Attacks on Clinton 7/9/15

ATTACKS ON SEC CLINTON 7-9-15 Summary  Lindsey Graham said Secretary Clinton was a chief architect of President Obama’s failed foreign policies and embraced a path of leading from behind.  Marco Rubio said that Clinton promised 4 more years of “the same thing.”  Jeb Bush summarized Clinton’s economic agenda as “whatever Obama is doing, let’s double down on it.”  Bobby Jindal said Clinton would make Obama’s failed policies worse.  Bobby Jindal criticized Clinton for saying people who are pro-life need to change their beliefs, and not respecting religious liberty.  Jeb Bush said Clinton was wrong for not thinking “Americans want the opportunity to work,” and implied her support for Obamacare would impede that.  Chris Christie hit Clinton for not publicly weighing in on Iran negotiations.  Jeb Bush hit the Obama/Clinton/Kerry foreign policy approach as holding “fancy conferences” instead of leading.  Jeb Bush said that the Obama/Clinton/Kerry approach lessened effect of Iran sanctions.  Rand Paul criticized Clinton on a wide variety of foreign policy issues, questioning how much she knew about arms shipments to Syrian rebels, arms that could have eventually reached ISIL through Qatar, arms funneled to Libya through Turkey, and the CIA Annex in Benghazi. Rand Paul suggested multiple times that Clinton had lied about what she knew.  Carly Fiorina said Clinton dodged questions in her CNN national interview, and hit her over Benghazi and the Russia ‘reset.’  Bobby Jindal said the only thing Clinton had run was Obama’s failed foreign policy.  Lindsey Graham said Clinton lacked strategy and resolve.  Lindsey Graham said that under Obama and Clinton, Syria and Iraq have become perfect bases for terrorist attacks.  Bobby Jindal criticized Clinton for her role as architect of an Iran deal, calling it appeasement.  Ted Cruz called the Iran talks a disaster and criticized Clinton for her role in them.  Donald Trump called Clinton the worst Secretary of State in U.S. history.  Donald Trump said Clinton would not create jobs as president.  Bobby Jindal said that under Clinton, the U.S. would turn into Greece.  Bobby Jindal said that Obama and Clinton celebrate the “cycle of dependency” in our economy.  Bobby Jindal said that Clinton was a socialist but would not admit it.  Bobby Jindal called Clinton a “math denier” and cited her support of Obamacare, “free college” and raising the minimum wage.  Marco Rubio said that Clinton won’t tell the American people that income inequality is a result of big government.  Ted Cruz said that Clinton would have to explain to the American people how she is not a socialist.  Scott Walker said that Obama and Clinton wanted government to be the “arbiter of individual success.”  Bobby Jindal said that Clinton and Obama wanted to turn the American dream into the European nightmare and that Clinton measured success by government growth.  Marco Rubio called Clinton’s immigration stances “silly talk” and said she changed her position on driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants.  Donald Trump said that Clinton would be soft on immigration and that her pollsters told her what to say about sanctuary cities.  Marco Rubio said that Clinton doesn’t believe we should do anything about illegal immigration and that she doesn’t understand that border security has to come first.  Lindsey Graham said he would put his immigration record up against anyone’s, including Clinton’s.  Jeb Bush said that Clinton flip-flopped on a path to citizenship and that Clinton is using immigration as a political wedge issues.  Donald Trump said Clinton was “extremely bad” on illegal immigration.  Marco Rubio said that Clinton’s CNN national interview showed “hypocrisy” over immigration.  Jeb Bush said Clinton flip-flopped on immigration for political expediency, highlighting her vote for the Dorgan amendment and her saying that unaccompanied minors should be sent back to their home countries last year.  John Kasich seemed to challenge Clinton to talk to him about immigration, and mocked her for not taking more interviews.  Jeb Bush (will say) that Clinton can’t be trusted.  Jeb Bush mocked Clinton’s use of a rope line during the Gorham NH Fourth of July parade, as did Carly Fiorina, George Pataki, and Chris Christie.

 Rand Paul said that Clinton won’t talk to the public and avoids answering questions.  Marco Rubio said the Clintons use a delay tactic to avoid talking about controversies, and that they are constantly surrounded by drama and mystery.  Carly Fiorina criticized Clinton for avoiding the press, and said she was not transparent.  Chris Christie said that Clinton kept the media at arm’s length.  Jeb Bush-affiliated Right to Rise USA hit Clinton for a lack of transparency and her use of a private email.  Bobby Jindal said Clinton was not honest and transparent.  Donald Trump said Clinton had a lot to hide and hit her for her subpoena and wiping the private server she used.  Rand Paul said Clinton broke several laws with her use of private email.  Carly Fiorina hit Clinton for saying her email scandal was “fun” for Americans, calling her dodges “vintage Clinton.”  Bobby Jindal said that we need to look at the national security implication of Clinton’s email server.  Donald Trump said Univision was “owned by one of Hillary Clinton’s biggest backers.”  Bobby Jindal said Bill Clinton “will say anything.”  Ted Cruz said the mainstream media were protecting Obama and Clinton.  Marco Rubio said Clinton had a “time machine to yesterday.”  Marco Rubio said Clinton’s education ideas were “narrow and shortsighted.”  Carly Fiorina said Clinton’s attacks on GOP immigration policies were “identity politics.”  Bobby Jindal said he was tired of Clinton trying to divide us.  Chris Christie said he wanted to know if Clinton agreed with Bernie Sanders that she would consider a 90% tax hike.  Rand Paul said he would be the strongest Republican candidate against Clinton, and that he was leading her in battleground state polls and among independent voters.  Jeb Bush hit Clinton for supporting Obamacare. Obama Third Term Sen. Lindsey Graham, Atlantic Council, 7/8/15 Video: here [beginning] -President Obama’s foreign policy has been a disaster and HRC was one of its chief architects -I embrace a path that would ensure a safe America. HRC and Pres Obama have embraced a path of leading from behind Sen. Marco Rubio, Speech in Iowa at the Bull Moose Club, 7/7/15 Video here HRC promises 4 more years of the same thing. No way Americans will accept 4 more years of the same thing. 4 more years where millions have stopped looking for work. 4 more years of people being underemployed. 4 more years of America’s global stage being eroded. This has exposed a myth that Dems are the ones working for people trying to make it. Gov. Jeb Bush, Jeb2016 “Getting Out Of The Zombie Economy,” 7/7/15 HRC Economic Agenda: Now comes Hillary Clinton, and her economic agenda could be summarized easily: Whatever Obama is doing, let’s double down on it. Take ObamaCare. It’s one of the biggest speedbumps in our economy. The mandates and taxes in the law are keeping many businesses from hiring new workers. The law is holding down worker hours and reducing the payoff from working.

