SOAR Magazine Spring 2025 by Robeson Community College
SOAR Magazine, a publication of Robeson Community College, features stories such as an EMS graduate's journey to becoming a PA-C, insights from a best-selling author, and details about the college's expanding online presence.

MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT 吀栀e leaves are changing, and so is Robeson Community College! As our enrollment continues to grow, we are adding new programs, and we’ve expanded access to education through our A.S. 吀栀omas Center in Pembroke and with the installation of the lineman poleyard on our main campus in Lumberton. More development is on the way soon as we are making plans to break ground on the Career and Technical Education Building which will be followed by a new additional building on the COMtech campus. It’s an exciting time to be at Robeson Community College! IN THIS ISSUE As you’ll read in our Spring 2025 edition of SOAR magazine, our students are achieving success in the classroom and in the workforce. 2 COVER STORY: Jarrett Oxendine’s Take Jarrette Oxendine, he came to Robeson Community College to gain hands- path to becoming a PA-C on experience in patient care through our EMS program. By becoming an EMT 4 Katelyn Carr finds early success and a paramedic upon completion of his associate degree, he gained the needed in life clinical patient hours to be accepted into the physician assistant school at Methodist 5 Photos: RCC’s 2024 Homecoming University. He now works at UNC Health Southeastern as a PA-C. What a great success story! 6 Author and RCC Graduate Kaden But Jarrette’s story is just one of many that we hear about every day. Thompson embarks on new journey Katelyn Carr and Kaeden 吀栀ompson, both graduates of the early college and RCC, 7 2024 Cybersecurity Poster Contest are doing amazing things with their lives. Katelyn, a 2022 graduate, just completed 9/11 Poetry Contest Winner: The her studies at NC State University and has found her dream job writing. Kaden, 8 Extraordinary by Lakyn Jacobs who is already a well-known author from Robeson County, has started his journey toward becoming a lawyer by transferring to the University of North Carolina at 9 Recipes from RCC’s Culinary Arts Wilmington. I have no doubt that these two individuals will continue to go on and 10 RCC’s Online Presence Continues to achieve great things in their lives. Increase, Grow in Popularity across As you may know, our online program has become increasingly popular and it has North Carolina 13 Photos: 2nd Annual RCC Fall Festival allowed Robeson Community College to extend its reach beyond the county lines. at COMtech Campus in Pembroke We have many success stories to share with you about how our online opportunities 14 Fall 2024 Headlines assist students with their needs and helping them achieve their dreams, academically, professionally, and personally. In this issue, you’ll read the stories of 17 COMtech Programs Chelsea Banks, Marcus Brown, Kevin Hawkins, Contessa Oxendine, and Brianna 17 Spring 2025 Curriculum Schedule Seals as they share their experience with e-learning at RCC. 20 Spring 2025 Completely Online RCC also o昀昀ers short-term training which is helping students add stackable Classes credentials to their resume and achieve greatness, like Tristan Locklear. Tristan 20 Adult High School Program says that completing the electrical lineman program was one of the biggest Information accomlishments of his life. He’s looking forward to his future and already has several Short-Term Training Testimonials job interviews lined up. 21 from Tristan Locklear, Jorden Great things are happening at Robeson Community College and we hope that you’ll Addams, Christina Dees, Aaron be inspired to enroll and get started on your path to success. 吀栀ere are so many Eddings 21 Short-Term Training Classes opportunities available. BACK COVER: NextNC Scholarship Testimonials from Juss McLaurin and Brittany Hunt Melissa Singl攀爀 1
RCC’s EMS program integral part of Jarrett Oxendine’s path to Physician Assistant When you hear the words It was probably With his thoughts on studying “Robeson Community one of the biggest emergency medicine, Freeman helped College” being spoken, you decisions of his guide his decision on his next steps. most likely wouldn’t think life and it wasn’t immediately that it’s a place something he “Eric Freeman convinced me to apply where you could build a could just decide to the degree program for Emergency path to become a physician overnight. Medical Science,” Oxendine said. “So assistant. But for one that’s what I did.” local man from Robeson A昀琀er talking with County, RCC is the place Eric Freeman, who 吀栀e EMS program provided Oxendine where he did just that. at that time served as with valuable experience that not only the program director helped him get into PA school but also Meet Jarrett Oxendine. of the EMS program helped him with his current role in the He’s 30 years old. He is originally from at RCC, Oxendine realized that his goals ER in dealing with emergencies and Pembroke, but now calls Fayetteville his were well within his reach and that trauma-related injuries. home. He grew up in Robeson County becoming a physician assistant would and loves being able to give back to the give him the greatest 昀氀exibility, granting “I primarily did this to gain experience community that helped raise him. He him “portability” within the medical and get into PA school,” Oxendine currently works as a Physician Assistant 昀椀eld. said. “But the EMS program gave me a in the Emergency Department at UNC broad knowledge and also set a good Health Southeastern in Lumberton. It’s a “If you become a medical doctor, you foundation in medicine with hands-on job that he loves, and it’s one he’s worked need 4 years in medical school, and patient care that I couldn’t have received hard to achieve. then you have to apply to residency in a anywhere else.” speci昀椀c specialty,” Oxendine said. “I graduated from UNCP in 2016 with Oxendine graduated from Robeson a B.S. in Biology,” Oxendine said. “I “With becoming a PA, you are broadly Community College in 2018 and always wanted to practice medicine, but trained over all subjects giving you a became a licensed, certi昀椀ed paramedic. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to become a baseline that you can excel anywhere, in medical doctor or a physician assistant.” any specialty with most of your training “I worked full-time with the Robeson taking place on the job.” County EMS and part-time with rescue 2
accepted into the physician assistant “I highly recommend the EMS program at Methodist University. program to anyone who wants to become a physician assistant,” “It was a process,” Oxendine said. “PA Oxendine said. “吀栀e individuals I met school took 28 months to complete… and who taught the program, were very it helped me in going to UNCP 昀椀rst, knowledgeable, and good at what they and when Eric Freeman recommended do.” the EMS program and to sit for the paramedic, I was able to jump halfway “It did not hurt having the associate through.” degree,” Oxendine said. “I have recommended this route to multiple With a strong drive and highly people to 昀椀nish their undergraduate motivated, Oxendine says one day he degree and then go do the EMT classes may branch out into another specialty at Robeson Community College.” but for now, he’s very content. “I really appreciate the opportunity “I enjoy being a PA, especially in the that attending RCC has a昀昀orded me,” emergency department… you end up Oxendine stated. “I would not be agencies doing convalescent transport,” seeing people on the worst day and where I am today without the training Oxendine said. “I needed 1000 clinical time in their lives and so to be able to and tutelage I received at Robeson.” hours of patient contact to get into PA bring joy and hope to people is pretty school.” gratifying, to say the least.” For more information on the EMT and EMS Bridge program at Robeson With the experience he gained, along Now with his career established, Community College, please contact with his education credentials and Oxendine encourages others to follow 吀栀omas “Brad” Byrd at tbyrd@robeson. paramedic certi昀椀cation, Oxendine was in his footsteps so they too can achieve edu or 910-272-3408. You can also visit their dreams of working in healthcare.
