Trust Carly Fiorina, Fox News America’s Newsroom 6/10/15 Video: THIS LINK You are not afraid to go after HRC. Why have you delineated yourself that way? - We are in a fight for future of the nation - I disagree profoundly with HRC - She is not trustworthy, no track record of leadership Gov. Rick Perry on CBS, Face the Nation 6/7/15 Video: THIS LINK [end] - I think the people of the state of Texas overwhelmingly support voter ID. HRC is the classic Washington insider. We’ve seen this with ACA and education. Washington. She’s looking at the people of Texas and saying we don’t trust you. Carly Fiorina: “I Have A Lot Of Admiration For Hillary Clinton, But She Clearly Is Not Trustworthy.” “CARLY FIORINA: The former tech executive chose social media and a nationally broadcast morning TV network show to launch her campaign on May 4, and she quickly went after Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton. ‘I have a lot of admiration for Hillary Clinton, but she clearly is not trustworthy,’ she said.” [Washington Post, 6/2/15] Emails Sen. Marco Rubio on Outnumbered, Fox News 6/4/15 Video: Part 1 First segment [about halfway in] Q: Do you think HRC is corrupt? A: That’s something voters are going to have to decide after we have all the info. Email issue to me: there was sensitive information in there. We know foreign intelligence are trying to hack in there. Her server was most definetly being attacked by foreign intelligence agencies. I’d worry about putting all this info on there that will now be available to a foreign intelligence agency. It shows poor judgement. Even now, as a candidate, we’re always careful about what we put in an email bc any insight you give a foreign intelligence agency is an advantage for them. Sen. Lindsey Graham on .@radiotalkermike at 9:30 AM, 6/3/15 [towards end of Q&A] On HRC -If a republican had set up a server it would be the number one media issue everyday -The Clinton live by a different set of rules