And now we are hearing that health insurance rates for some Americans could rise by more than 50 percent. This weekend Hillary Clinton reiterated that when it comes to ObamaCare, there’s no reason to change course. I disagree, and there are millions of people who provide living proof that Hillary Clinton’s agenda won’t work – because they’re not working at full-time jobs. Gov. Bobby Jindal, Fox News Hannity 7/3/15 Video: here [00:17] On HRC -Only thing she has run is a failed foreign policy -We will have to fight for every vote -This POTUS has had failed policies that have hurt the groups that need the most help. She will make that worse -We need to stop the march towards socialism Religious Liberty Gov. Bobby Jindal, NRTL Convention 7/9/15 Video: here [middle] -Hits HRC for saying pro-lifers need to change their beliefs … [end] -I will say this clearly so that HRC can hear it. The U.S. did not create religious liberty, religious liberty created the U.S. Working Longer Hours Gov. Jeb Bush, 7/9/15 Hillary Clinton is Wrong: Americans Want the Opportunity to Work In America today, more than 6.5 million people are stuck in part-time jobs. That is 6.5 million people who want a full-time job, but can’t find one in the anemic Obama economy. They are earning $30,000 less than those who are fully employed and they are falling behind. In New Hampshire this week, I talked about these struggling Americans who deserve the opportunity to work, who understand the value of work and who want to achieve earned success for their families. The truth is the Obama administration has created rules that have made it harder for people to see rising incomes and harder for businesses to create new jobs and hire more workers.

Hillary Clinton made it clear she disagrees with me. She thinks the economy is doing just fine. She thinks American workers are doing just fine. I’m not surprised. Hillary Clinton’s economic agenda can be summarized easily: Whatever Obama is doing, let’s double down on it. Here is what I believe: We need to grow the economy and create more opportunities for Americans to get ahead. I refuse to accept that our economy has to sputter along at a tepid pace of 2-percent growth. The defeatist left may think this is the new normal. I believe this nation has the potential to grow much faster, provide far more opportunities, and see household incomes rise. I believe we can grow at 4 percent again and create 19 million new jobs for American workers. And I know that with your support, I can help America become a nation where everyone can prosper, everyone can participate and everyone has the right to rise. Gov. Jeb Bush, Jeb2016 “Getting Out Of The Zombie Economy,” 7/7/15 HRC Economic Agenda: Now comes Hillary Clinton, and her economic agenda could be summarized easily: Whatever Obama is doing, let’s double down on it. Take ObamaCare. It’s one of the biggest speedbumps in our economy. The mandates and taxes in the law are keeping many businesses from hiring new workers. The law is holding down worker hours and reducing the payoff from working. And now we are hearing that health insurance rates for some Americans could rise by more than 50 percent. This weekend Hillary Clinton reiterated that when it comes to ObamaCare, there’s no reason to change course. I disagree, and there are millions of people who provide living proof that Hillary Clinton’s agenda won’t work – because they’re not working at full-time jobs. Foreign Policy Gov. Chris Christie, Twitter, 7/8/15 Yday, @HillaryClinton was asked to weigh in on Iran negotiations, and said "I don't think its useful for me to publicly comment right now." Original Tweet: Well, if both @HillaryClinton and President @BarackObama won't talk to the American people, I will. Original Tweet:

Gov. Jeb Bush, NH Union Leader 7/8/15 Video: here [33:00] The bush administration would restore america’s leadership in the world first by restoring military Q – pre WWII levels? If next sequester takes place that’s where it’ll be, not the right approach if we’re going to be a leader, fine if we’re part of the “community of nations,” but would create chaos in the world Obama/Clinton/Kerry, when someone disagrees with their approach with “fancy conferences”, not leading, creates chaos Need to restore alliances, Obama moved away from Israel due to personal reasons, don’t need to have good relationship, need to recognized importance of relationship Managed to insult Canada, need to restore that Need to restore sense that US would have back of allies Enemies need to fear us. Lesson of history is not to be warmonger, but would lessen possibility of boots n the ground if restoring leadership, then deal with radical islam in a strategic way … [re: Iran sanctions, 37:50] Leverage points of military option, not to say you use it, and sanctions appear to be lessened by Obama Clinton Kerry foreign policy playing out Sen. Lindsey Graham, Atlantic Council, 7/8/15 Video: here [beginning] -President Obama’s foreign policy has been a disaster and HRC was one of its chief architects -I embrace a path that would ensure a safe America. HRC and Pres Obama have embraced a path of leading from behind Sen. Rand Paul, Fox News America’s Newsroom 7/8/15 Video: here - Hard to believe HRC didn’t know about arms going to Syrian rebels, she was one of the biggest cheerleaders for - Whether or not she told truth is a big deal. Some emails indicate she may have known a lot more about this arms trade than she let on - Questions if she distributed arms that ended up with ISIL - Suggests HRC was lying. Says there’s no way she didn’t know about this. Thinks a lot of these arms went through Qatar - emails indicate that HRC was a supporter of arming folks involved in the Syrian civil war. Questions whether she was honest about flow of weapons from Libya to Syria - Turkey was simply a conduit from transferring weapons from Libya to Syria - Thinks CIA Annex was involved in collecting weapons in Libya after Gaddafi was toppled. CIA Annex was trying to collect, ship them through Turkey into Syria - Believes it was factually false that HRC said she did not know of any weapons flowing from Libya to Syria - We have to do something about ISIL, but infuriates him that we were arming their allies for years Carly Fiorina, Facebook Response to HRC Interview, 7/7/15

Gov. Bobby Jindal, Union Leader, 7/7/15 Ukraine: What would you do about Ukraine? -We should have had more troops in Eastern Europe -Putin doesn’t fear us -We need to invest more in defense -We need fewer civilian contractors -The only thing that HRC has run is President Obama’s failed foreign policy Sen. Lindsey Graham, Union Leader Op-Ed, 7/6/15 …

