 Rand Paul said that Clinton won’t talk to the public and avoids answering questions.  Marco Rubio said the Clintons use a delay tactic to avoid talking about controversies, and that they are constantly surrounded by drama and mystery.  Carly Fiorina criticized Clinton for avoiding the press, and said she was not transparent.  Chris Christie said that Clinton kept the media at arm’s length.  Jeb Bush-affiliated Right to Rise USA hit Clinton for a lack of transparency and her use of a private email.  Bobby Jindal said Clinton was not honest and transparent.  Donald Trump said Clinton had a lot to hide and hit her for her subpoena and wiping the private server she used.  Rand Paul said Clinton broke several laws with her use of private email.  Carly Fiorina hit Clinton for saying her email scandal was “fun” for Americans, calling her dodges “vintage Clinton.”  Bobby Jindal said that we need to look at the national security implication of Clinton’s email server.  Donald Trump said Univision was “owned by one of Hillary Clinton’s biggest backers.”  Bobby Jindal said Bill Clinton “will say anything.”  Ted Cruz said the mainstream media were protecting Obama and Clinton.  Marco Rubio said Clinton had a “time machine to yesterday.”  Marco Rubio said Clinton’s education ideas were “narrow and shortsighted.”  Carly Fiorina said Clinton’s attacks on GOP immigration policies were “identity politics.”  Bobby Jindal said he was tired of Clinton trying to divide us.  Chris Christie said he wanted to know if Clinton agreed with Bernie Sanders that she would consider a 90% tax hike.  Rand Paul said he would be the strongest Republican candidate against Clinton, and that he was leading her in battleground state polls and among independent voters.  Jeb Bush hit Clinton for supporting Obamacare. Obama Third Term Sen. Lindsey Graham, Atlantic Council, 7/8/15 Video: here [beginning] -President Obama’s foreign policy has been a disaster and HRC was one of its chief architects -I embrace a path that would ensure a safe America. HRC and Pres Obama have embraced a path of leading from behind Sen. Marco Rubio, Speech in Iowa at the Bull Moose Club, 7/7/15 Video here HRC promises 4 more years of the same thing. No way Americans will accept 4 more years of the same thing. 4 more years where millions have stopped looking for work. 4 more years of people being underemployed. 4 more years of America’s global stage being eroded. This has exposed a myth that Dems are the ones working for people trying to make it. Gov. Jeb Bush, Jeb2016 “Getting Out Of The Zombie Economy,” 7/7/15 https://jeb2016.com/news/zombieeconomy?lang=en HRC Economic Agenda: Now comes Hillary Clinton, and her economic agenda could be summarized easily: Whatever Obama is doing, let’s double down on it. Take ObamaCare. It’s one of the biggest speedbumps in our economy. The mandates and taxes in the law are keeping many businesses from hiring new workers. The law is holding down worker hours and reducing the payoff from working.

Attacks on Clinton 7/9/15 - Page 2 Attacks on Clinton 7/9/15 Page 1 Page 3