HEADLINE: “Scott Walker: Hillary Clinton’s ‘Washington Knows Best’ Approach ‘Should Be Left In The Past.’” [Washington Times, 6/2/15] Walker: Hillary Clinton’s Approach Was “Tired” And “Should Be Left In The Past.” “Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker on Tuesday pitched his ability to make inroads with younger voters and blasted what he called former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s affinity for a “Washington knows best” approach that he called ‘tired’ and said ‘should be left in the past.’” [Washington Times, 6/2/15] Authenticity Associated Press: “Fiorina Questioned Whether Clinton Had Ever Ridden On A John Deere Tractor.” “On Saturday, several Republican presidential contenders fought for an edge among motorcycles, puppies, war heroes and roasted pork, having swapped dark suits for blue jeans to meet Iowans eight months before they cast the first votes of the 2016 presidential primary… Fiorina questioned whether Clinton had ever ridden on a John Deere tractor, as Fiorina did earlier in the day at another event. ‘I know she had a few photo ops,’ Fiorina said.” [Associated Press, 6/6/15] Criminal Justice Reform Jindal On Criminal Justice Reform: “While Hillary Clinton And Some Republican Leaders Have Just Started Talking About Problems, We Are Solving Them In Louisiana.” “‘While Hillary Clinton and some Republican leaders have just started talking about problems, we are solving them in Louisiana,’ Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a likely GOP presidential contender, told TheBlaze in a statement. ‘I do think that reviewing our sentencing rules for some nonviolent drug offenders makes sense. Which is why in Louisiana we have implemented common sense reforms that, when appropriate, reduce sentences for nonviolent drug use offenders, while focusing on rehabilitation.’ For Republicans embracing the reforms, it’s a stark change from the party’s traditional tough-on-crime stance. But more conservatives are looking at the fiscal costs of increasing prison populations. Jindal says his state remains tough on crime under the reform. ‘Although some are spending too much time in jail for minor drug offenses, it is also true that many are spending far too little time in jail for our current epidemic of sex crimes,’ Jindal said. ‘Which is why I have also worked to increase sentences for sex predators and those who prey on women and children. We need balance in our criminal justice system, so that punishments are appropriate to crimes and are not dictated by failed experiments in social engineering.’” [The Blaze, 6/2/15]