Attacks on Clinton 6/12/15
ATTACKS ON SEC CLINTON 6-12-15 Summary Scott Walker cited both Bill Clinton-era scandals and modern controversies surrounding Secretary Clinton’s emails, mentioning Clinton Cash. Rand Paul said he leads Secretary Clinton in NH, CO, IA, PA, and OH. Carly Fiorina said Secretary Clinton was not trustworthy. Carly Fiorina said Secretary Clinton had “no track record of leadership.” Rick Perry said Secretary Clinton was a Washington insider, citing her support of Obama’s healthcare and education policies. Rick Perry said Secretary Clinton did not trust Texas voters. Marco Rubio said Secretary Clinton’s use of a private server showed poor judgment, while Lindsey Graham said it showed the Clintons played by a different set of rules. Carly Fiorina said the New York Times should write more about the Clintons’ finances. Carly Fiorina said little of the Clinton Foundation’s donations go to charitable work. Carly Fiorina said the Clintons had a higher net worth than the Fiorinas. Scott Walker and Lindsey Graham hit Secretary Clinton for her “dead broke” comments. Ted Cruz hit the Clintons for foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation and high speaking fees. John Kasich dodged a question about investigating the Clinton Health Access Initiative. Rick Perry said the media should further investigate the Clinton Foundation’s donations. Rick Perry referenced the Clinton Foundation’s Sweden and Stephanopoulos donations controversies. John Kasich hit Secretary Clinton for her voting rights comments, calling her “dead wrong” to accuse GOP of discrimination at a sensitive time for American race relations, and implied her campaign was about dividing America. Scott Walker called Secretary Clinton’s opposition to voter ID “out of touch.” Rick Perry said Secretary Clinton was wrong to oppose voter ID and said she opposed showing ID to board an airplane. Chris Christie said Secretary Clinton didn’t know what she was talking about in criticizing voting rights in New Jersey and that she wanted “an opportunity to commit greater acts of voter fraud around the country.” Marco Rubio criticized Secretary Clinton for wanting 20 days of guaranteed early voting. Rick Perry said that Secretary Clinton wanted to open up the border. Marco Rubio said then-Senator Clinton did nothing substantial related to immigration and criticized her for “flip-flopping” on citizenship and driver’s licenses. Jeb Bush criticized Secretary Clinton for dodging the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Ted Cruz said Secretary Clinton embodied Washington corruption. Ted Cruz hit Secretary Clinton for not answering questions on issues like trade, Iran, and Libya. Carly Fiorina implied that there were unanswered questions about Secretary Clinton she would like addressed. Lindsey Graham said it was easier to meet with North Korean leader than Secretary Clinton. Marco Rubio criticized Secretary Clinton for not answering questions, and therefore not holding herself to the same standards as her Republican opponents. Carly Fiorina criticized Secretary Clinton’s first Instagram post. Chris Christie said the teachers unions would be Secretary Clinton’s largest campaign contributors. Rick Perry said Secretary Clinton should tell Americans whether she would have pulled out of Iraq knowing what she knows now. Lindsey Graham said Secretary Clinton’s “biggest nightmare” was to be asked whether or not she thought the war on terror was going well. Chris Christie hit Secretary Clinton for her comments at the Benghazi hearings.