Gov. Jeb Bush, NH Union Leader 7/8/15 Video: here [33:00] The bush administration would restore america’s leadership in the world first by restoring military Q – pre WWII levels? If next sequester takes place that’s where it’ll be, not the right approach if we’re going to be a leader, fine if we’re part of the “community of nations,” but would create chaos in the world Obama/Clinton/Kerry, when someone disagrees with their approach with “fancy conferences”, not leading, creates chaos Need to restore alliances, Obama moved away from Israel due to personal reasons, don’t need to have good relationship, need to recognized importance of relationship Managed to insult Canada, need to restore that Need to restore sense that US would have back of allies Enemies need to fear us. Lesson of history is not to be warmonger, but would lessen possibility of boots n the ground if restoring leadership, then deal with radical islam in a strategic way … [re: Iran sanctions, 37:50] Leverage points of military option, not to say you use it, and sanctions appear to be lessened by Obama Clinton Kerry foreign policy playing out Sen. Lindsey Graham, Atlantic Council, 7/8/15 Video: here [beginning] -President Obama’s foreign policy has been a disaster and HRC was one of its chief architects -I embrace a path that would ensure a safe America. HRC and Pres Obama have embraced a path of leading from behind Sen. Rand Paul, Fox News America’s Newsroom 7/8/15 Video: here - Hard to believe HRC didn’t know about arms going to Syrian rebels, she was one of the biggest cheerleaders for - Whether or not she told truth is a big deal. Some emails indicate she may have known a lot more about this arms trade than she let on - Questions if she distributed arms that ended up with ISIL - Suggests HRC was lying. Says there’s no way she didn’t know about this. Thinks a lot of these arms went through Qatar - emails indicate that HRC was a supporter of arming folks involved in the Syrian civil war. Questions whether she was honest about flow of weapons from Libya to Syria - Turkey was simply a conduit from transferring weapons from Libya to Syria - Thinks CIA Annex was involved in collecting weapons in Libya after Gaddafi was toppled. CIA Annex was trying to collect, ship them through Turkey into Syria - Believes it was factually false that HRC said she did not know of any weapons flowing from Libya to Syria - We have to do something about ISIL, but infuriates him that we were arming their allies for years Carly Fiorina, Facebook Response to HRC Interview, 7/7/15

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