Foundation, the Foundation is bolstering an often-missed element from our national workforce training conversations: business-designed and -led career pathways for opportunity youth – young people who are both out-of-school and out-of-work. By working hand-in-hand with businesses, leading non-profits, economists, and advocates across the country, the Clinton Foundation is helping to identify and scale effective ways for companies to address their core business needs through engaging opportunity youth… In 2014, Job One encouraged and spotlighted 16 Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Commitments to Action that expand training, hiring, or mentoring opportunities for youth and build the business case for more companies to engage unemployed youth.” [Annual Report, Clinton Foundation, 2014] CANDIDATE OF THE PAST 2016ER ATTACKS JEB BUSH SAID HILLARY CLINTON’S ATTEMPT TO RUN A CAMPAIGN ON “90S NOSTALGIA” WAS “NOT GOING TO BE VERY SUCCESSFUL” Jeb Bush Dismissed The Hillary Clinton Mystique, Saying “If Someone Wants To Run A Campaign About 90s Nostalgia, It’s Not Going To Be Very Successful.” “Seriously exploring a bid for the White House, Bush poo-pooed the mystique of the Clintons during the kickoff reception for his Right to Rise political action committee. ‘He said, ‘If someone wants to run a campaign about 90s nostalgia, it’s not going to be very successful,’’ an insider told Hearst Connecticut Media.” [Hearst Connecticut Media, 1/7/15] TED CRUZ: “HILLARY CLINTON REPRESENTS THE FAILED POLICIES OF THE PAST” Ted Cruz: “Hillary Clinton Represents The Failed Policies Of The Past.” “Cruz showed no enthusiasm for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign announcement. ‘That surprised nobody,’ Cruz said. ‘We know exactly what to expect. Hillary Clinton represents the failed policies of the past.’” [The Charlotte Observer, 4/13/15] RUBIO HAS CONSISTENTLY CALLED HILLARY CLINTON A CANDIDATE OF “YESTERDAY” Rubio During His Campaign Announcement: “Now, Just Yesterday, A Leader From Yesterday Began A Campaign For President By Promising To Take Us Back To Yesterday. Yesterday Is Over.” “But this election is not just about what laws we're going to pass. This selection is a generational choice about what kind of country we will be. Now, just yesterday, a leader from yesterday began a campaign for president by promising to take us back to yesterday. Yesterday is over. (APPLAUSE) And we're never going back. You see, we American are proud of our history, but our country has always been about the future, and before us now is the opportunity to author the greatest chapter yet in the amazing story of America, but we can't do that by going back to the leaders and ideas of the past. We must change the decisions we are making by changing the people who are making them.” [Marco Rubio Presidential announcement speech, 4/13/15; VIDEO] HEADLINE: “Marco Rubio: Hillary Is ‘Yesterday.’” [USA Today, 2/27/15] HEADLINE: “Marco Rubio Looks Forward At CPAC, Calls Hillary Clinton ‘Yesterday.’” [Politico, 2/27/15] TH RUBIO SAID CLINTON WAS “WEDDED TO THE INSTITUTIONS OF THE 20 CENTURY” Rubio: “Hillary Clinton Is Someone Who's Deeply Wedded To The Institutions Of The 20th Century. Her Plans Are To Spend More Money On The Existing Higher Education System.” RUBIO: “But on the Democratic side, I think, you know, Hillary Clinton is someone who's deeply wedded to the institutions of the 20th century. Her plans are to spend more money on the existing higher

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