2024 CYBERSECURITY AWARENESS MONTH POSTER CONTEST As a way to raise awareness about cybersecurity, students in the Information Technology program #2 created posters on how to stay safe online. 吀栀e posters were showcased during the Cybersecurity #2 - 2nd Place: “It’s Cybersecuirty Awareness Panel Discussion, and then voted on by community Awareness Month” by Ashley Todd members, students, faculty, and sta昀昀 during the 2024 Homecoming Week. #1 - 1st Place: “Phishing” by Alexis Ortiz and Ledger Hunt #3 (not pictured) #1 #3 - 3rd Place: “Anime Girl” by Mario Santana and Darrion Oxendine Keep your secrets confidential from the world ! #4 #5 #6 #7 BE PROTECTED SO YOU WON’T REGRET IT Other poster Entries submitted by: Protect Your Identity 4 - Jeremiah Locklear and Bobby Mitchell Don't be phished! 5 - Diana Trinidad Beware of emails with attachments to download, or soliciting 6 - Haley Hendrix sensitive. information from you including 7- LaQueesha Stephens your password, social “Stay Anonymous, security number, Stay Safe” driver's license details, 8 - Matthew Tyler #8 etc. 9 - Amanda L. Jacobs Identity #9 #10 Not everyone perso theft and 10 - Parker Lowery online is who they pro nal data say they are! tection 7 ” y c a v i r P r u o Y t c e t o r P “ Password Protection: Ensure your digital fortress is secure with strong passwords. Mix uppercase and lowercase letters, and symbols to create against cyber threats.