Neither the denial of isolationists nor rudderless half measures will secure our nation. Only a bold strategy, backed by the firm resolve of a determined President will rid the world of both ISIS and Assad, stabilize the region, and prevent the forces of radical Islam from bringing their fight to our homeland once again. Our current Commander in Chief has neither the strategy nor the resolve. Hillary Clinton proved she lacks them too. I am ready on day one with both. Sen. Lindsey Graham, Union Leader, 7/6/15 Another View -- Lindsey Graham: Want to defeat ISIL? Here's how I would do it By LINDSEY GRAHAM THE OBAMA-CLINTON Doctrine of “strategic patience” is a failure. It has led to allies who doubt our resolve and enemies who challenge us at home and abroad. Terrorist groups, like ISIL, are rich and growing while President Obama runs out the clock on his time in office. He states ISIS must now be turned back and Syria’s Bashar al Assad must go. But he has no strategy for achieving these goals. His recent announcement of 450 additional troops amounts to nothing more than duct tape, a desperate attempt to hold together a crumbling Middle East just long enough for his successor to step in. I am running to be the next President. I am ready to change course on day one and demonstrate to friends and foes alike we have the capability, capacity and will to secure our nation. Today, the American military footprint in Iraq is insufficient in numbers and capabilities to regenerate an effective Iraqi fighting force. One of the architects of the 2007 Surge has said 10,000 American forces will be necessary to change the tide of battle. I agree. The current force that President Obama has dispatched is inadequate and will not lead to ISIL’s demise. I would send additional forces as part of a new, comprehensive strategy for victory. These forces would allow us to put trainers and advisers with the Iraqis at the battalion level to strengthen their resolve. I would use air controllers and attack helicopters to create and continually apply pressure on ISIL’s leadership. I would also change the approach in Syria. The current plan to train 5,000 Free Syrian Army soldiers puts us woefully behind ISIL’s ability to recruit foreign fighters. And President Obama’s hope of defeating Assad appears purely aspirational. Our Arab allies no longer accept another Iranian puppet wreaking havoc on the region. As long as Assad remains, he will be a magnet for radical Sunnis looking for a fight. The flow of Syrian refugees will continue to stream into neighboring nations, pushing our partners to the brink of a crisis they cannot contain. In particular, we cannot allow our friend, the King of Jordan, to be undermined by the bloodletting. He remains one of the best and strongest voices for moderation in the region. The situation in the Middle East will never be fixed while Assad remains. I would drive him from power by bringing together a regional effort with the support of forces from Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and others. No Arab Army will commit to fighting ISIL while leaving Assad in power, and America should not take on this fight without regional support.

As President, I would also provide enough American capability within this regional force to ensure success. The specialties we possess are lacking in regional forces, but are essential to the destruction of ISIL and pushing Assad out of power. The American ground component in Syria would be similar to that of Iraq, including Special Forces units, logistical support and an embedded U.S. presence at the Brigade level. We must understand that Iraq and Syria constitute a single battle space in the fight against ISIL and our approach much be comprehensive. We must also understand a complementary diplomatic effort is essential. To hold Syria, the Alawites, Sunnis and other factions must reach political consensus. In Iraq, a diplomatic surge in Baghdad is as imperative as any additional ground forces. However, no solution is achievable unless we first have security. That is the lesson our nation and I learned from the 2007 Surge. I would also heed the lessons of Obama’s disastrous 2011 withdrawal from Iraq and refuse to hastily withdraw all our forces from the region. An American presence is critical to ensuring these areas do not fall into chaos once again. Finally, I would be honest with the American people about what kind of commitment this would entail, even when the truth is hard to hear. Under the failed leadership of President Obama and former Secretary Clinton, Syria and Iraq have become the perfect base from which to launch attacks directly against our nation by seasoned fighters holding Western passports. It is a base from which they already project a barbaric form of power that inspires other radicals and lone wolves, from Paris to Garland, Texas, while committing their heinous acts, including attempts at the systematic destruction of the Christian religion in the Middle East. Neither the denial of isolationists nor rudderless half measures will secure our nation. Only a bold strategy, backed by the firm resolve of a determined President will rid the world of both ISIS and Assad, stabilize the region, and prevent the forces of radical Islam from bringing their fight to our homeland once again. Our current Commander in Chief has neither the strategy nor the resolve. Hillary Clinton proved she lacks them too. I am ready on day one with both. Lindsey Graham is a U.S. Senator from South Carolina and is seeking the Republican nomination for President. Gov. Bobby Jindal, Fox News Neil Cavuto, 7/6/15 Video here [middle] On Iran deal -Looks like Kerry is about to agree to a bad deal -Deal could start an arms race in ME -This President will take a bad deal over no deal -HRC is the architect of this deal, she has been at the center of this policy of appeasement Sen. Ted Cruz, Press Release, 7/6/15 iran/

Iran Deal: CRUZ: IT’S TIME TO TELL THE AMERICAN PEOPLE THE TRUTH ABOUT PRESIDENT OBAMA’S SHAM DEAL WITH IRAN 07/06/15 Cruz Calls upon Hillary Clinton, Other Presidential Candidates to Publicly Acknowledge Negotiations with Iran Will Not Make Us Safer and Demand that Sec. Kerry Leave Vienna Immediately HOUSTON, Texas – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, released the following statement regarding the disastrous nuclear deal the Obama Administration is trying to make with Iran: “It is time to acknowledge that the Iran talks have been a disaster. Today I am calling upon former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, under whose leadership this bad deal began, and other Presidential candidates to join me in demanding that Secretary Kerry stop negotiating with this hostile and violent enemy of America and immediately leave Vienna. “We are now on the eve of what is by my count the fifth ‘deadline’ for a comprehensive nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is still unclear if this arbitrary date will be more respected than any of its predecessors, but it hardly matters at this point. By any metric, the negotiations have failed—at least from the perspective of America’s national security. All of our key priorities—stopping enrichment of uranium, removing stockpiles of enriched uranium, and exposing and eradicating the potential military applications of Iran’s nuclear program—have been ceded to the Iranians. “Perhaps there was some hope for this process two years ago when Hasan Rouhani became president of Iran. Given Iran’s dire economic circumstances caused by the unprecedented program of international sanctions, we could have demanded concessions from the mullahs before any negotiations took place–notably the release of all Americans unjustly held in Iran and the recognition of Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state. Once negotiations began, we could have made it clear the above conditions would have to be met before sanctions relief. And rather than stove-piping Iran’s nuclear program from its abysmal human rights record, aggressive state sponsorship of terrorism and ballistic missile program–the only purpose of which is to deliver a nuclear weapon–we should have insisted these issues be addressed to our satisfaction as well. “Unfortunately, in their unseemly eagerness to make a deal, President Obama and Secretary Kerry have squandered all our advantages and ceded all our priorities. There is no possibility for an acceptable agreement at this point because there is no incentive for the Iranians to make one. Our first priority must be to end this farce; the best we can do is cut our losses.” Gov. Bobby Jindal, Fox News Hannity 7/3/15 Video: here [00:17] On HRC -Only thing she has run is a failed foreign policy -We will have to fight for every vote -This POTUS has had failed policies that have hurt the groups that need the most help. She will make that worse -We need to stop the march towards socialism Accomplishments as Secretary Donald Trump, CNN Anderson Cooper 7/8/15 Video: here [beginning] -She was the worst SecState in the history of the US

