Rick Perry criticized Secretary Clinton for lack of transparency over Benghazi. Lindsey Graham criticized Secretary Clinton for not understanding Libya’s security environment. Rand Paul said Secretary Clinton’s handling of the Benghazi attack should preclude her from being president. Marco Rubio and Scott Walker hit Secretary Clinton for 2009 comments that they said let China off the hook for human rights violations. Jeb Bush criticized the ‘reset’ with Russia under Secretary Clinton. Marco Rubio criticized Secretary Clinton for perceived failures during her tenure at State. Scott Walker called the ‘pivot to Asia’ under Secretary Clinton “hollow.” Marco Rubio said Secretary Clinton embodied old ideas and represented an old “generation of leadership.” Scott Walker said Secretary Clinton’s ‘Washington knows best’ approach “should be left in the past.” Carly Fiorina suggested that Secretary Clinton had never ridden a John Deere tractor. Bobby Jindal said that while the Secretary Clinton began talking about criminal justice reform, he was helping solve criminal justice problems in Louisiana. Clinton-era scandals Gov. Scott Walker, Bloomberg, With All Due Respect 6/11/15 Video: Here [08:00] Mark: The Clinton presidency, what wasn't the best and worst thing about it? Governor Walker: They worked with the house and senate on getting a balanced budget. That was certainly good. And certainly the piece left over from president Reagan. Certainly the scandals were the worst part. We have seen with the e-mails Clinton cash, and all that, people are wearing that we will get these scandals again. Polling Sen. Rand Paul, Herald Radio Morning Meeting 6/11/15 Audio: here [05:00] Leads HRC in five different states that President Obama won – New Hampshire, Colorado, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Ohio Sen. Rand Paul, Manchester NH Office Opening 6/5/15 Video: here [end] - In early states he’s routinely in top three, but in purple states he’s beating HRC hands down with independents. A third of NH is independent. That’s how he’s going to win NH is he’s going to get the Republican vote, the independent vote - When the general election vote comes, they’re also going to accept some Democrat vote as well