ALPAS EDITORIAL Volume 1, Issue 1, Aug 2019-Jan 2020 02 MAKABUHAY The Official Quarterly Student Publication of the College Department of Don Bosco Technical College - Mandaluyong EDITORIAL BOARD EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Danesel Jeanne Avellanosa Art by Mark Joseph Dulaca. MANAGING EDITOR VENTURING VOICES, Andreane Panes CUTTING CORDS SECTION EDITORS WRITING EDITOR Danesel Jeanne Avellanosa Edward Guerra If social media were in a relationship with people, In the right court, and in the right position. People run we’ll all be loyal. Always holding hands with the mouse, to Tulfo because he is much easier to access rather than LAYOUT EDITOR and staring face to face with our screens. We’ll always doing all the process in the court. The justice system Jonas Genova update social media about our day, and we’ll always wait needs to give justice to those who are in need not just for a reply back. We’ll always try our hardest to get val- to those who have money to avail their services. Until CREATIVE EDITOR idation and try to make social media laugh. You know then, the justice system remains transactional, and un- Allain Josef Ortigas how there’s a honeymoon stage in every relationship? less you have means of paying people to process justice Well, for years now we have been locked in that phase for you, then you will have seemingly no voice. PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR with social media. And this has resulted in a difficulty Then of course, every relationship has an An- Martin Yu in identifying what is simulation from what is reality. niversary. After ending 2019 with a bang, 2020 started ARTISTS We have made social media our reality as we al- with a literal bang on January 3rd when a U.S. airstrike Crizza Mae Anonical ways pose for other people. The need for sharing our near Baghdad’s international airport killed the leader of Mark Joseph Dulaca thoughts has become so popular and this shows in pag- Iran’s elite Quds Force, Gen. Qassem Soleimani. es in Facebook for example that always demands us to US President Trump said that he ordered the LAYOUT ARTISTS share our stories, for example: the freedom wall in our targeted killing to supposedly or allegedly preempt a Christian Angelo Gajete school. Don Bosco Technical College has an unofficial major attack, something which Iran denied, yet none- Lara Yvette Magno facebook page named “DBTC Freedom Wall” where- theless promised for a just and “harsh retaliation.” Af- in current students or alumni, or even personnel could ter this, many of us youth in social media replied with PHOTOGRAPHERS submit confessions. The reason to this one sees is that memes concerning potential World War III, and made Ken Acula students couldn’t really freely open up perhaps because a laughing stock out of the matter. Amidst all of these, Ronne Louise Guerrero democratic spaces or platforms for opening up are not what is troubling ultimately for our end lies still in the quite consolidated yet. voices of the people which will remain unheard of if CONTRIBUTORS We all have voices and we want to share our such war continues. And these people will be composed John Vincent Valenzuela thoughts, yet because of these gaps, all we could do is of, finally, by innocent Iranian civilians even OFWs. Marianne Fatima Valenzuela merely to hide behind our screens, where we can easily Do you know the 3-year itch every relationship Prof. Niccolo Rocamora Vitug rant about or compliment others. go through? It’s the make it or break phase. It’s when ADVISER Same are the conditions of having voices yet one decides whether to go or to stay. And in this day Mr. Harvey James G. Castillo still feeling voiceless in the case of people resorting to and age of fixation or addiction to social media, the Rafael “Raffy” Tulfo, a Filipino media personality in the time has come for us to decide or rethink our relation- Join us on: private sector. ship to it. He has this show called “Raffy Tulfo in Action” Our words are powerful. They can make or where people open up their issues to Raffy and he will break. It is up to us whether we’ll choose to waste our negotiate and adjudicate for both sides. One could see voices in an echochamber such as social media, or step how people running to a journalist for their problems, up and really speak also in real life. political or apolitical, could have the same reason as to Real world problems exist once we step outside why some students would cling to a freedom wall. It’s our campus and outside our homes. Real world prob- because people have voices, yet they are voiceless. Or lems that need resolution not in social media as a sim- at least democratic platforms are not efficiently in place ulation but in the real world. Contact us on: for people to air out their sides. It’s disturbing thinking that people can gain jus- Why don’t we start cutting the cords and step @dbmakabuhay tice through someone from youtube, when it’s the gov- outside this digital simulation we are content to call [email protected] ernment that needs to give people the justice we need. ‘life’? Amplify people’s voices, or if not, learn to amplify your own venturing voice.

