Attacks on Clinton 6/12/15

ATTACKS ON SEC CLINTON 6-12-15 Summary  Scott Walker cited both Bill Clinton-era scandals and modern controversies surrounding Secretary Clinton’s emails, mentioning Clinton Cash.  Rand Paul said he leads Secretary Clinton in NH, CO, IA, PA, and OH.  Carly Fiorina said Secretary Clinton was not trustworthy.  Carly Fiorina said Secretary Clinton had “no track record of leadership.”  Rick Perry said Secretary Clinton was a Washington insider, citing her support of Obama’s healthcare and education policies.  Rick Perry said Secretary Clinton did not trust Texas voters.  Marco Rubio said Secretary Clinton’s use of a private server showed poor judgment, while Lindsey Graham said it showed the Clintons played by a different set of rules.  Carly Fiorina said the New York Times should write more about the Clintons’ finances.  Carly Fiorina said little of the Clinton Foundation’s donations go to charitable work.  Carly Fiorina said the Clintons had a higher net worth than the Fiorinas.  Scott Walker and Lindsey Graham hit Secretary Clinton for her “dead broke” comments.  Ted Cruz hit the Clintons for foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation and high speaking fees.  John Kasich dodged a question about investigating the Clinton Health Access Initiative.  Rick Perry said the media should further investigate the Clinton Foundation’s donations.  Rick Perry referenced the Clinton Foundation’s Sweden and Stephanopoulos donations controversies.  John Kasich hit Secretary Clinton for her voting rights comments, calling her “dead wrong” to accuse GOP of discrimination at a sensitive time for American race relations, and implied her campaign was about dividing America.  Scott Walker called Secretary Clinton’s opposition to voter ID “out of touch.”  Rick Perry said Secretary Clinton was wrong to oppose voter ID and said she opposed showing ID to board an airplane.  Chris Christie said Secretary Clinton didn’t know what she was talking about in criticizing voting rights in New Jersey and that she wanted “an opportunity to commit greater acts of voter fraud around the country.”  Marco Rubio criticized Secretary Clinton for wanting 20 days of guaranteed early voting.  Rick Perry said that Secretary Clinton wanted to open up the border.  Marco Rubio said then-Senator Clinton did nothing substantial related to immigration and criticized her for “flip-flopping” on citizenship and driver’s licenses.  Jeb Bush criticized Secretary Clinton for dodging the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.  Ted Cruz said Secretary Clinton embodied Washington corruption.  Ted Cruz hit Secretary Clinton for not answering questions on issues like trade, Iran, and Libya.  Carly Fiorina implied that there were unanswered questions about Secretary Clinton she would like addressed.  Lindsey Graham said it was easier to meet with North Korean leader than Secretary Clinton.  Marco Rubio criticized Secretary Clinton for not answering questions, and therefore not holding herself to the same standards as her Republican opponents.  Carly Fiorina criticized Secretary Clinton’s first Instagram post.  Chris Christie said the teachers unions would be Secretary Clinton’s largest campaign contributors.  Rick Perry said Secretary Clinton should tell Americans whether she would have pulled out of Iraq knowing what she knows now.  Lindsey Graham said Secretary Clinton’s “biggest nightmare” was to be asked whether or not she thought the war on terror was going well.  Chris Christie hit Secretary Clinton for her comments at the Benghazi hearings.

 Rick Perry criticized Secretary Clinton for lack of transparency over Benghazi.  Lindsey Graham criticized Secretary Clinton for not understanding Libya’s security environment.  Rand Paul said Secretary Clinton’s handling of the Benghazi attack should preclude her from being president.  Marco Rubio and Scott Walker hit Secretary Clinton for 2009 comments that they said let China off the hook for human rights violations.  Jeb Bush criticized the ‘reset’ with Russia under Secretary Clinton.  Marco Rubio criticized Secretary Clinton for perceived failures during her tenure at State.  Scott Walker called the ‘pivot to Asia’ under Secretary Clinton “hollow.”  Marco Rubio said Secretary Clinton embodied old ideas and represented an old “generation of leadership.”  Scott Walker said Secretary Clinton’s ‘Washington knows best’ approach “should be left in the past.”  Carly Fiorina suggested that Secretary Clinton had never ridden a John Deere tractor.  Bobby Jindal said that while the Secretary Clinton began talking about criminal justice reform, he was helping solve criminal justice problems in Louisiana. Clinton-era scandals Gov. Scott Walker, Bloomberg, With All Due Respect 6/11/15 Video: Here [08:00] Mark: The Clinton presidency, what wasn't the best and worst thing about it? Governor Walker: They worked with the house and senate on getting a balanced budget. That was certainly good. And certainly the piece left over from president Reagan. Certainly the scandals were the worst part. We have seen with the e-mails Clinton cash, and all that, people are wearing that we will get these scandals again. Polling Sen. Rand Paul, Herald Radio Morning Meeting 6/11/15 Audio: here [05:00] Leads HRC in five different states that President Obama won – New Hampshire, Colorado, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Ohio Sen. Rand Paul, Manchester NH Office Opening 6/5/15 Video: here [end] - In early states he’s routinely in top three, but in purple states he’s beating HRC hands down with independents. A third of NH is independent. That’s how he’s going to win NH is he’s going to get the Republican vote, the independent vote - When the general election vote comes, they’re also going to accept some Democrat vote as well

