"I've said many times, 'I respect Bernie Sanders,' because he's an honest politician. He campaigns, he admits he's a socialist. There's more than one socialist in the Democratic Party, and Hillary Clinton is going to be busy explaining to Democratic primary voters how she is every bit as socialist as Bernie Sanders is," Cruz said. Gov. Scott Walker, Red State “Member Diary,” 7/4/15 http://www.redstate.com/diary/govwalker/2015/07/04/july-4-honors-independence-big-government-dependence-2/ The 4th of July marks an incredible day in history. Some 239 years ago, the Founding Fathers declared our independence from an overbearing and intrusive British government. Their extraordinary act of courage marked the birth of an exceptional nation, where citizens enjoy the greatest freedom in the world. America is unique because our founders recognized that true freedom does not come from government, it comes from our Creator. Yet today this principle is under assault by the actions of a federal bureaucracy that is always expanding and encroaching more upon our daily lives. The political class in Washington, along with President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and their special-interest allies, embrace this bureaucratic mess and are fighting to make government the arbiter of individual success. But the founders did not declare their independence from one big government only to create another. That’s why the 4th of July – not April 15 – is a national holiday. Americans don’t cheer our dependence on government, but rather our independence from it. Freedom and prosperity aren’t created by federal bureaucrats in Washington. These principles are God-given rights that empower us to live our own lives and control our own destinies. This belief is what makes America a beacon of hope around the globe. America is a place where it doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from. A place where as long as you work hard and play by the rules, you will have the freedom and opportunity to succeed and live your life as you please. But nearly six years into Obama’s presidency, many feel this ideal is slipping away. The principles upon which America was founded must be restored. The independence our founders declared some 239 years ago is too precious to be squandered. This July 4, we must renew our commitment to fight for our independence from big government every single day. After all, that’s what the holiday is all about. Gov. Bobby Jindal, Fox News Hannity 7/3/15 Video: here [01:50] -Obama and HRC are trying to turn the American dream into the European nightmare. We are on the road to socialism -Fans of socialism try to make a moral case. It doesn’t work in the real world [03:15] What should this election be based on? -The voters will get to decide -I think common core is a mistake. It is a symbol of this president’s overreach -We can’t afford on the job training for the next POTUS -I have cut state gov., we have a 26% smaller budget. 30,000 less state employees. We have had 8 credit upgrades -I measure success by private sector growth, HRC measures it by government growth -If you want to be popular in DC you can’t talk like we do -Both sides in DC say you can’t do term limits, undue the ACA or secure the border

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