Politico: In The Weeks Before The Cease-Fire Collapsed, Secretary Clinton “Singled Out The Deal Repeatedly As One Of Which She Is Particularly Proud.” “On her book tour in the United States and Europe, and in several speeches before the book’s release, she has singled out the deal repeatedly as one of which she is particularly proud — and still intact. In a C-SPAN interview that aired over the July 4 weekend, right before hostilities broke out in a concerted fashion, Clinton was asked about her ‘favorite’ story from the book. She offered several anecdotes, but noted the Gaza cease-fire first.” [Politico, 7/15/14] 2016ER VULNERABILITIES EUROPE 2016ER ATTACKS Rubio On If He Thinks There Is A Signature Achievement Of Hillary Clinton’s Tenure As Secretary Of State: “I Do Not.” MR: “Around the world today, perhaps, the most common theme is one of serious doubt about the U.S.’ willingness to lead or ability to lead, whether it’s in Asia or Europe, or in any part of the planet, so what is the signature achievement of her four and a half years at the State Department?” HH: “Do you think there is one?” MR: “I do not. In fact, I think if you look at the administration’s foreign policy especially during her watch, it completely lacked any sort of strategic vision of what America’s role is in the world in the 21st Century.” [Hugh Hewitt Show, 6/9/14] Bobby Jindal Attacked The Obama Administration And Hillary Clinton For Neglecting And Abandoning Our Allies. “Otherwise, Jindal's remark were heavy on blaming the Obama White House, including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, for fumbling foreign policy. ‘Today, we see a world in which the Obama administration has neglected or abandoned America's long-standing allies. Our 'special relationship' with Britain is gone, NATO is drifting, Eastern Europe is disaffected, and Israel has been purposefully alienated from the United States,’ he said. He went on to say the last months has sparked the rise of ISIS, Russia's incursion into Crimea and Ukraine, and other flare-ups around the world.” [The Post And Courier, 10/7/14] CLINTON DEFENSE SECRETARY CLINTON HAS MAINTAINED A CLOSE RELATIONSHIP WITH EUROPEAN ALLIES… British Foreign Secretary William Hague On Secretary Clinton: “We Each Relied Heavily On The Bond Of The Special Relationship During A Time Of Momentous Upheaval And Change In The Middle East.” “The working relationship between a British Foreign Secretary and an American Secretary of State is exceptionally close. I think I speak for both of us in saying that we each relied heavily on the bond of the Special Relationship during a time of momentous upheaval and change in the Middle East. But one of the many reasons I enjoyed working with you so much is because we share the conviction that foreign policy is not just about responding to the crises of today; it is about improving the condition of humanity.” [British Foreign Secretary Hague Remarks, 10/11/13] British Foreign Secretary William Hague On Secretary Clinton: “As Secretary Of State You Strongly Supported My Campaign To End The Use Of Rape As A Weapon Of War.” “As Secretary of State you strongly supported my campaign to end the use of rape as a weapon of war, and last month we passed an inspiring milestone, when 134 countries came together for the first time to endorse our new global declaration promising to end sexual violence in conflict.” [British Foreign Secretary Hague Remarks, 10/11/13] British Foreign Secretary William Hague On Secretary Clinton: “I Am Pleased On My Own Account To Be Able To Thank You For Our Excellent Working Relationship And Friendship, For Your Inspiring Faith In Value Of Diplomacy, For Your Attachment To Britain.” “So I am proud to pay

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