Trust Carly Fiorina, Fox News America’s Newsroom 6/10/15 Video: THIS LINK You are not afraid to go after HRC. Why have you delineated yourself that way? - We are in a fight for future of the nation - I disagree profoundly with HRC - She is not trustworthy, no track record of leadership Gov. Rick Perry on CBS, Face the Nation 6/7/15 Video: THIS LINK [end] - I think the people of the state of Texas overwhelmingly support voter ID. HRC is the classic Washington insider. We’ve seen this with ACA and education. Washington. She’s looking at the people of Texas and saying we don’t trust you. Carly Fiorina: “I Have A Lot Of Admiration For Hillary Clinton, But She Clearly Is Not Trustworthy.” “CARLY FIORINA: The former tech executive chose social media and a nationally broadcast morning TV network show to launch her campaign on May 4, and she quickly went after Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton. ‘I have a lot of admiration for Hillary Clinton, but she clearly is not trustworthy,’ she said.” [Washington Post, 6/2/15] Emails Sen. Marco Rubio on Outnumbered, Fox News 6/4/15 Video: Part 1 First segment [about halfway in] Q: Do you think HRC is corrupt? A: That’s something voters are going to have to decide after we have all the info. Email issue to me: there was sensitive information in there. We know foreign intelligence are trying to hack in there. Her server was most definetly being attacked by foreign intelligence agencies. I’d worry about putting all this info on there that will now be available to a foreign intelligence agency. It shows poor judgement. Even now, as a candidate, we’re always careful about what we put in an email bc any insight you give a foreign intelligence agency is an advantage for them. Sen. Lindsey Graham on .@radiotalkermike at 9:30 AM, 6/3/15 [towards end of Q&A] On HRC -If a republican had set up a server it would be the number one media issue everyday -The Clinton live by a different set of rules

Finances Carly Fiorina, Fox News America’s Newsroom 6/10/15 Video: THIS LINK Rubio not good at managing money. What do you think? - It’s the NYT, wish they would do more of a story on Bill and Hillary’s money - The question for them is what else don’t we know? - So little of donations go to charitable work Gov. Scott Walker, Twitter, 6/9/15 Gov. Scott Walker, Our American Revival, 6/9/15 GOVERNOR SCOTT WALKER: A YEAR AFTER “DEAD BROKE” COMMENTS, CLINTON STILL WILDLY OUT OF TOUCH A year ago, Hillary Clinton highlighted the massive gap separating her from middle-class Americans when she claimed she and her husband were “dead broke” when they left the White House. Of course, her wildly out-of-touch statement was false. In fact, as the Clintons’ time in the White House was winding down, they purchased two homes at a total cost of more than $4.5 million. Who knew being “dead broke” could pay so well? What’s more, after leaving the White House, Clinton took her experience there all the way to the bank, helping her become one of the Senate’s wealthiest members. Since leaving the Obama administration, Clinton has kept the money-machine rolling, raking in more than $11 million since 2014 in paid speeches, some at $300,000 apiece – more money than most Americans make in an entire year. The fact that Clinton – with her massive earning potential and not one, but two multi-million dollar homes – could have ever considered herself “dead broke,” calls into question her basic perception of reality. A year later, Clinton is still as out of touch as ever. She’s stuck in a carefully choreographed campaign cocoon, not taking questions or talking to real Americans about the problems they face. Perhaps if Clinton actually bothered to speak with average voters on the campaign trail, she would learn the things holding so many people back today are the barriers to opportunity she and other liberals champion: higher taxes and burdensome regulations that are strangling American businesses, leading to a lack of good-paying, full-time jobs.

As a middle-class parent with two kids in college, I know everyday Americans are genuinely concerned about America’s opportunity gap. Unlike Clinton, most folks could only dream of earning $300,000 for a fraction of a day’s work. And while Clinton has certainly amassed a fortune talking about her government- knows-best philosophy on the paid-speaking circuit, those of us in the middle class know that approach just doesn’t work in real life. As we’ve seen in Wisconsin, you don’t grow the economy by growing government. In fact, the opposite is true. In our state, we’ve cut regulations and lowered taxes by $2 billion, putting money directly back into peoples’ pockets. The results speak for themselves. We’ve created over 150,000 jobs, our unemployment rate has dropped from 8.1 percent before I took office to 4.4 percent, and our state has jumped from the 41st to the 12th best state to do business in, according to Chief Executive Magazine. If Hillary Clinton wants to make sure more Americans aren’t “dead broke,” she should talk to the middle- class voters in Wisconsin, who rejected the tired, big-government policies she represents three times in the last four years in favor of new ideas and courageous, conservative leadership. If we enact bold reforms across the rest of the country like we have in Wisconsin, we can make sure everyone – not just out-of-touch rich people like Hillary Clinton – has the opportunity to succeed. Sen. Lindsey Graham at Roast and Ride 6/6/15 Video: Part 1 [toward end] -To HRC- your definition of flat broke is a little different than mine. Anyone who thinks they are flat broke after leaving the White House has lost there way Sen. Ted Cruz on Fox News, Cavuto 6/4/15 Video: here [towards end] On HRC: curious she’s going to Texas. There aren’t any foreign nations to write her checks and pay for her husband’s speaking fees. Sen. Lindsey Graham on .@radiotalkermike at 9:30 AM, 6/3/15 [towards end of Q&A] -Her definition of flat broke is very different from mine Carly Fiorina: “Bill And Hillary Clinton Are Worth Far More Money Than Frank And Carly Fiorina.” “Mrs. [Carly] Fiorina previously has said her family is less wealthy than the Clintons, but it is unclear whether that is the case. The Clintons’ disclosed assets ranged from $11.3 million to $52.7 million in the 16 months starting in January 2014, and they earned more than $30 million in that period. But Mrs. Clinton’s disclosure doesn’t include the value of two properties the couple bought after leaving the White House—one for $1.7 million in Chappaqua, N.Y., and another in Washington, D.C., for $2.85 million, which have likely appreciated in value. In April, Mrs. Fiorina cast herself as a candidate who could better connect with average Americans than Mrs. Clinton. In an interview with the Howie Carr Show, she said: ‘Bill and Hillary Clinton are worth far more money than Frank and Carly Fiorina.’” [Wall Street Journal, 6/3/15] Clinton Foundation