RCC University Transfer Graduate Katelyn Carr finds early success in life If you were to look at Carr says the transition “It’s an interesting new experience,” Carr Katelyn Carr’s list of from RCC to NC State said. “I work at a start-up, and I just things to accomplish, it was seamless, which started, so no day is really a typical day.” might go something like is what administrators this: hope to hear from Her new job involves technical writing transfer majors as they for business and industry. She’s currently – Complete High make the leap to the working remotely, a trend that is School university level. sweeping across the nation post-COVID, – Earn an associate and a trend that has gained favorability degree “It was pretty easy,” with new college graduates. – Graduate from NC Carr said. “I do think State the classes were much “Right now, I just handle my tasks as – Find my dream job easier to transition into they come to me, but as I get more than they would have used to my role, I’ll be helping out with At just the age of 21, Katelyn has been had I not gone to Early College and writing customer-facing documentation, achieved all of the above. RCC.” manuals, guides, and things like that,” Carr added. Katelyn found her way to Robeson As Katelyn moved to Raleigh, she Community College through the discovered that life on campus was just With achieving so much success at an early college housed on its campus. as she expected. early age, Carr says she is very thankful During high school, she completed for the path she has taken. college credits, allowing her to get her “I did love it,” Carr stated. “Once I made diploma and earn an associate degree friends and joined the clogging team, it Attending RCC Early College can be a simultaneously. Once she graduated was really just nice to have people that great decision, Carr said. in May 2022, she set her sights on new you consistently see every day or every goals — transferring to North Carolina week.” “It really does prepare you for moving State University and earning a bachelor’s on to a 4-year university and saves you degree in English with a concentration Although Carr only got to experience money....Your time spent at RCC will in Rhetoric and Professional Writing. college life and experience on campus prepare you well for transferring.” for 2 years, she says it was a valuable “RCC prepared me for NC State by experience and is even thinking of providing me experience with the pacing moving back to the area once she gets and academic level of college courses, settled in with her new job, a position but in a smaller and less overwhelming she started 昀椀rst as an intern as part of her environment,” Carr said. “So, when I did studies and graduation requirements for go to NC State, my classes at least were a NC State. During the summer months, familiar experience when everything else she worked for the organization as a was so new.” contractor and accepted a full-time position this past September. 4
PHOTOS FROM RCC’S 3RD ANNUAL HOMECOMING WEEK 2024 Robeson Community College celebrated its 3rd Annual Homecoming Week from October 28-November 1. 吀栀e theme for the 2024 Homecoming Week was “Get in the Game: Educate, Elevate, Dominate.” Headlining the week were two major events, the Annual SGA Drive-吀栀ru Trick or Treat “Boo Bash” and the 昀椀rst Better Skills, Better Jobs Career Expo. Both events drew large crowds of people to campus. It is estimated that almost 800 cars pulled through during the “Boo Bash” with each car having between 3 - 5 people inside, bringing between 2400 to 4000 people to campus. 吀栀e Career Fair featured more than 50 employers and was heavily attended by students and community members. Other festivities during the week included sidewalk chalk art, a scavenger hunt, in昀氀atables, free pizza on Wednesday, pumpkin painting, a costume contest on Halloween, a blood drive, food trucks, and game day on Friday. 5
AUTHOR AND RCC GRADUATE KADEN THOMPSON EMBARKS ON NEW JOURNEY book on the Lumbee Recognition Act right now; I hope that it helps educate people about the need for federal recognition and why the Lumbee Tribe deserves federal recognition.” Although it started out as a way to just have fun writing, Kaden’s hobby of writing has become a blessing 昀椀nancially. During the 2024 Lumbee Homecoming, Kaden sold over 200 books. Kaden has also worked out a deal with Barnes & Noble in Fayetteville, in which subscribers can order his books and have them shipped directly to their houses for free. “I have done events with Barnes & Noble,” Kaden added. “I love going out and meeting people in the community… I recently met with the elders who were at the Battle of Hayes Pond, and speaking with them is always an honor.” Shortly a昀琀er graduation, Kaden was RCC graduate Kaden 吀栀omspon A昀琀er completing UNCW, Kaden says he recognized by the Lumbee Tribe of North embarked upon a new adventure this fall. would like to attend law school at North Carolina for his writings as well as his Carolina Central University. academic excellence achieved at Robeson 吀栀ompson enrolled at UNC-Wilmington, Community College, a distinct honor starting a new chapter in his life. And for “Being from Robeson County, we have a given to only a few. those who know Kaden, they know that high crime rate,” Kaden explained. “With could possibly even mean a new book. that comes a need for representation, As Kaden looks out toward the future, people need someone to defend them… he says, “I feel like all of this will impact A self-published author, Kaden 昀椀nds joy even people who can’t a昀昀ord a lawyer, me, there are not a lot of Lumbee writers in writing stories in his free time, o昀琀en I want to speak for those people and or lawyers,... I hope that through my inspired by his culture, history, or events advocate for them.” experiences, I can become an in昀氀uence in his life. At just the age of 19, he has upon those younger than me so that they already written three books. 吀栀rough his writings, it becomes can see that nothing is impossible.” evident that Kaden is a storyteller who “I wrote Henry in 2020,” Kaden said, a wants to keep the heritage of his people book he wrote on Henry Berry Lowery. alive. As a Lumbee Indian, Kaden feels “I wrote Graduation Chronicles last it’s his responsibility to tell the stories November, and in March, I wrote the that his parents, grandparents, and Battle of Hayes Pond.” great-grandparents passed down from generation to generation. As he wrote Henry, Kaden says that is where he discovered his passion “I love my culture and I am very adamant for helping others and becoming about telling young people about this an advocate. 吀栀at’s why he plans on history of our people, and I try to get majoring in criminal justice at UNCW them as involved in the culture as much with hopes of one day becoming a lawyer. as possible,” Kaden said. “I’m writing a 6
2024 CYBERSECURITY AWARENESS MONTH POSTER CONTEST As a way to raise awareness about cybersecurity, students in the Information Technology program #2 created posters on how to stay safe online. 吀栀e posters were showcased during the Cybersecurity #2 - 2nd Place: “It’s Cybersecuirty Awareness Panel Discussion, and then voted on by community Awareness Month” by Ashley Todd members, students, faculty, and sta昀昀 during the 2024 Homecoming Week. #1 - 1st Place: “Phishing” by Alexis Ortiz and Ledger Hunt #3 (not pictured) #1 #3 - 3rd Place: “Anime Girl” by Mario Santana and Darrion Oxendine Keep your secrets confidential from the world ! #4 #5 #6 #7 BE PROTECTED SO YOU WON’T REGRET IT Other poster Entries submitted by: Protect Your Identity 4 - Jeremiah Locklear and Bobby Mitchell Don't be phished! 5 - Diana Trinidad Beware of emails with attachments to download, or soliciting 6 - Haley Hendrix sensitive. information from you including 7- LaQueesha Stephens your password, social “Stay Anonymous, security number, Stay Safe” driver's license details, 8 - Matthew Tyler #8 etc. 9 - Amanda L. Jacobs Identity #9 #10 Not everyone perso theft and 10 - Parker Lowery online is who they pro nal data say they are! tection 7 ” y c a v i r P r u o Y t c e t o r P “ Password Protection: Ensure your digital fortress is secure with strong passwords. Mix uppercase and lowercase letters, and symbols to create against cyber threats.
