across the globe. No Ceilings brings together global partners to build an evidence-based case for full participation and accelerate progress for women and girls.” [Annual Report, Clinton Foundation, 2013-2014] Clinton Foundation: No Ceilings And Its Partners Pledged $600 Million “To Help 14 Million Girls Receive A Safe And Quality Secondary Education Over The Next Five Years.” “CHARGE – the Collaborative for Harnessing Ambition and Resources for Girls’ Education – is a $600 million commitment by No Ceilings and the Center on Universal Education at the Brookings Institution that brings together 30 crosssector partners to help 14 million girls receive a safe and quality secondary education over the next five years. The collaborative will ensure that girls can attend and complete primary and secondary school; make schools safer and more secure; improve the quality of learning; support girls’ transition to higher education and employment; and cultivate local leaders to champion this work at the grassroots level.” [Annual Report, Clinton Foundation, 2013-2014] Clinton Foundation: “Too Small To Fail Is Building A Public Action Campaign Focused On Closing [The] Word Gap To Help Ensure That All Children Start School Ready To Learn.” “Too Small to Fail, a joint initiative launched in 2013 by the Clinton Foundation and Next Generation, aims to help parents and communities take meaningful actions to improve the health and well-being of children ages zero to five, and prepare them to succeed in the 21st century. Studies show that by age four, children from lower income families hear, on average, 30 million fewer words than their peers from higher income families, creating a ‘word gap’ that sets them back before they’ve entered their first classroom. Working with partners across the country, Too Small to Fail is building a public action campaign focused on closing this word gap to help ensure that all children start school ready to learn.” [Annual Report, Clinton Foundation, 2014] Christian Science Monitor On Secretary Clinton: “The Longtime Children’s Advocate Helped Launch The Too Small To Fail Initiative To Promote Ways That Parents, Businesses, And Communities Can Give Children A Better Start In The Critical Years Between Birth And Age 5.” “The people who will benefit most from Hillary Rodham Clinton’s new life beyond the Beltway are too young to follow her on Twitter. On Friday, the longtime children’s advocate helped launch the Too Small to Fail initiative to promote ways that parents, businesses, and communities can give children a better start in the critical years between birth and age 5. The campaign will help publicize research on the relationship between babies’ and toddlers’ experiences and brain development. It will provide guidance to parents on simple steps to enhance children’s health and early learning opportunities. And it aims to secure commitments from private businesses, both through financial investments and through structures that help working parents spend quality time with their children.” [Christian Science Monitor, 6/14/13] Associated Press: “Hillary Rodham Clinton Is Encouraging Companies To Train And Hire Young People…Launching A Project Called ‘Job One.’” “Hillary Rodham Clinton is encouraging companies to train and hire young people, offering a new jobs pitch during her family's annual domestic policy summit as she considers another presidential campaign. The former secretary of state was launching a project called ‘Job One’ at the Clinton Global Initiative America meeting Tuesday, featuring hiring, training and mentoring initiatives from 10 companies, including The Gap, JPMorgan Chase, Microsoft and Marriott.” [Associated Press, 6/24/14] Clinton Foundation: Job One Encouraged Partnerships To “Expand Training, Hiring, Or Mentoring Opportunities For Youth And Build The Business Case For More Companies To Engage Unemployed Youth.” “Through Job One, a key focus area of Secretary Clinton’s work at the Clinton
Foundation, the Foundation is bolstering an often-missed element from our national workforce training conversations: business-designed and -led career pathways for opportunity youth – young people who are both out-of-school and out-of-work. By working hand-in-hand with businesses, leading non-profits, economists, and advocates across the country, the Clinton Foundation is helping to identify and scale effective ways for companies to address their core business needs through engaging opportunity youth… In 2014, Job One encouraged and spotlighted 16 Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Commitments to Action that expand training, hiring, or mentoring opportunities for youth and build the business case for more companies to engage unemployed youth.” [Annual Report, Clinton Foundation, 2014] CANDIDATE OF THE PAST 2016ER ATTACKS JEB BUSH SAID HILLARY CLINTON’S ATTEMPT TO RUN A CAMPAIGN ON “90S NOSTALGIA” WAS “NOT GOING TO BE VERY SUCCESSFUL” Jeb Bush Dismissed The Hillary Clinton Mystique, Saying “If Someone Wants To Run A Campaign About 90s Nostalgia, It’s Not Going To Be Very Successful.” “Seriously exploring a bid for the White House, Bush poo-pooed the mystique of the Clintons during the kickoff reception for his Right to Rise political action committee. ‘He said, ‘If someone wants to run a campaign about 90s nostalgia, it’s not going to be very successful,’’ an insider told Hearst Connecticut Media.” [Hearst Connecticut Media, 1/7/15] TED CRUZ: “HILLARY CLINTON REPRESENTS THE FAILED POLICIES OF THE PAST” Ted Cruz: “Hillary Clinton Represents The Failed Policies Of The Past.” “Cruz showed no enthusiasm for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign announcement. ‘That surprised nobody,’ Cruz said. ‘We know exactly what to expect. Hillary Clinton represents the failed policies of the past.’” [The Charlotte Observer, 4/13/15] RUBIO HAS CONSISTENTLY CALLED HILLARY CLINTON A CANDIDATE OF “YESTERDAY” Rubio During His Campaign Announcement: “Now, Just Yesterday, A Leader From Yesterday Began A Campaign For President By Promising To Take Us Back To Yesterday. Yesterday Is Over.” “But this election is not just about what laws we're going to pass. This selection is a generational choice about what kind of country we will be. Now, just yesterday, a leader from yesterday began a campaign for president by promising to take us back to yesterday. Yesterday is over. (APPLAUSE) And we're never going back. You see, we American are proud of our history, but our country has always been about the future, and before us now is the opportunity to author the greatest chapter yet in the amazing story of America, but we can't do that by going back to the leaders and ideas of the past. We must change the decisions we are making by changing the people who are making them.” [Marco Rubio Presidential announcement speech, 4/13/15; VIDEO] HEADLINE: “Marco Rubio: Hillary Is ‘Yesterday.’” [USA Today, 2/27/15] HEADLINE: “Marco Rubio Looks Forward At CPAC, Calls Hillary Clinton ‘Yesterday.’” [Politico, 2/27/15] TH RUBIO SAID CLINTON WAS “WEDDED TO THE INSTITUTIONS OF THE 20 CENTURY” Rubio: “Hillary Clinton Is Someone Who's Deeply Wedded To The Institutions Of The 20th Century. Her Plans Are To Spend More Money On The Existing Higher Education System.” RUBIO: “But on the Democratic side, I think, you know, Hillary Clinton is someone who's deeply wedded to the institutions of the 20th century. Her plans are to spend more money on the existing higher
education system. That system doesn't work any more. It doesn't work any more because we don't graduate enough young people from high school ready to work. We need to do more of that — ready to work in trades as mechanics, airplane technicians and plumbers and engineers. These are good — welders. These are good 21st century jobs and we are capable of teaching people how to do that so at 18, 19 years of age, they can be employed.” [Morning Edition, NPR, 4/13/15; AUDIO] Rubio When Asked About Hillary Clinton: “Age Is A Legitimate Issue, Not The Age Of The People, The Age Of Their Ideas.” HH: “Now your announcement yesterday included a sweeping indictment of the leadership of past generations. And you know, whenever you bring that up, the Hillary Clinton people, former Secretary of State Clinton’s people, are very touchy about age. You’re on the other end of that. You’re on the youth age of that. Is age a legitimate question either at the elder age of the spectrum or the young age of the spectrum? Or should we just talk about what the people are bringing to the table?” MR: “Yeah, age is a legitimate issue, not the age of the people, the age of their ideas. I think we should be proud of our history. I’m just saying that the things that worked in the last century don’t work that well now. We live in a completely different economy. I mean, we have transitioned fully, and are continuing to transition into a post-industrial economy where many of the jobs that once sustained our middle class, they either don’t exist, they have been shipped overseas or they don’t pay what they once used to relative to the cost of living. Now we have to fully embrace the opportunities of the 21st Century, which has the opportunity of creating millions of new better-paying jobs. But those jobs require skills and education that our higher education system no longer, isn’t providing. We’re doing a pretty good job of educating our young people in America to compete in the 20th Century. But we’re in the 21st Century. We need leaders that understand that and have an idea about how the 21st Century can also be a new American century.” [Hugh Hewitt, 4/14/15; AUDIO] Rubio When Asked About Calling Hillary Clinton “Yesterday”: “One Of