Benghazi Carly Fiorina, Facebook Response to HRC Interview, 7/7/15 Economy Donald Trump, Fox News Hannity 7/9/15 Video: here Will you support the GOP nominee if it’s not you? -It depends who wins -Perry should have done more at the border -Bush would be a disaster -Everybody wants me to run third party -I will win the Latino vote because I will put them back to work. I have thousands of Latinos working for me. HRC will not create jobs, Bush will not create jobs

Gov. Bobby Jindal, Twitter, 7/6/15 Greece: Gov. Bobby Jindal, Fox News Hannity 7/3/15 Video: here [1:40] What would you do to fix the economy? -We need to break the cycle of dependency that Obama and HRC celebrate -We need a lower and flatter tax code. We will release a tax plan soon -We need to reign in the EPA -Repeal the ACA -Eliminate baseline budgeting and cut the size of government -The dollars need to follow the students Big government Gov. Bobby Jindal, Union Leader, 7/7/15 Socialism: Why are there so many candidates? -We have a deep bench -I respect Sanders, he at least will admit he’s a socialist. HRC is a socialist, she just won’t say it -I’m biased towards governors, we already tried a senator -I have a proven track record -I have released policy plans Gov. Bobby Jindal, Time Op-Ed, 7/7/15 Bobby Jindal: Sanders and Clinton Would Both Turn Us Into Greece  Gov. Bobby Jindal 1:08 PM ET You can't make it impossible for business to thrive and expect the economy to grow Greece created democracy, and now the Greeks are showing us how to kill it. It’s simple math to understand what is happening in Greece right now. When Greece joined the euro, it benefited from the financial support of its more fiscally responsible neighbors in the euro zone. Rather than taking the opportunity to enact the structural reforms that could have increased growth — reforms that it still has not undertaken — Greece instead went on a spending spree funded by other people’s money. Greece has been cooking the books with complicated financial instruments for years. But the problems don’t stop there. Greece’s Rubik’s Cube tax code and rampant corruption make tax evasion widespread. Golden parachute public pensions that allow public sector workers to retire as early as 45drain dollars out of the government coffers while incentivizing a still healthy and work-age workforce to live on the public dime. It’s hard to have sufficient tax paying workers when about 75% of Greek public-sector employees retire by the age 61. After taking office in January, the Alexis Tsipras administration reversed promised privatization of state-owned assets like the Port of Piraeus. In 2011, the IMF predicted Greece could bring in 50 billion euros ($56 billion) from the sale of state assets, not to mention the savings from moving those employees off the public wage and benefit system. To date, it has raised about 3 billion euros. Business has no interest in creating jobs when crushed by government regulation. Tspiras promised to raise the minimum wage, despite the economy spiraling out of control. It’s not surprising the March unemployment rate stood at 25.6%. This is the European nightmare. The way of Greece is where Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders will take us. It’s simple math: You can’t spend more than you take in. You can’t make it impossible for business to thrive and expect the economy to

grow. No wonder the U.S. has had a disappointing about 2% “recovery” growth. That’s not an accident—it’s the result of failed policies. Clinton and Sanders are math deniers, like most of the Democrats in D.C. They want to grow the government economy instead of the real American economy. Rather than pursuing tax reform to improve growth or entitlement changes to reduce future expenditures, Clinton and Sanders are focused on spending trillions on Obamacare, giving free college to everyone, and raising the federal minimum wage. This was all on plain view in New Hampshire this past weekend, where Clinton spent the weekend promoting a third term of President Barack Obama’s failed policies. The irony is that her dishonesty and lack of transparency is a windfall for Sanders. Sanders is rising in the polls. Why? Because he’s honest. He freely admits that he believes in socialism, and Democrats are flocking to the only honest candidate running on their side. Sanders should write Clinton a thank you note. Sanders may be saying what Clinton will not say, but the reality is they’re both socialists. And if you want a peek into our future with Clinton or Sanders, then look at what’s happening in Greece today. Sanders proudly said on Sunday that he wants to raise taxes. Sanders and Clinton seem to believe prosperity lies in the hands of government. We know it lies in the hands of our people. We have to stop pretending. Greece pretended that debt didn’t matter for years. It pretended it could spend money it didn’t have. It pretended that there was some mythical pot of money in Athens that didn’t exist. It pretended that 1+1 didn’t equal 2. The politicians in Puerto Rico are no different. They are demanding that we change U.S. laws so that they can file for bankruptcy. They are even threatening to sway the presidential election in order to force candidates to agree with them. These are the same politicians that led the country to bankruptcy. Everyone knows exactly what is

going on here — they are asking the U.S. taxpayers to pay for a bailout. That’s where this leads, and we should be honest about it. I oppose this. Unfortunately, we better admit that our politicians in Washington are taking us down the exact same road that Puerto Rico is on, and that Greece has gone down. The federal minimum wage has strangled economic growth in Puerto Rico. The Puerto Rican government tried to throw money at the problem with incentive programs to lure business — but that just cost money and didn’t fix the structural problem, so the economy continued to stall. I know because in Louisiana we reversed decades of outmigration, and we created more than 90,000 jobs by reducing regulations and cutting taxes. Louisiana’s economy boomed. We can do the same for America’s economy. If you want more borrowing and spending, then vote for the Democrats. We know where that leads — Greece and Puerto Rico have shown us how quickly irresponsible spending can kill a democracy. Sen. Marco Rubio, Chicago Econ Speech, 7/7/15 Video here Income Inequality: Sen. Ted Cruz, The Des Moines Register, 7/6/15 moines-smokey-row/29793561/ Socialist: When asked if he's worried about potentially running against Sanders for the White House, Cruz didn't directly answer the question. He commended Sanders, however, for "bringing a degree of candor to Democratic politics."

