吀栀e Extraordinary By: Lakyn Jacobs Husbands, wives, sisters, brothers, mothers, and fathers. 吀栀ey were ordinary people just like you and I with one great exception. 吀栀ey were willingly sacri昀椀cing their lives for others that weren’t of their kin. Boom, crash, bang Went the towers as the planes banged into them. Yet, they came marching, running and sprinting in for those in need. 吀栀ey went in to save, search and rescue those in need. Some lost their lives to help strangers in need be- cause they did everything in their power to help. Honor, remembrance, and unity. 吀栀at is how we come together to remember them. 吀栀e heroes that put their lives on the line for others. We the people of the United States, all come togeth- er to remember them, 吀栀e 昀椀rst on the scene and the last to leave the scene. 吀栀e saints that come marching in. 吀栀e ordinary people with an expectation. 吀栀e heroes of one of the most tragic moments in America’s history. 吀栀e brave heroes of 9/11. 吀栀e Extraordinary. Photo shows RCC’s 23rd Commemorative September 11th Memorial Ceremony in which the poem was read aloud by the 9/11 Poetry Contest Winner, Lakyn Jacobs 8