03 Volume 1, Issue 1, Aug 2019-Jan 2020 FEATURE ALPAS DBTC FREEDOM WALL: WITH GREAT POWER COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY Ronne Louise Guerrero, Danesel Avellanosa, and Harvey Castillo “Freedom Walls” are Facebook pages where people can share their the proper venues,” added Mr. Roman Torres, the current Vice-Dean for confessions about their certain selves or communities. The confessions Student Affairs. vary from simple love professions and funny stories, to serious issues like Penultimately, upon inspection of the impotant word freedom, Asst. sexual harassment and many others. Prof. Leandro Miguel Quizon, head of the General Education department, With this, other universities and schools opened up their own and graduate of M.A. Literary and Cultural Studies at the Ateneo, has this pages so students can freely express their thoughts, and some of the other as something to say: “all of these begins with how we conceive freedom as a universities which also have their freedom walls include: the Ateneo de concept... if we think that freedom is merely a right and a privilege, then that Manila University (ADMU), the University of Santo Tomas (UST), De La is our mentality on how we operate through [the freedom wall] as virtual Salle University - Manila (DLSU), University of the Philippines - Diliman space. But if we know and we accept the fact that freedom is not just a right, (UPD), and Mapua University amongst others. but a responsibility, then, subconsciously, this responsibility will reflect and Don Bosco Technical College also has a freedom wall named as be reflected on how we associate ourselves with and how we interact in the “DBTC Freedom Wall,” which was created anonymously last March 26, freedom wall.” 2019, having a total number of 2,063 likes and 2,115 followers as of press Finally, Asst. Professor Niccolo Vitug, who is a graduate as well time. Bosconians have been sharing their thoughts through this page, and of the same program and same university as professor Quizon, and who these contain a mixture of innocent confessions to praising or criticizing teaches Ethics amongst others in the college level, intervenes by saying individuals, whether students or personnel from the school. that: “to stop people from speaking out might be a dangerous proposition, although there may be well-intentioned and possibly valid reasons behind DBTC Freedom wall was created on it... so in that place of tension wherein one is not trying to suppress views and March 26, 2019 and has 2,063 likes. opinions, the classroom is a good place to unravel tensions and to process anything that comes out of that tension, so that various sides of an issue can be examined and that compassion alongside critical thought can be fostered. This freedom wall can and/or could’ve either helped the adminis- The DBTC Freedom Wall has been currently active with the last tration to build the school by means of knowing student grievance, while post having been posted, as of press time, last January 20, 2020, regarding at the same time cause unfair premature judgement by means of trial by sentiments on the process of enrolment. The discourse and debate contin- publicity. It is in this regard that one could see how the Freedom Wall be- ues as to how one engages with the Freedom Wall without curtailing what comes a double-edged sword, able to help both students and administra- constitutes free speech, yet at the same time protecting specific personal- tion, while at the same time admittedly cause harm as well. ities who may be subjected to trial by publicity being adjudicated guilty “Freedom Wall is an essential page for me para makapag-express ang until or unless proven innocence. mga students, professors, school personnel, and kung sino pa. It has like a function to vent out anything. From small crushes to severe issues, [and the Whatever the case, the point of the matter is clear: it seems as if upside is that these are not relatively] filtered,” said Crispin Manuel Jr., a se- the DBTC Freedom Wall is here to stay, and as the famous adage from nior architecture student. Uncle Ben in the Spiderman series maintains: with great power comes great responsibility. The DBTC Freedom Wall, as with any double-edged sword, “Everyone is entitled [of] their own opinion. But we should know the gives students great power that can and must be used. Used with care, and difference between opinions and facts. Whenever we talk of freedom wall, we responsible discretion, at least. are referring to random opinions. But if we [really] want our opinions to be heard by proper authorities, [then] we should course [our opinions] through Illustrated by Andreane Panes