Carly Fiorina, Fox News America’s Newsroom 6/10/15 Video: THIS LINK Rubio not good at managing money. What do you think? - It’s the NYT, wish they would do more of a story on Bill and Hillary’s money - The question for them is what else don’t we know? - So little of donations go to charitable work Sen. Ted Cruz on Fox News, Cavuto 6/4/15 Video: here [towards end] On HRC: curious she’s going to Texas. There aren’t any foreign nations to write her checks and pay for her husband’s speaking fees. Gov. Rick Perry on Fox News Hannity 6/4/15 Video: Here [06:45] - Perry referenced Clinton and Sweden, said that they were giving a suspicion amount of money to the Clinton Foundation – Even George Stephanopoulos should say that doesn't pass the smell test Gov. John Kasich, Portsmouth NH roundtable 6/4/15 VIDEO: THIS LINK [1:40] Should CHAI be investigated? -George Bush did a lot of great work in Africa and he didn’t need a foundation -When I’m talking about the Clintons, I’m not talking about me -There’s going to be a time to deal with emails and stuff like that -We are not going to beat Hillary Clinton on Benghazi, emails and the Clinton Foundation -You better have a bigger agenda than that -Attacking Hillary and getting applause is hitting it in the cheap seats Perry Said The Media Was Irresponsible For Writing About Rubio’s Parking Tickets But Not The Clinton Foundation’s Donations. “The Times reported that the Rubios had been cited on traffic violations a combined 17 times since 1997. Rubio had four tickets and his wife had 13. The Times noted four different occasions the couple had to go driving school following a violation. Perry said he found the story ‘irresponsible,’ given the Clinton Foundations woes. The Times has, however, published some critical stories on the Clinton Foundation.‘The fact is we all live within the laws,’ said Perry. ‘I get that, but to go write a story about Marco Rubio and him having four tickets in the last decade plus is absolutely irresponsible when you have Bill and Hillary Clinton taking the amount of money, not reporting it at their foundation and to somehow or another paper over that and go write a story about Marco Rubio…’” [Buzzfeed, 6/8/15] Voting rights

Gov. John Kasich on Herman Cain Radio Show, 6/9/15 Audio: Listen here [middle] HRC saying GOP is suppressing voter turnout -It got me very disturbed to hear that -We have very sensitive race relations right now -To accuse one party of that is ridiculous -Her state has 1 day of voting, mine has 28 -To jump on that bandwagon during the middle of something so sensitive in our country is just dead wrong Gov. Scott Walker, Twitter, 6/8/15 .@HillaryClinton thinks you shouldnt have to prove your identity to vote. Share & sign to tell her you disagree STAFF Original Tweet: If you want to vote in Wisconsin, you have to show an ID. @HillaryClinton doesn't agree. RT and Sign if you do: STAFF Original Tweet: Once again @HillaryClinton is far out of touch. Pulling out a photo ID is a perfectly logical and common sense thing to do. -SKW Original Tweet: RT if you agree "@HillaryClinton 'firmly out of touch' on voting rights" #VoterID - STAFF Original Tweet: Gov. Rick Perry on Medved, 6/8/15 Part one: here - Perry said that most Americans want voter IDs - Perry said HRC is wrong about voter IDs - Perry Said HRC wants to open up the border Part two: Listen here - On Marco Rubio and traffic tickets – Perry suggested the New York Times should check out the Clinton foundations - When asked if he had a traffic ticket, he said "Yes, and they'll probably find it somewhere" - Bill and Hilary Clinton were taking thousands of dollars and not disclosing it, that's a problem

Gov. Rick Perry on CNN, State of the Union 6/7/15 Video: LINK [beginning] Voting Rights - On voting rights and HRC calling him out. Says he signed the legislation but it’s what the people of texas wanted - Why does a gun license work and not a photo ID? Why would you say you need a photo ID to get a library card or get on an airplane? This is a state’s issue. She’s not playing to the people of texas. People of texas wanted it, you need a photo ID. - What about the fact that she’d say a federal judge found it discrimantory? I could find a federal judge to say just about anything. If this goes to the supreme court the people of texas will be right. - What do you think of her ideas to make it easy to vote? I think we make it pretty easy in the state of texas to vote. I don’t know what her beef is with the people of texas Gov. Rick Perry on CBS, Face the Nation 6/7/15 Video: THIS LINK [end] - I think the people of the state of Texas overwhelmingly support voter ID. HRC is the classic Washington insider. We’ve seen this with ACA and education. Washington. She’s looking at the people of Texas and saying we don’t trust you. Gov. Chris Christie on CBS, Face the Nation 6/7/15 VIDEO: THIS LINK [beginning] On HRC voter comments She doesn’t know what she’s talking about Suggests she should take questions and learn something She’s obviously never been to NJ if she thinks voter fraud isn’t a problem Gov. John Kasich on Fox and Friends Watch here: LINK Asked to respond to HRC’s comments on voting -I’ve already vented my feeling about this -Let me say this directly, I like Hillary, I haven't been attacking her -Her words were outrageous, they were demagoguery -In my state you have 28 days to vote, in NY you have 1 -To make that charge, you talk about dividing people -I’m disappointed in her -It’s outrageous -Hillary, you’re better than that, knock it off -Let’s have a campaign on building America instead of dividing -And that goes for Republicans who are attacking her Gov. John Kasich, Columbus Dispatch, 6/5/15

