important steps to implement this plan, and we are working hard to execute the next phase by June 15th,’ she added.” [Voice Of America, 5/10/11] Secretary Clinton On The Passage Of Three Free Trade Deals In Congress: “By Opening New Markets To American Exports And Attracting New Investments To American Communities, Our Economic Statecraft Is Creating Jobs And Spurring Growth Here At Home.” “Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton hailed the deals Wednesday as an important victory for American foreign policy. And she said she expected that the South Korea pact alone would create 70,000 American jobs. ‘By opening new markets to American exports and attracting new investments to American communities, our economic statecraft is creating jobs and spurring growth here at home,’ Ms. Clinton said at a Washington event.” [New York Times, 10/12/11] …AND HER STATE DEPARTMENT FORGED NEW OPEN SKIES PARTNERSHIPS WITH STRATEGIC PARTNERS Under Secretary Clinton, The U.S. Signed 15 New Open Skies Agreements With Foreign Partners Including Israel, Japan, Colombia, Brazil, And Saudi Arabia. [State Department, 1/12/15] Secretary Clinton: “An Open Skies Agreement Has Powerful Benefits – Fewer Government Restrictions, More Competition, More Jobs In The Air And On The Ground; More People Trading, Exchanging And Interacting; Cheaper Flights, More Tourists, New Routes To New Cities.” “In each case, an Open Skies agreement has powerful benefits – fewer government restrictions, more competition, more jobs in the air and on the ground; more people trading, exchanging and interacting; cheaper flights, more tourists, new routes to new cities – so that we now have passengers and shippers enjoying direct services between cities like Las Vegas and Seoul, or Phoenix and Montreal.” [State Department, 3/30/11] OBAMA THIRD TERM 2016ER ATTACKS CHRISTIE’S LMFA PAC SAID HILLARY CLINTON WOULD BE ANOTHER FOUR YEAR OF OBAMA’S “FAILED POLICIES” LMFA PAC, On Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Announcement: “Do You Want Four More Years Of The Obama Administration In The White House To Wreak Havoc By Continuing To Push Failed Policies?” “Hillary Clinton announced today that she's running for President. Unfortunately, Americans have already seen the type of ‘leadership’ she will provide. Do you want four more years of the Obama administration in The White House to wreak havoc by continuing to push failed policies? Take the pledge and join Leadership Matters for America PAC in supporting real leaders who take on tough issues. Our country needs a leader who will fight to make government transparent and accountable.” [Leadership Matters for America, 4/13/15] RUBIO SAID HILLARY CLINTON WOULD BE OBAMA’S THIRD TERM Rubio On Hillary Clinton: “She Has Yet To Distinguish Herself In Terms Of What She Would Do Differently Than Obama Would.” “Rubio fired his own shots at Hillary Clinton, the leading Democratic candidate for president, saying she would continue the same policies of the Obama administration that have failed to economically advance women and minorities. ‘She has yet to distinguish herself in terms of what she would do differently than Obama would,’ Rubio said.” [Nashua Telegraph, 2/25/15] Rubio When Asked About Clinton Trying To Potentially Steal His Thunder With Her Announcement On Sunday: “Is She Going To Be A Continuance Of What We Have Now, Which Is Not What The American People Want? What’s The Difference Between Her And The Current Administration?” “When asked if he thought Clinton was ‘trying to steal his thunder’ by making her

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