obtaining Secretary Clinton’s testimony in December, you decided to delay her testimony, explaining that you first wanted to obtain all of her documents related to Benghazi.” [Select Committee on Benghazi Democrats Letter to Trey Gowdy, 3/6/15] Wasteful And Political GOP Investigations MULTIPLE GOP-LED INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE BENGHAZI ATTACKS HAVE COST TAXPAYERS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS AND HAVE SOUGHT TO POLITICIZE THE TRAGEDY FOR THEIR OWN BENEFIT The Pentagon Said The Multiple Investigations Into The Benghazi Attacks Cost Millions And Thousands Of Hours In Personnel Time. “The Pentagon says Congress' multiple investigations of the deadly 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, have cost the department millions of dollars and thousands of hours of personnel time.” [Huffington Post, 3/25/14] • Assistant Secretary Of Defense Elizabeth King: The Six Investigations Into Benghazi Cost The Pentagon “Thousands Of Man-Hours” To Investigate “50 Congressional Hearings, Briefings, And Interviews.” “The Department has devoted thousands of man-hours to responding to numerous and often repetitive congressional requests regarding Benghazi which includes time devoted to approximately 50 congressional hearings, briefings, and interviews which the Department has led or participated in.” [Assistant Secretary Of Defense for Legislative Affairs Elizabeth King, Letter To Representative Adam Smith, 3/11/14] • Assistant Secretary Of Defense Elizabeth King Estimated The Total Cost Of Benghazi Related Congressional Requests To Be In The Millions Of Dollars. “The total cost of compliance with Benghazi related congressional requests sent to the Department and other agencies is estimated to be in the millions of dollars.” [Assistant Secretary Of Defense for Legislative Affairs Elizabeth King, Letter To Representative Adam Smith, 3/11/14] In A May 2014 FOX News Poll, 63% Of Respondents, Including 38% Of Republicans, Said That They Thought Republicans In Congress Were Investigating Benghazi For Mostly For Political Gain. [FOX News, 5/14/14] Lindsay Graham Consulted Lara Logan On The Now Discredited 60 Minutes Report On Benghazi. “What wasn’t known at the time was that Graham had consulted with CBS correspondent Lara Logan on the now-discredited Benghazi report that led to her being sidelined from the network for over six months. The Oct. 27 report started unraveling four days after airing, following revelations that security contractor Dylan Davies, the ‘60 Minutes’ eyewitness, had given conflicting stories about his whereabouts during the attack.” [Huffington Post, 5/4/14] HEADLINE: “Republicans Raising Money Off Benghazi Effort.” [Washington Post, 5/10/13] HEADLINE: “GOP Fundraises Off Benghazi Attack.” [Salon, 5/14/13] The NRCC Used Benghazi To Raise Money. “The National Republican Congressional Committee is using the debate over Benghazi to raise money. On a new fundraising page, the committee asks for donations to keep up the fight, declaring it a ‘coverup’ and using pictures of President Obama and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. The page implores supporters to ‘demand answers.’” [Washington Post, 5/10/13] • The NRCC Bragged That Their Benghazi Fundraising Page Gave Them The Most Trafficked Day In The History Of Their Website. “And it worked: the NRCC says its Clinton/Benghazi fundraising page made Friday the most trafficked day in the history of its Web site, and the Crossroads video has been viewed more than 100,000 times since Friday.” [Washington Post, 5/13/13]

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