understanding… it was a good expe- to the working adult, everything is in order to stay in his position. One rience.” online, and there’s nothing that you of his co-workers, Amanda Hierl, need to do on campus unless you just who we pro昀椀led in a story on the With online learning, Banks says that want to go. You can do everything EMS Bridge program in August, “had it 昀椀t her life and prepared her for the online and complete your degree high praise for the program and Mr. future. within the con昀椀nes of your own 吀栀omas Byrd,” Hawkins said. home.” “Everyone has a life outside of school, “Amanda said he was taking care of you have work and personal respon- Brown says he chose Robeson Com- stu昀昀 for career people, so I 昀椀gured I sibilities,” Banks said. “With online munity College for a special reason, would give it a whirl,” Hawkins said. classes, you can further your educa- not because of rankings, and not even “It has worked out good so far.” tion and still have a life.” because of the convenience of the program. 吀栀e EMS Bridge program at Robe- “Because of my experience at RCC, son Community College is available I’m more motivated now to do the “I’m from Maxton,” Brown said. “I’m completely online, allowing Hawkins program I’m interested in,” Banks a native of Robeson County and I the 昀氀exibility he was seeking in being said. “And to have done so well this know a lot of the faculty and sta昀昀 able to stay home, work full-time, and past summer, it helps me to know there and I wanted to get my degree earn his degree. Hawkins is currently that I can do this, and I’m just going from the place that I came from.” working on some general education to have to keep going now.” credits for his degree, taking classes Going back to school as an adult can like psychology and art appreciation. Marcus Brown be challenging, Brown admits, but he Although he’s only says it was a great experience. “It’s not bad, it’s kind of interesting,” in his early 40’s, Hawkins said. Marcus Brown is “吀栀e hardest part was working and already planning trying to complete the degree,” Brown Hawkins started his degree in 1998 for his retirement. said. “吀栀ere are a lot of resources while living in Ohio, his home state. 吀栀at’s why he de- available, like tutoring.” cided to come back “Life happens, and I put it on the to school to get his “吀栀e way the criminal justice pro- back burner until I got promoted to degree in criminal justice, a program gram is designed, any adult can go Captain,” Hawkins said. “In 1998, I he graduated from this past July. through it and earn a degree,” Brown started working in 昀椀re昀椀ghting and said. “RCC makes it really easy, the discovered I liked doing EMS work, I “I have 21 years of service in law instructors work with you and get to like helping people, I was enjoying it. enforcement,” Brown said. “I have a know you on a personal level, and You get to help people on the worst plethora of law enforcement certi昀椀- I think that’s what helped me the day of their life, and helping them cations. My degree will help me as I most.” get through it, and that’s the reward prepare for retirement in my current and that’s what makes it a pretty good position.” Brown hopes to continue his educa- career.” tion by pursuing a bachelor’s degree Brown works as a detective and crim- at the University of North Carolina at Hawkins says he got to North Caroli- inal investigator for the Richmond Pembroke. na just by a “昀氀uke chance.” County Sheri昀昀’s O昀케ce. With living almost 65 miles away, and working Kevin Hawkins “I was vacationing in Charlotte and full-time, Brown says that traveling Upon getting a just happened to be talking to some- to Robeson County to complete his promotion while one that said there was a job available degree would have been almost im- working for On- here,” Hawkins said. “I have been possible. slow County EMS, here since 2010.” Kevin Hawkins “As an investigator, I stay busy,” knew that he would For anyone seeking a degree as an Brown said. “吀栀e criminal justice need to complete adult, Hawkins says, “… don’t give up, program at RCC is more bene昀椀cial his degree in EMS if you want a degree, go for it.” 11 11