“We live in a time when race relations are very sensitive, and to be using that kind of reckless language is not helpful to this country,” he said after a campaign event at a law firm in Concord, N.H. Kasich's response today: “Her language was really offensive to me. And I like Hillary and I haven’t been attacking Hillary, OK? But for her to say that there are Republicans who are deliberately trying to keep people from voting? It’s just pure demagoguery." UPDATED: Kasich slams Hillary for "reckless" voting rights "demagoguery" during time of "very se nsitive" race relations Columbus Dispatch // Darrel Rowland Upping his rhetoric in response to Hillary Clinton's critique of voting rights in Ohio and other states, Gov. John Kasich brought the topic of race into play. “We live in a time when race relations are very sensitive, and to be using that kind of reckless language is not helpful to this country,” he said after a campaign event at a law firm in Concord, N.H. Clinton, speaking at a historyically black college in Texas on Thursday, blasted voting laws imposed by the GOP in Ohio, North Carolina, Texas and Wisconsin. “We have a responsibility to say clearly and directly what’s really going on in our country, because what is happening is a sweeping effort to disempower and disenfranchise people of color, poor people, and young people from one end of our country to the other,” the former secretary of state said. Kasich's response today: “Her language was really offensive to me. And I like Hillary and I haven’t been attacking Hillary, OK? But for her to say that there are Republicans who are deliberately trying to keep people from voting? It’s just pure demagoguery." Kasich's comments - similar to those he made earlier to Fox News - came fewer than 24 hours after warning fellow Republicans about criticizing Clinton over such issues as Benghazi and the Clinton Foundation. He defended the latest remarks by noting they did not touch on any of the areas he warned about. "I said there’ll be a time and place. Unfortunately the time has come because of those comments. It’s outrageous.” Earlier, he told Fox: "I like Hillary. But I gotta tell ya, the idea that we’re going to divide Americans and use demagoguery, I don’t like it. "Now, I haven’t said a word about Hillary. But to come into the state of Ohio and say we’re repressing the vote when New York (where Clinton lives) has only Election Day and we have (28 early voting) days – come on, that’s just silliness, you know? I’m disappointed in her, frankly." Kasich's comments echoed those made by other Ohio Republicans on Thursday -- including Secretary of State Jon Husted -- who noted that Clinton's proposal for at least 20 days of early voting in every state already is exceeded in Ohio. “If she wants to sue somebody, sue New York," he said. "Why are you suing me? Why aren’t you suing your own people?” Last month, an attorney who represents the campaign of Clinton and several other Democrats filed a federal lawsuit against Husted and Attorney General Mike DeWine saying that GOP officials’ actions were designed “to bolster artificially the likelihood of success of Republican candidates in Ohio elections,” which “threatens the very bedrock of our democracy.”

Ohio Democratic Chairman David Pepper responded with a statement this morning. “When Gov. Kasich says it’s ‘ demagoguery’ to fight for expanded access to the polls, he’s the one being divisive. The act of voting is essential to our idea of America, and our democracy is better when every citizen can participate. Wanting more people to vote and modernizing elections doesn’t divide Americans; it unites them. “When Kasich and Secretary of State Jon Husted tout Ohio voting laws, they leave out a key fact -- Ohio's voting laws are what they are today because civil rights groups, community leaders and Ohio Democrats have taken Husted and the state to court over and over again to stop numerous attacks on voting rights." Gov. Rick Perry, Fox and Friends 6/5/15 Video: HERE [09:50] >> Well, I think it makes sense to have a photo I.D. To be able to vote. When I got on the airline to come up here yesterday high to show my photo I.D. Hillary Clinton may not to have had to show an I.D. To get on a airplane in a long time. >> She's on a private jet. >> If she flies commercial -- >> Knowingly discriminatory. Are you? >> No, and the people of the state of Texas is who she's taken on. A law passed by the people of Texas. She went into my state and dissed every person who supports having an identification to get on an airplane or vote. It's highly popular. >> Didn't want minorities to vote. That's the insinuation. Is that true? >> No, it's not. As a matter of fact, when you look across the state of Texas and you see what we've done in that state to really empower minorities. As a matter of fact, the highest high school graduation rate for African-Americans in America is in the state of Texas. The highest hispanic graduation rate is in Texas. Those are empowerments. Gov. John Kasich, Fox America’s Newsroom 6/5/15 Video: here [middle of interview] Asked about Clinton suing Ohio over voting -It’s demagoguery -If she wants to sue someone, she should sue New York -What is she talking about? -I like Hillary -I haven’t attacked her -That’s silliness that she’d attack Ohio -I like Hillary personally, she’s been kind to me -But don’t be dividing Americans -Don’t attack my state when her state has worse voter laws -In Ohio we have 28 days, in NY, you have 1 day -Sue your own state, not mine Sen. Marco Rubio on Outnumbered, Fox News 6/4/15 Video: Part 1 First segment [about halfway in]