ALPAS FEATURE Volume 1, Issue 1, Aug 2019-Jan 2020 04 BOSCONIANS FIRE UP NEW STUDENT PUBLICATION; CALLS IT ‘MAKABUHAY’ TO RECOGNIZE CATHOLIC UPBRINGING AND RICH LOCAL HISTORY Harvey James G. Castillo Contributor, Publication Adviser January 2020 signifies the turning of a “Makabuhay originally means to give life new leaf as new campus journalists re-establish [or to side with life], which is actually very Cath- the official student publication of the college olic, and the members would like to give different department of Don Bosco Technical College – people’s lives a voice through the use of the cam- Mandaluyong, after having been in hiatus since pus paper,” she connotes. “Additionally, Makabu- mid-2015. hay is known to be the [underground] Mother Here above is the logo of the previous Chapter created by the Katipunan, an organiza- student publication of the college Breaking away from the name of the tion for the masses, in Mandaluyong more than a department, The Egalitarian. previous publication The Egalitarian, the new century ago. The members [therefore] agreed to Previous Vice-Dean for Student Affairs student journos—with their Editorial Board led name the new campus paper as ‘Makabuhay’ due Dr. John Manuel R. Kliatchko, and previous Stu- by architecture freshies Editor-In-Chief Dane- to these combined Catholic and historical mean- dent Welfare and Development (SWD) Officer sel Avellanosa and Managing Editor Andreane ings.” Panes—chose instead Makabuhay, marking a Mr. Glenn Concepcion, served as publication clear shift in tone, brand, content, politics, poet- advisers consequently. ics and aesthetics. Some of the most significant events fea- Upon being asked why the need to change tured by the past publication in the recent two name, Avellanosa replied: “the [newly-scouted] decades include: achievements in sports as Bo- editorial team, along with its new adviser, decid- The logo for Makabuhay, as shown sconians dominated several NCAA categories ed to rename the college publication from ‘The above, signifies many things. First, the from 2008 to 2014; the reorganization of the Egalitarian’ to ‘Makabuhay’ to indicate newness white and gray mountains allude to the Bo- College Department from 2011 to 2012 under when it comes to the members, the editorial sconian motto “Ascende Superius,” mean- the helm of past Dean Engr. Stephen L. Ruiz; the board, the publication vision-mission, and even ing to come up to a higher place. Next, the 60th anniversary of the whole institution in 2013; ultimately the student population.” two letter M’s which visibly overlap signify K to 12 preparations and the inauguration of the the overlapping meaning of Makabuhay Braga building in 2014; the visitation of Don “Makabuhay is a Filipino word [contain- as well, having both Catholic and historical Bosco’s relics; and several national news such as meanings. Finally, the whole logo alludes to ing] history,” Avellanosa furthers. “By changing that of a gray wolf, in honor of the official Chief Justice Corona’s impeachment, West Phil- the title from English to Filipino, meaning by school mascot. ippine Sea dispute, Ondoy/Yolanda relief efforts, shifting language, we are indicating that as stu- and U.S. military/imperialist interventions in the dent journalists we now want to be more acces- College publication history country amongst others. sible. We now want to tell with more intimacy Don Bosco Technical College – Manda- The revival of the campus paper is borne people’s histories and people’s stories. At the through the initiatives of Mr. Roman Torres, the same time, [ultimately] this is to make histo- luyong is not without rich history when it comes current SWD Officer and Vice Dean for Student ry ourselves,” Avellanosa ends, as she cites how to campus publication in the college level. Estab- Affairs, and the Publications Office under the Of- the publication from this point on shall produce lished in 2002, The Egalitarian served as the offi- fice of the Rector, Fr. Vitaliano Dimaranan, SDB. both Filipino and English content, compared to cial student paper for the longest time, having— before when the medium was in pure English. according to available archive—an estimate of Panes meanwhile explains the different 11 volumes all in all, meaning more or less than dimensions of the word Makabuhay. eleven years of publication. HISTORY OF THE MONTH - JANUARY THE LUKBAN PROCLAMATION Andreane Panes On January 1, 1899, General Vicente Luk- seal of achievement and honor. And you, children ban published the Lukban Proclamation which is ad- of Samar and Leyte, participate in all this happi- 2 dressed to the inhabitants of Samar and Leyte. ness, although you did not cooperate in the victory.” The proclamation states that the citizens Amidst this, what is interesting in the proc- should rejoice in peace due to the fact that there be- lamation is General Lukban’s last lines which would came a new Republic, which was a Philippines that is seem at first as a tirade against what Renato Constanti- free from the grasp of the Spaniards. Prior to this, the no would say as the “ambivalent classes” in Philippine people of Leyte and Samar had already established a society, or those who remain idle in times of need. provincial government and declared their loyalty to However, as the proclamation goes on, one would get the aforesaid revolutionary Philippine Republic. the sense finally that General Lukban aimed instead Here is an excerpt from the proclamation: to consolidate the people under the leadership of then President Aguinaldo, all to avoid a reverting back to a “We no longer are slaves exploited by the Spaniards; time of colonial “misery” and “slavery”. we no longer blush on account of our condition, be- The United States of America as a colonizer cause our beloved Filipinas has entered the concert would then come almost two years later. of civilized nations, and bears upon her forehead the Reference: 2 General Vicente Lukban. Photo by Today in Philippine History, January 1, 1899, General Lukban called on the citizens of Samar and Leyte to stand united. (2012, November 26). Retrieved from izens-of-samar-and-leyte-to-stand-united

