“We live in a time when race relations are very sensitive, and to be using that kind of reckless language is not helpful to this country,” he said after a campaign event at a law firm in Concord, N.H. Kasich's response today: “Her language was really offensive to me. And I like Hillary and I haven’t been attacking Hillary, OK? But for her to say that there are Republicans who are deliberately trying to keep people from voting? It’s just pure demagoguery." UPDATED: Kasich slams Hillary for "reckless" voting rights "demagoguery" during time of "very se nsitive" race relations Columbus Dispatch // Darrel Rowland Upping his rhetoric in response to Hillary Clinton's critique of voting rights in Ohio and other states, Gov. John Kasich brought the topic of race into play. “We live in a time when race relations are very sensitive, and to be using that kind of reckless language is not helpful to this country,” he said after a campaign event at a law firm in Concord, N.H. Clinton, speaking at a historyically black college in Texas on Thursday, blasted voting laws imposed by the GOP in Ohio, North Carolina, Texas and Wisconsin. “We have a responsibility to say clearly and directly what’s really going on in our country, because what is happening is a sweeping effort to disempower and disenfranchise people of color, poor people, and young people from one end of our country to the other,” the former secretary of state said. Kasich's response today: “Her language was really offensive to me. And I like Hillary and I haven’t been attacking Hillary, OK? But for her to say that there are Republicans who are deliberately trying to keep people from voting? It’s just pure demagoguery." Kasich's comments - similar to those he made earlier to Fox News - came fewer than 24 hours after warning fellow Republicans about criticizing Clinton over such issues as Benghazi and the Clinton Foundation. He defended the latest remarks by noting they did not touch on any of the areas he warned about. "I said there’ll be a time and place. Unfortunately the time has come because of those comments. It’s outrageous.” Earlier, he told Fox: "I like Hillary. But I gotta tell ya, the idea that we’re going to divide Americans and use demagoguery, I don’t like it. "Now, I haven’t said a word about Hillary. But to come into the state of Ohio and say we’re repressing the vote when New York (where Clinton lives) has only Election Day and we have (28 early voting) days – come on, that’s just silliness, you know? I’m disappointed in her, frankly." Kasich's comments echoed those made by other Ohio Republicans on Thursday -- including Secretary of State Jon Husted -- who noted that Clinton's proposal for at least 20 days of early voting in every state already is exceeded in Ohio. “If she wants to sue somebody, sue New York," he said. "Why are you suing me? Why aren’t you suing your own people?” Last month, an attorney who represents the campaign of Clinton and several other Democrats filed a federal lawsuit against Husted and Attorney General Mike DeWine saying that GOP officials’ actions were designed “to bolster artificially the likelihood of success of Republican candidates in Ohio elections,” which “threatens the very bedrock of our democracy.”