African Studies Scholars Letter To Secretary Clinton: “As Scholars With A Special Interest In Nigeria And Broad Expertise On African Politics, We Are Writing To Urge That You Not Designate Boko Haram A Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO).” [Letter To Secretary Clinton, 5/21/12] …CLAIMING THAT SUCH A DESIGNATION WOULD EMBOLDEN BOKO HARAM AND LIMIT THE TOOLS THE STATE DEPARTMENT COULD USE AGAINST THEM African Studies Scholars Letter To Secretary Clinton: “An FTO Designation Would Internationalize Boko Haram, Legitimize Abuses By Nigeria’s Security Services, Limit The State Department’s Latitude In Shaping A Long Term Strategy.” “We are acutely aware of the horrific violence perpetrated by Boko Haram, including attacks on both Muslims and Christians in Nigeria, whether government officials or civilian targets. We share your concerns about the impact of extremist violence on Nigeria’s democratic progress and security in general. However an FTO designation would internationalize Boko Haram, legitimize abuses by Nigeria’s security services, limit the State Department’s latitude in shaping a long term strategy, and undermine the U.S. Government’s ability to receive effective independent analysis from the region.” [Letter To Secretary Clinton, 5/21/12] African Studies Scholars Letter To Secretary Clinton: “An FTO Designation Would…Undermine The U.S. Government’s Ability To Receive Effective Independent Analysis From The Region.” [Letter To Secretary Clinton, 5/21/12] African Studies Scholars Letter To Secretary Clinton: “An FTO Designation Would Potentially Shift [Boko Haram’s] Posture Towards The US And…Undermine The Nigerian Government’s Ability To Address The Problem Through Law Enforcement And Thereby Improve Rule Of Law.” “An FTO designation would internationalize Boko Haram’s standing and enhance its status among radical organizations elsewhere. Boko Haram’s recent tactics, including the use of suicide bombers and improvised explosive devices, raise questions about their foreign links. The network’s focus has been overwhelmingly domestic, despite an August 2011 attack on the United Nations office in Abuja. Rhetorically, some of Boko Haram’s critique of northern underdevelopment and elite corruption is within the realm of mainstream political discourse. But there are clear indications that their tactics and targets have turned most Nigerians against them, including local populations in the north. An FTO designation would potentially shift the organization’s posture towards the US and validate the more radical factions’ analysis of outsider influence in Nigeria. It would also undermine the Nigerian government’s ability to address the problem through law enforcement and thereby improve rule of law.” [Letter To Secretary Clinton, 5/21/12] African Studies Scholars Letter To Secretary Clinton: “An FTO Designation [Of Boko Haram] Would Give Disproportionate Attention To Counter-Terrorism In Our Bilateral Relations, And Increase The Risk That The US Becomes Linked…To Abuses By The [Nigerian] Security Services.” “An FTO designation would give disproportionate attention to counter-terrorism in our bilateral relations, and increase the risk that the US becomes linked – whether in reality or perception – to abuses by the security services. An FTO designation would effectively endorse excessive use of force at a time when the rule of law in Nigeria hangs in the balance. There is already evidence that abuses by Nigeria’s security services have facilitated radical recruitment. This was made unequivocally clear in 2009 following the extrajudicial murder of Mohammed Yusuf, which was broadcast across the internet. That incident was immediately followed by Boko Haram’s radicalization, splintering, and increased propensity for large scale violence. Moreover, the routine use of the military for domestic law enforcement is a cause for alarm in a country with a deep history of military rule, and where formal declarations of states of emergency have historically led to broader political instability.” [Letter To Secretary Clinton, 5/21/12] African Studies Scholars Letter To Secretary Clinton: “Accurately Understanding And Properly Addressing The Issue Of Boko Haram Will Require A Diplomatic, Developmental, And Demilitarized Framework.” “Accurately understanding and properly addressing the issue of Boko Haram will require a diplomatic, developmental, and demilitarized framework. The State Department and its civilian developmental partners must be in the lead.” [Letter To Secretary Clinton, 5/21/12]

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