Immigration – plays HRC remarks of GOP on immigration] -If she wants to talk about me, let her call me to figure out what my position is -First of all, seal the border -Secondly, if you’ve been here for a length of time, you can stay and pay a penalty -If you’re here recently, we’re going to ship you back -We need to modernize immigration system -Need expanded program for workers -Republicans need to get this done, stop putting your head in the sand [towards end] Position needed for general election -I don’t base my positions on polls -FedEx couldn’t ship 12 million people out of here -Fix the border -Those people who yell the loudest, don’t represent the majority -By the way, glad to see HRC talking to a few people Dodging questions / Trust Gov. Jeb Bush, Fox News Bret Baier, 7/14/15 [teaser] .@JebBush: "[Hillary Clinton] can't be trusted. There's never a straight answer." #SpecialReport Original Tweet: Gov. Jeb Bush, NH Town Hall 7/8/15 Video: here Participating in NH parades was fun, only got bit by one dog, not sure HRC would’ve been bit since she was roped off lol Gov. Jeb Bush, Fox News Special Report w/ Bret Baier 7/8/15 Video: here [4:05] Q – rope lines I thought it was bizarre, I was in 2 parades, I got bit by a dog, can you imagine HRC getting bit by a dog Sen. Rand Paul, WJR Frank Beckmann Show 7/8/15 Audio: here - Beckman is talking about HRC’s upcoming visit to Michigan, how she probably won’t talk to public. Rand says he’ll be doing something extraordinary and taking questions not only from the media but from real voters who aren’t screened - When people think they’re the favorite they think they don’t have to answer any questions. Typical Clinton maneuver. Sen. Marco Rubio, Mike Gallagher Show 7/8/15 Audio: here On HRC’s CNN interview: They have an old tactic where they delay and delay until the controversy is about over. Then when asked about it, she dismisses it and says its already been covered.

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