 Rick Perry criticized Secretary Clinton for lack of transparency over Benghazi.  Lindsey Graham criticized Secretary Clinton for not understanding Libya’s security environment.  Rand Paul said Secretary Clinton’s handling of the Benghazi attack should preclude her from being president.  Marco Rubio and Scott Walker hit Secretary Clinton for 2009 comments that they said let China off the hook for human rights violations.  Jeb Bush criticized the ‘reset’ with Russia under Secretary Clinton.  Marco Rubio criticized Secretary Clinton for perceived failures during her tenure at State.  Scott Walker called the ‘pivot to Asia’ under Secretary Clinton “hollow.”  Marco Rubio said Secretary Clinton embodied old ideas and represented an old “generation of leadership.”  Scott Walker said Secretary Clinton’s ‘Washington knows best’ approach “should be left in the past.”  Carly Fiorina suggested that Secretary Clinton had never ridden a John Deere tractor.  Bobby Jindal said that while the Secretary Clinton began talking about criminal justice reform, he was helping solve criminal justice problems in Louisiana. Clinton-era scandals Gov. Scott Walker, Bloomberg, With All Due Respect 6/11/15 Video: Here [08:00] Mark: The Clinton presidency, what wasn't the best and worst thing about it? Governor Walker: They worked with the house and senate on getting a balanced budget. That was certainly good. And certainly the piece left over from president Reagan. Certainly the scandals were the worst part. We have seen with the e-mails Clinton cash, and all that, people are wearing that we will get these scandals again. Polling Sen. Rand Paul, Herald Radio Morning Meeting 6/11/15 Audio: here [05:00] Leads HRC in five different states that President Obama won – New Hampshire, Colorado, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Ohio Sen. Rand Paul, Manchester NH Office Opening 6/5/15 Video: here [end] - In early states he’s routinely in top three, but in purple states he’s beating HRC hands down with independents. A third of NH is independent. That’s how he’s going to win NH is he’s going to get the Republican vote, the independent vote - When the general election vote comes, they’re also going to accept some Democrat vote as well

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