"I've said many times, 'I respect Bernie Sanders,' because he's an honest politician. He campaigns, he admits he's a socialist. There's more than one socialist in the Democratic Party, and Hillary Clinton is going to be busy explaining to Democratic primary voters how she is every bit as socialist as Bernie Sanders is," Cruz said. Gov. Scott Walker, Red State “Member Diary,” 7/4/15 The 4th of July marks an incredible day in history. Some 239 years ago, the Founding Fathers declared our independence from an overbearing and intrusive British government. Their extraordinary act of courage marked the birth of an exceptional nation, where citizens enjoy the greatest freedom in the world. America is unique because our founders recognized that true freedom does not come from government, it comes from our Creator. Yet today this principle is under assault by the actions of a federal bureaucracy that is always expanding and encroaching more upon our daily lives. The political class in Washington, along with President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and their special-interest allies, embrace this bureaucratic mess and are fighting to make government the arbiter of individual success. But the founders did not declare their independence from one big government only to create another. That’s why the 4th of July – not April 15 – is a national holiday. Americans don’t cheer our dependence on government, but rather our independence from it. Freedom and prosperity aren’t created by federal bureaucrats in Washington. These principles are God-given rights that empower us to live our own lives and control our own destinies. This belief is what makes America a beacon of hope around the globe. America is a place where it doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from. A place where as long as you work hard and play by the rules, you will have the freedom and opportunity to succeed and live your life as you please. But nearly six years into Obama’s presidency, many feel this ideal is slipping away. The principles upon which America was founded must be restored. The independence our founders declared some 239 years ago is too precious to be squandered. This July 4, we must renew our commitment to fight for our independence from big government every single day. After all, that’s what the holiday is all about. Gov. Bobby Jindal, Fox News Hannity 7/3/15 Video: here [01:50] -Obama and HRC are trying to turn the American dream into the European nightmare. We are on the road to socialism -Fans of socialism try to make a moral case. It doesn’t work in the real world [03:15] What should this election be based on? -The voters will get to decide -I think common core is a mistake. It is a symbol of this president’s overreach -We can’t afford on the job training for the next POTUS -I have cut state gov., we have a 26% smaller budget. 30,000 less state employees. We have had 8 credit upgrades -I measure success by private sector growth, HRC measures it by government growth -If you want to be popular in DC you can’t talk like we do -Both sides in DC say you can’t do term limits, undue the ACA or secure the border

Immigration Sen. Marco Rubio, 7/10/15 Rubio dismisses Hillary Clinton’s immigration comments as ‘silly talk’ By Sean Sullivan July 8 at 3:19 PM CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa -- Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) on Wednesday dismissed Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton's recent assertion that Republican presidential candidates fall on a "spectrum" of antagonism toward illegal immigrants. "It's silly talk," the GOP White House hopeful told reporters here after a campaign stop. "She's the one who didn't even want to give them driver's licenses six years ago when she ran for president." Rubio reiterated that he supports immigration reform in a piecemeal manner that starts with addressing concerns about border security. But he once advocated a comprehensive approach as part of a bipartisan Senate coalition whose bill passed the upper chamber of Congress but then died in the House. "They range across a spectrum of being either grudgingly welcome or hostile toward immigrants," Clinton told CNN in an interview broadcast Tuesday, referring to GOP presidential contenders. The Florida senator said he thinks voters are "capable of distinguishing the Republican Party from Donald Trump," who recently made controversial remarks about Mexican immigrants. Rubio said he disagrees "strongly" with Trump's comments, which he called "offensive" and "divisive," echoing a statement he issued last week. Asked whether Congress should allow the U.S. commonwealth of Puerto Rico to file for Chapter 9 municipal bankruptcy like cities in U.S. states can do, Rubio did not provide a yes or no answer. He said he expected to have more to say on the topic "over the next 48 to 72 hours." "We've been engaged on this issue now for a couple months," said Rubio. "It's complex because we want to make sure whatever decision we make with regards to this is probably going to create a precedent for other jurisdictions in the country that are going to face similar situations in the near future."

Both Rubio's GOP rival Jeb Bush and Clinton have supported the bankruptcy approach. "Unlike some of the other people opining on it, we're actually in a position to propose something that could pass. We want it to be the right thing," said Rubio. Donald Trump, Fox News Hannity 7/9/15 Video: here On immigration -Mexico is sending us criminals -I love the Mexican people. Their leadership is much smarter than ours -Instead of putting there criminals in jails they just send them over here -That man who killed that woman in San Francisco was pushed out of Mexico 5 times; he should have been in a Mexican jail -People don’t want to hear about this -HRC would be so soft on immigration -Jeb would be bad on immigration; he said they come for love HRC has flipped and flopped on sanctuary cities, reaction? -She has pollsters that tell her what to say so that she can get to the left of Sanders -We have stupid leaders and stupid people at the top Sen. Marco Rubio, Medved Show 7/9/15 Audio: here HRC a radical on immigration bc she doesn’t think we should do anything about illegal immigration … HRC misses that if we don’t do border security first – we can never do anything else on it Sen. Lindsey Graham, CNN 7/9/15 Video: Here [3:40] Is Trump the price you must pay not getting anything done? -Yeah. I think he expresses frustration. But frustration doesn't cut it with me. -I’ll put my immigration record up against anyone including HRC -Remember when president Obama ran in 2008 that he promised to fix immigration in the first year of his presidency? He never lifted a finger. We did Obamacare, stimulus. President Obama failed miserably when 60 democratic senators, a democratic controlled house, so the democratic party is to blame too -My part has not risen to the occasion -It needs to be fixed starting with the border Gov. Jeb Bush, Fox News Special Report w/ Bret Baier 7/8/15 Video: here [0:20] Q – path to citizenship Hillary’s flip-flopped

