going on here — they are asking the U.S. taxpayers to pay for a bailout. That’s where this leads, and we should be honest about it. I oppose this. Unfortunately, we better admit that our politicians in Washington are taking us down the exact same road that Puerto Rico is on, and that Greece has gone down. The federal minimum wage has strangled economic growth in Puerto Rico. The Puerto Rican government tried to throw money at the problem with incentive programs to lure business — but that just cost money and didn’t fix the structural problem, so the economy continued to stall. I know because in Louisiana we reversed decades of outmigration, and we created more than 90,000 jobs by reducing regulations and cutting taxes. Louisiana’s economy boomed. We can do the same for America’s economy. If you want more borrowing and spending, then vote for the Democrats. We know where that leads — Greece and Puerto Rico have shown us how quickly irresponsible spending can kill a democracy. Sen. Marco Rubio, Chicago Econ Speech, 7/7/15 Video here Income Inequality: https://twitter.com/sahilkapur/status/618421807813664769/photo/1 Sen. Ted Cruz, The Des Moines Register, 7/6/15 http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/elections/presidential/caucus/2015/07/06/ted-cruz-book-tour-iowa-des- moines-smokey-row/29793561/ Socialist: When asked if he's worried about potentially running against Sanders for the White House, Cruz didn't directly answer the question. He commended Sanders, however, for "bringing a degree of candor to Democratic politics."

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