The Challenges We Have Today In This Country Is We Are Trying To Fix 21st Century Problems With 20th Century Ideas, Right? So We Have People From Yesterday, Leaders That Are Still Grounded In The 20th Century, Who Think If We Just Pour More Money Into Our Existing Higher Education System, We'll Get A 21st Century Result.” GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS (ABC NEWS) (Off-camera) “I read that you called Hillary Clinton, in one word, yesterday. What does that mean?” MARCO RUBIO (2016 REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE) “Well, one of the challenges we have today in this country is we are trying to fix 21st century problems with 20th century ideas, right? So we have people from yesterday, leaders that are still grounded in the 20th century, who think if we just pour more money into our existing higher education system, we'll get a 21st century result. It isn't true anymore.” [Good Morning America, ABC, 4/14/15] CLINTON DEFENSE Brinster, Jeremy 5/4/2015 12:21 PM Comment [3]: Responding to this is just going CLINTON CASH BOOK to have to be a pivot to her campaign’s ideas for the future, I would say. 2016ER ATTACKS RAND PAUL THOUGHT PEOPLE WOULD BE BLOWN AWAY BY INFORMATION CONTAINED IN “CLINTON CASH” AND WOULD HAVE TO CONSIDER WHETHER THEY COULD TRUST CLINTON Rand Paul Said He Could Not Give Details On The Book “Clinton Cash” Until It Was Released, But He Had Been Briefed By Author Peter Schweizer And Thought The Facts Were Going To Be “Alarming” And “Mind-Boggling” And People Were Going To Be Questioning How This Could Happen In America. RAND PAUL: “I've been briefed by Peter Schweizer on this book, and the facts are going to be alarming. They're going to be mind-boggling. And I think people are going to read this book [Clinton Cash] they're going to and say, My goodness, this is happening in America? How can this happen in America? And it's detail after detail after detail. I promised not to reveal all the details because it's not my book, but I think people are going to be blown away by the details in this book and how they link the Clintons into this enormous exchange of money from foreign countries, from donors to
![2016er Attacks - HRC Defense Master Doc - Page 93](/cdn-cgi/image/width=600,quality=80,format=webp/https://cdn.relayto.com/images_originals/576c1d689b1b1.jpeg)
companies, and then it's all swirling around. And I don't think it would happen if you didn't have somebody who was a secretary of state and a former president, and they seem to be capitalizing on their service in government. And it sure doesn't remind me of Harry Truman at all. It reminds me of people using the system to enrich themselves, and I think it looks unseemly. And I think a lot of Americans are going to agree with me.” [Hannity, Fox News, 4/20/15] Rand Paul Said That People Would Be “Blown Away” By The Details In “Clinton Cash” Linking The Clintons To Enormous Exchanges Of Money And That They Seemed To Be Capitalizing On Their Service In Government And Using The System To Enrich Themselves. RAND PAUL: “I've been briefed by Peter Schweizer on this book, and the facts are going to be alarming. They're going to be mind-boggling. And I think people are going to read this book they're going to and say, My goodness, this is happening in America? How can this happen in America? And it's detail after detail after detail. I promised not to reveal all the details because it's not my book, but I think people are going to be blown away by the details in this book and how they link the Clintons into this enormous exchange of money from foreign countries, from donors to companies, and then it's all swirling around. And I don't think it would happen if you didn't have somebody who was a secretary of state and a former president, and they seem to be capitalizing on their service in government. And it sure doesn't remind me of Harry Truman at all. It reminds me of people using the system to enrich themselves, and I think it looks unseemly. And I think a lot of Americans are going to agree with me.” [Hannity, Fox News, 4/20/15] RAND PAUL THOUGHT “CLINTON CASH” WOULD SHOW HOW THE CLINTONS HAD SKIRTED THE LAW AND THERE WOULD BE QUESTIONS ABOUT WHETHER THE LAW WAS BROKEN Asked If There Was A Possibility Hillary Clinton Broke Laws Based On The Allegations In “Clinton Cash,” Rand Paul Said There Would Be “Real Questions.” SEAN HANNITY: “Do you think, as you read these allegations and whatever you've been briefed on that there's a possibility that laws may have been broken, sir?” RAND PAUL: “I think there's going to be some real questions because there are certain transactions that the secretary of state does oversee. And I'm not going to be able to get into the details tonight until the book [Clinton Cash] comes out. All I can say is that the secretary of state has to oversee some transactions, and the real question is, was there money that influenced these transactions directly or indirectly? Is there the appearance of impropriety, at the very least?” [Hannity, Fox News, 4/20/15] Rand Paul Said That He Had Did Not Have All The Details On The Book “Clinton Cash” But He Had Been Briefed On It And Thought It Would Meticulously Show How The Clintons Skirted The Law By Accepting Foreign Donations To Their Foundation. BILL HEMMER: “You know, on that Clinton Foundation, you were quoted and I believe it was in The New York Times, right, two days ago, as saying that the revelations of the book will, quote, "shock people." How so?” RAND PAUL: “Well, you now, this is Peter Schweizer's book, ‘Clinton's Cash,’ and it's coming out in about a week or two. So I don't have all the details. But I have been briefed on it. And I do know that he's gone through and meticulously detailed where the contributions have come to for the Foundation. And I think it's unseemly. Basically, we have -- the Constitution specifically says you can't gifts from foreign governments. And is it somehow skirting or going around the law to accept them through your foundation? I think it is and it has a real sense of impropriety and I think it ought to stop.” [America’s Newsroom, Fox News, 4/21/15] RAND PAUL THOUGHT CLINTON CASH WOULD SHOW THAT MONEY INFLUENCED DECISIONS HILLARY CLINTON MADE AS SECRETARY OF STATE Rand Paul Said He Could Not Give More Details Until The Book “Clinton Cash” Was Released, But The Book Would Outline Transactions Hillary Clinton Had To Oversee As Secretary Of State And Whether Money Influenced Those Transactions. RAND PAUL: “And I'm not going to be able to get into the details tonight until the book [Clinton Cash] comes out. All I can say is that the secretary of state has to oversee some transactions, and the real question is, was there money that influenced these transactions directly or indirectly? Is there the appearance of impropriety, at the very least? And I think that's what voters are going to have to look at and wonder, Can we trust someone to be the president of the United States who's involved with so much money changing hands from foreign countries, foreign
entities? And even now, they say they're not going to take it from foreign countries anymore, but they're still going to take it from wealthy people who live in the foreign countries” [Hannity, Fox News, 4/20/15] Rand Paul Said There Appeared To Be A Trail Of Money That Went From The Government To Foundations To Bill Clinton To The Shareholders Of Big Companies While She Was Secretary Of State. “Then he switched abruptly back to serious: ‘I think you should obey the law and I think nobody should be above the law. And I think, clearly, Hillary Clinton, by all appearances, seemed to be evading the law. … [T]he whole idea that she evaded the federal law … is something that’s going to trouble a lot of American voters.’ ‘[Y]ou combine that with the shenanigans that have been going on at the Clinton Foundation,’ Paul continued. ‘We see this trail of money that’s going roundabout from government to foundations to Bill Clinton to shareholders of big companies that had to be approved by Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state.’” [Politico, 4/7/15] RAND PAUL SAID BILL CLINTON’S SPEAKING FEES WENT UP WHILE HILLARY CLINTON WAS SECRETARY OF STATE Rand Paul Said That Bill Clinton’s Speeches Seemed To Increase In Value After Hillary Clinton Became Secretary Of State. RAND PAUL: “So yes, I don't know how she's going to explain this in any possible way. She was making $300,000 an hour (sic) giving speeches. All of her husband's speeches seemed to increase in the value. He gave 13 speeches worth a half a million dollars a when she became secretary of state. And apparently, this will be revealed in the book and was in The New York Times today, that before she was secretary of state, apparently, Bill Clinton's speaking fees weren't quite what they were once she became secretary of state.” [Hannity, Fox News, 4/20/15] RAND PAUL DEFENDED THE LEVEL OF RESEARCH DONE TO SUPPORT “CLINTON CASH” ALLEGATIONS Rand Paul Said That Peter Schwiezer’s “Clinton Cash” Was “A Very Detailed Book With All The Facts Lined Up,” But He Was Not At Liberty To Recite Them. BILL HEMMER: “I guess what I'm trying to figure out, what he paid before the policy change or did the policy change come before the speaking engagement was even booked?” RAND PAUL: “I think you will have to get the book [Clinton Cash] to find that out and have Peter on. Because I think there are going to be enormous amounts of details. This is a very detailed book with all the facts lined up. And I'm just not at liberty, nor do I have a complete grasp of all the facts to recite them.” [America’s Newsroom, Fox News, 4/21/15] CLINTON DEFENSE SCHWEIZER CLAIMED THAT FRANK GIUSTRA HAD MUCH TO GAIN FROM THE SALE OF URANIUM ONE TO RUSSIA WHILE FAILING TO DISCLOSE THAT GIUSTRA HAD SOLD HIS STAKE IN THAT COMPANY… Schweizer Did Not Disclose That Frank Giustra Sold His Interest In A Uranium Company Before That Company Profited From A Deal Schweizer Argued Was Approved By Secretary Clinton. “STEPHANOPOULOS: A lot of focus on the sale of a company, Uranium One, to a -- to a Russian company. Of course, Frank [Giustra], who had committed, what, a $130 million, a pledge to the Clinton Foundation back in 2006, had had an interest in this company. But he actually sold it. SCHWEIZER: Well, he sold his stock, but his firm, Endeavor Financial, continued to do finance deals well after that. And the individuals involved in the book, as you probably read, there are nine -- count them, nine major contributors to the Clinton Foundation who were involved in that nuclear deal…STEPHANOPOULOS: OK, but you didn't disclose in your book that he had sold the interest. SCHWEIZER: Yes.” [This Week with George Stephanopoulos, ABC News, 4/26/15] …OR THAT THE HEAD OF URANIUM ONE AT THE TIME OF THE SALE HAD NEVER SPOKEN TO THE CLINTONS ABOUT URANIUM ONE