05 Volume 1, Issue 1, Aug 2019-Jan 2020 FEATURE ALPAS STIR INTRAMS 2019-2020: BEGINNING AND ENDING WITH RESPECT Christian Angelo Gajete Another year, another chance to showcase sportsman- ship and collaboration. For the freshies, these consecutive days which were held last October 2 to 4, 2019, were days where they all witnessed and used their hidden skills as Bosconians not just in the field of their chosen courses, but also inside the court. The lineup for this year’s intramurals---which was organized by the Central Student Council (CSC) under President Dorothy Minette Sabela, and was named as STIR 2019 in order to mean a stirring of camaraderie among programs---was organized along major and minor games. Basketball, volleyball, football, table tennis single fe- male, table tennis single male, table tennis mix, badminton single female, badminton single male, and badminton mix served as the major games; while the minor games were com- prised of ML, PUBG, Tekken and palarong pinoy. The Mechanical Engineering (ME), Electrical Engi- CHAMPION. ME students snatched the crown as this year’s overall neering (ECE), Information Technology/Computer Science champion. (IT/CS), and Architecture (ARCHI) programs were matched against each other using the round robin system. Minor in- juries or bruises admittedly became part of the games, but these did not stop the majority of the players from playing. Instead, these served as motivation to bounce back. On the last day, scores were being counted and tal- lied both in major and minor games. IT/CS ranked on 3rd place, ARCHI ranked on 2nd place, ECE ranked 1st, while the overall champion of STIR 2019 was the ME program and its students. This year’s intramurals aimed to strengthen and form new connections and relationships between different stu- dents coming from different fields. As the American Football player Vincent Lombraide once said, “winning is not every- FIRST RUNNER UP. ECE students bagged first runner-up, or sec- thing, but making the effort to win is.” Having practiced the ond place total. Bosconian core value of collaboration throughout the games, one could genuinely say that all have won greatly after all. SECOND RUNNER UP: Architecture students. THIRD RUNNER UP: students from the IT/CS department.

ALPAS FEATURE Volume 1, Issue 1, Aug 2019-Jan 2020 06 Bosconian students, along with Engr. Paul Catalan, and Dean Engr. Winston Dereje, visit the Miraikan - National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation. Marianne Fatima Valenzuela MOSHI MOSHI! This was On the other hand, at the end how I’d ecstatically answer phone of this journey, starts another. Im- calls when I was around three years mersing in Japanese culture, and in- old. Fatima, desh (desu)! I’ll confi- teracting with them, triggered more dently add. My aunt who used to curiosity and interest which pushes live in Japan taught me those words me to set new goals. and phrases. The same person intro- duced me to Hello Kitty and Kero Adventure Keroppi. It was an unforgettable adventure I must’ve had Hello Kitty filled with discoveries and treasures collections even before it has been We walked fast. considered vintage or rare today. Be- We ate a lot. cause of this influence, maybe Japan We learned. was the first foreign country that I’ve We discovered. Bosconians and their professors in front of the statues of Don Bosco loved. and Dominic Savio. and most importantly, Needless to say, Japan has we loved the adventure always been one of my dream desti- and the people dearly. nations. Fast forward, last November 2019, I was part of the delegation of Our day always started with the Salesio study tour from our cam- curiosity and excitement; and ended pus. My childhood dream had finally with delight and gratitude— because turned into reality. everyday was an adventure. Journey Each day, we did activities More than a study tour, that allowed us to know more of ‘tis a journey, for sure. Japanese culture. To name a few: we Both a beginning experienced interacting with local and a happy ending. students, we wore yukatas and zoris, A first step of what can be; we learned the basics of katana; we a closing of once a fantasy. did calligraphy writing, we ate Ra- Sayonara. Farewell party at Machida Salesio Convent. men, we crossed the Shibuya cross- ing and many more. Along the way, Introduced as one of the we discovered something new not most coveted opportunity, being part of the study tour has become just about Japan, but also about the part of my long-list of goals which I people we spent our time with. planned to accomplish through hard People work and prayers. Frankly, I have asked several people questions re- People do come and go. garding what it takes to be part of it. When? We’ll never know Since then, I persevered and invested But it doesn’t matter time and effort to be qualified for the How long they stay spot. I balanced both my academ- For the heart remembers ic and co-curricular activities well. Not the nights and days I did my best to excel in my classes But the way it felt and beat and grabbed every chance to serve For the moment it felt complete the college department. Long story short, my hard work finally paid off. Thus, this experience fulfilled my Rector Hamabe teaches the Bosconians with Japanese Calligraphy longing as I have achieved the goal I ▶ next page was once pursuing.

