Ohio Democratic Chairman David Pepper responded with a statement this morning. “When Gov. Kasich says it’s ‘ demagoguery’ to fight for expanded access to the polls, he’s the one being divisive. The act of voting is essential to our idea of America, and our democracy is better when every citizen can participate. Wanting more people to vote and modernizing elections doesn’t divide Americans; it unites them. “When Kasich and Secretary of State Jon Husted tout Ohio voting laws, they leave out a key fact -- Ohio's voting laws are what they are today because civil rights groups, community leaders and Ohio Democrats have taken Husted and the state to court over and over again to stop numerous attacks on voting rights." Gov. Rick Perry, Fox and Friends 6/5/15 Video: HERE [09:50] >> Well, I think it makes sense to have a photo I.D. To be able to vote. When I got on the airline to come up here yesterday high to show my photo I.D. Hillary Clinton may not to have had to show an I.D. To get on a airplane in a long time. >> She's on a private jet. >> If she flies commercial -- >> Knowingly discriminatory. Are you? >> No, and the people of the state of Texas is who she's taken on. A law passed by the people of Texas. She went into my state and dissed every person who supports having an identification to get on an airplane or vote. It's highly popular. >> Didn't want minorities to vote. That's the insinuation. Is that true? >> No, it's not. As a matter of fact, when you look across the state of Texas and you see what we've done in that state to really empower minorities. As a matter of fact, the highest high school graduation rate for African-Americans in America is in the state of Texas. The highest hispanic graduation rate is in Texas. Those are empowerments. Gov. John Kasich, Fox America’s Newsroom 6/5/15 Video: here [middle of interview] Asked about Clinton suing Ohio over voting -It’s demagoguery -If she wants to sue someone, she should sue New York -What is she talking about? -I like Hillary -I haven’t attacked her -That’s silliness that she’d attack Ohio -I like Hillary personally, she’s been kind to me -But don’t be dividing Americans -Don’t attack my state when her state has worse voter laws -In Ohio we have 28 days, in NY, you have 1 day -Sue your own state, not mine Sen. Marco Rubio on Outnumbered, Fox News 6/4/15 Video: Part 1 First segment [about halfway in]