RCC’S ONLINE PRESENCE CONTINUES TO INCREASE, GROW IN POPULARITY ACROSS NC Robeson Community College’s reach Chelsea Banks called admissions and they signed me continues to expand with its online In Durham Coun- up for class.” access to many programs, classes, work- ty, online learning shops, and more. made it possible for “I thought, ‘how convenient,” Banks Chelsea Banks to said. “It was a super easy process.” Robeson Community College o昀昀ers take the credits she many degree programs completely on- needed to complete Banks enrolled in the Statistics and line, including Criminal Justice, Busi- her application for Physics classes at RCC. ness Administration, the EMS Bridge admission into nursing school at For- Program, the Associate of Arts, and the syth Tech. She says she’s also consider- “Everything thing was completely on- Associate of Science degree. Students ing the medical sonography program. line,” Banks said. “I’m not any good at seeking to fast-track their careers and math, but Dr. Chavis and Mr. Gavasci become job-ready can also add stackable “I graduated from Winston-Salem were good instructors, they explained credentials to their resumes through the State University,” Banks said. “I’ve everything and with it being online, completion of a wide array of diplomas, been out of school for 4-years, so it was actually easier because you can certi昀椀cates, and short-term training this helped to put me back in school reach out to the professors and ask courses. mode.” questions if you don’t know some- With so many opportunities available, thing. You don’t have to raise your students like Chelsea Banks, Marcus Banks says her experience at Robe- hand in class or look like you don’t Brown, Kevin Hawkins, Contessa Ox- son Community College was “super know the material.” endine, and Brianna Seals have found smooth.” a hidden gem through Robeson Com- “Online is more personable and munity College’s online o昀昀erings, which “RCC is a really good community more on your time,” Banks said. “If will only continue to increase as e-learn- college,” Banks said. “I didn’t have any something is stressful, you can take ing continues to grow in popularity. issues at all, I sent in my transcripts to a moment away and come back to it, advising, met with advisors, and just and both of my professors were super 10