07 Volume 1, Issue 1, Aug 2019-Jan 2020 FEATURE ALPAS Bosconians visit the Meiji Jingu (Meiji Shrine). ◀ previous page Aside from meeting Japanese experience and to admire more of it students, we also had the chance to again. meet students from Thailand. Ev- eryone was friendly, hospitable, and Nostalgia always willing to help. Meeting new PAK GENERN! Our Japanese people in this trip is one of the high- Sensei happily repeated this Filipino lights because of the friendships that expression. It was a room filled with were made. The language barrier laughter as we exchanged common existed but we were still able to ex- phrases from our countries while change stories and knowledge. It was we grabbed and enjoyed our Kitkats the people that we were with that and sipped the ever so famous green made each day “bitin” and made the matcha tea of Japan. whole journey memorable. I could hardly remember their names but Oh, what a nostalgia! Brings Aihara textile factory. Bosconians experience dyeing cloth in Aih every moment spent with them is back memories of my three years old ara texture factory forever cherished. self learning Japanese phrases. For Admiration some, it was an unforgettable mo- ment because seeing Japan from an- Nothing can compare ime to actually walking on the streets The feeling of being able to see of it is a whole different experience. Of what used to be a photograph Then came our trip to the Or being able to immense airport, Sensei uttered another In what used to be in paragraphs phrase he learned from us: Bababa To see things before your eyes ba? (Are we going down?) Everyone There is genuine beauty that lies refused to answer bababa (We will). Though my heart belongs to For stepping out the bus, was the bit- my country, I have so much admi- tersweet mark that ended our unfor- ration for Japan and everything that gettable trip. comprises it: people, culture, and Journey, technology. Their respect for time Adventure and environment is my favorite; how People and Bosconians wearing a Yukata, one type of Japanese Kimono, along much they value every minute and Admiration and the with Japanese slippers. how they religiously separate their waste. Nostalgia – On the other hand, their The memory of it all, technology and innovations were Osewa ni narimasu. also praise-worthy, including: the literal ‘comfort’ in their comfort rooms, the researches presented to us, and the exhibits and robots in the museum. As an engineering student, this sparked admiration and inspira- tion for my future endeavors in the field. Indeed, Japan is beautiful in its own impressive ways. And it is what makes us want to comeback, to Kendo experience with Master Tatsuya. Photos by: Ken Acula Illustrated by: Andreane Panes

ALPAS LATHALAIN Volume 1, Issue 1, Aug 2019-Jan 2020 08 KULTURANG HIP-HOP: ANG MULING PAG-USBONG NG RAP GENRE Edward Guerra SLIM M-ZHAYT K-LEB Isang kakaibang pangyayari para sa Tila ang kanilang mga isinulat na awitin Don Bosco Technical College - Mandaluyong Isang Maiksing Pagsasakasaysayan ay talagang pumatok sa kanilang mga tagahanga, na ihandog at ipakilala, noong Nobyembre 15, at maging sa ibang mga rapper, kung kaya’t ito 2019, sa mga mag-aaral ang mundo ng Hip- Sumikat ang mga hip-hop rappers, partikular na ay nagtrending din sa Spotify Philippines nito la- Hop sa tulong ng mga kilala at mga makabagong sina Flict-G, M-Zhayt, at K-Leb, sa larangan ng mang 2019. rappers gaya nina Flict-G, M-Zhayt, at K-Leb. battle rap. Ang bawat album na inilalabas nina BLKD at Ipinalabas sa programang ito, na binansa- Noong 2010, inilabas sa Youtube ang CALIX---katulad na lamang ng Kolateral na pa- gang Usapang Hip-Hop, sa pangunguna ni Prope- pinakaunang Filipino Rap Battle League sa Pili- tungkol sa kasalukuyang pamahalaan at sa