important element to helping people rise up. This shouldn't be a partisan political issue, but unfortunately for Hillary Clinton it sounds like it is.’"[Washington Post, 4/26/15] Bush Launched A Petition Accusing Hillary Clinton Of Thinking Religious Beliefs Should Be Changed. “Americans' religious beliefs should be respected and protected not changed @HillaryClinton . Sign if you agree …” [@jebbush, Twitter, 4/26/15] CLINTON DEFENSE Brinster, Jeremy 5/5/2015 3:09 PM Comment [8]: I’d just pivot to talked about the SECRETARY CLINTON SAID THAT DEEP-SEATED CULTURAL CODES AND RELIGIOUS BELIEFS license to discriminate bills here, lack of support MUST BE CHANGED IF THEY PREVENT LAWS THAT PROVIDE FOR ACCESS TO REPRODUCTIVE for reproductive rights among 2016ers HEALTHCARE FROM BEING ENFORCED Secretary Clinton: “Far Too Many Women Are Still Denied Critical Access To Reproductive Healthcare And Safe Childbirth…Laws Have To Be Backed Up With Resources And Political Will And Deep-Seated Cultural Codes, Religious Beliefs, And Structural Biases Have To Be Changed.” “Far too many women are still denied critical access to reproductive healthcare and safe childbirth. All the laws we’ve passed don’t count for much if they’re not enforced. Rights have to exist in practice, not just on paper. Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will and deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs, and structural biases have to be changed.” [Women in the World, YouTube, 4/23/15] • Clinton Had Been Speaking About How Women In The US And Abroad Still Face Sexual And Domestic Violence, Too Few Legal Protections And Too Little Access To Health Care. “In remarks Thursday focused on the challenges facing women abroad and in the United States, Clinton had said that too many women in Africa and elsewhere still face sexual and domestic violence, too few legal protections and too little access to health care.” [Washington Post, 4/26/15] • Clinton’s Comments “Appeared To Be Primarily Directed At Political And Social Leaders Abroad” Where Women Lack Access To Contraception Due To Patriarchal Traditions. “Although other portions of Clinton’s speech were partisan and aimed squarely at Republicans, the remark about religious beliefs appeared to be primarily directed at political and social leaders abroad. Women’s access to contraception and abortion are limited by many factors in traditional, conservative societies for many reasons, including patriarchal traditions, poverty and lack of education and medical services.” [Washington Post, 4/26/15] SECRETARY CLINTON HAS BEEN A COMMITTED METHODIST FOR HER ENTIRE LIFE Secretary Clinton: “I Have Always Cherished The Methodist Church Because It Gave Us The Great Gift Of Personal Salvation But Also The Great Obligation Of Social Gospel.” “‘I have always cherished the Methodist Church because it gave us the great gift of personal salvation but also the great obligation of social gospel,’ Clinton said to the group of 7,000 women gathered here. ‘And I took that very seriously and have tried, tried to be guided in my own life ever since as an advocate for children and families, for women and men around the world who are oppressed and persecuted, denied their human rights and human dignity.’” [Washington Post, 4/26/14] Then First-Lady Clinton: “Our Spiritual Life As A Family Was Spirited And Constant… We Talked With God, Walked With God, Ate, Studied And Argued With God. Each Night, We Knelt By Our Beds To Pray Before We Went To Sleep.” “Clinton once spoke freely and openly about her faith. Her 1996 book, ‘It Takes a Village and Other Lessons Children Teach Us,’ has an entire chapter devoted to religion. ‘Religion figures in my earliest memories of my family,’ Clinton wrote, and said that the family's quest for spirituality was continual. ‘Our spiritual life as a family was spirited and constant,’ she wrote. ‘We talked with God, walked with God, ate, studied and argued with God. Each night, we knelt by our beds to pray before we went to sleep.’” [Washington Post, 4/26/14]

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