Clinton Spokesman: A Clinton Foundation Donor And Uranium One Head At The Time Of The Deal Described In “Clinton Cash” “Never Spoke To Either President Clinton Or Then-Secretary Clinton About His Company.” “In addition to Mr. Giustra himself, the Times points to a second Clinton Foundation donor and longtime business associate of Mr. Giustra by the name of Ian Telfer. It is true that, unlike Mr. Giustra, Telfer — as the acting head of Uranium One in 2010 — had a financial interest in the company’s sale to the Russians. It is also true that he had previously donated to the Clinton-Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative. But in a statement to the Times, Telfer told the paper he made the donations based on his wish to personally support Mr. Giustra in his charitable work, not based on any relationship to the Clintons. And most importantly, he told the Times that he never spoke to either President Clinton or then-Secretary Clinton about his company, Uranium One.” [@brianefallon, Medium, 4/23/15] THE STATE DEPARTMENT ACCEPTED ANOTHER SALE, IN WHICH RUSSIA BOUGHT ALL REMAINING STAKE IN URANIUM ONE, AFTER CLINTON HAD STEPPED DOWN AS SECRETARY Clinton Spokesman: “U.S. Regulators Accepted A Subsequent Sale Of The Remaining Stake In Uranium One To Russia After Clinton Left The State Department.” “The Times ignores that U.S. regulators accepted a subsequent sale of the remaining stake in Uranium One to Russia after Clinton left the State Department. The 2010 sale at issue in the Times story involved the Russians purchasing a 51 percent stake in Uranium One. But nearly three years later, the company announced that the Russians would be increasing their ownership to 100 percent. The company notified U.S. regulators of this in late January 2013, giving those bodies the opportunity to subject the new transaction to a review. Both the NRC and C.F.I.U.S. declined to do so, which was tantamount to green-lighting the deal. Notably this acceptance of the Russians’ complete takeover of Uranium One came after Secretary Clinton exited the State Department.” [@brianefallon, Medium, 4/23/15] SCHWEIZER FALSELY CLAIMED SECRETARY CLINTON COULD BLOCK A RUSSIAN BID TO BUY URANIUM ONE FactCheck.Org: “The Author Of ‘Clinton Cash’ Falsely Claimed Hillary Clinton As Secretary Of State Had ‘Veto Power’ And ‘Could Have Stopped’ Russia From Buying A Company With Extensive Uranium Mining Operations In The U.S.” “The author of ‘Clinton Cash’ falsely claimed Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State had ‘veto power’ and ‘could have stopped’ Russia from buying a company with extensive uranium mining operations in the U.S. In fact, only the president has such power. At the time of the sale, Clinton was a member of the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States, which is required by law to investigate all U.S. transactions that involve a company owned or controlled by a foreign government. Federal guidelines say any one of nine voting members of the committee can object to such a foreign transaction, but the final decision then rests with the president. ‘Only the President has the authority to suspend or prohibit a covered transaction,’ the guidelines say.” [FactCheck.Org, 4/28/15] Clinton Spokesman: “While It Is True That The State Department Sits On The Multi-Agency, Inter- Governmental Panel That Reviews Deals Like This One, Hillary Clinton Herself Did Not Participate In The Review Or Direct The Department To Take Any Position On The Sale Of Uranium One. This Is Consistent With Past Practice.” “The essential fact is that Hillary Clinton was not involved in the State Department’s review of the sale to the Russians. While it is true that the State Department sits on the multi-agency, inter-governmental panel that reviews deals like this one, Hillary Clinton herself did not participate in the review or direct the Department to take any position on the sale of Uranium One. This is consistent with past practice; historically, matters pertaining to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (C.F.I.U.S.) do not rise to the Secretary’s level. Rather, it is the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic, Energy and Business Affairs who serves as the State Department’s principal representative to C.F.I.U.S. The individual who held that post in 2010 was Jose Fernandez, and he has personally attested that then-Secretary Clinton never interfered with him, saying ‘Mrs. Clinton never intervened with me on any C.F.I.U.S. matter.’” [@brianefallon, Medium, 4/23/15]
Hillary For America: “Schweizer Was Asked About The Multi-Agency Approval Process That Uranium One Underwent To Gain Approval For Its Sale And Was Forced To Admit That The State Department Does Not Control The Review Process.” “Schweizer was asked about the multi-agency approval process that Uranium One underwent to gain approval for its sale and was forced to admit that the State Department does not control the review process: ‘STEPHANOPOULOS: But the assistant secretary who sat -- the assistant secretary of State who sat on the committee said she never intervened on any CFIUS issue at all. SCHWEIZER: Well, I think that deserves further scrutiny. I would question that. ... STEPHANOPOULOS: But based on what? Based on what? SCHWEIZER: Well, I think based on her (INAUDIBLE)... STEPHANOPOULOS: Do you have any evidence that she actually intervened in this issue? SCHWEIZER: No, we don't have direct evidence.’” [Hillary for America, 4/26/15] Hillary For America: “At Multiple Points In The Interview, [Chris] Wallace Challenged Schweizer…Saying ‘You Don’t Have A Single Piece Of Evidence That She Was Involved In This Deal’ And ‘There’s No Indication That Hillary Clinton Or Bill Clinton Took Direct Action.’” [Hillary for America, 4/26/15] SCHWEIZER’S IMPLICATION THAT SECRETARY CLINTON SUPPORTED AN INDIAN NUCLEAR DEAL IN EXCHANGE FOR INDIAN DONATIONS WAS BASED ON FALSE AND DISPUTED CLAIMS Several Aspects Of Schweizer’s Claim That Secretary Clinton Changed Her Position On An Indian Nuclear Agreement After Donations From Indian Interests Were Cited As False Or In Dispute. “Hillary Clinton changed her position on a 2008 nuclear agreement between the United States and India after Indian business and government interests flooded various Clinton enterprises with cash, a highly anticipated new book [by Peter Schweizer] alleges in a chapter obtained by POLITICO…While Clinton’s stance toward India evolved over the years, a review of then-Sen. Clinton’s statements and votes while the Indian nuclear deal was under debate shows that one of the key facts in Schweizer’s argument on the topic is false — Clinton actually publicly stated her support for the deal in 2006. Another is in dispute – Schweizer writes that Clinton voted to cap India’s fissile production, when she actually voted against a measure that did that, though she did support a weaker one that imposed some limits.” [Politico, 4/29/15] REPUBLICANS AND NEWS OUTLETS POINTED OUT THAT SCHWEIZER PRESENTED NO EVIDENCE OF A QUID-PRO-QUO Hillary For America: Speaking About Secretary Clinton’s Relationship To A Russian Uranium Company, “Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson Told Reporters That There Was ‘No Evidence Of A Quid Pro Quo,’ And That ‘Republicans Need To Be Careful Not To Overstate The Case.’” “Finally, even some Republicans sought to distance themselves from the book’s false allegations. On NBC, Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson told reporters that there was ‘no evidence of a quid pro quo,’ and that ‘Republicans need to be careful not to overstate the case.’” [Hillary for America, 4/26/15] TIME On Quid-Pro-Quo Allegations In “Clinton Cash”: “The Suggestion Of Outside Influence Over U.S. Decision-Making Is Based On Little Evidence — The Allegations Are Presented As Questions Rather Than Proof.” “Hillary Clinton’s allies are pushing back against the suggestion in a new book that donations to the Clinton Foundation influenced the handling of the sale of U.S. uranium mines to a Russian-backed company…The suggestion of outside influence over U.S. decision-making is based on little evidence — the allegations are presented as questions rather than proof. The deal’s approval was the result of an extensive interagency process that required the assent of at least nine different officials and agencies.” [TIME, 4/22/15] SCHWEIZER BRIEFED REPUBLICAN MEMBERS OF THE SENATE FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE—NOT DEMOCRATS—ON HIS BOOK ABC News’ Arlette Saenz: “At Least Two Senators - Bob Corker & Rand Paul - Were Briefed On The Clinton Cash Book Before Its Release.” [@ArletteSaenz, Twitter, 4/20/15]
