FALL FESTIVAL BRINGS AUTUMN JOY, DRAWS HUNDREDS TO COMTECH LOCATION IN PEMBROKE Native American culture, holiday wreaths, elderberry jam, facials, 昀氀u shots, and free haircuts were all a part of this year’s fall festival at Robeson Community College’s COMtech location in Pembroke. 吀栀is was RCC’s second year hosting the annual event which featured free services from students, free workshops, food trucks, and cra昀琀 vendors. 吀栀is year, another addition was added, a cultural presentation by the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina. 吀栀e cultural presentation included cra昀琀s, song and dance, and some show and tell with items used by Native Americans in the early days as the 昀椀rst inhabitants of the Americas. For students who attend the COMtech location in Pembroke, this was the opportunity of a lifetime to get hands-on experience and really showcase their skills and talents to the community by providing free haircuts, chair massages, facials, blood pressure checks, and manicures. 1313