Gov. Jeb Bush, Politico, 6/9/15 Germans conflicted about the Bush brand By Eli Stokols According to Bush’s foreign policy advisers, two of whom spoke with POLITICO about the trip, he will try to introduce himself as a pragmatic realist, not a visionary who stirs Europe’s passions – for better and for worse – as the last two American presidents have done. One area of emphasis is trade, where Bush will call for “a serious plan to complete the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.” Bush advisers note it’s a place to draw a contrast with Hillary Clinton, who, they argue, “has taken a dive” on the issue. Dodging questions Sen. Ted Cruz, Hugh Hewitt Show, 6/11/15 Video: here [07:45] Said she embodied the bipartisan corruption of Washington Cruz said that he couldn't wait to be on a stage across from Hillary to debate her and that if she refused to debate him, he would take the case to the American people. [08:45] Cruz hitting Hillary for not answering questions on the trail and not telling the American people where she stands on key issues like trade, Iran, and Libya. Carly Fiorina at Roast & Ride 6/6/15 Fiorina: LINK [beginning] - Touts winning poll of who Americans want to see debate HRC - She would want to ask HRC if she has been on a John Deere tractor aside from photo ops - Would also ask HRC, "What else don't we know?" Sen. Lindsey Graham at Roast and Ride 6/6/15 Graham: LINK [beginning] -It’s easier to meet the leader of N. Korea than HRC Sen. Lindsey Graham, New Hampshire Union Leader, 6/2/15 Graham, who will return to New Hampshire on June 19, said Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is running an “awful campaign” and should be interacting more with voters. “There’s more spontaneity in North Korea than there is with her campaign,” Graham said.