Contessa Oxendine “Online is good, I can stay at home “I was trying to start back, and I was At 41 years old, and do the research that I need for leaning towards specializing in fo- Contessa Oxendine class,” Oxendine said. “Reaching out rensics, doing 昀椀ngerprinting and that wanted to do some- to instructors is easy, it’s more conve- kind of thing,” Seals said. “But the thing she’d always nient for me.” program I was in required you to go dreamed of, and to campus, and I had started working that was to pursue When Oxendine completes her full-time and there was no way that her dreams of work- degree, she plans on enrolling in the I could do that, and so that’s how I ing in the criminal justice 昀椀eld. Basic Law Enforcement Training got to Robeson Community College’s program at RCC to give her more ex- Business Administration program.” “I always wanted to go into forensics, perience in criminal justice and help that’s always been my passion,” Ox- train her for additional opportunities “It’s completely online,” Seals said. “I endine said. “I have a hectic life and that exist in law enforcement, adding have kids and I work an o昀케ce job, taking the classes online was more a stackable credential to her resume. and everything is a lot better now… convenient for me.” It’s hard working 40 hours a week, “BLET is very intense,” Oxendine and being able to do class online is Oxendine says she watches a lot of said. “It’s a good program, but it’s easier on me and suits my life better.” crime shows to learn more about law intense.” enforcement, criminal justice, and Living in Laurinburg, Seals says she forensics. Oxendine hopes to 昀椀nd employment is about 50 miles away from RCC’s in one of the crime labs located in main campus in Lumberton. “I watch CSI, “吀栀e Black List”,” Ox- Raleigh or Charlotte, saying, “I want endine said. “What they do on TV is to be somewhere that I can make a “I was able to do everything online di昀昀erent, there’s a lot more to it than di昀昀erence.” for Robeson Community College,” what you see them do on TV, in real Seals said. “I just called the teacher, life it is much more hands-on, but at 吀栀e criminal justice technology pro- and I was able to get my transcript times it can be very realistic.” gram at Robeson Community Col- and do everything over the phone, lege is available completely online. and I didn’t have to come to cam- “吀栀e Black List” is a crime thriller It was ranked in the Top 20 as one pus… the process was very smooth, television series where the FBI tracks of the best online criminal justice very 昀氀exible.” down some of the most wanted fugi- programs in the country and in the tives. top 50 online public safety programs o昀昀ered in the United States. “吀栀e teachers, even though you are “I could see myself doing something online, they are really encouraging, like that,” Oxendine said. Brianna Seals I feel like I know them,” Seals said. A昀琀er working as “吀栀ey go the extra mile to make sure One local story that garnered na- an EMT for sever- you are comprehending the material.” tional attention, continues to be on al years, Brianna Oxendine’s heart each day. Seals felt it was Seals says she hopes that her story time to move in a will help encourage others to go back “Hannah, the little girl that was killed new direction. to school, saying, “It can be done, in Robeson County, that really broke it’s never too late, it’s never too late my heart,” Oxendine said. “No child “I worked on an to change. Just stay determined… I should have to go through that… ambulance for four years and wanted know it’s hard to cook, clean, take that’s what inspired me to want to be a change,” Seals said. “I stopped when care of your family, and go to school, an advocate for the dead because the I became pregnant. I needed to 昀椀gure but somehow it always gets done, just dead need an advocate to 昀椀nd out out what I wanted to do.” keep pushing… I would recommend what happened to them.” Robeson Community College, the ad- Seals thought maybe she should go visors are helpful, they respond fast, As she works on her degree, Oxen- into criminal justice, so she enrolled and they will get you on the path you dine says she enjoys being able to at another community college. need to be to graduate on time.” go at her own pace, just taking two classes at a time. 12