standards, creating more and better growth. And this agreement will set a new precedent by covering emerging trade issues such as the competitive impact of state-owned enterprises, the connectivity of regional supply chains, and opportunities for more small- and-medium-sized businesses that are truly the engine of economic growth and employment everywhere.” [Remarks at Far Eastern Federal University, State Department, 9/8/12] Secretary Clinton: The Trans-Pacific Partnership “Will Set A New Precedent By Covering Emerging Trade Issues Such As The Competitive Impact Of State-Owned Enterprises, The Connectivity Of Regional Supply Chains, And Opportunities For More Small- And-Medium-Sized Businesses.” “That’s also true of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a new far-reaching regional trade agreement that will bring together at least 11 economies, developed and developing alike, into a single Pacific trading community. It will lower trade barriers while raising standards, creating more and better growth. And this agreement will set a new precedent by covering emerging trade issues such as the competitive impact of state-owned enterprises, the connectivity of regional supply chains, and opportunities for more small- and-medium-sized businesses that are truly the engine of economic growth and employment everywhere.” [Remarks at Far Eastern Federal University, State Department, 9/8/12] …AS WELL AS AN IMPORTANT STRATEGIC INITIATIVE FOR U.S. ASIA POLICY Secretary Clinton: The Trans-Pacific Partnership Was “Important For American Workers, Who Would Benefit From Competing On A More Level Playing Field…[And] A Strategic Initiative That Would Strengthen The Position Of The United States In Asia.” “One of our most important tools for engaging with Vietnam was a proposed new trade agreement called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which would link markets throughout Asia and the Americas, lowering trade barriers while raising standards on labor, the environment, and intellectual property. As President Obama explained, the goal of the TPP negotiations is to establish ‘a high standard, enforceable, meaningful trade agreement’ that ‘is going to be incredibly powerful for American companies who, up until this point, have often been locked out of those markets.’ It was also important for American workers, who would benefit from competing on a more level playing field. And it was a strategic initiative that would strengthen the position of the United States in Asia.” [Hillary Clinton, Hard Choices, 6/10/14] BUT AS SECRETARY OF STATE, CLINTON BELIEVED A TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT NEEDED TO INCLUDE “STRONG PROTECTIONS FOR WORKERS” Secretary Clinton: “We Believe Trade Agreements Need To Include Strong Protections For Workers, The Environment, Intellectual Property, And Innovation…[And] Our Hope Is That A TPP Agreement With High Standards Can Serve As A Benchmark For Future Agreements.” “We are also making progress on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which will bring together economies from across the Pacific — developed and developing alike — into a single trading community. Our goal is to create not just more growth, but better growth. We believe trade agreements need to include strong protections for workers, the environment, intellectual property, and innovation. They should also promote the free flow of information technology and the spread of green technology, as well as the coherence of our regulatory system and the efficiency of supply chains. Ultimately, our progress will be measured by the quality of people’s lives — whether men and women can work in dignity, earn a decent wage, raise healthy families, educate their children, and take hold of the opportunities to improve their own and the next generation’s fortunes. Our hope is that a TPP agreement with high standards can serve as a benchmark for future agreements — and grow to serve as a platform for broader regional interaction and eventually a free trade area of the Asia-Pacific.” [Hillary Clinton, Foreign Policy, 10/11/11] AND IN HER BOOK, SECRETARY CLINTON SAID THE TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP WOULD NOT BE PERFECT, AND SAID THAT ITS HIGH STANDARDS MUST BE “IMPLEMENTED AND ENFORCED” IN ORDER FOR THE AGREEMENT TO BENEFIT WORKERS AND BUSINESSES Secretary Clinton: “Because TPP Negotiations Are Still Ongoing, It Makes Sense To Reserve Judgment Until We Can Evaluate The Final Proposed Agreement.” “Our country has learned the hard way over the past several decades that globalization and the expansion of international trade brings costs

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