Senator Boxer Refuted A New York Times Story That Had Asserted That Democrats On The Senate Foreign Relations Committee Had Been Briefed On The Allegations In “Clinton Cash.” “U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued the following statement today disputing a New York Times report that members of the Committee were briefed on the findings of a new anti-Hillary Clinton book: ‘Today's New York Times reported that members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee were briefed on the latest anti-Hillary Clinton book. As the longest serving member of the Committee, I was never briefed on the book and I know of no other Democrats on the Committee who were briefed on it. So if there was a briefing, it was clearly partisan in nature. This is just another vicious, partisan and unfounded attack on Hillary Clinton.’” [Press Release, Office of Barbara Boxer, 4/20/15] Hillary For America: “When Asked About…Alleged Briefings In Congress, Schweizer Admits That He Briefed Only Republicans – As A Result Of ‘A Friend That Asked,’ – And Not Any Democrats.” [Hillary for America, 4/26/15] THE PRESS 2016ER ATTACKS RAND PAUL CRITICIZED HILLARY CLINTON FOR AVOIDING ANSWERING QUESTIONS FROM THE PRESS Rand Paul Said That The Media Would Take A Different Tack With Asking Questions Of Hillary Clinton And That She Might Not Be As Available To Them As Some Others. HUGH HEWITT: “Debbie Wasserman-Schultz said yes. Do you think Hillary Rodham Clinton says yes as well? Will she be forced to answer that question [on abortions]?” RAND PAUL: “I think the media will take a little bit different tack with her, and I think that there’s also a possibility that she’s not quite as available as some of us are to the media.” [Hugh Hewitt Show, 4/10/15] CLINTON DEFENSE Brinster, Jeremy 5/4/2015 3:41 PM Comment [4]: I think we mostly need to pivot Huffington Post: “Hillary Clinton's Campaign Team Held An Off-The-Record Dinner Thursday / attack the 2016ers here. Night In Washington, D.C., For Roughly Two Dozen Journalists And Staff Members…[Signaling] That The Clinton Team Is Trying To Engage With Top Reporters In The Days Before The Democrat's Expected Announcement Of A 2016 Presidential Run.” “Hillary Clinton's campaign team held an off-the-record dinner Thursday night in Washington, D.C., for roughly two dozen journalists and staff members at John Podesta's house, according to sources familiar with the matter. The dinner signals that the Clinton team is trying to engage with top reporters in the days before the Democrat's expected announcement of a 2016 presidential run. It also suggests the new campaign team is looking to change course from the toxic relationship with the press that plagued the 2008 race. The Clinton team is also holding a private event in New York on Friday night for journalists, according to sources.” [Huffington Post, 4/10/15] HEADLINE: “Hillary Clinton Seeks 'New Beginning' With The Press.” [CNN, 3/24/15] TRADE 2016ER ATTACKS JEB BUSH SLAMMED HILLARY CLINTON FOR “POLITICALLY MOTIVATED FLIP FLOP” ON THE TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP
![2016er Attacks - HRC Defense Master Doc - Page 99](/cdn-cgi/image/width=600,quality=80,format=webp/https://cdn.relayto.com/images_originals/576c1d6e78eda.jpeg)
HEADLINE: “Hillary Clinton’s Politically Motivated Flip Flop on TPP is Wrong: It Should Move Forward.” [Jeb Bush op-ed, Medium, 4/22/15] Jeb Bush Blasted Hillary Clinton For Expressing “Conveniently Timed” Reservations On The Trans-Pacific Partnership “Less Than Four Days After She Announced Her Bid For The Presidency.” “Back in 2012, while she was serving as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton called an emerging economic partnership with 11 Pacific Nations the ‘Gold Standard in trade agreements.’ She said it did everything a trade agreement should do — promote free markets, provide a level playing field and protect the rule of law. She said we need to ‘keep upping our game both bilaterally and with partners across the region through agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership.’ Whatever happened to that Hillary Clinton? Last week, less than four days after she announced her bid for the presidency, she cooled her enthusiasm considerably. Sec. Clinton’s campaign said trade agreements have to pass fresh tests and even greater scrutiny — and among the issues she raised were elements like currency manipulation that the Obama Administration have said were ‘poison pills’ that would kill the negotiation. So much for the gold standard. These new reservations are conveniently timed. Sec. Clinton wavered on support for trade the last time she ran for President as well. It seems Secretary Clinton thinks we have a short memory.” [Jeb Bush op-ed, Medium, 4/22/15] Jeb Bush Slammed Hillary Clinton For Sending “Terrible Signal” To Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiating Partners By Expressing Reservations “For A Short-Term Political Gain.” “It sends a terrible signal this late in the negotiations for Sec. Clinton to pull the rug out from under our allies for a short-term political gain.” [Jeb Bush op-ed, Medium, 4/22/15] Jeb Bush Acknowledged “Political Risk” In Supporting The Trans-Pacific Partnership, “President Obama’s Biggest Trade Initiative,” But Agreed With Hillary Clinton In 2012 That It Was “A Great Deal For America.” “I know there is political risk in supporting free trade. TPP is President Obama’s biggest trade initiative. I know some political constituencies in my own political party don’t favor it. But I agree with what Hillary Clinton said about TPP in 2012: ‘This is a great deal for America.’ It would strengthen our ties to our allies throughout the Pacific region, including our close allies and partners in Australia, Mexico and Japan. We could use more friends, frankly.” [Jeb Bush op-ed, Medium, 4/22/15] Jeb Bush Said Hillary Clinton “Shouldn’t Stand In The Way” Of The Trans-Pacific Partnership “For Political Gain.” “I haven’t changed in my view even though Hillary Clinton has. It is time to move forward as even recent Democratic presidents have recognized — and Sec. Clinton shouldn’t stand in the way for political gain. [Jeb Bush op-ed, Medium, 4/22/15] CLINTON DEFENSE AS SECRETARY OF STATE, CLINTON PRAISED THE TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP AS A WAY TO CREATE “MORE AND BETTER GROWTH” Secretary Clinton: Like The South Korean Free Trade Agreement, The Trans-Pacific Partnership “Includes Improvements On Intellectual Property Protection And Enforcement, Fair Labor Practices, Environmental Protection, Regulatory Due Process.” “Our landmark deal with South Korea could increase exports of American goods by more than $10 billion and grow South Korea’s economy by 6 percent. In addition to lowering tariffs, the agreement also includes improvements on intellectual property protection and enforcement, fair labor practices, environmental protection, regulatory due process. That’s also true of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a new far-reaching regional trade agreement that will bring together at least 11 economies, developed and developing alike, into a single Pacific trading community.” [Remarks at Far Eastern Federal University, State Department, 9/8/12] Secretary Clinton: The Trans-Pacific Partnership “Will Lower Trade Barriers While Raising Standards, Creating More And Better Growth.” “That’s also true of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a new far-reaching regional trade agreement that will bring together at least 11 economies, developed and developing alike, into a single Pacific trading community. It will lower trade barriers while raising
standards, creating more and better growth. And this agreement will set a new precedent by covering emerging trade issues such as the competitive impact of state-owned enterprises, the connectivity of regional supply chains, and opportunities for more small- and-medium-sized businesses that are truly the engine of economic growth and employment everywhere.” [Remarks at Far Eastern Federal University, State Department, 9/8/12] Secretary Clinton: The Trans-Pacific Partnership “Will Set A New Precedent By Covering Emerging Trade Issues Such As The Competitive Impact Of State-Owned Enterprises, The Connectivity Of Regional Supply Chains, And Opportunities For More Small- And-Medium-Sized Businesses.” “That’s also true of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a new far-reaching regional trade agreement that will bring together at least 11 economies, developed and developing alike, into a single Pacific trading community. It will lower trade barriers while raising standards, creating more and better growth. And this agreement will set a new precedent by covering emerging trade issues such as the competitive impact of state-owned enterprises, the connectivity of regional supply chains, and opportunities for more small- and-medium-sized businesses that are truly the engine of economic growth and employment everywhere.” [Remarks at Far Eastern Federal University, State Department, 9/8/12] …AS WELL AS AN IMPORTANT STRATEGIC INITIATIVE FOR U.S. ASIA POLICY Secretary Clinton: The Trans-Pacific Partnership Was “Important For American Workers, Who Would Benefit From Competing On A More Level Playing Field…[And] A Strategic Initiative That Would Strengthen The Position Of The United States In Asia.” “One of our most important tools for engaging with Vietnam was a proposed new trade agreement called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which would link markets throughout Asia and the Americas, lowering trade barriers while raising standards on labor, the environment, and intellectual property. As President Obama explained, the goal of the TPP negotiations is to establish ‘a high standard, enforceable, meaningful trade agreement’ that ‘is going to be incredibly powerful for American companies who, up until this point, have often been locked out of those markets.’ It was also important for American workers, who would benefit from competing on a more level playing field. And it was a strategic initiative that would strengthen the position of the United States in Asia.” [Hillary Clinton, Hard Choices, 6/10/14] BUT AS SECRETARY OF STATE, CLINTON BELIEVED A TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT NEEDED TO INCLUDE “STRONG PROTECTIONS FOR WORKERS” Secretary Clinton: “We Believe Trade Agreements Need To Include Strong Protections For Workers, The Environment, Intellectual Property, And Innovation…[And] Our Hope Is That A TPP Agreement With High Standards Can Serve As A Benchmark For Future Agreements.” “We are also making progress on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which will bring together economies from across the Pacific — developed and developing alike — into a single trading community. Our goal is to create not just more growth, but better growth. We believe trade agreements need to include strong protections for workers, the environment, intellectual property, and innovation. They should also promote the free flow of information technology and the spread of green technology, as well as the coherence of our regulatory system and the efficiency of supply chains. Ultimately, our progress will be measured by the quality of people’s lives — whether men and women can work in dignity, earn a decent wage, raise healthy families, educate their children, and take hold of the opportunities to improve their own and the next generation’s fortunes. Our hope is that a TPP agreement with high standards can serve as a benchmark for future agreements — and grow to serve as a platform for broader regional interaction and eventually a free trade area of the Asia-Pacific.” [Hillary Clinton, Foreign Policy, 10/11/11] AND IN HER BOOK, SECRETARY CLINTON SAID THE TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP WOULD NOT BE PERFECT, AND SAID THAT ITS HIGH STANDARDS MUST BE “IMPLEMENTED AND ENFORCED” IN ORDER FOR THE AGREEMENT TO BENEFIT WORKERS AND BUSINESSES Secretary Clinton: “Because TPP Negotiations Are Still Ongoing, It Makes Sense To Reserve Judgment Until We Can Evaluate The Final Proposed Agreement.” “Our country has learned the hard way over the past several decades that globalization and the expansion of international trade brings costs
as well as benefits. On the 2008 campaign trail, both then-Senator Obama and I had promised to pursue smarter, fairer trade agreements. Because TPP negotiations are still ongoing, it makes sense to reserve judgment until we can evaluate the final proposed agreement. It’s safe to say that the TPP won’t be perfect—no deal negotiated among a dozen countries ever will be—but its higher standards, if implemented and enforced, should benefit American businesses and workers.” [Hillary Clinton, Hard Choices, 6/10/14] Secretary Clinton: “It’s Safe To Say That The TPP Won’t Be Perfect…But Its Higher Standards, If Implemented And Enforced, Should Benefit American Businesses And Workers.” “Our country has learned the hard way over the past several decades that globalization and the expansion of international trade brings costs as well as benefits. On the 2008 campaign trail, both then-Senator Obama and I had promised to pursue smarter, fairer trade agreements. Because TPP negotiations are still ongoing, it makes sense to reserve judgment until we can evaluate the final proposed agreement. It’s safe to say that the TPP won’t be perfect—no deal negotiated among a dozen countries ever will be—but its higher standards, if implemented and enforced, should benefit American businesses and workers.” [Hillary Clinton, Hard Choices, 6/10/14] SECRETARY CLINTON HAS SAID THAT ANY TRADE DEAL MUST PRODUCE JOBS AND RAISE WAGES IN ORDER TO WIN HER SUPPORT Secretary Clinton: “Any Trade Deal Has To Produce Jobs And Raise Wages And Increase Prosperity And Protect Our Security.” “Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton hedged Tuesday on whether she will support a trade package gaining traction in Congress but opposed by some in her party’s politically potent liberal wing. ‘Any trade deal has to produce jobs and raise wages and increase prosperity and protect our security,’ Clinton said during a tour of a community college that focuses on technical skills. ‘We have to do our part in making sure we have the capabilities and the skills to be competitive.’” [Washington Post, 4/21/15] Washington Post: “Clinton's Campaign Has Previously Said That She Will Closely Watch Efforts To Complete The Deal, Known As The TPP.” “Clinton's campaign has previously said that she will closely watch efforts to complete the deal, known as the TPP. ‘We shouldn't be giving special rights to corporations at the expense of workers and consumers,’ Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said last week.” [Washington Post, 4/21/15] SECRETARY CLINTON WORKED TO ADDRESS CONCERNS OVER FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS WITH SOUTH KOREA, COLOMBIA, AND PANAMA IN ORDER TO SECURE CONGRESSIONAL AUTHORIZATION… Reuters: Secretary Clinton Advocated For Resolution Of A Free Trade Agreement With South Korea, Saying On A Visit To The Country, “I Want To State As Strongly As I Can How Committed The Obama Administration Is To Passing The Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement This Year.” “U.S. and South Korean trade negotiators struck a deal in December on a free trade pact, which was signed in 2007 but had not been ratified for three years because of U.S. auto and beef industry concerns. Both the U.S. Congress and the South Korean parliament have yet to pass bills to approve the pact, despite U.S. President Barack Obama's renewed push for ratification. ‘I want to state as strongly as I can how committed the Obama Administration is to passing the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement this year,’ she told a gathering of business leaders in Seoul during a whirlwind trip through South Korea and Japan.” [Reuters, 4/16/11] Secretary Clinton: “We Have Worked With Our Panamanian And Colombian Partners To Address Key Concerns And Forge Broader Bipartisan Support In The Congress.” “Speaking at the annual Conference on the Americas, Clinton reported ‘great progress’ on the trade deals. ‘We have worked with our Panamanian and Colombian partners to address key concerns and forge broader bipartisan support in the Congress, just as we did with the South Korean free-trade agreement,’ she said. ‘Panama passed important new laws on labor rights and tax transparency. With Colombia we have established an action plan to address concerns about labor rights, violence and impunity. And Colombia has already taken
important steps to implement this plan, and we are working hard to execute the next phase by June 15th,’ she added.” [Voice Of America, 5/10/11] Secretary Clinton On The Passage Of Three Free Trade Deals In Congress: “By Opening New Markets To American Exports And Attracting New Investments To American Communities, Our Economic Statecraft Is Creating Jobs And Spurring Growth Here At Home.” “Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton hailed the deals Wednesday as an important victory for American foreign policy. And she said she expected that the South Korea pact alone would create 70,000 American jobs. ‘By opening new markets to American exports and attracting new investments to American communities, our economic statecraft is creating jobs and spurring growth here at home,’ Ms. Clinton said at a Washington event.” [New York Times, 10/12/11] …AND HER STATE DEPARTMENT FORGED NEW OPEN SKIES PARTNERSHIPS WITH STRATEGIC PARTNERS Under Secretary Clinton, The U.S. Signed 15 New Open Skies Agreements With Foreign Partners Including Israel, Japan, Colombia, Brazil, And Saudi Arabia. [State Department, 1/12/15] Secretary Clinton: “An Open Skies Agreement Has Powerful Benefits – Fewer Government Restrictions, More Competition, More Jobs In The Air And On The Ground; More People Trading, Exchanging And Interacting; Cheaper Flights, More Tourists, New Routes To New Cities.” “In each case, an Open Skies agreement has powerful benefits – fewer government restrictions, more competition, more jobs in the air and on the ground; more people trading, exchanging and interacting; cheaper flights, more tourists, new routes to new cities – so that we now have passengers and shippers enjoying direct services between cities like Las Vegas and Seoul, or Phoenix and Montreal.” [State Department, 3/30/11] OBAMA THIRD TERM 2016ER ATTACKS CHRISTIE’S LMFA PAC SAID HILLARY CLINTON WOULD BE ANOTHER FOUR YEAR OF OBAMA’S “FAILED POLICIES” LMFA PAC, On Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Announcement: “Do You Want Four More Years Of The Obama Administration In The White House To Wreak Havoc By Continuing To Push Failed Policies?” “Hillary Clinton announced today that she's running for President. Unfortunately, Americans have already seen the type of ‘leadership’ she will provide. Do you want four more years of the Obama administration in The White House to wreak havoc by continuing to push failed policies? Take the pledge and join Leadership Matters for America PAC in supporting real leaders who take on tough issues. Our country needs a leader who will fight to make government transparent and accountable.” [Leadership Matters for America, 4/13/15] RUBIO SAID HILLARY CLINTON WOULD BE OBAMA’S THIRD TERM Rubio On Hillary Clinton: “She Has Yet To Distinguish Herself In Terms Of What She Would Do Differently Than Obama Would.” “Rubio fired his own shots at Hillary Clinton, the leading Democratic candidate for president, saying she would continue the same policies of the Obama administration that have failed to economically advance women and minorities. ‘She has yet to distinguish herself in terms of what she would do differently than Obama would,’ Rubio said.” [Nashua Telegraph, 2/25/15] Rubio When Asked About Clinton Trying To Potentially Steal His Thunder With Her Announcement On Sunday: “Is She Going To Be A Continuance Of What We Have Now, Which Is Not What The American People Want? What’s The Difference Between Her And The Current Administration?” “When asked if he thought Clinton was ‘trying to steal his thunder’ by making her
