AUTHOR AND RCC GRADUATE KADEN THOMPSON EMBARKS ON NEW JOURNEY book on the Lumbee Recognition Act right now; I hope that it helps educate people about the need for federal recognition and why the Lumbee Tribe deserves federal recognition.” Although it started out as a way to just have fun writing, Kaden’s hobby of writing has become a blessing 昀椀nancially. During the 2024 Lumbee Homecoming, Kaden sold over 200 books. Kaden has also worked out a deal with Barnes & Noble in Fayetteville, in which subscribers can order his books and have them shipped directly to their houses for free. “I have done events with Barnes & Noble,” Kaden added. “I love going out and meeting people in the community… I recently met with the elders who were at the Battle of Hayes Pond, and speaking with them is always an honor.” Shortly a昀琀er graduation, Kaden was RCC graduate Kaden 吀栀omspon A昀琀er completing UNCW, Kaden says he recognized by the Lumbee Tribe of North embarked upon a new adventure this fall. would like to attend law school at North Carolina for his writings as well as his Carolina Central University. academic excellence achieved at Robeson 吀栀ompson enrolled at UNC-Wilmington, Community College, a distinct honor starting a new chapter in his life. And for “Being from Robeson County, we have a given to only a few. those who know Kaden, they know that high crime rate,” Kaden explained. “With could possibly even mean a new book. that comes a need for representation, As Kaden looks out toward the future, people need someone to defend them… he says, “I feel like all of this will impact A self-published author, Kaden 昀椀nds joy even people who can’t a昀昀ord a lawyer, me, there are not a lot of Lumbee writers in writing stories in his free time, o昀琀en I want to speak for those people and or lawyers,... I hope that through my inspired by his culture, history, or events advocate for them.” experiences, I can become an in昀氀uence in his life. At just the age of 19, he has upon those younger than me so that they already written three books. 吀栀rough his writings, it becomes can see that nothing is impossible.” evident that Kaden is a storyteller who “I wrote Henry in 2020,” Kaden said, a wants to keep the heritage of his people book he wrote on Henry Berry Lowery. alive. As a Lumbee Indian, Kaden feels “I wrote Graduation Chronicles last it’s his responsibility to tell the stories November, and in March, I wrote the that his parents, grandparents, and Battle of Hayes Pond.” great-grandparents passed down from generation to generation. As he wrote Henry, Kaden says that is where he discovered his passion “I love my culture and I am very adamant for helping others and becoming about telling young people about this an advocate. 吀栀at’s why he plans on history of our people, and I try to get majoring in criminal justice at UNCW them as involved in the culture as much with hopes of one day becoming a lawyer. as possible,” Kaden said. “I’m writing a 6