Rand Paul Said That It Was Illegal To Accept Election Contributions From Anyone From A Foreign Country And Questioned Whether Donations To Hillary Clinton’s Foundation Acted Like A Contribution And Whether They Expected Anything In Return. RAND PAUL: “Well, we have rules that we specifically have written into the law to try to prevent foreigners from influencing our elections. So it's actually illegal for anybody to take a contribution for the election from anybody from a foreign country. Now, these aren't contributions to her [Hillary Clinton] campaign, but the question is, do they kind of act like the same thing as a contribution? Are they expecting something in return?” [Hannity, Fox News, 4/20/15] Rand Paul Said There Was An “Appearance Of Impropriety” In The Clinton Foundation Accepting Foreign Donations, Even After A Rule Change, Because It Could Appear People Were Buying Influence Or That You Had Mixed Loyalties. “The Clinton Foundation changed its policies regarding donations from foreign governments, but that hasn't quieted one of the Democratic presidential candidate's most vocal critics -- Republican Sen. Rand Paul. ‘I still think there is an appearance of impropriety in the sense that we have campaign election laws that say you can't take money from foreign countries or foreign citizens,’ Paul, a Kentucky senator and 2016 presidential candidate said in an interview with CBS News. ‘The reason is, we don't want it to appear as if people are buying influence in our government or that you might have mixed loyalties.’” [CBS News, 4/16/15] Rand Paul Said That Hillary Clinton Accepting A Significant Amount Of Money From Saudi Arabia Through Her Foundation Would Bring Up The Question Of Whether She Was Compromised As A Potential Head Of State. “Asked if the Clinton Foundation taking of foreign donations could compromise Clinton as a potential head of state, Paul said, ‘Taking a million dollars from Saudi Arabia, I don’t know how much she got from them, but taking a significant amount of money from foreign countries in the middle east, it would definitely bring up the question.’” [Buzzfeed, 3/6/15] Rand Paul Said That Foreign Donations To The Clinton Foundation Were “Thinly Veiled Bribes” And Called On Hillary Clinton To Return Any Donations From Countries That Abused Women’s Rights. “Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) told POLITICO on Friday that foreign contributions to the Clinton Foundation are ‘thinly veiled bribes,’ and said Hillary Clinton should return any donations from Saudi Arabia or other countries that abuse the rights of women. ‘The normal Clinton response is to cover up, deny, refuse to acknowledge,’ Paul said in a telephone interview as he was being driven through New Hampshire. ‘But the question is whether the country will rise up and respond to the unseemly nature of accepting foreign donations.’” [Politico, 3/20/15] Rand Paul: Why Would A Country Like Saudi Arabia That “Lives With Stone Age Barbarism” Give Money To Hillary Clinton Or The Clinton Foundation “Unless They Were Buying Influence?” SEAN HANNITY: “Do you think that [the money given to the Clinton Foundation] was a bribe? Do you think that money was given for the specific purpose for buying influence, the money that she got from Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman and some of these other places?” RAND PAUL: “Well, it's kind of unusual that a country like Saudi Arabia that will imprison a rape victim -- in fact, they gave 70 lashes to a rape victim for being in a car with a man who was not her husband while she was being raped -- that is so beyond the pale, so unconscionable that Hillary Clinton shouldn't have taken that money and she should return it. But here's the thing is, why would a country that lives with Stone Age barbarism like that -- why would they give money to Hillary Clinton, or to the Clinton Foundation, unless they were buying influence? Why would they give it if Hillary Clinton is supporting opposite policies? The thing is, is that there are a lot of unsavory characters. And when they hand out money, I think by the millions, you have to wonder why Hillary Clinton would accept it and why, frankly, she won't return it.” [Hannity Show, Fox News, 3/24/15] RAND PAUL CALLED FOR HILLARY CLINTON TO RETURN THE MONEY SHE ACCEPTED FROM FOREIGN COUNTRIES Rand Paul Said Hillary Clinton Should Return The Money She Took From Foreign Countries To Send The Message That “American Politicians Can’t Be Bought And Sold By Foreign Countries.” “The Clinton Foundation changed its policies regarding donations from foreign governments, but that hasn't quieted one of the Democratic presidential candidate's most vocal critics -- Republican Sen. Rand

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