And now we are hearing that health insurance rates for some Americans could rise by more than 50 percent. This weekend Hillary Clinton reiterated that when it comes to ObamaCare, there’s no reason to change course. I disagree, and there are millions of people who provide living proof that Hillary Clinton’s agenda won’t work – because they’re not working at full-time jobs. Gov. Bobby Jindal, Fox News Hannity 7/3/15 Video: here [00:17] On HRC -Only thing she has run is a failed foreign policy -We will have to fight for every vote -This POTUS has had failed policies that have hurt the groups that need the most help. She will make that worse -We need to stop the march towards socialism Religious Liberty Gov. Bobby Jindal, NRTL Convention 7/9/15 Video: here [middle] -Hits HRC for saying pro-lifers need to change their beliefs … [end] -I will say this clearly so that HRC can hear it. The U.S. did not create religious liberty, religious liberty created the U.S. Working Longer Hours Gov. Jeb Bush, 7/9/15 Hillary Clinton is Wrong: Americans Want the Opportunity to Work In America today, more than 6.5 million people are stuck in part-time jobs. That is 6.5 million people who want a full-time job, but can’t find one in the anemic Obama economy. They are earning $30,000 less than those who are fully employed and they are falling behind. In New Hampshire this week, I talked about these struggling Americans who deserve the opportunity to work, who understand the value of work and who want to achieve earned success for their families. The truth is the Obama administration has created rules that have made it harder for people to see rising incomes and harder for businesses to create new jobs and hire more workers.

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