Q: On HRC pushing for 20 days early in-person voting? Don’t know why she would push for that. There is a constituency in her party on the Left that really believes that would impact election. In FL we have early voting. In many instances, its just a function of cost. In FL, we used to have a longer period of early voting. And they found that in the early days of early voting, nobody came. And there’s costs associated with these. If you look at most states now. You could vote by mail, you could vote before E-Day, you could vote on E-Day. Multiple opportunities to vote. I don’t think the federal government needs to set a one-sized fits all standard for the whole country. Many instances, there isn’t even federal candidates on the ballot. Costs associated with this. Someone needs to pay for these extra days. Christie Said Hillary Clinton Was Advocating For Same-Day Voter Registration Because “She Just Wants An Opportunity To Commit Greater Acts Of Voter Fraud Around The Country.” “Former Secretary of State Clinton called for same-day voter registration across the country and said Republican governors including Christie were on ‘a crusade against voting rights,’ blocking minorities from being able to vote. She mentioned that the New Jersey governor had vetoed a bill to allow early voting 15 days before an election at designated polling places, and also criticized GOP officials in Florida, Texas and Wisconsin…‘Secretary Clinton doesn't know the first thing about voting rights in New Jersey or in the other states that she attacked,’ Christie said. ‘My sense is that she just wants an opportunity to commit greater acts of voter fraud around the country.’” [The Record, 6/5/15] Immigration Gov. Rick Perry on Medved, 6/8/15 Part one: here - Perry said that most Americans want voter IDs - Perry said HRC is wrong about voter IDs - Perry Said HRC wants to open up the border Sen. Marco Rubio on Outnumbered, Fox News 6/4/15 VIDEO: HERE >> How do you think your plan on immigration compares with your top contenders? I will throw one out there. Hillary Clinton. >> I don't know what her plan is. She was U.S. Senator. Never did anything on immigration of any means. Gives speeches [about it]. A few years ago she wasn't in favor of giving them drivers licenses. This is dramatic shift on her part and changing her opinion. It is what it is. Rubio Denied That He Flip-Flopped On Immigration Reform – But Said Hillary Clinton Did. “In a recent appearance on Fox News, Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio deflected questions about his shift on immigration reform, saying there has been ‘no flip-flop’ on his part and painting Hillary Clinton as the real flip-flopper on the issue. ‘She's never done anything on it,’ the Florida senator said Thursday on Outnumbered. ‘She was a U.S. senator and never did anything on immigration. She gave speeches about it. It's interesting, a couple months ago she talked about—she's in favor of all citizenship. Just a few years ago she wasn't in favor of giving them driver's licenses. This has been a dramatic shift on her part and a changing of her opinion.’” [Outnumbered, Fox News, 6/4/15; Bloomberg, 6/9/15] Trade

Gov. Jeb Bush, Politico, 6/9/15 Germans conflicted about the Bush brand By Eli Stokols According to Bush’s foreign policy advisers, two of whom spoke with POLITICO about the trip, he will try to introduce himself as a pragmatic realist, not a visionary who stirs Europe’s passions – for better and for worse – as the last two American presidents have done. One area of emphasis is trade, where Bush will call for “a serious plan to complete the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.” Bush advisers note it’s a place to draw a contrast with Hillary Clinton, who, they argue, “has taken a dive” on the issue. Dodging questions Sen. Ted Cruz, Hugh Hewitt Show, 6/11/15 Video: here [07:45] Said she embodied the bipartisan corruption of Washington Cruz said that he couldn't wait to be on a stage across from Hillary to debate her and that if she refused to debate him, he would take the case to the American people. [08:45] Cruz hitting Hillary for not answering questions on the trail and not telling the American people where she stands on key issues like trade, Iran, and Libya. Carly Fiorina at Roast & Ride 6/6/15 Fiorina: LINK [beginning] - Touts winning poll of who Americans want to see debate HRC - She would want to ask HRC if she has been on a John Deere tractor aside from photo ops - Would also ask HRC, "What else don't we know?" Sen. Lindsey Graham at Roast and Ride 6/6/15 Graham: LINK [beginning] -It’s easier to meet the leader of N. Korea than HRC Sen. Lindsey Graham, New Hampshire Union Leader, 6/2/15 Graham, who will return to New Hampshire on June 19, said Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is running an “awful campaign” and should be interacting more with voters. “There’s more spontaneity in North Korea than there is with her campaign,” Graham said.

“I mean it’s easier to talk to Kim Jong-un than it is to her. At the end of the day, you’re not going to be president of the United States with this model,” he said. “I think she’s making a fatal mistake of trying to insulate herself. She is a sports team with a lead trying to run out the clock. It doesn’t work. Here’s my advice: Hillary, get out where the people are. Take all questions. Show people you’re tough. Show people you can handle any question.” Graham: Rand Paul 'ill-prepared' for White House By MICHAEL COUSINEAU New Hampshire Union Leader MANCHESTER — GOP presidential candidate Lindsey Graham said fellow Republican senator and White House foe Rand Paul misrepresented elements of the U.S. government’s spying program designed to help identify terrorist threats from around the world. “I think he’s the most ill-prepared person in the entire body to be commander in chief,” Graham told the New Hampshire Union Leader in an interview Tuesday. An aide later clarified that Graham’s use of “body” was a reference to all Republican senators. Michael Biundo, senior advisor to the Paul campaign, responded: “Senator Graham is a perfect example of someone who hasn’t learned from the mistakes of the past. Of course that’s not surprising, since so many of them were his own.” Graham said warrants aren’t needed to obtain phone numbers but would be required to hear the content of those calls. “I’m not trying to listen to somebody’s phone call,” the South Carolina senator said. “At the end of the day, I want to know who every terrorist is calling anywhere in the world,” said Graham, who officially entered the race Monday. “We’re at war. We’re not fighting a crime.” In other matters, Graham predicted Rep. Frank Guinta, R-N.H., wouldn’t win reelection in 2016 and may not even win a primary after the Federal Election Commission on Tuesday issued a report in which Guinta’s mother disputed the source of the congressman’s campaign funds. “I don’t think he can survive,” Graham said. Graham said Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., would be a fine vice presidential choice — and “could be president” — but “the problem with her vice presidential aspirations in 2016 is you probably give this seat away” to the Democrats.