吀栀e Extraordinary By: Lakyn Jacobs Husbands, wives, sisters, brothers, mothers, and fathers. 吀栀ey were ordinary people just like you and I with one great exception. 吀栀ey were willingly sacri昀椀cing their lives for others that weren’t of their kin. Boom, crash, bang Went the towers as the planes banged into them. Yet, they came marching, running and sprinting in for those in need. 吀栀ey went in to save, search and rescue those in need. Some lost their lives to help strangers in need be- cause they did everything in their power to help. Honor, remembrance, and unity. 吀栀at is how we come together to remember them. 吀栀e heroes that put their lives on the line for others. We the people of the United States, all come togeth- er to remember them, 吀栀e 昀椀rst on the scene and the last to leave the scene. 吀栀e saints that come marching in. 吀栀e ordinary people with an expectation. 吀栀e heroes of one of the most tragic moments in America’s history. 吀栀e brave heroes of 9/11. 吀栀e Extraordinary. Photo shows RCC’s 23rd Commemorative September 11th Memorial Ceremony in which the poem was read aloud by the 9/11 Poetry Contest Winner, Lakyn Jacobs 8
Chicken w/Vegetable Skillet Arroz Verde Tres Leches Cake Ingredients for 3 servings Ingredients Ingredients • 2 lbs skinless, boneless chicken breast, • 2 tablespoons olive oil • 4 large eggs, separated, room • 2 bunches green onions, sliced, white temperature cut into 1-inch pieces parts and tops separated • ⼀攀 cup sugar, divided • 4 zucchinis, sliced • 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and minced • ⼀攀 cup cake 昀氀our • 4 red bell peppers, cut into chunks • 2 cups uncooked long-grain rice • Dash salt • 2 broccoli crowns, broken into 昀氀orets • 1 teaspoon black pepper • ⼀最 cup heavy whipping cream • 1 onion, sliced • 2 cups chicken broth • ⼀最 cup evaporated milk • 1 ⼀挀 cups water • ⼀最 cup sweetened condensed milk • ⼀挀 teaspoon salt and pepper • ⼀挀 cup minced cilantro • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract • 4 tablespoons olive oil • ⼀挀 cup minced parsley • ⼀攀 teaspoon rum extract • 4 tablespoons fajita seasoning • salt to taste • ⼀攀 teaspoon cinnamon • ⼀挀 cup low-sodium chicken broth Gather all ingredients. • ⼀攀 teaspoon nutmeg • 2 tablespoons fresh chopped parsley, TOPPING: for garnish Heat olive oil in a large skillet over • 1 ⼀攀 cups heavy whipping cream • 1 teaspoon red chili pepper 昀氀akes, medium heat. Saute the white parts of • 3 tablespoons sugar optional the green onions with the jalapenos for 5 • Optional: Dulce de leche or sliced minutes; do not brown. fresh strawberries In a large bowl, add the chicken bites Stir in the rice, salt and pepper. Pour in Place egg whites in a large bowl. Line the and season with salt and pepper. Add 1 the broth and water; bring to a boil. Cover, bottom of a 9-in. springform pan with tablespoon olive oil and fajita seasoning reduce heat to low, and cook until rice is parchment; grease the paper. and toss until coated. tender and liquid is absorbed, about 20 Meanwhile, preheat oven to 350°. In minutes. another large bowl, beat egg yolks until Heat a large skillet over medium heat slightly thickened. Gradually add 1/3 cup with 1 tablespoon olive oil. Add seasoned Flu昀昀 with a fork and stir in cilantro, sugar, beating on high speed until thick parsley, and tops of green onions. and lemon-colored. Mix 昀氀our, cinnamon, chicken bites and cook for about 5-7 Transfer to a warm serving dish and serve and nutmeg together. minutes until the chicken is cooked immediately. Fold in 昀氀our mixture, a third at a time. through. Remove to a plate and set aside. Add salt to egg whites; with clean beaters, beat on medium until so昀琀 peaks In the same skillet, stir fry the onion (add form. Gradually add remaining sugar, 1 a little olive oil if needed) for 2 minutes, tablespoon at a time, beating on high a昀琀er then add broccoli, zucchini, and bell each addition until sugar is dissolved. Continue beating until so昀琀 glossy peaks pepper. Season with fajita seasoning and form. Fold a third of the whites into the cook on medium until vegetables are batter, then fold in the remaining whites. crisp-tender. Gently spread into prepared pan. Bake until top springs back when lightly Deglaze with chicken stock, then add the touched, 20-25 minutes. Cool 10 minutes cooked chicken bites back to the skillet before removing from the pan to a wire and mix to combine. Garnish with red rack to cool completely. chili pepper 昀氀akes and fresh parsley if Place the cake on a rimmed serving plate. desired and serve the chicken bites and Poke holes in the top with a skewer. In a vegetables immediately. Enjoy! small bowl, mix cream, evaporated milk, sweetened condensed milk, and extracts; brush slowly over the cake. Refrigerate, Recipes covered, 2 hours. from For the topping, beat cream until it begins Culinary Arts to thicken. Add sugar; beat until peaks form. Spread over the top of the cake. If desired, top cake with dulce de leche or strawberries just before serving. 9
RCC’S ONLINE PRESENCE CONTINUES TO INCREASE, GROW IN POPULARITY ACROSS NC Robeson Community College’s reach Chelsea Banks called admissions and they signed me continues to expand with its online In Durham Coun- up for class.” access to many programs, classes, work- ty, online learning shops, and more. made it possible for “I thought, ‘how convenient,” Banks Chelsea Banks to said. “It was a super easy process.” Robeson Community College o昀昀ers take the credits she many degree programs completely on- needed to complete Banks enrolled in the Statistics and line, including Criminal Justice, Busi- her application for Physics classes at RCC. ness Administration, the EMS Bridge admission into nursing school at For- Program, the Associate of Arts, and the syth Tech. She says she’s also consider- “Everything thing was completely on- Associate of Science degree. Students ing the medical sonography program. line,” Banks said. “I’m not any good at seeking to fast-track their careers and math, but Dr. Chavis and Mr. Gavasci become job-ready can also add stackable “I graduated from Winston-Salem were good instructors, they explained credentials to their resumes through the State University,” Banks said. “I’ve everything and with it being online, completion of a wide array of diplomas, been out of school for 4-years, so it was actually easier because you can certi昀椀cates, and short-term training this helped to put me back in school reach out to the professors and ask courses. mode.” questions if you don’t know some- With so many opportunities available, thing. You don’t have to raise your students like Chelsea Banks, Marcus Banks says her experience at Robe- hand in class or look like you don’t Brown, Kevin Hawkins, Contessa Ox- son Community College was “super know the material.” endine, and Brianna Seals have found smooth.” a hidden gem through Robeson Com- “Online is more personable and munity College’s online o昀昀erings, which “RCC is a really good community more on your time,” Banks said. “If will only continue to increase as e-learn- college,” Banks said. “I didn’t have any something is stressful, you can take ing continues to grow in popularity. issues at all, I sent in my transcripts to a moment away and come back to it, advising, met with advisors, and just and both of my professors were super 10
understanding… it was a good expe- to the working adult, everything is in order to stay in his position. One rience.” online, and there’s nothing that you of his co-workers, Amanda Hierl, need to do on campus unless you just who we pro昀椀led in a story on the With online learning, Banks says that want to go. You can do everything EMS Bridge program in August, “had it 昀椀t her life and prepared her for the online and complete your degree high praise for the program and Mr. future. within the con昀椀nes of your own 吀栀omas Byrd,” Hawkins said. home.” “Everyone has a life outside of school, “Amanda said he was taking care of you have work and personal respon- Brown says he chose Robeson Com- stu昀昀 for career people, so I 昀椀gured I sibilities,” Banks said. “With online munity College for a special reason, would give it a whirl,” Hawkins said. classes, you can further your educa- not because of rankings, and not even “It has worked out good so far.” tion and still have a life.” because of the convenience of the program. 吀栀e EMS Bridge program at Robe- “Because of my experience at RCC, son Community College is available I’m more motivated now to do the “I’m from Maxton,” Brown said. “I’m completely online, allowing Hawkins program I’m interested in,” Banks a native of Robeson County and I the 昀氀exibility he was seeking in being said. “And to have done so well this know a lot of the faculty and sta昀昀 able to stay home, work full-time, and past summer, it helps me to know there and I wanted to get my degree earn his degree. Hawkins is currently that I can do this, and I’m just going from the place that I came from.” working on some general education to have to keep going now.” credits for his degree, taking classes Going back to school as an adult can like psychology and art appreciation. Marcus Brown be challenging, Brown admits, but he Although he’s only says it was a great experience. “It’s not bad, it’s kind of interesting,” in his early 40’s, Hawkins said. Marcus Brown is “吀栀e hardest part was working and already planning trying to complete the degree,” Brown Hawkins started his degree in 1998 for his retirement. said. “吀栀ere are a lot of resources while living in Ohio, his home state. 