Carly Fiorina, Fox News America’s Newsroom 6/10/15 Video: THIS LINK Rubio not good at managing money. What do you think? - It’s the NYT, wish they would do more of a story on Bill and Hillary’s money - The question for them is what else don’t we know? - So little of donations go to charitable work Sen. Ted Cruz on Fox News, Cavuto 6/4/15 Video: here [towards end] On HRC: curious she’s going to Texas. There aren’t any foreign nations to write her checks and pay for her husband’s speaking fees. Gov. Rick Perry on Fox News Hannity 6/4/15 Video: Here [06:45] - Perry referenced Clinton and Sweden, said that they were giving a suspicion amount of money to the Clinton Foundation – Even George Stephanopoulos should say that doesn't pass the smell test Gov. John Kasich, Portsmouth NH roundtable 6/4/15 VIDEO: THIS LINK [1:40] Should CHAI be investigated? -George Bush did a lot of great work in Africa and he didn’t need a foundation -When I’m talking about the Clintons, I’m not talking about me -There’s going to be a time to deal with emails and stuff like that -We are not going to beat Hillary Clinton on Benghazi, emails and the Clinton Foundation -You better have a bigger agenda than that -Attacking Hillary and getting applause is hitting it in the cheap seats Perry Said The Media Was Irresponsible For Writing About Rubio’s Parking Tickets But Not The Clinton Foundation’s Donations. “The Times reported that the Rubios had been cited on traffic violations a combined 17 times since 1997. Rubio had four tickets and his wife had 13. The Times noted four different occasions the couple had to go driving school following a violation. Perry said he found the story ‘irresponsible,’ given the Clinton Foundations woes. The Times has, however, published some critical stories on the Clinton Foundation.‘The fact is we all live within the laws,’ said Perry. ‘I get that, but to go write a story about Marco Rubio and him having four tickets in the last decade plus is absolutely irresponsible when you have Bill and Hillary Clinton taking the amount of money, not reporting it at their foundation and to somehow or another paper over that and go write a story about Marco Rubio…’” [Buzzfeed, 6/8/15] Voting rights