Gov. Rick Perry on CNN, State of the Union 6/7/15 Video: LINK [beginning] Voting Rights - On voting rights and HRC calling him out. Says he signed the legislation but it’s what the people of texas wanted - Why does a gun license work and not a photo ID? Why would you say you need a photo ID to get a library card or get on an airplane? This is a state’s issue. She’s not playing to the people of texas. People of texas wanted it, you need a photo ID. - What about the fact that she’d say a federal judge found it discrimantory? I could find a federal judge to say just about anything. If this goes to the supreme court the people of texas will be right. - What do you think of her ideas to make it easy to vote? I think we make it pretty easy in the state of texas to vote. I don’t know what her beef is with the people of texas Gov. Rick Perry on CBS, Face the Nation 6/7/15 Video: THIS LINK [end] - I think the people of the state of Texas overwhelmingly support voter ID. HRC is the classic Washington insider. We’ve seen this with ACA and education. Washington. She’s looking at the people of Texas and saying we don’t trust you. Gov. Chris Christie on CBS, Face the Nation 6/7/15 VIDEO: THIS LINK [beginning] On HRC voter comments She doesn’t know what she’s talking about Suggests she should take questions and learn something She’s obviously never been to NJ if she thinks voter fraud isn’t a problem Gov. John Kasich on Fox and Friends Watch here: LINK Asked to respond to HRC’s comments on voting -I’ve already vented my feeling about this -Let me say this directly, I like Hillary, I haven't been attacking her -Her words were outrageous, they were demagoguery -In my state you have 28 days to vote, in NY you have 1 -To make that charge, you talk about dividing people -I’m disappointed in her -It’s outrageous -Hillary, you’re better than that, knock it off -Let’s have a campaign on building America instead of dividing -And that goes for Republicans who are attacking her Gov. John Kasich, Columbus Dispatch, 6/5/15