announcement the day before his, Rubio replied that he did not think it mattered very much when someone made an announcement, but what would have far more importance would be the reason why someone was running. ‘What is her agenda going to be?’ asked Rubio. ‘Is she going to be a continuance of what we have now, which is not what the American people want? What’s the difference between her and the current administration?’” [Breitbart, 4/11/15] Rubio Said A Hillary Clinton Presidency “Would Basically Be Another Four Years Of Barack Obama” Particularly On Foreign Policy. SCHIEFFER: “Why would you be a better president than Hillary Clinton?” RUBIO: “Well, it starts with, I believe a Clinton presidency, it would basically be another four years of Barack Obama. To this point, I'm not seen her distinguish herself on a single issue from what the president is doing now. I think that is particularly true on foreign policy. We cannot ignore that she was the secretary of state during the first four years of the Obama presidency and has virtually no meaningful achievement to show for it. On the contrary, whether it's the reset in Russia or our response to Benghazi or everything in between, there's -- the Obama foreign policy during the Clinton years especially as secretary of state have been a disaster for America. Today, our allies trust us less. Our enemies fear us less, and America has less influence in the world today than it did four to six years ago.” [Face the Nation, CBS, 4/19/15] JINDAL MOCKED HILLARY CLINTON FOR SUPPORTING PRESIDENT OBAMA’S POLICIES Jindal Mocked Hillary Clinton’s Support Of President Obama’s Policies In The Opening Of His Speech During The Republican Leadership Summit In New Hampshire. “While in New Hampshire over the weekend for the Republican Leadership Summit, the Louisiana governor surprised attendees by opening his speech sounding more like a Democratic presidential hopeful than a Republican one. ‘I want to talk to you about the need for fairness in our tax-code system,” Jindal began. “I want to talk to you about the need for the successful to pay more in taxes to the government. I want to talk to you about what a great success that President Obama has done in the Middle East, this historic agreement he’s negotiated with Iran.” Keeping a pretty solid poker face throughout the bit, Jindal seemed to pull off the prank, though a handful in the audience appeared to catch on, laughing along to the uncharacteristic rhetoric. Then came the punchline: A reference to Hillary Clinton’s claim that her grandparents immigrated to the United States, which was recently revealed to be false.” [National Review, 4/20/15] Jindal Joked That Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Slogan Should Be “Four More Years.” “Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, who spoke early in the program, joked that Ms. Clinton’s campaign slogan could be ‘four more years,’ a theme that was repeated by other contenders including Mr. Cruz, who blasted the ‘Obama-Clinton foreign policy’ as ‘leading from behind.’” [New York Times, 4/12/15] JEB BUSH TOLD DONORS THAT CLINTON WOULD HAVE TO ANSWER FOR PRESIDENT OBAMA’S FOREIGN POLICY MISTAKES Politico: Jeb Bush “Suggested To Potential Donors That The Former Secretary Of State Would Have To Explain President Barack Obama’s Foreign Policy Mistakes.” “Speaking at a closed-press fundraiser in Connecticut on Wednesday night, Bush suggested to potential donors that the former secretary of state would have to explain President Barack Obama’s foreign policy mistakes.” [Politico, 1/8/15] Jeb Bush Told Supporters At Greenwich Fundraiser That Hillary Clinton Would Have “A Lot To Answer For Concerning The Foreign Policy Miscues Of The Obama Administration.” “A physically- fit and newly ‘unemployed’ Jeb Bush took a veiled shot at Hillary Clinton Wednesday night when the former Florida GOP governor was asked to handicap the 2016 presidential field by a well-heeled network of contributors in his father’s hometown. Bush, 61, did not mention Clinton by name but told supporters at a Greenwich fundraiser for his recently-launched leadership PAC that the former secretary of state would have a lot to answer for concerning the foreign policy miscues of the Obama administration, according to multiple people who heard Bush’s remarks.” [Hearst Connecticut Media, 1/7/15]
CRUZ LINKED CLINTON TO THE “FAILURE” OF PRESIDENT OBAMA’S FOREIGN AND ECONOMIC POLICIES ABC News: Ted Cruz Said That The “Obama-Clinton” Foreign Policy Was A Failure And Said President Obama’s Economic Policies Are A Reason Not To Vote For Hillary Clinton. “The senator pointedly tied Clinton to what he said were the failures of the Obama administration, referring to an ‘Obama-Clinton’ foreign policy and saying that the low labor-force participation rate under Obama is a reason not to vote for Hillary.” [ABC News, 6/1/14] Ted Cruz On Hillary Clinton’s Foreign Policy: “She Designed And Implemented ‘Lead From Behind’ – And The Whole World Is On Fire Right Now.” “Sen. Ted Cruz has revealed Republicans’ 2016 campaign cudgel: Hillary Clinton’s record as President Obama’s secretary of state will be wielded mercilessly on the campaign trail should she emerge as the Democrats’ White House nominee. ‘She owns the Obama-Clinton foreign policy,’ the Texas Republican and potential 2016 contender told The Washington Times. ‘She designed and implemented ‘lead from behind’ – and the whole world is on fire right now,’ Sen. Cruz said.” [Washington Times, 3/2/15] WALKER SAID CLINTON WOULD BE OBAMA’S THIRD TERM Walker: Clinton Would Be Obama’s Third Term. “KERNEN: ‘But you said Hillary Clinton was actually a bigger loser than President Obama. Why?’ WALKER: ‘I think so for a couple reasons. Overall, obviously, she’s an extension. She’d be a third term of this president. She’s a part of his cabinet, embraces the same policies. And I think the larger context of what we saw in the campaign trail is Hillary Clinton is the big loser. She’s the one most connected to Washington.’” [Squawk Box, CNBC, 11/12/14] PERRY LINKED CLINTON TO PRESIDENT OBAMA’S FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC POLICY RECORD Rick Perry Told Donors That Hillary Clinton Would Become Stuck In The “Barack Triangle”, Suggesting That She Would Be Linked To President Obama’s Domestic And Foreign Policy Record. “At a dinner for wealthy donors last week in Texas, a guest said, Mr. Perry predicted that Mrs. Clinton would become ensnared in the ‘Barack Triangle’ — a play on the Bermuda Triangle — and was indelibly linked to what Mr. Perry said was the president’s mixed economic record, foreign policy struggles and detached governing style.” [New York Times, 12/14/14] CLINTON DEFENSE Brinster, Jeremy 5/5/2015 3:13 PM Comment [5]: I think this one is also entirely SECRETARY CLINTON PUSHED TO INTERVENE IN SYRIA WHEN PRESIDENT OBAMA OPPOSED about pivoting, or at least it’s something the THE MOVE Clinton camp has yet to outline clearly. New York Times: In February 2013, Then-Defense Secretary Panetta And Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff Dempsey For The First Time Acknowledged Support For A 2012 “Plan To Arm Carefully Vetted Syrian Rebels…Backed By Hillary Rodham Clinton.” “[O]n Thursday, deep divisions over what to do about one of those issues — the rising violence in Syria — spilled into public view for the first time in a blunt exchange between Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, and the leaders of the Pentagon. Testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta acknowledged that he and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, had supported a plan last year to arm carefully vetted Syrian rebels. But it was ultimately vetoed by the White House, Mr. Panetta said, although it was developed by David H. Petraeus, the C.I.A. director at the time, and backed by Hillary Rodham Clinton, then the secretary of state.” [New York Times, 2/7/13] Hard Choices: “If The United States Could Train And Equip A Reliable And Effective Moderate Rebel Force, It Could Help Hold The Country Together During A Transition, Safeguard Chemical Weapons Stockpiles, And Prevent Ethnic Cleansing And Score Settling.” “One of the prime worries about Syria—and one of the reasons it was a wicked problem—was the lack of any viable alternatives to Assad on the ground. He and his allies could plausibly argue, like Louis XV of France, ‘Après moi, le