Graham, who will return to New Hampshire on June 19, said Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is running an “awful campaign” and should be interacting more with voters. “There’s more spontaneity in North Korea than there is with her campaign,” Graham said. “I mean it’s easier to talk to Kim Jong-un than it is to her. At the end of the day, you’re not going to be president of the United States with this model,” he said. “I think she’s making a fatal mistake of trying to insulate herself. She is a sports team with a lead trying to run out the clock. It doesn’t work. Here’s my advice: Hillary, get out where the people are. Take all questions. Show people you’re tough. Show people you can handle any question.” A Clinton campaign spokesman declined to comment. Sen. Marco Rubio on Outnumbered, Fox News 6/4/15 Video: Part 1 First segment [about halfway in] People aren’t necessarily concerned with her not taking questions today, but eventually people will start to wonder why she isn’t holding herself to the same standards of other people on the other side of the aisle. Her advisors are putting her in a tough position by not letting her answer questions. Practice matters and being experienced at these things, others will have answered questions for months if she gets the nomination. I think she will struggle as a result of this Carly For America Spokeswoman Leslie Shedd: “The American People Want A Genuine Leader With Real Solutions To Make Our Country Better — Not Another Member Of The Professional Political Class Who Thinks Pantsuits Are A ‘Hard Choice.’” “Hillary Clinton’s first Instagram drew a sneer from the team of the only other woman in the 2016 presidential race today, Republican Carly Fiorina. Over the caption ‘Hard Choices,’ a play off her latest biography, Clinton showed some wildly colorful outfits. Carly for America spokeswoman Leslie Shedd snapped, ‘Hillary Clinton’s ‘hard choices’ are which pantsuit to wear.’ Shedd, with Fiorina’s super PAC, noted that Fiorina has presented ‘her positions on actual hard choices’ while Clinton has waited for her official announcement on Saturday. ‘The American people want a genuine leader with real solutions to make our country better — not another member of the professional political class who thinks pantsuits are a ‘hard choice,’ added Shedd.” [Washington Examiner, 6/10/15] Education Gov. Chris Christie, The Record, 6/9/15 Christie criticizes Obama's foreign policy

Dustin Racipoppi The Record June 9, 2015 "You watch what happens over the next 18 months. The single-largest contributor to Hillary Clinton will be the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers," he said. "No one will give more money to Hillary Clinton than that, and what will happen if she's elected president is she will go in and defend the status quo and tell you that the reason we don't educate our children better is because we don't spend enough money." Gov. Chris Christie, Columbia SC, Chris Christie Town Hall at Liberty Tap Room 6/2/15 Audio: here [51:00] Q13: Common Core? Teachers unions run education policy NEA and AFT will be HRC’s biggest donor I don’t think the federal government should be an employment agency Iraq Gov. Rick Perry on Morning Joe, MSNBC 6/5/15 Video: HERE [10:05] I don't think anyone would have gone into Iraq. But here's the more important question. Is that knowing what we know today, would secretary Clinton and president Obama have pulled out of Iraq in 2011. That decision that I will suggest to you probably made in 2009 has been tragic. Gov. Rick Perry on Fox News Hannity 6/4/15 Video: Here [03:50] Perry: The real question "Knowing what you know today – madam secretary, Mr. president – would you have pulled out of Iraq?" Terrorism Graham On Hillary Clinton: “Her Biggest Nightmare Is For Someone To Ask Her, ‘Hey, Do You Think The War On Terror Is Going Well? Do You Agree With Barack Obama’s Foreign Policy?’” “Graham further tied President Obama’s counterterrorism strategy to Hillary Clinton, his former secretary of State and the Democratic presidential front-runner. ‘I think it’s the lack of confidence in her ability to distinguish herself from Barack Obama,’ he said when asked about Clinton’s lack of media availability on the campaign trail. ‘Her biggest nightmare is for someone to ask her, ‘Hey, do you think the war on terror is going well? Do you agree with Barack Obama’s foreign policy?’’ he said. ‘’If you don’t, tell us why.’ ‘Graham added that Clinton’s perceived secrecy would likely cost her voters next year. ‘Well, it’s easier to talk to the North Korean guy than it is her,’ he quipped, comparing Clinton to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. ‘At the end of the day, when 57 percent of people don’t trust you, you’ve got a problem,’ Graham officially launched his 2016 presidential campaign on Monday from his hometown of Central, S.C.” [The Hill, 6/4/15]

Benghazi Gov. Chris Christie, Columbia SC, Chris Christie Town Hall at Liberty Tap Room 6/2/15 Audio: here [12:00] Q4: Why won’t Republicans stand up to Democrats on issues like Benghazi? We need to do both We need to speak out when they’re leading in the wrong direction I like that someone thinks I’m not aggressive enough We also need to speak to American people about the things we believe in and why we’re a better choice My problem with Benghazi is that HRC stood before Congress and asked “what does it matter?” It does matter. I have to answer for all kinds of things that I might not feel directly responsible for Maybe someone will hold her to account for that onstage in a debate in October 2016 Gov. Rick Perry on Fox News Hannity 6/4/15 Video: Here [06:45] - On Benghazi and her "server issues" and the Clinton foundation: Perry said It's all about transparency and that's going got be a problem for her Sen. Lindsey Graham on .@radiotalkermike at 9:30 AM, 6/3/15 [towards end of Q&A] -She represents failed policies -How could she not know about the security environment in Libya? She was part of an effort to blame it on a video. She needs to share her emails so we have a better idea of what happened Rand Paul Said That Hillary Clinton’s Handling Of The 2012 Attack In Benghazi Should “Forever Preclude Her From Being President.” “He also criticized Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, saying her handling of the deadly 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, should ‘forever preclude her from being president.’” [Baltimore Sun, 6/9/15] China Sen. Marco Rubio, National Review, 6/3/15 In her inaugural trip as secretary of state in 2009, Hillary Clinton opined, en route to China, that contentious issues such as human rights “can’t interfere with the global economic crisis, the global climate change crisis, and the security crisis.” Human rights should be fully integrated into every level of our bilateral relationship with the Chinese government, and with repressive governments the world over. It is always in America’s interest to support the expansion of democracy and its institutions. On Human Rights, No More Free Passes for China by MARCO RUBIO June 3, 2015 12:30 PM-National Review