吀栀at’s why he de- available, like tutoring.” cided to come back “Life happens, and I put it on the to school to get his “吀栀e way the criminal justice pro- back burner until I got promoted to degree in criminal justice, a program gram is designed, any adult can go Captain,” Hawkins said. “In 1998, I he graduated from this past July. through it and earn a degree,” Brown started working in 昀椀re昀椀ghting and said. “RCC makes it really easy, the discovered I liked doing EMS work, I “I have 21 years of service in law instructors work with you and get to like helping people, I was enjoying it. enforcement,” Brown said. “I have a know you on a personal level, and You get to help people on the worst plethora of law enforcement certi昀椀- I think that’s what helped me the day of their life, and helping them cations. My degree will help me as I most.” get through it, and that’s the reward prepare for retirement in my current and that’s what makes it a pretty good position.” Brown hopes to continue his educa- career.” tion by pursuing a bachelor’s degree Brown works as a detective and crim- at the University of North Carolina at Hawkins says he got to North Caroli- inal investigator for the Richmond Pembroke. na just by a “昀氀uke chance.” County Sheri昀昀’s O昀케ce. With living almost 65 miles away, and working Kevin Hawkins “I was vacationing in Charlotte and full-time, Brown says that traveling Upon getting a just happened to be talking to some- to Robeson County to complete his promotion while one that said there was a job available degree would have been almost im- working for On- here,” Hawkins said. “I have been possible. slow County EMS, here since 2010.” Kevin Hawkins “As an investigator, I stay busy,” knew that he would For anyone seeking a degree as an Brown said. “吀栀e criminal justice need to complete adult, Hawkins says, “… don’t give up, program at RCC is more bene昀椀cial his degree in EMS if you want a degree, go for it.” 11 11
Contessa Oxendine “Online is good, I can stay at home “I was trying to start back, and I was At 41 years old, and do the research that I need for leaning towards specializing in fo- Contessa Oxendine class,” Oxendine said. “Reaching out rensics, doing 昀椀ngerprinting and that wanted to do some- to instructors is easy, it’s more conve- kind of thing,” Seals said. “But the thing she’d always nient for me.” program I was in required you to go dreamed of, and to campus, and I had started working that was to pursue When Oxendine completes her full-time and there was no way that her dreams of work- degree, she plans on enrolling in the I could do that, and so that’s how I ing in the criminal justice 昀椀eld. Basic Law Enforcement Training got to Robeson Community College’s program at RCC to give her more ex- Business Administration program.” “I always wanted to go into forensics, perience in criminal justice and help that’s always been my passion,” Ox- train her for additional opportunities “It’s completely online,” Seals said. “I endine said. “I have a hectic life and that exist in law enforcement, adding have kids and I work an o昀케ce job, taking the classes online was more a stackable credential to her resume. and everything is a lot better now… convenient for me.” It’s hard working 40 hours a week, “BLET is very intense,” Oxendine and being able to do class online is Oxendine says she watches a lot of said. “It’s a good program, but it’s easier on me and suits my life better.” crime shows to learn more about law intense.” enforcement, criminal justice, and Living in Laurinburg, Seals says she forensics. Oxendine hopes to 昀椀nd employment is about 50 miles away from RCC’s in one of the crime labs located in main campus in Lumberton. “I watch CSI, “吀栀e Black List”,” Ox- Raleigh or Charlotte, saying, “I want endine said. “What they do on TV is to be somewhere that I can make a “I was able to do everything online di昀昀erent, there’s a lot more to it than di昀昀erence.” for Robeson Community College,” what you see them do on TV, in real Seals said. “I just called the teacher, life it is much more hands-on, but at 吀栀e criminal justice technology pro- and I was able to get my transcript times it can be very realistic.” gram at Robeson Community Col- and do everything over the phone, lege is available completely online. and I didn’t have to come to cam- “吀栀e Black List” is a crime thriller It was ranked in the Top 20 as one pus… the process was very smooth, television series where the FBI tracks of the best online criminal justice very 昀氀exible.” down some of the most wanted fugi- programs in the country and in the tives. top 50 online public safety programs o昀昀ered in the United States. “吀栀e teachers, even though you are “I could see myself doing something online, they are really encouraging, like that,” Oxendine said. Brianna Seals I feel like I know them,” Seals said. A昀琀er working as “吀栀ey go the extra mile to make sure One local story that garnered na- an EMT for sever- you are comprehending the material.” tional attention, continues to be on al years, Brianna Oxendine’s heart each day. Seals felt it was Seals says she hopes that her story time to move in a will help encourage others to go back “Hannah, the little girl that was killed new direction. to school, saying, “It can be done, in Robeson County, that really broke it’s never too late, it’s never too late my heart,” Oxendine said. “No child “I worked on an to change. Just stay determined… I should have to go through that… ambulance for four years and wanted know it’s hard to cook, clean, take that’s what inspired me to want to be a change,” Seals said. “I stopped when care of your family, and go to school, an advocate for the dead because the I became pregnant. I needed to 昀椀gure but somehow it always gets done, just dead need an advocate to 昀椀nd out out what I wanted to do.” keep pushing… I would recommend what happened to them.” Robeson Community College, the ad- Seals thought maybe she should go visors are helpful, they respond fast, As she works on her degree, Oxen- into criminal justice, so she enrolled and they will get you on the path you dine says she enjoys being able to at another community college. need to be to graduate on time.” go at her own pace, just taking two classes at a time. 12
FALL FESTIVAL BRINGS AUTUMN JOY, DRAWS HUNDREDS TO COMTECH LOCATION IN PEMBROKE Native American culture, holiday wreaths, elderberry jam, facials, 昀氀u shots, and free haircuts were all a part of this year’s fall festival at Robeson Community College’s COMtech location in Pembroke. 吀栀is was RCC’s second year hosting the annual event which featured free services from students, free workshops, food trucks, and cra昀琀 vendors. 吀栀is year, another addition was added, a cultural presentation by the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina. 吀栀e cultural presentation included cra昀琀s, song and dance, and some show and tell with items used by Native Americans in the early days as the 昀椀rst inhabitants of the Americas. For students who attend the COMtech location in Pembroke, this was the opportunity of a lifetime to get hands-on experience and really showcase their skills and talents to the community by providing free haircuts, chair massages, facials, blood pressure checks, and manicures. 1313
#1 #4 #5 #2 #6 1 - SkillsUSA Winners - Abigail Jacobs and David Jimenez. Jimenez became the State Champion, taking 1st place in the 2024 NC Skills Competition in Greensboro, and securing a spot in the National Skills Contest in Atlanta, where both Jacobs and Jimenez ranked #11. 2 - Kenleigh Bain, Autumn Holden, Jasmin Kudakwashe, Sarah Locklear, Lauren Simmons, and Delanie Strickland made RCC history as the 昀椀rst graduates of the Medical Sonography program in October 2024. 3 - RCC was afforded a rare opportunity for a marketing study conducted by NC State’s Belk Center for Community College Leadership and Research, which included interviews with a group of students from various programs. 4 - Cosmetology student Itzel Barrales Cervantes was declared the winner of the 2024 “Fantasy Display” contest after a campus-wide vote by faculty, staff, and students of her creation of La Catrina. 5 - Kurt Stein, center, was declared the winner of the Rock 103 $1600 ‘Rock #3 Your World’ Scholarship in a reverse drawing held on campus. 6. Students gather for ‘Viva! RCC’ an event on campus held to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. 1414