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déluge.’ (After Assad, chaos.) The power vacuum in Iraq after the fall of Saddam and the disbanding of the Iraqi Army offered a cautionary tale. But if the United States could train and equip a reliable and effective moderate rebel force, it could help hold the country together during a transition, safeguard chemical weapons stockpiles, and prevent ethnic cleansing and score settling. But could it be done? The key would be thoroughly vetting the rebel fighters to ensure we first weeded out the extremists and then maintained close intelligence sharing and operational coordination with all our partners.” [Hillary Clinton, Hard Choices, 6/10/14] Secretary Clinton: “The Failure To Help Build Up A Credible Fighting Force” Among The Syrian Opposition “Left A Big Vacuum, Which The Jihadists Have Now Filled.” “I know that the failure to help build up a credible fighting force of the people who were the originators of the protests against Assad—there were Islamists, there were secularists, there was everything in the middle—the failure to do that left a big vacuum, which the jihadists have now filled. They were often armed in an indiscriminate way by other forces and we had no skin in the game that really enabled us to prevent this indiscriminate arming.” [The Atlantic, 8/10/14] SECRETARY CLINTON DID NOT CLEARLY SUPPORT PRESIDENT OBAMA’S TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP DEAL Secretary Clinton: “Any Trade Deal Has To Produce Jobs And Raise Wages And Increase Prosperity And Protect Our Security.” “Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton hedged Tuesday on whether she will support a trade package gaining traction in Congress but opposed by some in her party’s politically potent liberal wing. ‘Any trade deal has to produce jobs and raise wages and increase prosperity and protect our security,’ Clinton said during a tour of a community college that focuses on technical skills. ‘We have to do our part in making sure we have the capabilities and the skills to be competitive.’” [Washington Post, 4/21/15] Washington Post: “Clinton's Campaign Has Previously Said That She Will Closely Watch Efforts To Complete The Deal, Known As The TPP.” “Clinton's campaign has previously said that she will closely watch efforts to complete the deal, known as the TPP. ‘We shouldn't be giving special rights to corporations at the expense of workers and consumers,’ Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said last week.” [Washington Post, 4/21/15] SECRETARY CLINTON SIGNALED SHE WAS OPEN TO CHANGES IN THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT Washington Times: “Hillary Rodham Clinton Began To Carefully Ease Away From President Obama On Wednesday, Saying She Wanted To Build Upon ‘What Works’ In The President’s Signature Health Care Law And Opened The Door To Health Insurance Changes Usually Backed By Republicans.” “Hillary Rodham Clinton began to carefully ease away from President Obama on Wednesday, saying she wanted to build upon ‘what works’ in the president’s signature health care law and opened the door to health insurance changes usually backed by Republicans. The former secretary of state also said her presidential campaign was working on a plan to ‘jump start’ small businesses that have been held back during the economic recovery by excessive regulations and government red tape.” [Washington Times, 4/15/15] CAMPAIGN FINANCE 2016ERS CHRISTIE ACCUSED CLINTON OF HYPOCRISY FOR AIMING TO RAISE $2.5B FOR HER CAMPAIGN WHILE ADVOCATING FOR STRICTER CAMPAIGN FINANCE REGULATIONS
Christie Suggested Hillary Clinton Was A Hypocrite For Setting A Goal “To Raise $2.5 Billion For Her Campaign” While Advocating To “Get The Corrupting Money Out Of Politics.” “As he strolled around that pub Friday in New Hampshire, Gov. Christie stepped out of his Sinatra-at-the-Sands incarnation to play his other favorite role, that of the classroom wise guy with the teacher out of the room. He took a shot at Hillary Clinton by calling the likely Democratic nominee a hypocrite for expecting ‘to raise $2.5 billion for her campaign. . . .but she wants to then get the corrupting money out of politics! Classic, right? It's classic politician speak!’” [Editorial, Star-Ledger, 4/20/15] CLINTON DEFENSE Brinster, Jeremy 5/4/2015 5:41 PM Comment [6]: I think it’s just about pivoting IMMIGRATION here. 2016ERS RUBIO CLAIMED HE DID MORE ON IMMIGRATION THAN HILLARY CLINTON EVER DID Rubio: “I've Done More Immigration Than Hillary Clinton Ever Did. I Mean, I Helped Pass An Immigration Bill In A Senate Dominated By Democrats.” Q: “How do you keep from getting hammered on that in a general election where the Hispanic vote may be very important?” RUBIO: “Well, I don't know about the others, but I've done more immigration than Hillary Clinton ever did. I mean, I helped pass an immigration bill in a Senate dominated by Democrats. And that's more than she's ever done. She's given speeches on it, but she's never done anything on it. So I have a record of trying to do something on it. It didn't work because at the end of the day, we did not sufficiently address the issue of, of illegal immigration and I warned about that throughout that process, as well, that I didn't think we were doing enough to give that bill a chance of moving forward in the House.” [Morning Edition, NPR, 4/13/15; AUDIO] Rubio Claimed He Has Engaged On Immigration Reform “Much More” Than Hillary Clinton Ever Has… She Has No Specific Plans About What She Would Do Other Than Support What President Obama Has Done Which Has Been A Disaster For Everyone Involved.” KELLY: “One comment you made, I think it was to NPR today was that you've done more than Hillary Clinton ever did on immigration. Now, that may be true, but that's not necessarily the best way to endear yourself to conservatives, considering whether they should nominate you for president. Do you want to expand on that at all?” RUBIO: “Yes, because the question was, you know, Hillary Clinton is going to go out there and talk about immigration and point to our record, and I would say, you know, I've engaged on this issue much more than she ever has, including now to this day. I have specific proposals about how to modernize the legal immigration system, how to make it to a merit based system. You know, we admit a million people a year into the United States legally, permanently, every single year. It's largely on the bases of whether or not those people have a family member living here. In the 21st Century, we can't do it that way anymore, it has to be on the bases of merit, what can you contribute economically. So, I guess my broader point was, that in terms of trying to use immigration against us in a general election, I don't think they'll going to be able to use that successfully because she has no specific plans about what she would do other than support what President Obama has done which has been a disaster for everyone involved.” [Kelly File, Fox News, 4/14/15] JINDAL CRITICIZED HILLARY CLINTON OVER HER STATEMENT THAT ALL HER GRANDPARENTS WERE IMMIGRANTS HEADLINE: “Bobby Jindal Dings Hillary Clinton Over Immigrant Flap.” [The Advocate, 4/17/15] Jindal Sent Out An Email From An AmericanFutureProject.com Email Address Attacking Hillary Clinton For Her Claim That All Her Grandparents Were Immigrants. “Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is again taking aim at Hillary Clinton. In an email this morning from an AmericanFutureProject.com address, Jindal slammed the Democratic candidate for president over inaccurate claims she made about her family
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ancestry. ‘You may have seen in the news that Hillary Clinton just got caught making up another story to try to be ‘relatable’ to everyday Americans,’ Jindal wrote in the email. ‘This time she tried to claim her grandparents were immigrants when it turns out all but one were not.’ Clinton, appearing in Iowa, claimed all of her grandparents are immigrants. After Buzzfeed countered the remark with records that showed the claim was inaccurate, a Clinton spokesperson said she had been mistaken about her family’s heritage.” [The Advocate, 4/17/15] CLINTON DEFENSE Brinster, Jeremy 5/4/2015 6:24 PM Comment [7]: This is still mostly about AS A SENATOR, HILLARY CLINTON VOTED TO INVOKE CLOTURE ON A BIPARTISAN contrast, but some good pro’s for HRC IMMIGRATION REFORM BILL CHAMPIONED BY PRESIDENT BUSH Then-Senator Clinton Voted To Invoke Cloture On Comprehensive Immigration Reform In 2007. [S. th 1639, Vote 235, 110 Congress 6/28/07] • Reuters: “The U.S. Senate Dealt A Fatal Blow On Thursday To President George W. Bush's Overhaul Of Immigration Policy… Exposing A Deep Lack Of Support Among Bush's Own Republicans.” “The U.S. Senate dealt a fatal blow on Thursday to President George W. Bush's overhaul of immigration policy -- an emotional issue that has divided Americans in the run-up to next year's presidential election. Dashing the hopes of millions of immigrants seeking legal status and exposing a deep lack of support among Bush's own Republicans, the bill fell 14 votes short of the 60 needed in the 100-member Senate to advance toward a final vote. A crestfallen Bush conceded defeat and said he was moving on to other issues such as balancing the federal budget when it became clear the immigration legislation would not be revived during the final 18 months of his two- term presidency.” [Reuters, 6/29/07] THEN-SENATOR CLINTON CO-SPONSORED THE DREAM ACT Hillary Clinton: “As A Senator, I Was Proud To Co-Sponsor The National Dream Act.” “Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was at the University of Maryland on Thursday to stump for Anthony Brown, Maryland's Democratic gubernatorial candidate, but she ended up defending her own record on immigration reform after protesters repeatedly interrupted her speech. ‘If they had just waited a little while, I was getting to the Dream Act,’ Clinton joked at the rally, referencing the legislation that gives certain undocumented youth a pathway to citizenship. ‘As a senator, I was proud to co-sponsor the national Dream Act and to vote for it,’ she said. ‘I'm a strong supporter of comprehensive immigration reform, and I believe we have to fix our broken immigration system, [and] we have to keep families together.’” [CBS, 10/30/14] • Hillary Clinton Was A Co-Sponsor Of The DREAM Act Of 2005. [S. 2075, 109th Congress, Co- sponsored date 12/13/15] • Hillary Clinton Was A Co-Sponsor Of The DREAM Act. [S. 1545, 108th Congress, Co-sponsored date 9/4/13] SECRETARY CLINTON SUPPORTED DRIVERS LICENSES FOR UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS AND PRESIDENT OBAMA’S EXECUTIVE ACTION, AS WELL AS OPPOSED ARIZONA’S IMMIGRATION LAW 2015: Secretary Clinton Supported Driver’s Licenses For Undocumented Immigrants. “As she makes her second bid for the presidency, Clinton's position is far clearer and decidedly different. ‘Hillary supports state policies to provide driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants,’ a campaign spokesperson told The Huffington Post.” [Huffington Post, 4/16/15] MSNBC: “Hillary Clinton Praised President Obama’s Executive Action On Immigration As An ‘Historic Step,’” Saying “We Should All Remember … That This Is About Peoples’ Lives.” “Hillary