Earn legal status Q – permanent legal status for those who qualify They earn legal status not citizenship Q - Has that changed It’s changed because the climate changed, this allows conservatives into the game Allows HRC and Obama to use it as a political issue, Obama didn’t fix it with congressional control, use it as a wedge issue Q – on the change, how are you different from anyone else who’s also changed re: losing the primary I’ve had this views for 4 years, wrote a book about it, no change from that Narrow family petitioning, expand econ immigrants, deal with 11 million undocumented in just way, make it winning issue for GOP Sen. Marco Rubio, 7/8/15 .@marcorubio calls Hillary Clinton's rhetoric on immigration "silly talk." Original Tweet: Donald Trump, 7/8/15 TRUMP UNLOADS: Hillary Clinton was 'the worst' and is 'extremely bad' Real estate mogul and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump shot back after Democrat Hillary Clinton said she was "disappointed" with his comments about Mexican immigrants in a CNN interview. In a statement sent to Business Insider on Wednesday, the day after Clinton's interview aired, Trump slammed his rival for her record and immigration policy. "Hillary Clinton was the worst Secretary of State in the history of the United States. On top of that, she is extremely bad on illegal immigration," Trump said. "Despite anything you may hear to the contrary, I do not think she is electable." In the interview, Clinton, who is currently leading the Democratic field, criticized remarks Trump made in his campaign announcement where he described some Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists.

"I've very disappointed in those comments. And I feel very bad and very disappointed with him and with the Republican Party for not responding immediately and saying, 'Enough. Stop it,'" Clinton said. Trump's comments on Mexican immigrants sparked a firestorm last week and caused several businesses to sever ties with him. However, Trump has stood by the remarks in subsequent statements and suggested the Mexican government is behind a deliberate effort to send criminal elements to the US. Sen. Marco Rubio, Mike Gallagher Show 7/8/15 Audio: here Dems have vilified anyone who opposes virtual, instant citizenship right away. That hypocrisy has been exposed in the HRC interview yesterday Gov. Jeb Bush, Miami Herald, 7/7/15 Immigration: Pressed about Republican Jeb Bush, who has called parents bringing children illegally into the U.S. an "act of love," Clinton maintained that the former Florida governor doesn't want to give people already in the country full-fledged legal status. "He doesn't believe in a path to citizenship -- if he did at one time, he no longer does," she said. "As I said, they're on a spectrum of hostility which I think is really regrettable in a nation of immigrants like ours." … Bush's camp countered by pointing to "flip-flops" by Clinton on immigration. "Hillary Clinton has once again changed her position on an issue for politically expedient purposes. After voting for the poison pill amendment that stopped immigration reform in its tracks as a Senator and saying she believed the unaccompanied minors 'should be sent back' to their home countries last year, she is now running further to the left on immigration policy than even President Obama's White House believes is legally feasible," Bush spokeswoman Emily Benavides said in a statement. "Hillary Clinton will say anything to get elected and her numerous flip-flops on immigration prove it." Gov. John Kasich, Fox News Bret Baier, 7/7/15 Video here Immigration: [middle]

Immigration – plays HRC remarks of GOP on immigration] -If she wants to talk about me, let her call me to figure out what my position is -First of all, seal the border -Secondly, if you’ve been here for a length of time, you can stay and pay a penalty -If you’re here recently, we’re going to ship you back -We need to modernize immigration system -Need expanded program for workers -Republicans need to get this done, stop putting your head in the sand [towards end] Position needed for general election -I don’t base my positions on polls -FedEx couldn’t ship 12 million people out of here -Fix the border -Those people who yell the loudest, don’t represent the majority -By the way, glad to see HRC talking to a few people Dodging questions / Trust Gov. Jeb Bush, Fox News Bret Baier, 7/14/15 [teaser] .@JebBush: "[Hillary Clinton] can't be trusted. There's never a straight answer." #SpecialReport Original Tweet: Gov. Jeb Bush, NH Town Hall 7/8/15 Video: here Participating in NH parades was fun, only got bit by one dog, not sure HRC would’ve been bit since she was roped off lol Gov. Jeb Bush, Fox News Special Report w/ Bret Baier 7/8/15 Video: here [4:05] Q – rope lines I thought it was bizarre, I was in 2 parades, I got bit by a dog, can you imagine HRC getting bit by a dog Sen. Rand Paul, WJR Frank Beckmann Show 7/8/15 Audio: here - Beckman is talking about HRC’s upcoming visit to Michigan, how she probably won’t talk to public. Rand says he’ll be doing something extraordinary and taking questions not only from the media but from real voters who aren’t screened - When people think they’re the favorite they think they don’t have to answer any questions. Typical Clinton maneuver. Sen. Marco Rubio, Mike Gallagher Show 7/8/15 Audio: here On HRC’s CNN interview: They have an old tactic where they delay and delay until the controversy is about over. Then when asked about it, she dismisses it and says its already been covered.

There is a constant drama and mystery that surrounds the Clintons everywhere they go. This country cant afford another drama Carly Fiorina, Breitbart, 7/7/15 Fiorina has also blasted the “professional political class” and reminded voters that she is not a career politician. She has also arguably been Hillary Clinton’s fiercest critic among the presidential candidates. Fiorina relentlessly hammered Clinton for avoiding the press after announcing her candidacy, and she reminded Republicans that all of the Clinton Foundation and private emails scandals engulfing Clinton “won’t make that much difference unless we have a nominee who will ensure that they make a difference in the general election.” In a recent Breitbart News Sunday interview, Fiorina said the GOP’s presidential nominee must be willing “to throw punches” at Hillary Clinton and not back down from Democrats like the party’s last two presidential nominees. Carly Fiorina, Union Leader, 7/7/15 'Rope line' jokes aplenty as Fiorina knocks Clinton … Republican presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina casts herself as the anti-Hillary candidate. An audience in Portsmouth was happy to compare and contrast. “Where’s your rope line?” a man asked her Tuesday morning. The grinning questioner was inspired by Democrat Hillary Clinton’s use of a rope line to literally hold reporters back from covering her while she walked in the Fourth of July parade Saturday in Gorham. Others in the crowd at Geno's Chowder & Sandwich Shop in Portsmouth cracked the same joke. Fiorina also teed up on it. “Ladies and gentlemen,” she began her remarks, “I don’t want to rope off the press.” … “Hillary Clinton cannot be President of these United States because she’s not trustworthy,” Fiorina said in Portsmouth. “She’s not transparent. Despite her many titles, she lacks a track record of leadership, and the policies she is pursuing are doubling down on every failed policy of the Obama administration from the last seven years.” Gov. George Pataki, NECN, 7/6/15 New-Hampshire-311778601.html Pataki, the former New York governor, also reportedly tweaked Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton on Monday, showing up to his press conference carrying a rope, a

