accepted into the physician assistant “I highly recommend the EMS program at Methodist University. program to anyone who wants to become a physician assistant,” “It was a process,” Oxendine said. “PA Oxendine said. “吀栀e individuals I met school took 28 months to complete… and who taught the program, were very it helped me in going to UNCP 昀椀rst, knowledgeable, and good at what they and when Eric Freeman recommended do.” the EMS program and to sit for the paramedic, I was able to jump halfway “It did not hurt having the associate through.” degree,” Oxendine said. “I have recommended this route to multiple With a strong drive and highly people to 昀椀nish their undergraduate motivated, Oxendine says one day he degree and then go do the EMT classes may branch out into another specialty at Robeson Community College.” but for now, he’s very content. “I really appreciate the opportunity “I enjoy being a PA, especially in the that attending RCC has a昀昀orded me,” emergency department… you end up Oxendine stated. “I would not be agencies doing convalescent transport,” seeing people on the worst day and where I am today without the training Oxendine said. “I needed 1000 clinical time in their lives and so to be able to and tutelage I received at Robeson.” hours of patient contact to get into PA bring joy and hope to people is pretty school.” gratifying, to say the least.” For more information on the EMT and EMS Bridge program at Robeson With the experience he gained, along Now with his career established, Community College, please contact with his education credentials and Oxendine encourages others to follow 吀栀omas “Brad” Byrd at tbyrd@robeson. paramedic certi昀椀cation, Oxendine was in his footsteps so they too can achieve edu or 910-272-3408. You can also visit their dreams of working in healthcare.