Clinton praised President Obama’s executive action on immigration as an ‘historic step,’ and called for a return to the ‘vital center’ at a black tie event in New York City Friday night. At a gala for the New York Historical Society, which honored Clinton with its ‘History Maker’ award, the former secretary of state called Obama’s order ‘historic.’ The move will spare over 4 million undocumented immigrants from deportation. If Republicans have a problem with it, she said, they should pass their own law, echoing a statement she released Thursday night. ‘We should all remember … that this is about peoples’ lives…These are the lives of people who are, in many instances, longtime residents and workers who have not only raised children, but made contributions.’” [MSNBC, 11/22/14] Fox News: “Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton On Sunday Said That Arizona's Immigration Law Invites Racial Profiling, In One Of The Toughest Statements Made To Date By An Obama Cabinet Member About The Controversial State Policy That Has Revived National Debate About Illegal Immigration.” [Fox News, 5/2/10] RELIGIOUS BELIEFS 2016ER ATTACKS BUSH ATTACKED CLINTON FOR CRITICIZING RELIGIOUS BELIEFS WHEN IT COMES TO ACCESS TO REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH Jeb Bush Criticized Hillary Clinton For Calling For Religious Beliefs To Be Changed To Allow Women Critical Access To Reproductive Health Care And Safe Child Birth. “He's in Miami Beach this weekend meeting with top donors to his super PAC. But before the meetings began on Sunday, the former Florida governor sent messages to his supporter network attacking Hillary Rodham Clinton for comments she made recently about women's rights. In remarks Thursday focused on the challenges facing women abroad and in the United States, Clinton had said that too many women in Africa and elsewhere still face sexual and domestic violence, too few legal protections and too little access to health care. ‘Yes, we have cut the maternal mortality rate in half, but far too women are still denied critical access to reproductive health care and safe childbirth, ’Clinton told the Women in the World conference in New York. ‘All the laws we passed don’t count for much if they are not enforced,’ Clinton continued. ‘Rights have to exist in practice, not just on paper. Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will, and deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.’ Bush seized on those comments in his Sunday e-mail to supporters.” [Washington Post, 4/26/15] • Bush Claimed Clinton Said “People's Deep-Seated Religious Beliefs Need To Be Changed In Order To Advance Her Own Personal Political Agenda.” “Bush seized on those comments in his Sunday e-mail to supporters. ‘This week Hillary Clinton said that people's deep-seated religious beliefs need to be changed in order to advance her own personal political agenda. Wow,’ he wrote.” [Washington Post, 4/26/15] • Bush Accused Clinton Of Turning Religious Liberty Into A “Partisan Political Issue.” “Bush seized on those comments in his Sunday e-mail to supporters. ‘This week Hillary Clinton said that people's deep-seated religious beliefs need to be changed in order to advance her own personal political agenda. Wow,’ he wrote. ‘America was founded on religious freedom, and that freedom is woven into the Bill of Rights as the first guarantee. And strengthening families is an important element to helping people rise up. This shouldn't be a partisan political issue, but unfortunately for Hillary Clinton it sounds like it is.’"[Washington Post, 4/26/15] • Bush Also Noted That “Strengthening Families Is An Important Element To Helping People Rise Up.” “Bush seized on those comments in his Sunday e-mail to supporters. ‘This week Hillary Clinton said that people's deep-seated religious beliefs need to be changed in order to advance her own personal political agenda. Wow,’ he wrote. ‘America was founded on religious freedom, and that freedom is woven into the Bill of Rights as the first guarantee. And strengthening families is an

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