Q: On HRC pushing for 20 days early in-person voting? Don’t know why she would push for that. There is a constituency in her party on the Left that really believes that would impact election. In FL we have early voting. In many instances, its just a function of cost. In FL, we used to have a longer period of early voting. And they found that in the early days of early voting, nobody came. And there’s costs associated with these. If you look at most states now. You could vote by mail, you could vote before E-Day, you could vote on E-Day. Multiple opportunities to vote. I don’t think the federal government needs to set a one-sized fits all standard for the whole country. Many instances, there isn’t even federal candidates on the ballot. Costs associated with this. Someone needs to pay for these extra days. Christie Said Hillary Clinton Was Advocating For Same-Day Voter Registration Because “She Just Wants An Opportunity To Commit Greater Acts Of Voter Fraud Around The Country.” “Former Secretary of State Clinton called for same-day voter registration across the country and said Republican governors including Christie were on ‘a crusade against voting rights,’ blocking minorities from being able to vote. She mentioned that the New Jersey governor had vetoed a bill to allow early voting 15 days before an election at designated polling places, and also criticized GOP officials in Florida, Texas and Wisconsin…‘Secretary Clinton doesn't know the first thing about voting rights in New Jersey or in the other states that she attacked,’ Christie said. ‘My sense is that she just wants an opportunity to commit greater acts of voter fraud around the country.’” [The Record, 6/5/15] Immigration Gov. Rick Perry on Medved, 6/8/15 Part one: here - Perry said that most Americans want voter IDs - Perry said HRC is wrong about voter IDs - Perry Said HRC wants to open up the border Sen. Marco Rubio on Outnumbered, Fox News 6/4/15 VIDEO: HERE >> How do you think your plan on immigration compares with your top contenders? I will throw one out there. Hillary Clinton. >> I don't know what her plan is. She was U.S. Senator. Never did anything on immigration of any means. Gives speeches [about it]. A few years ago she wasn't in favor of giving them drivers licenses. This is dramatic shift on her part and changing her opinion. It is what it is. Rubio Denied That He Flip-Flopped On Immigration Reform – But Said Hillary Clinton Did. “In a recent appearance on Fox News, Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio deflected questions about his shift on immigration reform, saying there has been ‘no flip-flop’ on his part and painting Hillary Clinton as the real flip-flopper on the issue. ‘She's never done anything on it,’ the Florida senator said Thursday on Outnumbered. ‘She was a U.S. senator and never did anything on immigration. She gave speeches about it. It's interesting, a couple months ago she talked about—she's in favor of all citizenship. Just a few years ago she wasn't in favor of giving them driver's licenses. This has been a dramatic shift on her part and a changing of her opinion.’” [Outnumbered, Fox News, 6/4/15; Bloomberg, 6/9/15] Trade