#11 #7 #12 #8 #13 7 - Therapy dogs stole the show during RCC’s Mental Health Day. Large crowds could be seen by each therapy dog, who won the affection and attention of students, faculty, and staff during the event. 8 - The RCC Science Club washed cars to raise funds for 昀椀eld trips they hope to take in the Fall and Spring semesters. #9 9 - Vonda Graham, Engle Revels, and Tami George hold up t-shirts during the “I’m Next” Fest held at Robeson Community College during the Summer of 2024. Three events were held with a total of 108 families represented. 10 - RCC students participated in the Suicide Prevention Awareness event held on campus at RCC in September. Various resources were available to show students the support that is just a phone call away, as administrators wanted to drive home the message that “You Matter: Text. Call. Chat. Dial 988 for the Suicide Prevention Lifeline.” 11 - Representatives from numerous law enforcement agencies, including the North Carolina Highway Patrol, took part in a continuing education class at Robeson Community College recently. The class was titled, Interdiction for the Protection of Children (IPC) to enhance efforts to combat human traf昀椀cking. 12 - Cosmetology students were all smiles during RCC’s Welcome Week held in October. The week included many activities to help students enjoy the transition to college life at Robeson Community College. 13 - RCC continues to produce quali昀椀ed truck drivers for the workforce! In September, 16 students completed the RCC Truck Driving Academy – Callie Al’razzaq, Cindy Bell, Rikeem Buie, Brandon Carter, Tyron Carter, Bilaal Coles, #10 Jordan Cox, Aaron Eddings, Micheal Lewis, Zachery Lockee, Justin Locklear, Bruno Munoz, Holden Pierce, Ashly Riley, Nicolas Trejo, and Aquila Armstrong (not pictured). 15
Start your career at our COMTECH Location! 124 Livermore Drive • Pembroke #14 #18 Short-term training #15 #19 #20 14 - One of RCC’s biggest supporters, Drew Bullard, stands with NBA Legend and UNC Basketball player Al Wood during the 40th Clifford Bullard Memorial Anniversary Golf Tournament. The tournament raises money for the RCC Foundation to assist students with 昀椀nancial needs and supports the mission of Robeson Community College. The 2024 tournament raised $68,864.79 making it one of the most successful tournaments in history. 15 - RCC’s Nurse Aide I program attracts students from across the globe thanks to a partnership with UNCP through the NASANTI grant. The class this fall included Hilina Hailemawam of Ethiopia, Gboreoluwa Inioluwa Rocheal from Nigeria, Denika Abraham from Pohnpei Micronesia, Preethi Ghanamurugan of Singapore, Changhieco Chiegil and Oluwagbotemi Esther Olabode from Nigeria, Elisa Dominguez-Herrera and Brianna Opoku both from Charlotte. 16 - The A.S. Thomas Center opened up in downtown Pembroke this past July, becoming an extension to the main campus in Lumberton, offering one-stop services for admissions, registration, and more. #16 17 - RCC is on the Carolina Beat! WWAY visited the campus in September and October, interviewing students like Summer Locklear for upcoming segments on the show featuring health science programs, electrical lineman, beekeeping, small business center, and the A.S. Thomas Center. 18 - Electrical Lineman students showcase their talents and skills by hanging an American Flag in the newly constructed pole yard located on the main campus in Lumberton. 19 - RCC students attend the National AISES Conference in San Antonio Texas – Steven Chavis who is studying Information Technology; Mariah Graham and McKinley Lowery, both pursuing the associate of science degree; Joshua Locklear, James Locklear, John Locklear, Cale Harris, who are all majoring in Electrical Systems. 20 - RCC’s Education Department in partnership with ScriptNC and The UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Develop- ment Institute hosted workshops for educators from across the region. Top Photo: Education faculty from RCC, UNCP, and The Lumbee Tribe joined together for an all-day training event on ‘Preparing Educators Who Can Support Each and Every Child and Family: Building a Repertoire of Effective Practices.’ Bottom Photo: Approximately 40 educators attended a workshop on “Strategies and Resources for Ensuring #17 Inclusive Early STEM Learning Experiences for ALL Young Children” event. Many of the attendees were graduates 161616 of RCC’s Education program.
Start your career at our Spring 2025 curriculum Schedule See page 20 for online classes ACADEMIC SUCCESS ACA-122-BMD1 College Transfer Success Blended 1/13-3/7 M,W 9:30 AM-10:20 AM COMTECH Location! ACCOUNTING ACC-120-BD1 Prin of Financial Accounting Blended 1/13-5/12 T,TH 11:00 AM-12:15 PM ACC-131-HYD1 Federal Income Taxes Hybrid 1/13-5/12 W 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 124 Livermore Drive • Pembroke ACC-220-HYD1 Intermediate Accounting I Hybrid 1/13-5/12 W 11:00 AM-12:15 PM AIR CONDITIONING, HEATING, AND REFRIGERATION AHR-111-D1 HVACR Electricity Traditional 1/13-5/12 M,W 8:00 AM-9:50 AM AHR-112-FBD1 Heating Technology Blended 1/27-5/12 W,TH,F 8:30 AM-10:30 AM AHR-112-LCN1 Heating Technology Traditional 1/13-5/12 M,T 5:00 PM-7:40 PM AHR-113-FBD1 Comfort Cooling Blended 1/28-5/12 M,T 8:30 AM-10:30 AM AHR-114-BN1 Heat Pump Technology Blended 1/13-5/12 M 5:00 PM-8:50 PM AHR-130-BN1 HVAC Controls Blended 1/13-5/12 T 5:00 PM-7:50 PM AHR-133-BD1 HVAC Servicing Blended 1/13-5/12 TH 8:00 AM-9:50 AM F 8:00 AM-11:50 AM AHR-151-BD1 HVAC Duct Systems I Blended 1/13-5/12 T 10:30 AM-1:30 PM AHR-212-BD1 Advanced Comfort Systems Blended 1/13-5/12 W,TH 10:30 AM-1:30 PM AHR-250-TBD1 HVAC System Diagnostics Blended 2/11-5/12 W 8:00 AM-9:50 AM ART ART-111-BD1 Art Appreciation Blended 1/13-5/12 W 9:30 AM-10:45 AM ART-111-CCP1 Art Appreciation Traditional 1/28-5/12 T, TH 1:30 PM-3:00 PM ART-111-ECHD1 Art Appreciation Traditional 1/13-5/12 M,W 12:25 PM-1:55 PM ART-111-ECHD2 Art Appreciation Traditional 1/13-5/12 T,TH 8:45 AM-10:15 AM AUTOMATION ATR-280-BD1 Robotics Fundamentals BLENDED 1/13-5/12 F 8:00 AM-10:40 AM ATR-282-BD1 Robotics and CIM BLENDED 1/13-5/12 M 12:00 PM-2:50 PM BIOLOGY BIO-111-D1 General Biology I Traditional 1/13-5/12 T, TH 9:00 AM-11:40 AM BIO-111-FHBD1 General Biology I Blended 1/28-5/12 T,TH,F 8:30 AM-9:30 AM Short-term training BIO-111-SPBD1 General Biology I Blended 1/28-5/12 M,W,F 8:00 AM-9:30 AM BIO-112-CCP1 General Biology II Traditional 1/28-5/12 M,W, F 8:30 AM-10:50 AM BIO-112-D1 General Biology II Traditional 1/13-5/12 T, TH 8:30 AM-11:10 AM BIO-112-D2 General Biology II Traditional 1/13-5/12 T, TH 12:30 PM-3:10 PM BIO-168-BN1 Anatomy and Physiology I Blended 1/13-5/12 T 6:00 PM-8:40 PM BIO-168-D1 Anatomy and Physiology I Traditional 1/13-5/12 M,W 9:00 AM-11:40 AM BIO-168-D2 Anatomy and Physiology I Traditional 1/13-5/12 T, TH 12:30 PM-3:10 PM BIO-169-BN1 Anatomy and Physiology II Blended 1/13-5/12 T 6:00 PM-8:40 PM BIO-169-D1 Anatomy and Physiology II Traditional 1/13-5/12 M, W 9:00 AM-11:40 AM BIO-169-D2 Anatomy and Physiology II Traditional 1/13-5/12 M, W 12:30 PM-3:10 PM BAKING & PASTRY ARTS BPA-250-D1 Dessert/Bread Production Traditional 1/13-5/12 M,W 10:00 AM-10:50 AM M,W 11:00 AM-2:00 PM BPA-260-BD1 Pastry & Baking Marketing Blended 1/13-5/12 M 8:00 AM-9:50 AM BUSINESS BUS-125-HYMD2 Personal Finance Hybrid 3/17-5/12 TH 11:00 AM-12:15 PM CHEMISTRY CHM-151-D1 General Chemistry I Traditional 1/13-5/12 M 9:00 AM-11:40 AM #20 Barbering massage therapy W 9:00 AM-11:40 AM CHM-152-D1 General Chemistry II Traditional 1/13-5/12 M 12:30 PM-3:10 PM W 12:30 PM-3:10 PM COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS CIS-110-BCCP1 Introduction to Computers Blended 1/28-5/12 M,W 1:30 PM-3:00 PM 14 - One of RCC’s biggest supporters, Drew Bullard, stands with NBA Legend and UNC Basketball player Al Wood CIS-110-BD1 Introduction to Computers Blended 1/13-5/12 T,TH 10:30 AM-11:50 AM during the 40th Clifford Bullard Memorial Anniversary Golf Tournament. The tournament raises money for the CIS-110-BD2 Introduction to Computers Blended 1/13-5/12 M,W 10:30 AM-11:50 AM RCC Foundation to assist students with 昀椀nancial needs and supports the mission of Robeson Community College. CIS-111-HYMD2 Basic PC Literacy Hybrid 3/17-5/12 TH 2:45 PM-3:45 PM The 2024 tournament raised $68,864.79 making it one of the most successful tournaments in history. CRIMINAL JUSTICE CJC-121-HYMD1 Law Enforcement Operations Hybrid 1/13-3/7 T 10:00 AM-11:30 AM 15 - RCC’s Nurse Aide I program attracts students from across the globe thanks to a partnership with UNCP through CJC-132-HYMD1 Court Procedure & Evidence Hybrid 1/13-3/7 T 1:30 PM-3:00 PM the NASANTI grant. The class this fall included Hilina Hailemawam of Ethiopia, Gboreoluwa Inioluwa Rocheal from CJC-163-HYMD1 Trans and Border Security Hybrid 1/13-3/7 T 8:00 AM-9:30 AM Nigeria, Denika Abraham from Pohnpei Micronesia, Preethi Ghanamurugan of Singapore, Changhieco Chiegil and CJC-231-HYMD2 Constitutional Law Hybrid 3/17-5/12 T 1:30 PM-3:00 PM CJC-232-HYMD2 Civil Liability Hybrid 3/17-5/12 T 10:00 AM-11:30 AM Oluwagbotemi Esther Olabode from Nigeria, Elisa Dominguez-Herrera and Brianna Opoku both from Charlotte. CJC-240-HYMD2 