reference to Clinton staffers who kept reporters at bay with a rope line during a Fourth of July parade in Gorham on Saturday. "It was absurd how Hillary kept people at a distance by a walking ropeline, but I really think in a sense it's emblematic of the way Washington feels too often towards the American people," Pataki said. Gov. Chris Christie, Fox News, America’s Election HQ, 7/6/15 Video here [beginning] Media Criticism: HRC rope line is outrageous Notes that Bernie had a large crowd in Madison She is trying to keep media at arm’s length and media should fight back If GOP candidates did this, there would be a riot Gov. Jeb Bush, Right To Rise USA, 7/6/15 Jeb Super PAC Hitting Clinton on Transparency 070615 Right to Rise USA Pac Ad “Transparency Tells You A Lot” ONSCREEN: Americans Expect Transparency From Their Leaders AUDIO: Jeb Bush is releasing 33 years of his personal income tax returns ONSCREEN: Jeb Released 33 Years Of Tax Returns Audio Source: WKRC-TV AUDIO: This commitment to transparency and the high level of disclosure… ONSCREEN: More Than Any Presidential Candidate In History Audio Source: Fox News AUDIO: that was standard when he was the first two-term republican governor of Florida ONSCREEN: “As Promised…Jeb Released E-Mails From His Two Terms As Florida Governor.” USA Today, 2/10/15 Audio Source: Fox News AUDIO: He set a standard for transparency which Hillary Clinton better pay attention to ONSCREEN: JEB “He’ll Set A Standard For Transparency” TIME, 6/30/15 Audio Source: Bloomberg Business AUDIO: [ominous music] ONSCREEN: But What About Hillary Clinton? CLINTON VIDEO: I think I’m probably the most transparent person in public life ONSCREEN: “Hillary Clinton Deleted All Email From Personal Server” CNN, 3/28/15 “…Didn’t Disclose Foreign Donors.” CBS News, 4/30/15

“…Thwarted Records Requests.” New York Times, 3/30/15 AUDIO: [ominous music] ONSCREEN: Transparency Tells You A Lot About Who You Can Trust PAID FOR BY RIGHT TO RISE USA. NOT AUTHORIZED BY ANY CANDIDATE OR CANDIDATE’S COMMITTEE. WWW.RIGHTTORISEUSA.ORG Gov. Bobby Jindal, Twitter, 7/2/15 Transparency: Private Server / Email Donald Trump, CNN Anderson Cooper 7/8/15 Video: here [beginning] Why is HRC not talking? -She has a lot to hide -She got a subpoena and got rid of her email and wiped her server -She has a lot to hide Sen. Rand Paul, Fox News America’s Newsroom 7/8/15 Video: here

- HRC broke several laws with her emails. We’re finding out more and more and will continue to try to find out more and more. She deleted emails, which indicates to him she had something to hide Carly Fiorina, Fox News Fox and Friends 7/8/15 Video: Here HRC thinks her email scandal is "fun" - She truly does not see conflict of interest - This is vintage Clinton as well - She says, "Trust us, there is nothing to see here" - This interview points out that the media isn't going to ask her about her tenure as SoS Carly Fiorina, Breitbart, 7/7/15 Fiorina has also blasted the “professional political class” and reminded voters that she is not a career politician. She has also arguably been Hillary Clinton’s fiercest critic among the presidential candidates. Fiorina relentlessly hammered Clinton for avoiding the press after announcing her candidacy, and she reminded Republicans that all of the Clinton Foundation and private emails scandals engulfing Clinton “won’t make that much difference unless we have a nominee who will ensure that they make a difference in the general election.” In a recent Breitbart News Sunday interview, Fiorina said the GOP’s presidential nominee must be willing “to throw punches” at Hillary Clinton and not back down from Democrats like the party’s last two presidential nominees. Gov. Jeb Bush, Right To Rise USA, 7/6/15 Jeb Super PAC Hitting Clinton on Transparency 070615 Right to Rise USA Pac Ad “Transparency Tells You A Lot” ONSCREEN: Americans Expect Transparency From Their Leaders AUDIO: Jeb Bush is releasing 33 years of his personal income tax returns ONSCREEN: Jeb Released 33 Years Of Tax Returns Audio Source: WKRC-TV AUDIO: This commitment to transparency and the high level of disclosure… ONSCREEN: More Than Any Presidential Candidate In History Audio Source: Fox News AUDIO: that was standard when he was the first two-term republican governor of Florida ONSCREEN: “As Promised…Jeb Released E-Mails From His Two Terms As Florida Governor.” USA Today, 2/10/15 Audio Source: Fox News AUDIO: He set a standard for transparency which Hillary Clinton better pay attention to ONSCREEN: JEB “He’ll Set A Standard For Transparency” TIME, 6/30/15 Audio Source: Bloomberg Business