ma- sor NIccolo Vitug ng General Education Depart- pinas, ang Fliptop, kung saan pinagunahan ito ng dugong programa nito kontra-droga---ay mis- ment, ang isang dokumentaryo tungkol sa buhay isang rapper rin na nagngangalang Alaric Yuson tulang isang ginto na nagpapatunay ng kinang ng ng nasabing mga rapper, mula sa pag-battle nila o “Anygma”. at pangangailangan sa rap, bilang isang mabisang sa Fliptop, paggawa ng kanta, atbp. Maraming moda ng komunikasyon. mag-aaral ang napahanga at nagulat nang maki- Siya ang pangunahing rapper emcee na Ang mundo ng Fliptop at battle rap ay ta nila ang kani-kanilang mga idolo; ibang-iba humubog sa mga kilalang mga rappers ngayon. isang masalimuot, ngunit isang makulay na ang pakiramdam sa tuwing napapanood lamang mundo kung saan layunin ng mga artista’t ma- sila sa YouTube na nakikipag-Fliptop battle, at Ang Fliptop ay isang modernong Balag- ka-sining ay mapayabong ang nasabing makaba- nagtatanghal sa music video ng sarili nilang mga tasan kung saan inilalahad ng mga battle rappers gong kultura ng Balagtasan sa loob ng hip-hop kanta, kumpara sa kanilang aktwal na pagkatao ang kanilang mga saloobin–mapa-personal man genre. at personalidad nang sila’y masilayan sa personal. ito, mga biro, o kaya ay hindi kanais-nais na mga Ang mga katulad nina Flict-G, M-Zhayt, Inilahad ng mga hip-hop rappers sa isang pag-atake o ad hominem tungo sa kapwa battle at K-Leb na ilan ring dating mga batang nan- open forum ang kanilang mga pinagmulan: kung rapper. Ang pangunahing layunin ng rap battle gangarap na maging matagumpay ay dumaan papaano sila nakapasok sa mundo ng hip-hop, at gaya ay upang makipagtalastasan laban sa kapwa din sa parehong mahihirap na sitwasyon tulad kanilang sari-sariling mga karanasan ukol dito. rapper sa pamamagitan ng mga matatalinhagang ng kanilang mga idolo–at ninanais naman nila pahayag, malikhaing ritmo, atbp. ngayon na ibalik sa (at suklian) ang mundong Nagsasalubong ang kani-kanilang mga kanilang ginagalawan sa pamamagitan ng pagig- kuwento sa iisang pangarap na maging kaga- Hindi maiiwasan ang magkapikunan, ing magandang ehemplo sa mga kabataan. ya ng pumanaw na Master Rapper na si Fran- at magkaroon ng alitan habang nagtatanghal sa cis “Kiko” Magalona, at ng iba pang mga sum- entablado sapagkat ito’y isang malayang pagpap- Kung hindi dahil sa karanasan nila sa ikat na rappers sa industriya. Hindi alintana sa ahayag ng mga saloobin tungo sa madla. Ilan mundo ng hip-hop, bilang huli, ay hindi ma- mga bisita, dagdag pa, ang kahirapan at pagod lamang sa mga rappers na sumikat alinsabay sa huhubog anila ang kanilang mga pagkatao, at bunga ng mga pagsubok sa buhay na kanilang muling pag-usbong ng industriya ay sina “Loo- hindi rin maiibsan kahit papaano ang kahirapan pinagdaanan upang matupad ang kanilang mga nie” na itinuturing na isa sa mga pinakamagag- na naranasan nila sa mundo. pangarap na maging mga sikat na hip-hop artist. aling na battle emcee at rapper. Sapagkat ang hip-hop, sa lahat ng ito, Anila, ito ay bunga ng pananaw na hip- Ang kanyang naging ambag ay nagtulak ay nakaiibsan ng kahirapan sa mundo, kahit na hop at rap lamang ang mga natatanging daan upa- sa iba pang mga rappers na sumunod sa kanyang maliit, at kahit na papaano. ng lumabas o mag-escape kahit papaano sa salim- yapak, at maging katulad niya ng galing. Dagdag uot ng realidad ng buhay. Ang kanilang pag-rap dito, mayroon ding mga rapper na nagpakita ng ay paraan din diumano upang bigyang boses ang malaking potensyal sa pagsusulong hindi lamang kanilang mga nag-uumapaw na mga damdamin sa larangan ng rap kundi pati na rin ng kama- at saloobin, na hindi ganoon kadaling sabihin. layang panlipunan, tulad na lamang nina BLKD at CALIX. Mula kaliwa papuntang kanan: Patrick Velasco, J Slim, K-Leb, M-Zhayt, at Flict G.