Law Enfor Mgt. & Supervis Hybrid 3/17-5/12 T 8:00 AM-9:30 AM 16 - The A.S. Thomas Center opened up in downtown Pembroke this past July, becoming an extension to the main COSMETOLOGY campus in Lumberton, offering one-stop services for admissions, registration, and more. Manicurist / Nail techesthetics COS-111-D1 Cosmetology Concepts I Traditional 1/13-5/12 F 8:00 AM-11:50 AM COS-111AB-CCP1 Cosmetology Concepts I Traditional 1/28-5/12 M 12:30 PM-3:20 PM 17 - RCC is on the Carolina Beat! WWAY visited the campus in September and October, interviewing students like COS-112-D1 Salon I Traditional 1/13-5/12 M,T,W,TH 8:00 AM-12:00 PM Summer Locklear for upcoming segments on the show featuring health science programs, electrical lineman, M,T,W,TH 12:30 PM-2:30 PM beekeeping, small business center, and the A.S. Thomas Center. COS-112AB-CCP1 Salon I Traditional 1/28-5/12 M 3:30 PM-4:30 PM T,W,TH,F 12:30 PM-4:30 PM COS-113-D1 Cosmetology Concepts II Traditional 1/13-5/12 F 8:00 AM-11:50 AM 18 - Electrical Lineman students showcase their talents and skills by hanging an American Flag in the newly COS-114-D1 Salon II Traditional 1/13-5/12 M,T,W,TH 8:00 AM-12:00 PM constructed pole yard located on the main campus in Lumberton. M,T,W,TH 12:30 PM-2:30 PM COS-117-D1 Cosmetology Concepts IV Traditional 1/13-5/12 T,W 1:35 PM-2:30 PM 19 - RCC students attend the National AISES Conference in San Antonio Texas – Steven Chavis who is studying Information Technology; Mariah Graham and McKinley Lowery, both pursuing the associate of science degree; COS-118-D1 Salon IV Traditional 1/13-5/12 M,T,W,TH 8:00 AM-12:00 PM M 12:30 PM-2:30 PM T,W,TH 12:30 PM-1:30 PM Joshua Locklear, James Locklear, John Locklear, Cale Harris, who are all majoring in Electrical Systems. 20 - RCC’s Education Department in partnership with ScriptNC and The UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Develop-17 How to register: 1) Complete Application online at ment Institute hosted workshops for educators from across the region. Top Photo: Education faculty from RCC, UNCP, and The Lumbee Tribe joined together for an all-day training event on ‘Preparing Educators Who Can 2) Contact the RCC Admissions office Support Each and Every Child and Family: Building a Repertoire of Effective Practices.’ Nurse aide iadult high school • [email protected] • 910-272-3342 Bottom Photo: Approximately 40 educators attended a workshop on “Strategies and Resources for Ensuring Inclusive Early STEM Learning Experiences for ALL Young Children” event. Many of the attendees were graduates • Visit Admissions, Bldg 13,main campus Lumberton of RCC’s Education program. • Visit A.S. Thomas Center, 62 Union chapel road, pembroke 171717
COMPUTER SCIENCE MATHEMATICS CSC-134-HYD1 C++ Programming Hybrid 1/13-5/12 T 11:00 AM-11:50 AM MAT-003-BD1 Transition Math Blended 1/13-5/12 T,TH 9:00 AM-10:50 AM COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION MAT-110-BD1 Math Measurement & Literacy Blended 1/13-5/12 F 12:30 PM-3:00 PM CTI-110-HYD1 Web, Pgm, & Db Foundation Hybrid 1/13-5/12 M 10:00 AM-10:50 AM MAT-143-FBD1 Quantitative Literacy Blended 1/28-5/12 M,W 9:00 AM-10:50 AM MAT-152-BD1 Statistical Methods I Blended 1/13-5/12 T,TH 10:00 AM-11:30 AM COMPUTER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MAT-171-BCCP1 Precalculus Algebra Blended 1/28-5/12 M,W,F 9:35 AM-11:05 AM CTS-220-HYD1 Adv Hard/Software Support Hybrid 1/13-5/12 M 8:00 AM-9:50 AM MAT-172-BCCP1 Precalculus Trigonometry Blended 1/28-5/12 M,W,F 8:00 AM-9:30 AM CULINARY ARTS MAT-172-BD1 Precalculus Trigonometry Blended 1/13-5/12 M,W 8:45 AM-10:15 AM CUL-135A-D1 Food & Beverage Serv Lab Traditional 1/13-5/12 TH 8:00 AM-9:50 AM- MAT-172-BD2 Precalculus Trigonometry Blended 1/13-5/12 M,W 12:25 PM-1:55 PM CUL-170-D1 Garde Manger I Traditional 1/13-5/12 F 10:00AM-2:20 PM MAT-172-BD3 Precalculus Trigonometry Blended 1/13-5/12 T,TH 8:30 AM-9:50 AM CUL-240-D1 Culinary Skills II Traditional 1/13-5/12 T,TH 10:00 AM-2:00 PM MECHANICAL CUL-250-D1 Classical Cuisine Traditional 1/13-5/12 M,W 10:00 AM-2:00 PM CUL-260-D1 Baking II Traditional 1/13-5/12 F 10:00 AM-2:20 PM MEC-276-BN1 Capstone Design Project Blended 1/13-5/12 T 6:00 PM-7:40 PM CUL-283-D1 Farm-To-Table Traditional 1/13-5/12 M,W 10:00 AM-1:30 PM MARKETING DRAFTING MKT-120-HYD1 Principles of Marketing Hybrid 1/13-5/12 W 9:00 AM-9:50 AM DFT-154-BD1 Intro Solid Modeling Blended 1/13-5/12 T,W,TH 2:10 PM-3:00 PM MAINTENANCE MNT-130-BD1 Control Systems Blended 1/13-5/12 T,W,TH 1:00 PM-1:50 PM EDUCATION MNT-263-D1 Electro-Pneu Components Traditional 1/13-5/12 W 8:00 AM-9:50 AM EDU-119-D1 Intro to Early Child Education Traditional 1/13-5/12 M,W 12:00 PM-1:50 PM TH,F 8:00 AM-9:50 AM EDU-280-BN1 Language/Literacy Experiences Blended 1/13-5/12 TH 3:00 PM-4:50 PM NURSING ASSISTANT EDU-284-HYD1 Early Child Capstone Prac Hybrid 1/13-5/12 S 9:00 AM-12:40 PM NAS-101-CCP1 Nurse Aide I Traditional 1/28-5/12 M,T,W,TH,F 8:30 AM-10:50 AM ELECTRICITY NAS-101-MBD2 Nurse Aide I Blended 3/17-5/12 T 8:30 AM-3:00 PM TH 8:00 AM-4:30 PM ELC-112-FD1 DC/AC Electricity Traditional 1/28-5/12 T 8:30 AM-10:50 AM NAS-101-N1 Nurse Aide I Traditional 1/13-5/12 T, TH 5:30 PM-9:30 PM W,TH,F 8:30 AM-10:50 AM S 8:00 AM-4:30 PM ELC-113-N1 Residential Wiring Traditional 1/13-5/12 M,W 6:00 PM-6:50 PM NAS-102-MBD1 Nurse Aide II Blended 1/13-3/7 W 9:00 AM-3:30 PM M,W 7:00 PM-9:30 PM T 8:30 AM-1:30 PM TH 7:30 AM-4:30 PM ELC-114-BD1 Commercial Wiring Blended 1/13-5/12 T,TH,F 8:00 AM-9:50 AM NAS-107-MD1 Medication Aide Traditional 1/13-3/7 M 12:00 PM-4:00 PM ELC-114-LCN1 Commercial Wiring Traditional 1/13-5/12 M,T,W 5:00 PM-7:30 PM ELC-117-CCP1 Motors and Controls Traditional 1/28-5/12 M,T,W,TH,F 8:30 AM-9:20 AM M,T,W,TH,F 9:25 AM-10:50 AM NETWORKING TECHNOLOGY ELC-117-D1 Motors and Controls Traditional 1/13-5/12 M,T,W,TH 10:00 AM-10:50 AM M,T,W,TH 11:00 AM-11:50 AM NET-125-HYD1 Introduction to Networks Hybrid 1/13-5/12 TH 8:00 AM-8:50 AM NET-225-HYD1 Enterprise Networking Hybrid 1/13-5/12 TH 1:00 PM-2:20 PM ELC-220-D1 Photovoltaic Sys Tech Traditional 1/13-5/12 M,W 10:00 AM-10:50 AM M,W 11:00 AM-12:15 PM NETWORK OPERATING SYSTEMS ELECTRONICS NOS-130-HYD1 Windows Single User Hybrid 1/13-5/12 W 10:00 AM-10:50 AM ELN-229-BD1 Industrial Electronics Blended 1/13-5/12 M,W 8:00 AM-9:40 AM NURSING ELN-229-N1 Industrial Electronics Traditional 1/13-5/12 T, TH 6:00 PM-8:40 PM NUR-101-N1 Practical Nursing I Traditional 1/13-5/12 T 3:00 PM-5:50 PM ELN-260-BD1 Prog Logic Controllers Blended 1/13-5/12 T,W,TH 11:00 AM-12:10 PM M 12:00 PM-5:20 PM ELN-275-D1 Troubleshooting Traditional 1/13-5/12 T,TH 8:00 AM-9:50 AM TH 6:30 AM-12:20 PM EMERGENCY MEDICAL SCIENCE W 2:00 PM-5:50 PM EMS-110-BCCP1 EMT Blended 1/28-5/12 M,T,W,TH,F 8:30 AM-10:50 AM F,S S 7:00 AM-7:00 PM NUR-112-D1 Health-Illness Concepts Traditional 1/13-5/12 M 9:00 AM-11:40 AM EMS-240-D1 Patients W/ Special Challenges Traditional 1/13-5/12 W 8:30 AM-9:20 AM TH,F 6:30 AM-12:20 PM W 9:30 AM-11:20 AM S EMS-241-D1 EMS Clinical Practicum IV Traditional 1/13-5/12 F 7:00 AM-7:00 PM NUR-114-BMD1 Holistic Health Concepts Blended 1/13-3/7 W 9:00 AM-11:50 AM M,S,SU T,TH 6:30 AM-12:20 PM EMS-270-BD1 Life Span Emergencies Blended 1/13-5/12 T 8:30 AM-11:40 AM NUR-117-BD1 Pharmacology Blended 1/13-5/12 T 1:00 PM-2:50 PM EMS-285-D1 EMS Capstone Traditional 1/13-5/12 TH 8:30 AM-9:20 AM NUR-213-D1 Complex Health Concepts Traditional 1/13-5/12 T 9:00 AM-12:40 PM TH 9:30 AM-12:20 PM W 9:00 AM-11:40 AM ENGLISH M,TH,F 6:30 AM-11:20 AM S OFFICE SYSTEMS ENG-002-BD1 Transition English Blended 1/13-5/12 M,W 8:30 AM-9:45 AM OST-248-HYD1 Diagnostic Coding Hybrid 1/13-5/12 T 9:00 AM-10:30 AM ENG-002-BD2 Transition English Blended 1/13-5/12 M,W 11:00 AM-12:15 PM ENG-002-BD3 Transition English Blended 1/13-5/12 T,TH 12:30 PM-1:45 PM PHYSICAL EDUCATION ENG-011-CBD1 Writing and Inquiry Support Blended 1/13-5/12 TH 12:30 PM-1:45 PM PED-143-BMD2 Volleyball-Beginning Blended 3/17-5/12 T,TH 12:30 PM-2:00 PM ENG-011-CBD2 Writing and Inquiry Support Blended 1/13-5/12 W 10:00 AM-11:15 AM ENG-011-CFHY1 Writing and Inquiry Support Hybrid 1/28-5/12 M 10:00 AM-11:15 AM PHYSICS ENG-111-BD1 Writing and Inquiry Blended 1/13-5/12 T 1:00 PM-2:15 PM PHY-151-BD1 College Physics I Blended 1/28-5/12 T,TH 1:00 PM-2:50 PM ENG-111-BD2 Writing and Inquiry Blended 1/13-5/12 TH 11:00 AM-12:15 PM ENG-111-BD3 Writing and Inquiry Blended 1/13-5/12 W 11:30 AM-12:45 PM T 12:30 PM - 2:20 PM PLUMBING ENG-111-CCP1 Writing and Inquiry Traditional 1/28-5/12 T,TH 9:35 AM-11:05 AM PLU-111-D1 Intro to Basic Plumbing Traditional 1/13-5/12 M,T 8:00 AM-9:50 AM ENG-111-D1 Writing and Inquiry Traditional 1/13-5/12 M,W 8:30 AM-9:45 AM ENG-112-BD1 Writing/Research in the Disc Blended 1/13-5/12 T 9:30 AM-10:45 AM PSYCHOLOGY ENG-112-BD2 Writing/Research in the Disc Blended 1/13-5/12 M 12:30 PM-1:45 PM PSY-150-BD1 General Psychology Blended 1/13-5/12 W 