Twenty-six years ago this week, student-led popular protests gripped Beijing. Spurred by the death of a prominent reformer, thousands gathered in Tiananmen Square in April 1989 to seek greater political freedom. As the days passed, their numbers swelled not only in the capital but also in cities and universities across the nation until more than a million — including journalists, workers, government employees, and police — joined their ranks, making it the largest political protest in the history of Communist China. Late in the evening of June 3, the army opened fire on peaceful “counter-revolutionary” protesters. The bloodshed continued into June 4. To this day, we don’t know the precise number of resulting casualties; and more than a quarter century later, there has been no public accounting of the events of that week. Rather, those seeking to commemorate the dead are harassed, detained, and arrested. Perhaps the most iconic image to emerge from the Tiananmen Massacre is the so-called tank man — the small lone figure, shopping bags in hand, who jockeyed to position himself in the path of an advancing line of People’s Liberation Army tanks. His actions flew in the face of every human impulse to avoid impending danger. The “tank man” remains an enigma — his fate unknown. Some speculate imprisonment, others execution. Still others venture that he is alive today, unaware of his fame because of the Orwellian lengths that the Chinese government’s Internet censors have gone to block any searches of the events of those June days in 1989. Despite the fact that China’s rulers revealed the true nature of their regime that day, In fact, U.S. policy has aimed at engaging with the Chinese Communist Party, surrendering American influence and principles. Twenty-six years later, repression continues to be the order of the day, and the aspirations of the Tiananmen generation remain unfulfilled. President Xi Jinping’s presidency has been marked by what experts describe as the most intense crackdown in years. The organization Chinese Human Rights Defenders reported in March that the government’s persecution of rights defenders was as severe as it has been since the mid 1990s. The list of those arrested and harassed is extensive, including Uighur economist Ilham Tohti, Tibetan Buddhist leader Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, Tie Liu, Pu Zhiqiang, and Chen Kegui. Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo remains in jail, and his wife Liu Xia suffers under house arrest, as does human-rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng. A report released by Freedom House earlier this year found that since Xi Jinping came to power, the regime has employed harsh tactics “to dominate online discourse, obstruct human-rights activism, and pre-empt public protests” — findings that are routinely echoed by Chinese dissidents. There is deep concern within civil society about the draconian new NGO law now under consideration in the Chinese legislature. This law would severely restrict the operations of foreign NGOs. The regime also is strengthening its grip on Hong Kong, denying the people of Hong Kong their promised right to freely choose their leaders. And China’s growing repression at home is being watched closely by its neighbors as Beijing flexes its military capabilities and reasserts illegitimate territorial claims that threaten regional security. China’s neighbors realize that how a nation treats its own citizens indicates more than just a country’s internal situation. Despite this grim picture, I believe change is coming to China. Systems of government that are built on repression do not stand the test of time. Even with China’s economic growth, we have yet to see political openness follow. While the road to reform in China is uncertain, American support for the ideals that are at the heart of our own experience in self-governance ought to be a cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy. In her inaugural trip as secretary of state in 2009, Hillary Clinton opined, en route to China, that contentious issues such as human rights “can’t interfere with the global economic crisis, the global climate change crisis, and the security crisis.” Human rights should be fully integrated into every level of our bilateral relationship with the Chinese government, and with repressive governments the world over. It is always in America’s interest to support the expansion of democracy and its institutions.

For too long, China has gotten a free pass. With the approaching U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue, the president has an opportunity to prioritize these issues — to charge every participating U.S. government agency to bring human rights to the forefront with their Chinese counterparts, to present them with lists of political prisoners and to press, by name, for their unconditional release. The administration can take proactive steps today to impose visa bans on Chinese government officials who are perpetrators of grave human-rights abuses. Twenty-six years ago, several Tiananmen art students constructed a magnificent papier-mâché statue of the so-called goddess of democracy, in the hopes of bolstering the fledgling protest movement. It was ultimately destroyed by soldiers clearing the square, but not before its creators authored a declaration explaining their work. It read, in part: On the day when real democracy and freedom come to China, we must erect another Goddess of Democracy here in the Square, monumental, towering, and permanent. We have strong faith that that day will come at last. Helping the Chinese people reach that day is not just our moral duty as a free people — it will have a profound effect on the state of freedom in the world and on global security. We must keep the faith with the Tiananmen generation and work toward the realization of their dream for generations to come. Marco Rubio is the junior U.S. senator from Florida. Walker Statement: Clinton And Obama Have “Seriously Downplayed The Chinese Government’s Human Rights Violations.” “Secretary Clinton and President Obama have seriously downplayed the Chinese government’s human rights violations. On her first trip to China as Secretary of State, Clinton said human rights ‘can’t interfere’ with other aspects of the bilateral relationship, signaling to Beijing that America would essentially turn a blind eye as the Chinese government repressed groups including ethnic minorities and China’s 100 million Christians.” [“Government Walker’s Statement on the 26th Anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, 6/4/15] Russia Jeb Bush Called For A More Aggressive Stance Against Russia’s Vladimir Putin, Noting, In A Jab At Hillary Clinton, “We’re Beginning To Realize The Reset Button Didn’t Turn Out So Hot.” “Bush’s speech at Wirtschaftsrat, the annual conference of the Economic Council of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union, was his first public event on a five-day trip to Germany, Poland and Estonia. He used it to stake out a muscular foreign policy well within mainstream Republican views. Bush called for an aggressive stance against Russian President Vladimir Putin and took aim at the Obama administration’s foreign and fiscal policies, even as he in effect embraced some of them. ‘We’re beginning to realize the reset button didn’t turn out so hot,’ Bush said, referring to the Obama administration and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s proposed ‘reset’ of diplomatic relations with Moscow in 2009. Putin was then prime minister under Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.” [LA Times, 6/9/15] Jeb Bush, In A Dig At Hillary Clinton, Argued It Was “Clear” That “The Much-Heralded Reset Didn’t Work Out” With Russia, Pointing To A “Much More Aggressive” Putin. “Asked what previous administrations have gotten wrong about Putin, Bush put the onus on the Russian leader. ‘Putin has changed,’ he said. ‘He just invaded another country, that was different than it was a decade ago,’ Bush added, a reference to Russia's takeover of part of Ukraine. ‘This is a different Putin, much more aggressive. So I don't begrudge anybody trying to develop better relationships with any country. But it's clear that, in this particular case, the much-heralded reset didn't work out.’ The ‘reset’ was a dig at Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton, who as secretary of state declared one with her Russian counterpart.” [Bloomberg, 6/10/15]