09 Volume 1, Issue 1, Aug 2019-Jan 2020 NEWS ALPAS SALESIANS AND YOUTH WALKING TOGETHER Lara Yvette Magno and Martin Yu to impart methods of following God’s footsteps towards being the salt and light of the world. These methods include the practice of productivity and upholding one’s essence, which was stressed by the former Provincial, Fr. Eli Cruz, in the course of the homily. “Synodo is a Greek word which literally means After the mass, the Bosconians and the “being together” or an ‘assembly’. And looking representatives found themselves amused by the at it in a more Salesian way, the letter ‘S’ stands play entitled “Memoirs”. A memoir is a compila- for “Salesian” while the letter “Y” stands for tion of memories, moments, or even the reminis- “Youth”. Together with the word “Nodo” which cences of the narrator. However, the short play means ‘together’ as in a knot, SYNODO takes was focused on a young lady named Ana, and the Mr. Bernard Canaberal another meaning - Salesian and Youth Together forces around her. It showed Ana’s struggles with Other than the discussions, the partici- (in a journey) or simply put; Salesians & Youth her life, family, friends, and herself. There were pants and Bosconians were able to be a part of Walking Together.” also unique and truly amazing performances like an activity that would enhance their skills which the ‘Sabayang Pagbigkas’, interpretative dances, was initiated by Mr. Canaberal. Throughout the shows that were conducted by professional ma- activity, the participants gathered together and The Youth Festival was held last October 26, gicians and many more. formed heart-shaped origami papers. After- 2019 at Don Bosco Technical Institute in Maka- As midday approached, discussions re- wards, they wrote their personal adherence to ti City. Members of the different settings of Don garding the “Ecology-Climate Change” were holiness and posted it on a massive expression Bosco, from High School, Senior High School, headed by the Climate Change Commission Pol- wall. College, AMT, TVET, and around 1,800 Sale- icy Research and Development Division Chief, The talk of Ms. Cabrillas about family sians were present at the event. Fr. Gerardo Mar- Mr. Jerome IIagan. It was followed by the discus- and love was followed by yarn-knitting to form tin, SDB, the FIN Provincial Superior, graced the sions about “Family and Love”, led by Mr. Obet bracelet rosaries that were blessed in the evening whole congregation. Cabrillas of the FEAST movement; and, last but plenary. Countless priests, professionals, motivational not the least, the dialogue concerning the “Voca- For the closing remarks, some chosen speakers, and indeed many talented guests took tion to Holiness of Life” imparted by Mr. Bernard participants set foot on the stage to state their part in this gathering for the young which aimed Canaberal of Radio Veritas. personal commitments, while some stated theirs in their places within the Magone Dome. There- upon, Fr. Provincial gave the traditional Salesian “Buona notte” or “goodnight talk,” and chal- lenged the Bosconians to adore God and abide in him. In that way, they will earn their title as a true “Bosconian”. Bosconians dancing and singing on stage. Photo by Martin Yu. The SYNODO 2019 may have ended, but the morals and lessons that were imparted by the different speakers will forever be instilled in the heart and minds of those who were there.

