"I've very disappointed in those comments. And I feel very bad and very disappointed with him and with the Republican Party for not responding immediately and saying, 'Enough. Stop it,'" Clinton said. Trump's comments on Mexican immigrants sparked a firestorm last week and caused several businesses to sever ties with him. However, Trump has stood by the remarks in subsequent statements and suggested the Mexican government is behind a deliberate effort to send criminal elements to the US. Sen. Marco Rubio, Mike Gallagher Show 7/8/15 Audio: here Dems have vilified anyone who opposes virtual, instant citizenship right away. That hypocrisy has been exposed in the HRC interview yesterday Gov. Jeb Bush, Miami Herald, 7/7/15 http://miamiherald.typepad.com/nakedpolitics/2015/07/hillary-clinton-jeb-bush-doesnt-believe-in-a-path-to-citizenship.html Immigration: Pressed about Republican Jeb Bush, who has called parents bringing children illegally into the U.S. an "act of love," Clinton maintained that the former Florida governor doesn't want to give people already in the country full-fledged legal status. "He doesn't believe in a path to citizenship -- if he did at one time, he no longer does," she said. "As I said, they're on a spectrum of hostility which I think is really regrettable in a nation of immigrants like ours." … Bush's camp countered by pointing to "flip-flops" by Clinton on immigration. "Hillary Clinton has once again changed her position on an issue for politically expedient purposes. After voting for the poison pill amendment that stopped immigration reform in its tracks as a Senator and saying she believed the unaccompanied minors 'should be sent back' to their home countries last year, she is now running further to the left on immigration policy than even President Obama's White House believes is legally feasible," Bush spokeswoman Emily Benavides said in a statement. "Hillary Clinton will say anything to get elected and her numerous flip-flops on immigration prove it." Gov. John Kasich, Fox News Bret Baier, 7/7/15 Video here Immigration: [middle]

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