Tenure as Secretary of State Sen. Marco Rubio on Outnumbered, Fox News 6/4/15 Video: Part 1 First segment [about halfway in] What is the most vulnerable Achilles heel of HRC? A: What did you achieve as Sec of State? How do you answer for this abysmal foreign policy approach under this White House. Whether it’s the reset in Russia, pulling out of Iraq too early, mismanaging the Libya experience. I think its another reason why she probably doesn’t want to be exposed so early to these questions. Walker Called Obama/Clinton’s “Pivot To Asia” Policy “Entirely Hollow.” “Chinese military officials attending a major security conference in Singapore over the weekend made clear that they have no intention of halting their aggressive activities in the South China Sea, and they are confident that U.S. President Barack Obama is not going to be able to stop them … But for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, there is more urgency. Already, her prospective Republican opponents are pointing out that as secretary of state, she was the lead of the administration's ‘pivot to Asia,’ a policy her advisors have said she will run on. This weekend, Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin released a statement calling the policy ‘entirely hollow’ and incapable of confronting Chinese naval assertiveness. ‘While Secretary Clinton declared in 2010 that freedom of navigation in the South China Sea is in the national interest of the United States, she failed to back up this tough talk with strong action. The Chinese have noticed and acted accordingly,’ Walker said. ‘A serious American response is necessary.’ [Bloomberg, 6/1/15] Ideas of the past Sen. Marco Rubio on Outnumbered, Fox News 6/4/15 Video: Part 1 First segment [about halfway in] Q: How would your campaign target HRC’s vulnerabilities? People need to ask who is the best person to bring us into the new economy. Says its time for a new generation of leadership that understands the future bc they’ve lived in it. This new century is not about challenges, but its about incredible opportunities. I believe HRC and the whole party will struggle to convince Americans that they are about the future. America has always been about the future and elections have always been about the future. I think she is going to struggle and her party is going to struggle to convince Americans that they have ideas about the future and how they are going to make the future even better than our history. Q: Is HRC too old to be POTUS? A: don’t think it has anything to do with her age, has to do with the age of their ideas. Do you have answers that are relevant to today. Answer can’t be too raise the minimum wage by a couple bucks. $10.10 doesn’t solve the problems of someone. We need to help people that go from making $9/hour to $30/hour. We need a tax code and regulatory framework that makes America more competitive

HEADLINE: “Scott Walker: Hillary Clinton’s ‘Washington Knows Best’ Approach ‘Should Be Left In The Past.’” [Washington Times, 6/2/15]  Walker: Hillary Clinton’s Approach Was “Tired” And “Should Be Left In The Past.” “Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker on Tuesday pitched his ability to make inroads with younger voters and blasted what he called former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s affinity for a “Washington knows best” approach that he called ‘tired’ and said ‘should be left in the past.’” [Washington Times, 6/2/15] Authenticity Associated Press: “Fiorina Questioned Whether Clinton Had Ever Ridden On A John Deere Tractor.” “On Saturday, several Republican presidential contenders fought for an edge among motorcycles, puppies, war heroes and roasted pork, having swapped dark suits for blue jeans to meet Iowans eight months before they cast the first votes of the 2016 presidential primary… Fiorina questioned whether Clinton had ever ridden on a John Deere tractor, as Fiorina did earlier in the day at another event. ‘I know she had a few photo ops,’ Fiorina said.” [Associated Press, 6/6/15] Criminal Justice Reform Jindal On Criminal Justice Reform: “While Hillary Clinton And Some Republican Leaders Have Just Started Talking About Problems, We Are Solving Them In Louisiana.” “‘While Hillary Clinton and some Republican leaders have just started talking about problems, we are solving them in Louisiana,’ Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a likely GOP presidential contender, told TheBlaze in a statement. ‘I do think that reviewing our sentencing rules for some nonviolent drug offenders makes sense. Which is why in Louisiana we have implemented common sense reforms that, when appropriate, reduce sentences for nonviolent drug use offenders, while focusing on rehabilitation.’ For Republicans embracing the reforms, it’s a stark change from the party’s traditional tough-on-crime stance. But more conservatives are looking at the fiscal costs of increasing prison populations. Jindal says his state remains tough on crime under the reform. ‘Although some are spending too much time in jail for minor drug offenses, it is also true that many are spending far too little time in jail for our current epidemic of sex crimes,’ Jindal said. ‘Which is why I have also worked to increase sentences for sex predators and those who prey on women and children. We need balance in our criminal justice system, so that punishments are appropriate to crimes and are not dictated by failed experiments in social engineering.’” [The Blaze, 6/2/15]