closed that facility or provided it adequate security. They did not, under her watch. She will have to answer for that.” [Situation Room, CNN, 2/25/14] CLINTON DEFENSE Secretary Clinton’s Cooperation With Investigations SECRETARY CLINTON TOOK RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE ATTACK IN BENGHAZI Secretary Clinton: “I Take Responsibility” For The Consequences Of The Benghazi Attack. “Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Monday tried to douse a political firestorm over the deadly assault on a U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya, saying she's responsible for the security of American diplomatic outposts. ‘I take responsibility,’ Clinton told CNN in an interview while on a visit to Peru. ‘I'm in charge of the State Department's 60,000-plus people all over the world, 275 posts. The president and the vice president wouldn't be knowledgeable about specific decisions that are made by security professionals. They're the ones who weigh all of the threats and the risks and the needs and make a considered decision.’” [CNN, 10/16/12] SECRETARY CLINTON TESTIFIED BEFORE TWO STATE DEPARTMENT COMMITTEES INVESTIGATING BENGHAZI IN 2013, AND HAS AGREED TO DO SO AGAIN… Secretary Clinton Testified Before The House And Senate Committees Investigating Benghazi In 2013. “In what probably was her final major public appearance as secretary of state, Hillary Rodham Clinton spent Wednesday delivering a forceful defense of the Obama administration’s response to the killings of four Americans in Libya last year and praising the commitment of the United States’ diplomats. Clinton, who returned to work this month after suffering a concussion and blood clot in early December, spent six hours testifying and answering questions. She started at 9 a.m. before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and ended after 5 p.m. with the House Foreign Affairs Committee.” [Washington Post, 1/23/13] CNN: Secretary Clinton “Has Agreed To Testify To The House's Select Committee Investigating Benghazi.” “Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has agreed to testify to the House's select committee investigating Benghazi, the panel's Democratic ranking member told CNN on Tuesday. Rep. Elijah Cummings said that Clinton agreed to testify before the committee investigating the 2012 terrorist attack in December after he contacted her months earlier.” [CNN, 1/28/15] Secretary Clinton Answered More Than 200 Questions On The Record About Benghazi On The Record. “On September 18, 2014, one day after our Committee’s first hearing, an entity known as Stop Hillary PAC delivered more than 264,000 signatures to the Select Committee insisting that you issue a subpoena to compel Secretary Clinton to testify, despite the fact that she had already testified before the House and Senate about Benghazi and answered more than 200 questions for the record.” [Select Committee on Benghazi Democrats Letter to Trey Gowdy, 3/6/15] …YET TREY GOWDY HAS DELAYED HER TESTIMONY FOR MONTHS Secretary Clinton Agreed To Testify As Early As December 2014 But Trey Gowdy Delayed Her Appearance. “As a courtesy, the Ranking Member contacted Secretary Clinton, and she responded that she was willing to testify at a public hearing to answer the Select Committee’s questions. She agreed without hesitation, and she offered to testify as early as December 2014. The Ranking Member personally communicated all of this information to you in October 2014. On November 12, 2014, in a joint phone call with both Republican and Democratic staff, Secretary Clinton’s attorney again confirmed her cooperation and willingness to testify in a public hearing before the Committee as early as December. But instead of

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