Finances Carly Fiorina, Fox News America’s Newsroom 6/10/15 Video: THIS LINK Rubio not good at managing money. What do you think? - It’s the NYT, wish they would do more of a story on Bill and Hillary’s money - The question for them is what else don’t we know? - So little of donations go to charitable work Gov. Scott Walker, Twitter, 6/9/15 Gov. Scott Walker, Our American Revival, 6/9/15 GOVERNOR SCOTT WALKER: A YEAR AFTER “DEAD BROKE” COMMENTS, CLINTON STILL WILDLY OUT OF TOUCH A year ago, Hillary Clinton highlighted the massive gap separating her from middle-class Americans when she claimed she and her husband were “dead broke” when they left the White House. Of course, her wildly out-of-touch statement was false. In fact, as the Clintons’ time in the White House was winding down, they purchased two homes at a total cost of more than $4.5 million. Who knew being “dead broke” could pay so well? What’s more, after leaving the White House, Clinton took her experience there all the way to the bank, helping her become one of the Senate’s wealthiest members. Since leaving the Obama administration, Clinton has kept the money-machine rolling, raking in more than $11 million since 2014 in paid speeches, some at $300,000 apiece – more money than most Americans make in an entire year. The fact that Clinton – with her massive earning potential and not one, but two multi-million dollar homes – could have ever considered herself “dead broke,” calls into question her basic perception of reality. A year later, Clinton is still as out of touch as ever. She’s stuck in a carefully choreographed campaign cocoon, not taking questions or talking to real Americans about the problems they face. Perhaps if Clinton actually bothered to speak with average voters on the campaign trail, she would learn the things holding so many people back today are the barriers to opportunity she and other liberals champion: higher taxes and burdensome regulations that are strangling American businesses, leading to a lack of good-paying, full-time jobs.