2:00 PM-3:15 PM ENG-112-CCP1 Writing/Research in the Disc Traditional 1/13-5/12 T,TH 8:00 AM-9:30 AM PSY-150-BD2 General Psychology Blended 1/13-5/12 T 12:30 PM-1:45 PM ENG-112-D1 Writing/Research in the Disc Traditional 1/13-5/12 M,W 10:20 AM-11:35 AM ENG-112-D2 Writing/Research in the Disc Traditional 1/13-5/12 M,W 2:05 PM-3:20 PM PSY-150-ECHD1 General Psychology Traditional 1/13-5/12 M,W 8:45 AM-10:15 AM ENG-112-D3 Writing/Research in the Disc Traditional 1/13-5/12 T,TH 10:30 AM-11:45 AM PSY-150-ECHD2 General Psychology Traditional 1/13-5/12 T,TH 10:20 AM-11:50 AM ENG-112-FHD1 Writing/Research in the Disc Traditional 1/28-5/12 TH,F 8:00 AM-9:30 AM PSY-241-BD1 Developmental Psych Blended 1/13-5/12 M 12:30 PM-1:45 PM ENG-112-SPD1 Writing/Research in the Disc Traditional 1/28-5/12 M,W,F 8:00 AM-9:30 AM HISTORY RADIOGRAPHY HIS-131-BD1 American History I Blended 1/13-5/12 M 2:00 PM-3:15 PM RAD-112-D1 RAD Procedures II Traditional 1/13-5/12 M 9:00 AM-11:40 AM HIS-132-BCCP1 American History II Blended 1/28-5/12 T,TH 8:30 AM-9:45 AM M 1:00 PM-3:40 PM RAD-121-D1 Image Production I Traditional 1/13-5/12 W 9:00 AM-11:40 AM HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT W 1:00 PM-2:40 PM HRM-220-BD1 Cost Control-Food & Bev Blended 1/13-5/12 W 8:00 AM-9:50 AM RAD-161-D1 RAD Clinical Ed II Traditional 1/13-5/12 T,TH 8:00 AM-5:00 PM F,S,SU HYDRAULICS RAD-261-D1 RAD Clinical Ed V Traditional 1/13-5/12 M,W 8:00 AM-6:00 PM HYD-110-BN1 Hydraulics/Pneumatics I Blended 1/13-5/12 M 6:00 PM-9:50 PM F 8:00 AM-12:00 PM INDUSTRIAL SAFETY S,SU ISC-112-FD1 Industrial Safety Traditional 1/28-5/12 M 8:30 AM-10:50 AM RAD-271-D1 Radiography Capstone Traditional 1/13-5/12 T 9:00 AM-11:40 AM T 1:00 PM-2:40 PM 18
MATHEMATICS MAT-003-BD1 Transition Math Blended 1/13-5/12 T,TH 9:00 AM-10:50 AMRESPIRATORY THERAPY RCP-111-D1 Therapeutics/Diagnostics Traditional 1/13-5/12 W 9:00 AM-12:50 PM MAT-110-BD1 Math Measurement & Literacy Blended 1/13-5/12 F 12:30 PM-3:00 PM F 9:00 AM-11:50 AM RCP-114-D1 C-P Anatomy & Physiology Traditional 1/13-5/12 T, TH 9:00 AM-10:15 AM MAT-143-FBD1 Quantitative Literacy Blended 1/28-5/12 M,W 9:00 AM-10:50 AM NOW OPEN! MAT-152-BD1 Statistical Methods I Blended 1/13-5/12 T,TH 10:00 AM-11:30 AMRCP-133-D1 RCP Clinical Practice I Traditional 1/13-5/12 M 7:00 AM-4:00 PM COMTECH Location! MAT-171-BCCP1 Precalculus Algebra Blended 1/28-5/12 M,W,F 9:35 AM-11:05 AM S,SU RCP-215-D1 Career Preparation Traditional 1/13-5/12 T 11:00 AM-12:20 PM MAT-172-BCCP1 Precalculus Trigonometry Blended 1/28-5/12 M,W,F 8:00 AM-9:30 AM T 1:00 PM-2:20 PM 124 Livermore Drive • Pembroke MAT-172-BD1 Precalculus Trigonometry Blended 1/13-5/12 M,W 8:45 AM-10:15 AM MAT-172-BD2 Precalculus Trigonometry Blended 1/13-5/12 M,W 12:25 PM-1:55 PMRCP-238-D1 RCP Clinical Practice IV Traditional 1/13-5/12 W,TH,F 6:00 AM-2:00 PM M,S,SU MAT-172-BD3 Precalculus Trigonometry Blended 1/13-5/12 T,TH 8:30 AM-9:50 AMSIMULATION & GAMING DESIGN MECHANICAL SGD-112-HYFD1 SGD Design I Hybrid 1/28-5/12 W 11:00 AM-11:50 AM SGD-113-FD1 SGD Programming I Traditional 1/28-5/12 M 8:50 AM-10:50 AM MEC-276-BN1 Capstone Design Project Blended 1/13-5/12 T 6:00 PM-7:40 PM W,F 8:50 AM-10:50 AM MARKETING SGD-114-FBD1 SGD 3D Modeling I Blended 1/28-5/12 T 8:50 AM-10:50 AM MKT-120-HYD1 Principles of Marketing Hybrid 1/13-5/12 W 9:00 AM-9:50 AM TH 8:50 AM-10:50 AM MAINTENANCE SOCIOLOGY MNT-130-BD1 Control Systems Blended 1/13-5/12 T,W,TH 1:00 PM-1:50 PMSOC-210-BCCP1 Introduction to Sociology Blended 1/28-5/12 T,TH 10:00 AM-10:50 AM SOC-210-ECHD1 Introduction to Sociology Traditional 1/13-5/12 M 10:20 AM-11:50 AM MNT-263-D1 Electro-Pneu Components Traditional 1/13-5/12 W 8:00 AM-9:50 AM W TH,F 8:00 AM-9:50 AM NURSING ASSISTANT SOC-210-ECHD2 Introduction to Sociology Traditional 1/13-5/12 T, TH 12:25 PM-1:55 PM NAS-101-CCP1 Nurse Aide I Traditional 1/28-5/12 M,T,W,TH,F 8:30 AM-10:50 AMSONOGRAPHY NAS-101-MBD2 Nurse Aide I Blended 3/17-5/12 T 8:30 AM-3:00 PM SON-120-D1 SON Clinical Ed I Traditional 1/13-5/12 T,TH 8:00 AM-5:00 PM TH 8:00 AM-4:30 PM Short-term training NAS-101-N1 Nurse Aide I Traditional 1/13-5/12 T, TH 5:30 PM-9:30 PM M,W,F,S,SU A.S. Thomas Center S 8:00 AM-4:30 PMSON-131-D1 Abdominal Sonography II Traditional 1/13-5/12 W 9:00 AM-12:40 PM NAS-102-MBD1 Nurse Aide II Blended 1/13-3/7 W 9:00 AM-3:30 PM T 8:30 AM-1:30 PMSON-140-D1 Gynecological Sonography Traditional 1/13-5/12 W 1:40 PM-3:20 PM Check out Robeson Community College’s newest location – TH 7:30 AM-4:30 PMSON-221-D1 SON Clinical Ed IV Traditional 1/13-5/12 M,W,F 8:00 AM-4:00 PM the A.S. 吀栀omas Center located at at 62 Union Chapel Road, Pembroke. NAS-107-MD1 Medication Aide Traditional 1/13-3/7 M 12:00 PM-4:00 PM T,TH,S,SU One-stop-shop SON-225-D1 Case Studies Traditional 1/13-5/12 T 9:00 AM-11:40 AM NETWORKING TECHNOLOGY SON-289-D1 Sonographic Topics Traditional 1/13-5/12 T 12:30 PM-2:10 PM We’re here to serve you and would love to assist you with: • Continuing Education information sessions/class registration admissions | Financial Aid | Registration | continuing education NET-125-HYD1 Introduction to Networks Hybrid 1/13-5/12 TH 8:00 AM-8:50 AMSURGICAL TECHNOLOGY • On-site RDS/Admissions assistance NET-225-HYD1 Enterprise Networking Hybrid 1/13-5/12 TH 1:00 PM-2:20 PMSUR-122-D1 Surgical Procedures I Traditional 1/13-5/12 T 8:00 AM-11:50 AM Barbering massage therapy NETWORK OPERATING SYSTEMS T 1:00 PM-3:50 PM • On-site Financial Aid assistance SUR-123-D1 Sur Clinical Practice I Traditional 1/13-5/12 M,W,TH 7:00 AM-1:30 PM • Academic Advising NOS-130-HYD1 Windows Single User Hybrid 1/13-5/12 W 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 62 Union chapel road • pembroke F,S,SU NURSING WELDING • Career Exploration 910-272-3611 NUR-101-N1 Practical Nursing I Traditional 1/13-5/12 T 3:00 PM-5:50 PMWLD-116-BD1 SMAW (stick) Plate/Pipe Blended 1/13-5/12 M,T 8:00 AM-12:20 PM • Workshops on resume writing, job search strategies, interview skills WLD-121-BD1 GMAW (MIG) FCAW/Plate Blended 1/13-5/12 W 8:00 AM-12:00 PM M 12:00 PM-5:20 PM • Computer skills workshops TH 6:30 AM-12:20 PM TH 10:00 AM-12:00 PM W 2:00 PM-5:50 PMWLD-132-BD1 GTAW (TIG) Plate/Pipe Blended 1/13-5/12 M,T 2:00 PM-5:00 PM • AHS/GED information/orientation sessions • ESL Workshops F,S WLD-141-BD1 Symbols & Speci昀椀cations Blended 1/13-5/12 F 10:00 AM-12:00 PM NUR-112-D1 Health-Illness Concepts Traditional 1/13-5/12 M 9:00 AM-11:40 AMWLD-251-BD1 Fabrication II Blended 1/13-5/12 M,W 12:30 PM-3:30 PM WLD-262-BD1 Inspection & Testing Blended 1/13-5/12 F 8:00 AM-9:50 AM Manicurist / Nail tech esthetics TH,F 6:30 AM-12:20 PMWLD-265-BD1 Automated Welding/Cutting Blended 1/13-5/12 T,TH 12:30 PM-3:30 PM Questions? Contact Patricia Locklear, the director of the center at S NUR-114-BMD1 Holistic Health Concepts Blended 1/13-3/7 W 9:00 AM-11:50 AM 910-272-3611 or [email protected] T,TH 6:30 AM-12:20 PM NUR-117-BD1 Pharmacology Blended 1/13-5/12 T 1:00 PM-2:50 PM NUR-213-D1 Complex Health Concepts Traditional 1/13-5/12 T 9:00 AM-12:40 PM W 9:00 AM-11:40 AM 1 M,TH,F 6:30 AM-11:20 AM S OFFICE SYSTEMS OST-248-HYD1 Diagnostic Coding Hybrid 1/13-5/12 T 9:00 AM-10:30 AM Nurse aide i adult high school PHYSICAL EDUCATION PED-143-BMD2 Volleyball-Beginning Blended 3/17-5/12 T,TH 12:30 PM-2:00 PM PHYSICS PHY-151-BD1 College Physics I Blended 1/28-5/12 T,TH 1:00 PM-2:50 PM T 12:30 PM - 2:20 PM PLUMBING PLU-111-D1 Intro to Basic Plumbing Traditional 1/13-5/12 M,T 8:00 AM-9:50 AM PSYCHOLOGY PSY-150-BD1 General Psychology Blended 1/13-5/12 W 2:00 PM-3:15 PM PSY-150-BD2 General Psychology Blended 1/13-5/12 T 12:30 PM-1:45 PM PSY-150-ECHD1 General Psychology Traditional 1/13-5/12 M,W 8:45 AM-10:15 AM PSY-150-ECHD2 General Psychology Traditional 1/13-5/12 T,TH 10:20 AM-11:50 AM PSY-241-BD1 Developmental Psych Blended 1/13-5/12 M 12:30 PM-1:45 PM RADIOGRAPHY RAD-112-D1 RAD Procedures II Traditional 1/13-5/12 M 9:00 AM-11:40 AM M 1:00 PM-3:40 PM 2025 Southeastern RAD-121-D1 Image Production I Traditional 1/13-5/12 W 9:00 AM-11:40 AM W 1:00 PM-2:40 PM RAD-161-D1 RAD Clinical Ed II Traditional 1/13-5/12 T,TH 8:00 AM-5:00 PM F,S,SU Fire & Rescue College RAD-261-D1 RAD Clinical Ed V Traditional 1/13-5/12 M,W 8:00 AM-6:00 PM F 8:00 AM-12:00 PM S,SU RAD-271-D1 Radiography Capstone Traditional 1/13-5/12 T 9:00 AM-11:40 AM Feb. 5 - Feb. 9 T 1:00 PM-2:40 PM APRENDE INGLÉS Emergency Training Grounds 5825 S. Roberts Avenue, Lumberton CLASES GRATIS 910-272-3330 • 191919