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Clinton praised President Obama’s executive action on immigration as an ‘historic step,’ and called for a return to the ‘vital center’ at a black tie event in New York City Friday night. At a gala for the New York Historical Society, which honored Clinton with its ‘History Maker’ award, the former secretary of state called Obama’s order ‘historic.’ The move will spare over 4 million undocumented immigrants from deportation. If Republicans have a problem with it, she said, they should pass their own law, echoing a statement she released Thursday night. ‘We should all remember … that this is about peoples’ lives…These are the lives of people who are, in many instances, longtime residents and workers who have not only raised children, but made contributions.’” [MSNBC, 11/22/14] Fox News: “Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton On Sunday Said That Arizona's Immigration Law Invites Racial Profiling, In One Of The Toughest Statements Made To Date By An Obama Cabinet Member About The Controversial State Policy That Has Revived National Debate About Illegal Immigration.” [Fox News, 5/2/10] RELIGIOUS BELIEFS 2016ER ATTACKS BUSH ATTACKED CLINTON FOR CRITICIZING RELIGIOUS BELIEFS WHEN IT COMES TO ACCESS TO REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH Jeb Bush Criticized Hillary Clinton For Calling For Religious Beliefs To Be Changed To Allow Women Critical Access To Reproductive Health Care And Safe Child Birth. “He's in Miami Beach this weekend meeting with top donors to his super PAC. But before the meetings began on Sunday, the former Florida governor sent messages to his supporter network attacking Hillary Rodham Clinton for comments she made recently about women's rights. In remarks Thursday focused on the challenges facing women abroad and in the United States, Clinton had said that too many women in Africa and elsewhere still face sexual and domestic violence, too few legal protections and too little access to health care. ‘Yes, we have cut the maternal mortality rate in half, but far too women are still denied critical access to reproductive health care and safe childbirth, ’Clinton told the Women in the World conference in New York. ‘All the laws we passed don’t count for much if they are not enforced,’ Clinton continued. ‘Rights have to exist in practice, not just on paper. Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will, and deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.’ Bush seized on those comments in his Sunday e-mail to supporters.” [Washington Post, 4/26/15] • Bush Claimed Clinton Said “People's Deep-Seated Religious Beliefs Need To Be Changed In Order To Advance Her Own Personal Political Agenda.” “Bush seized on those comments in his Sunday e-mail to supporters. ‘This week Hillary Clinton said that people's deep-seated religious beliefs need to be changed in order to advance her own personal political agenda. Wow,’ he wrote.” [Washington Post, 4/26/15] • Bush Accused Clinton Of Turning Religious Liberty Into A “Partisan Political Issue.” “Bush seized on those comments in his Sunday e-mail to supporters. ‘This week Hillary Clinton said that people's deep-seated religious beliefs need to be changed in order to advance her own personal political agenda. Wow,’ he wrote. ‘America was founded on religious freedom, and that freedom is woven into the Bill of Rights as the first guarantee. And strengthening families is an important element to helping people rise up. This shouldn't be a partisan political issue, but unfortunately for Hillary Clinton it sounds like it is.’"[Washington Post, 4/26/15] • Bush Also Noted That “Strengthening Families Is An Important Element To Helping People Rise Up.” “Bush seized on those comments in his Sunday e-mail to supporters. ‘This week Hillary Clinton said that people's deep-seated religious beliefs need to be changed in order to advance her own personal political agenda. Wow,’ he wrote. ‘America was founded on religious freedom, and that freedom is woven into the Bill of Rights as the first guarantee. And strengthening families is an
important element to helping people rise up. This shouldn't be a partisan political issue, but unfortunately for Hillary Clinton it sounds like it is.’"[Washington Post, 4/26/15] Bush Launched A Petition Accusing Hillary Clinton Of Thinking Religious Beliefs Should Be Changed. “Americans' religious beliefs should be respected and protected not changed @HillaryClinton . Sign if you agree https://righttorisepac.org/Protect-Religious-Freedom/ …” [@jebbush, Twitter, 4/26/15] CLINTON DEFENSE Brinster, Jeremy 5/5/2015 3:09 PM Comment [8]: I’d just pivot to talked about the SECRETARY CLINTON SAID THAT DEEP-SEATED CULTURAL CODES AND RELIGIOUS BELIEFS license to discriminate bills here, lack of support MUST BE CHANGED IF THEY PREVENT LAWS THAT PROVIDE FOR ACCESS TO REPRODUCTIVE for reproductive rights among 2016ers HEALTHCARE FROM BEING ENFORCED Secretary Clinton: “Far Too Many Women Are Still Denied Critical Access To Reproductive Healthcare And Safe Childbirth…Laws Have To Be Backed Up With Resources And Political Will And Deep-Seated Cultural Codes, Religious Beliefs, And Structural Biases Have To Be Changed.” “Far too many women are still denied critical access to reproductive healthcare and safe childbirth. All the laws we’ve passed don’t count for much if they’re not enforced. Rights have to exist in practice, not just on paper. Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will and deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs, and structural biases have to be changed.” [Women in the World, YouTube, 4/23/15] • Clinton Had Been Speaking About How Women In The US And Abroad Still Face Sexual And Domestic Violence, Too Few Legal Protections And Too Little Access To Health Care. “In remarks Thursday focused on the challenges facing women abroad and in the United States, Clinton had said that too many women in Africa and elsewhere still face sexual and domestic violence, too few legal protections and too little access to health care.” [Washington Post, 4/26/15] • Clinton’s Comments “Appeared To Be Primarily Directed At Political And Social Leaders Abroad” Where Women Lack Access To Contraception Due To Patriarchal Traditions. “Although other portions of Clinton’s speech were partisan and aimed squarely at Republicans, the remark about religious beliefs appeared to be primarily directed at political and social leaders abroad. Women’s access to contraception and abortion are limited by many factors in traditional, conservative societies for many reasons, including patriarchal traditions, poverty and lack of education and medical services.” [Washington Post, 4/26/15] SECRETARY CLINTON HAS BEEN A COMMITTED METHODIST FOR HER ENTIRE LIFE Secretary Clinton: “I Have Always Cherished The Methodist Church Because It Gave Us The Great Gift Of Personal Salvation But Also The Great Obligation Of Social Gospel.” “‘I have always cherished the Methodist Church because it gave us the great gift of personal salvation but also the great obligation of social gospel,’ Clinton said to the group of 7,000 women gathered here. ‘And I took that very seriously and have tried, tried to be guided in my own life ever since as an advocate for children and families, for women and men around the world who are oppressed and persecuted, denied their human rights and human dignity.’” [Washington Post, 4/26/14] Then First-Lady Clinton: “Our Spiritual Life As A Family Was Spirited And Constant… We Talked With God, Walked With God, Ate, Studied And Argued With God. Each Night, We Knelt By Our Beds To Pray Before We Went To Sleep.” “Clinton once spoke freely and openly about her faith. Her 1996 book, ‘It Takes a Village and Other Lessons Children Teach Us,’ has an entire chapter devoted to religion. ‘Religion figures in my earliest memories of my family,’ Clinton wrote, and said that the family's quest for spirituality was continual. ‘Our spiritual life as a family was spirited and constant,’ she wrote. ‘We talked with God, walked with God, ate, studied and argued with God. Each night, we knelt by our beds to pray before we went to sleep.’” [Washington Post, 4/26/14]
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