Paul said this strategy of going after a new constituency is “the way you win elections,” and notes he is leading Hillary Clinton among independent voters “across the board.” Healthcare Gov. Jeb Bush, Jeb2016 “Getting Out Of The Zombie Economy,” 7/7/15 HRC Economic Agenda: Now comes Hillary Clinton, and her economic agenda could be summarized easily: Whatever Obama is doing, let’s double down on it. Take ObamaCare. It’s one of the biggest speedbumps in our economy. The mandates and taxes in the law are keeping many businesses from hiring new workers. The law is holding down worker hours and reducing the payoff from working. And now we are hearing that health insurance rates for some Americans could rise by more than 50 percent. This weekend Hillary Clinton reiterated that when it comes to ObamaCare, there’s no reason to change course. I disagree, and there are millions of people who provide living proof that Hillary Clinton’s agenda won’t work – because they’re not working at full-time jobs.

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