CLINTON DEFENSE SECRETARY CLINTON CRITICIZED REPUBLICANS FOR WEAKENING FINANCIAL REFORM Secretary Clinton On Republican Attempts To Weaken Dodd-Frank: “Attacking Financial Reform Is Risky And Wrong.” “Hillary Clinton is defending the Dodd-Frank Act as Republicans in Congress look for ways to water down the overhaul of financial regulation and some fellow Democrats accuse her of being too cozy with Wall Street. ‘Attacking financial reform is risky and wrong,’ Clinton, a former U.S. Secretary of State who’s considering a White House run in 2016, wrote Friday in a Twitter message. ‘Better for Congress to focus on jobs and wages for middle class families.’” [Bloomberg, 1/16/15] 2008: THEN-SENATOR CLINTON SIGNALED SHE WOULD BE OPEN TO RAISING THE CAPITAL GAINS TAX RATE New York Times: In 2008, Then-Senator Clinton “Said She Would Not Raise The Capital Gains Rate Above 20 Percent ‘If I Raised It At All.’” “If she runs for president, it will be very interesting to see whether Mrs. Clinton takes a position substantially to Barack Obama’s right on capital gains taxes, as she did in 2008. In a debate in April of that year, Mrs. Clinton said she would not raise the capital gains rate above 20 percent ‘if I raised it at all.’” [New York Times, 3/13/15] • New York Times: Due To The Affordable Care Act And The 2013 Fiscal Cliff Deal, “The Top Tax Rate On Capital Gains Has Gone From 15 Percent In 2008 To 23.8 Percent Today, Higher Than The Red Line Mrs. Clinton Set.” “The Affordable Care Act created an additional 3.8 percent tax on capital gains for high earners, and the so-called fiscal cliff deal of 2013 added another 5 points to the rate, so the top tax rate on capital gains has gone from 15 percent in 2008 to 23.8 percent today, higher than the red line Mrs. Clinton set. In his most recent budget, Mr. Obama proposed to further increase the rate to 28 percent.” [New York Times, 3/13/15] 2016ER VULNERABILITIES WOMEN 2016ER ATTACKS RAND PAUL CALLED BILL CLINTON A SEXUAL PREDATOR AND CALLED DEMOCRATIC EFFORTS TO PORTRAY THEMSELVES AS CHAMPIONS OF WOMEN HYPOCRITICAL IN LIGHT OF HIS ACTIONS HEADLINE: “Rand Paul: Democrats Should Disown ‘Sexual Predator’ Bill Clinton.” [Washington Post, 2/6/14] Rand Paul Called Bill Clinton A “Sexual Predator.” “Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said in a new interview that Democrats should distance themselves from Bill Clinton if they are serious about women's rights. Asked on Newsmax TV whether Clinton is an unsavory character, Paul repeated his assertion that the former president is a ‘sexual predator.’” [Aaron Blake, Washington Post, 2/6/14] Rand Paul Called Democrats Hypocritical For Being “Big On All These Workplace Rules To Protect Women,” But When Bill Clinton Was President “He Really Didn’t Obey The Workplace Rules On Women And What He Did Was Inappropriate.” “Paul's been anything but shy in his criticism of the former president over the Monica Lewinsky scandal. ‘I think the American people don't like hypocrisy. Democrats have been big on all these workplace rules to protect women, most of which I agree with. But then when he was commander and chief he really didn't obey the workplace rules on women and what he did was inappropriate,’ Paul offered.” [NH1, 10/16/14]

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