ONLINE SPRING 2025 CREDIT CLASSES ACA 111 College Student Success CJC 231 Constitutional Law MAT 010 Math Measurement/Lit Su ACA 122 College Transfer Success CJC 232 Civil Liability MAT 043 Quantitative Literacy Support ACC 111 Financial Accounting CJC 233 Correctional Law MAT 071 Precalculus Algebra Support ACC 120 Prin of Financial Accounting CJC 240 Law Enfor Mgt. & Supervis MAT 110 Math Measurement & Literacy ACC 149 Intro to ACC Spreadsheets COM 231 Public Speaking MAT 143 Quantitative Literacy AHR 160 Refrigerant Certi昀椀cation CTI 140 Virtualization Concepts MAT 152 Statistical Methods I ART 111 Art Appreciation CTS 130 Spreadsheet MAT 171 Precalculus Algebra AST 151 General Astronomy I CUL 135 Food & Beverage Service MAT 172 Precalculus Trigonometry AST 151A General Astronomy I Lab CUL 273 Career Development MED 120 Survey of Med Terminology BIO 111 General Biology I ECO 252 Prin of Macroeconomics MKT 120 Principles of Marketing BIO 112 General Biology II EDU 119 Intro to Early Child Education MUS 110 Music Appreciation BIO 163 Basic Anat & Physiology EDU 131 Child, Family, and Community MUS 112 Introduction to Jazz BIO 168 Anatomy and Physiology I EDU 144 Child Development I NOS 230 Windows Administration I BIO 169 Anatomy and Physiology II EDU 145 Child Development II OST 141 Med Of昀椀ce Terms I BIO 275 Microbiology EDU 153 Health, Safety and Nutrition OST 142 Med Of昀椀ce Terms II BUS 110 Introduction to Business EDU 216 Foundations of Education OST 149 Medical Legal Issues BUS 115 Business Law I EDU 221 Children With Exceptionalities OST 248 Diagnostic Coding BUS 125 Personal Finance EDU 250 Teacher Licensure Preparation OST 249 Med Coding Certi昀椀cation Prep BUS 137 Principles of Management EDU 259 Curriculum Planning OST 288 Medical Of昀椀ce Admin Capstone BUS 153 Human Resource Management EDU 272 Technology, Data, and Assess PED 110 Fit and Well for Life Adult High School BUS 230 Small Business Management EMS 235 EMS Management PED 120 Walking for Fitness BUS 270 Professional Development EMS 280 EMS Bridging Course PHI 240 Introduction to Ethics CHM 090 Chemistry Concepts ENG 002 Transition English PHY 110 Conceptual Physics Classes are FREE! CHM 131 Introduction to Chemistry ENG 011 Writing and Inquiry Support PHY 110A Conceptual Physics Lab CHM 131A Intro to Chemistry Lab ENG 110 Freshman Composition POL 120 American Government CHM 151 General Chemistry I ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry PSY 118 Interpersonal Psychology CIS 110 Introduction to Computers ENG 112 Writing/Research in the Disc PSY 150 General Psychology CIS 111 Basic PC Literacy ENG 115 Oral Communication PSY 241 Developmental Psych Call 910-272-3608 CJC 111 Intro to Criminal Justice ENG 231 American Literature I REL 212 Intro to New Testament CJC 112 Criminology ENG 241 British Literature I REL 221 Religion in America for more CJC 120 Interviews/Interrogations HIS 111 World Civilizations I SEC 110 Security Concepts CJC 121 Law Enforcement Operations HIS 112 World Civilizations II SOC 210 Introduction to Sociology information! CJC 131 Criminal Law HIS 131 American History I SOC 213 Sociology of the Family CJC 132 Court Procedure & Evidence HIS 132 American History II SPA 111 Elementary Spanish I CJC 141 Corrections HSC 110 Orientation to Health Careers SPA 112 Elementary Spanish II CJC 163 Trans and Border Security HUM 110 Technology and Society SPA 211 Intermediate Spanish I CJC 221 Investigative Principles HUM 130 Myth in Human Culture WBL 121B Work Based Learning II CJC 225 Crisis Intervention MAT 003 Transition Math WBL 121U Work Based Learning II 202020
REGISTER NOW FOR UPCOMING CLASSES Adult Medical Emergencies SHORT-TERM Advanced EMT Refresher Advanced Barber Basic Rider course Beginning Barber TRAINING WORKS! Behind the Wheel CDL B to A Carrying Concealed Weapons Tristan Locklear enrolled in the Electrical Lineman program CDL Permit Prep at Robeson Community College a昀琀er completing the CPR Dialysis Technology Adult High School program on the COMtech Campus. DMV: Dealer License Renewal “I’ve wanted to be a lineman since I was a li琀琀le boy. I like being DMV: Dealder License Pre-license Electrical Lineman outside, and it’s nice to be able to turn on power for people that EMT Initial have been without power for a long time. Completing the EMT Refresher lineman program was a big accomplishment for me. It was a EMS Instructor Methodology good program and I was glad to be a part of the 昀椀rst class. The Esthetician Part I teacher was really good and helped me get past struggles. Esthetician Part II I have recommended the class to a crowd of people.” First Aid Adult High School Hazmat Endorsement Training HRD Financial Literacy Classes are FREE! Jorden Addams was the 昀椀rst Insurance Academy Insurance Academy student at RCC to pass all three insurance licensure Intermediate Barber exams for the State of North Carolina – life, health, and Manicurist Medical Administration Practice Call 910-272-3608 Medicare, also known as long-term care. Medication Aide NC Community Health Worker “The exams were pre琀琀y tough, but we had a great NC DMV Safety Inspections for more instructor... Ge琀琀ing here has not been easy, but it has Notary Public Education been de昀椀nitely worth it. What you put in is what you’ll OBD II information! get out.” OSHA Forklift Operator Paramedic Initial Paramedic Refresher Pharmacy Technician Training Phlebotomy Experience Christina Dees, a TV personality and host of WWAY’s Psychiatric Technician Carolina Beat, enrolled in the Beekeeping class at RCC. Real Estate Provisional Broker Real Estate Review “I come out to RCC, and do my segments here, and I fell Speed Spanish in love with this campus. I’ve always been fascinated Truck Driver Training with bees and I’ve always wanted to have my own hive. Welding... and more! I would highly recommend the class mainly because of how easy it is to enroll and how easy it is to work at my Training for Law Enforcement: own pace. Knowledge is power, so I just wanted to Ethical Leadership educate myself.. but I highly recommend the experience Hostage Crisis Negotiation Suicidal Individual at Robeson.” First line supervision Servant Leadership Aaron Eddings was looking for a new path and decided Negotiating Sovereign Citizens.. and more! to enroll in the Truck Driving Academy at RCC. Training for firefighters: “CDLs will help you out more in the long run than FF Fireground Ops 3 (2019) anything else. I’m in the process of ge琀琀ing my hazmat Fire Ground Incident Command endorsements so I can get a be琀琀er-paying job. My Fire Simulation experience was really good, and the instructors are great. Live Structural Burn Training I feel like it was a well-taught program, everyone was very In-Service Rescue Diving.. and more! encouraging, I have told all my buddies about the program and I highly recommend RCC. If you have a problem, they will take time out for you to help you understand.” 21
NONPROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID LUMBERTON, NC PERMIT NO. 103 ********ECRWSS PO BOX 1420 • LUMBERTON, NC 28359 POSTAL CUSTOMER Main Line: 910-272-3700 SPRING 2025 Classes STart Jan. 13 NEXTNC SCHOLARSHIP GIVES RCC STUDENTS HOPE Juss McLaurin Brittany Hunt, pictured with son Javon “It makes me feel like I’ve done some- Brittany Hunt is pursuing an associ- thing well,” stated Juss McLaurin, a ate degree in nursing, and a昀琀er being Eligibility is determined mainly by four major factors second-year student enrolled in the air awarded the $3000 NextNC Scholar- 1) you must complete the FAFSA conditioning, heating, and refrigera- ship, she is more than grateful. 2) you must be a North Carolina resident eligible for tion program at RCC. “I have not had in-state tuition a lot of scholastic achievements… but “It feels good because I just got through 3) be enrolled in a curriculum program seeking a I am thankful that I have received this beating cancer,” Hunt said. “I was degree, diploma, or certificate scholarship, it will help out.” worried about pursuing a degree, and 4) your combined household income must be then I got approved for this, God made McLaurin is a 28-year-old US Navy a way.” $80,000 or less. Veteran who served on one tour in Dubai, Italy, France, Canada, and Hunt says the cancer diagnosis delayed WE LOVE OUR NATION’S Bahrain. her, but says of God, “the moment was never denied.” HEROES! “I was a maintenance repairman in the Navy,” McLaurin says. “I like to work “I did not think I would be able to do with my hands, that’s why I wanted to this,” Hunt said. Active Duty Military, Veterans, Military go into HVAC…. A couple of sum- Dependents and Military Affiliated individuals mers ago, I saw how many people “I hope to get through Nursing school needed A/C and it caught my interest and become a registered nurse and give are welcome here! because I knew those technicians were back to the community,” Hunt stated. in high demand.” “I want to be able to provide better 昀椀nancial support to my family.” Visit RCC’s Military Affiliated Resource Coming to RCC, McLaurin says, was Center to learn more! the right place because “it felt like Complete the FAFSA at home.” Robeson Community College today Building 13, Student Center and see what you may qualify to receive! Better skills, better jobs, better future! 22