Hillary Clinton in 2016. Cruz said that ‘Hillary’s greatest strength is Bill Clinton,’ insofar as she can evoke the 1990s and portray herself as a moderate in the mold of her husband. The association with Bill Clinton is a double-edged sword, though, he suggested.” [National Review, 2/26/15] LGBT CONSERVATIVE ATTACKS Wall Street Journal’s Jason Riley: “Only One Side Is Really Guilty Of Hypocrisy…Hillary Clinton Who Opposed Gay Marriage Until Two Years Ago Is Tweeting About Indiana's Intolerance.” “Well, both sides are claiming intolerance here. But I think only one side is really guilty of hypocrisy. And that's what I see going on here. Hillary Clinton who opposed gay marriage until two years ago is tweeting about Indiana's intolerance. The Democratic governor of Connecticut who banned state employees from traveling to Indiana even though Connecticut has essentially the same law in place. So that's what I think is going on here. It is the height of hypocrisy, positions held just a few years ago by Democrats are now considered anti-gay and bigotry in place.” [Fox News Sunday, Fox News, 4/5/15] CLINTON DEFENSE SECRETARY CLINTON HAS WON THE SUPPORT OF MAJOR LGBT ADVOCACY GROUPS, INCLUDING THE HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN AND EQUALITY CALIFORNIA Human Rights Campaign VP: “We Feel This Incredible Attachment” To Secretary Clinton. “‘I have seen grown, adult men and women weep at the possibility of her becoming the next president,’ said Fred Sainz, vice president of Human Rights Campaign, who said he has friends in the gay community who are saving money so they can afford to volunteer on a future potential Clinton campaign. ‘We feel this incredible attachment to her. In spite of tremendous challenges, she’s persisted and that’s a quality that LGBT people identify with.’” [Daily Beast, 7/21/14] Daily Beast: “LGBT Activists Say That Clinton Has Been A Loyal Ally” In The Senate And State Department. “On other matters [besides marriage equality], LGBT activists say that Clinton has been a loyal ally dating back to her time in the U.S. Senate, when she worked to lift restrictions on gay and lesbian couples adopting children. As Secretary of State, she gave a famous speech in Geneva in which she declared that ‘Gay rights are human rights’ and directed the State Department to offer equal benefits to same-sex partners.” [Daily Beast, 7/21/14] Metro Weekly: In March 2015, The 800,000 Member Equality California Became “The First LGBT- Rights Group To Endorse Clinton’s Anticipated Candidacy.” “Although she has yet to formally announce her candidacy, Hillary Clinton has already garnered her first 2016 presidential endorsement by an LGBT-rights organization. Equality California announced their endorsement of Clinton for president on Monday, making the 800,000 member organization the first LGBT-rights group to endorse Clinton’s anticipated candidacy. ‘We want Hillary Clinton to run and are ready to mobilize our 800,000 members to help her win,’ said Equality California Executive Director Rick Zbur in a statement. ‘We’re enthusiastic about her candidacy because she has the best record of accomplishment on LGBT issues of any potential candidate. Equality California is ready for Hillary!’” [Metro Weekly, 3/16/15] DURING HER TENURE AS SECRETARY OF STATE, CLINTON PUT LGBT RIGHTS AND PROTECTIONS AT THE FOREFRONT OF AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY… New York Times: “In Her Four Years At The State Department, [Secretary Clinton] Prioritized International Gay Rights.” “It’s a sentiment often expressed as gay voters mull what Mrs. Clinton’s potential 2016 presidential campaign would mean for gay rights. In her four years at the State Department, she prioritized international gay rights, including a 2011 speech in Geneva in which she urged countries to accept gays and lesbians. In the year and a half since she left her post, she has made

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