AUDIO: [ominous music] ONSCREEN: But What About Hillary Clinton? CLINTON VIDEO: I think I’m probably the most transparent person in public life ONSCREEN: “Hillary Clinton Deleted All Email From Personal Server” CNN, 3/28/15 “…Didn’t Disclose Foreign Donors.” CBS News, 4/30/15 “…Thwarted Records Requests.” New York Times, 3/30/15 AUDIO: [ominous music] ONSCREEN: Transparency Tells You A Lot About Who You Can Trust PAID FOR BY RIGHT TO RISE USA. NOT AUTHORIZED BY ANY CANDIDATE OR CANDIDATE’S COMMITTEE. WWW.RIGHTTORISEUSA.ORG Gov. Bobby Jindal, Fox News Hannity 7/3/15 Video: here [07:15] … What would you do about our foreign policy situation? … -We need to look at the national security aspect of HRC’s email server Clinton Foundation Finances Donald Trump, Press Release, 7/6/15 On Immigration: Statement from Donald J. Trump: I don’t see how there is any room for misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the statement I made on June 16th during my Presidential announcement speech. Here is what I said, and yet this statement is deliberately distorted by the media: “When Mexico (meaning the Mexican Government) sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you (pointing to the audience). They’re not sending you (pointing again). They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs.They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people! But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people. It’s coming from more than Mexico. It’s coming from all over South and Latin America, and it’s coming probably from the Middle East. But we don’t know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don’t know what’s happening. And it’s got to stop and it’s got to stop fast.” What can be simpler or more accurately stated? The Mexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They are, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc. This was evident just this week when, as an example, a young woman in San Francisco was viciously killed by a 5 time deported Mexican with a long criminal record, who was forced back into the United States because they didn’t want him in Mexico. This is merely one of thousands of similar incidents throughout the United States. In other words, the worst elements in Mexico are being pushed into the United States by the Mexican government. The largest suppliers of heroin, cocaine and other illicit drugs are Mexican cartels that arrange to have Mexican immigrants trying to cross the borders and smuggle in the drugs. The Border Patrol knows this. Likewise, tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border. The United States has become a dumping ground for Mexico

and, in fact, for many other parts of the world. On the other hand, many fabulous people come in from Mexico and our country is better for it. But these people are here legally, and are severely hurt by those coming in illegally. I am proud to say that I know many hard working Mexicans—many of them are working for and with me…and, just like our country, my organization is better for it. The Mexican Government wants an open border as long as it’s a ONE WAY open border into the United States. Not only are they killing us at the border, but they are killing us on trade … and the country of Mexico is making billions of dollars in doing so. I have great respect for Mexico and love their people and their peoples’ great spirit. The problem is, however, that their leaders are far smarter, more cunning, and better negotiators than ours. To the citizens of the United States, who I will represent far better than anyone else as President, the Mexican government is not our friend…and why should they be when the relationship is totally one sided in their favor on both illegal immigration and trade. I have pointed this out during my speeches and it is something Mexico doesn’t want me to say. In actuality, it was only after my significant rise in the polls that Univision, previously my friend, went ballistic. I believe that my examples of bad trade deals for the United States was of even more concern to the Mexican government than my talk of border security. I have lost a lot during this Presidential run defending the people of the United States. I have always heard that it is very hard for a successful person to run for President. Macy’s, NBC, Serta and NASCAR have all taken the weak and very sad position of being politically correct even though they are wrong in terms of what is good for our country. Univision, because 70% of their business comes from Mexico, in my opinion, is being dictated to by the Mexican Government. The last thing Mexico wants is Donald Trump as President in that I will make great trade deals for the United States and will have an impenetrable border--only legally approved people will come through easily. Interestingly, Univision has just announced they are attempting to go public despite very poor and even negative earnings, which is not a good situation for a successful IPO or high stock price—not to mention that I am currently suing them for breach of contract. Remember, Univision is the one who began this charade in the first place, and they are owned by one of Hillary Clinton’s biggest backers. After the speech was made, there were numerous compliments and indeed, many rave “reviews”—there was very little criticism. It wasn’t until a week after my announcement that people started to totally distort these very easy to understand words. If there was something stated incorrectly, it would have been brought up immediately and with great enthusiasm. The issues I have addressed, and continue to address, are vital steps to Make America Great Again! Additionally, I would be the best jobs President that God ever created. Let’s get to work! Clinton Family Gov. Bobby Jindal, Fox News Hannity 7/3/15 Video: here [05:00] Quick response - … Bill Clinton -Will say anything Media bias Sen. Ted Cruz, Interview With Glenn Beck, 7/2/15 Video here "The job of the mainstream media as they see it, they are partisans. They are protecting Barack Obama and they are ready for Hillary."

Ideas of the Past Sen. Marco Rubio, Econ Speech In Chicago, 7/7/15 Education Sen. Marco Rubio, Chicago Speech, 7/7/15 [Full Speech] speech Education: The U.S. risks missing innovation opportunities if it doesn't lower corporate taxes and move to a reinvent higher education, including creating a new university accreditation process, Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio said Tuesday. "The problems with higher education are many, but the ideas from Hillary Clinton and other outdated leaders are narrow and shortsighted," he said in Chicago. "We need a holistic overhaul—we need to change how we provide degrees, how those degrees are accessed, how much the access costs, how those costs are paid, and even how those payments are determined." Divisive Carly Fiorina, Fox News Fox and Friends 7/8/15 Video: Here What'd you think of HRC's comment that Republicans are hostile toward immigrants? - It's entirely predictable and vintage Clinton - She's equating no path to citizenship with hostility towards immigrants - It's part of her identity politics Gov. Bobby Jindal, Fox News Hannity 7/3/15 Video: here [6:00]

… What do you think about the divide in America? -I‘m tired of Obama and HRC trying to divide us Taxes Gov. Chris Christie, Facebook Post, 7/7/15 Wants to know if Hillary agrees with Sanders 90% tax hike: Campaign Sen. Rand Paul, Facebook, 7/6/15 er Rand Can Beat Hillary:

Sen. Rand Paul, Quad-City Times, 7/2/15 a22fefa28046.html Electability: “Everybody is consumed with the Republican primary in Iowa,” Paul said to a crowd of about 150 at the Cedar Rapids Public Library. “I am thinking about the general election. Who can beat Hillary Clinton? Right now I am the only one ahead of Hillary Clinton in Iowa, New Hampshire, Colorado, West Virginia.” …

Paul said this strategy of going after a new constituency is “the way you win elections,” and notes he is leading Hillary Clinton among independent voters “across the board.” Healthcare Gov. Jeb Bush, Jeb2016 “Getting Out Of The Zombie Economy,” 7/7/15 HRC Economic Agenda: Now comes Hillary Clinton, and her economic agenda could be summarized easily: Whatever Obama is doing, let’s double down on it. Take ObamaCare. It’s one of the biggest speedbumps in our economy. The mandates and taxes in the law are keeping many businesses from hiring new workers. The law is holding down worker hours and reducing the payoff from working. And now we are hearing that health insurance rates for some Americans could rise by more than 50 percent. This weekend Hillary Clinton reiterated that when it comes to ObamaCare, there’s no reason to change course. I disagree, and there are millions of people who provide living proof that Hillary Clinton’s agenda won’t work – because they’re not working at full-time jobs.