ALPAS NEWS Volume 1, Issue 1, Aug 2019-Jan 2020 10 THE FALL OF THE CHAMPIONS Allain Josef Ortigas and Crizza Mae Anonical The Bosconian Cheerdance Competition (CDC) is one of the most awaited yearly activity for many Bosconians every year. It is the event where students showcase their talents, skills, and potentials. The CDC gives Bosconi- ans the opportunity to strengthen their skills and talents, and to improve their collaborative skills by communicating to other Bosconians from all levels. The Bosconian core values of Faith, Integrity, Collaboration, En- terprise, and Service are observed and practiced by Bosconians through the CDC, which then translate to the activities that they faced everyday. This year’s Cheerdance Competition is deemed historic. The mag- nificent event stunned everyone in the gymnasium. It was a tragedy for others, but for others, it was a redemption. The sections Kowalski, Ri- naldi, Rua, and Sandor were all blazing that night. The students showed their skills, and proved themselves by performing with their hearts. Through Faith, Collaboration, and Enterprise, they showcased their skills to the audience, not just in their dance and cheer skills, but also in their arts, crafts and props. During the event, the students proved that they were passionate in what they were doing, and it showed, as what the audience saw was prime considering the performers’ ages. The reigning champions, Rinaldi, was the champion for 8 consecu- tive years and lost their campaign to win this year. Though they did their best, there were deemed better competitors Houses. The houses and their respective themes. that were prepared for that event. Rinaldi lost the throne to the previous champions before their 8-peat winning streak, enabling Rua Nation to reclaim glory which once belonged to them. Rua proved that night that they were relatively better, if not the best, among their three other competitors, the two other being Sandor and Kow- alski. The winning group said that it was a sweet victory and a redemption for other Bosconian alumnx who were once a Rua. The Rua Nation is proud of itself, and its member proved that they did their best to reclaim the throne that was once theirs. Even though Rinaldi lost and Rua reclaimed the championship title, they all still belong to one Bosconian team fighting together. All at the end of the day were true champions in their own ways, because everyone knew that each of them did their very best in the competition. All proved in the CDC that Bosconians can do ordinary duties extraordinarily well by collaborating with each other and having Faith in God. Ascende Superius. Photo by: Official DBTC - High School Student Council

11 Volume 1, Issue 1, Aug 2019-Jan 2020 NEWS ALPAS ANGKAS VS. LTFRB Jonas Genova Binansagan ang Pili- er nito. Nagtatag ng patakaran hindi nakalista ang paggamit pinas bilang pinakamatrapik kung gayon ang LTFRB na ita- ng motorsiklo bilang pampub- na bansa sa umuunlad Asya kda ang hanggahan ng dami ng likong sasakyan. Ngunit maram- ng Asian Development Bank mga Angkas drivers sa Metro ing tao na ang gumagamit nito (ADB) nito lamang 2019. Sa Manila mula 27,000 ay tungong sa kasalukuyan sapagkat mas pangkaraniwang 1 kilometrong 10,000 na lamang. napapadali ang pag-commute kalsada ay aabot nang halos lalong-lalo na para sa mga es- ~5-8 minuto ang aabutin ma- Ayon sa pinuno ng Tech- tudyante at mga manggagawa sa nical Working Group (TWG) ng karating lang sa magkabilang loob ng Metro Manila kung saan dulo, kumpara sa ibang bansa LTFRB na si Antonio Gardiola ang trapik ay mahirap iwasan, at na aabot lang sa ~1-2 minuto. Jr., “those who have been dis- kung saan makailang beses nang charged could just apply to oth- Patunay ang pag-aaral na ito naitatala ang pagkasira ng iba na masalimuot ang sistema ng er new competing services like pang moda ng transportasyon ating mga kalsada, na nagdulot JoyRide or Move It; this is so gaya na lamang ng MRT at LRT. naman sa pag-usbong ng mga that the Cap is to ensure a com- Tham, founder of Angkas. Photo by Busi- alternatibong passenger trans- petitive market and avoiding a ness Mirror. port applications gaya ng Grab, monopoly.” Angkas, at kalaunan, JoyRide. Bunga nito, at bunga #SAVEANGKAS Sa tatlong ito, ang Ang- ng pangamba ng pagkawala Trended worldwide with 25.2K Tweets kas ang isa sa mga pinakakilala. ng trabaho, pagkawala ng ma- Humigit kumulang 3 milyong bilis at mabisang transporta- katao na ang nag-download at syon, at bunga ng akusasyon gumagamit ng aplikasyong ito ng kronyismo sa pagkiling ng sa kani-kaniyan smartphone, sa LTFRB sa kompetisyon ng An- loob lamang ng halos 2-3 taon gkas, maraming tao ang nagpa- magmula nang ito ay umus- hayag ng galit at sumuporta sa bong. pamamagitan ng pagpapahay- ag ng opinyon sa social media, Ngunit sa gitna ng nasa- pagpapa-trend ng hashtag na bing kasikatan, nitong mga na- #SaveAngkas sa twitter, maski karaang buwan ay urong-sulong pakikisangkot sa aktwal na ral- na ang pagkakaroon ng isyu ng ly o mobilisasyon ng Angkas sa Angkas at ng Land Transporta- kalsada. tion Franchising and Regulato- Ayon sa Republic Act ry Board (o LTRFB), sapagkat No. 4136 (o Land Transporta- gusto ng ikalawa na areguluhin tion and Traffic Code ng 1964) Angkas Riders rally. Photo by Angkas. ng una ang bilang ng mga driv- “INGAT” “INGAT” TYPHOON URSULA HITS TYPHOON URSULA HITS THE PHILIPPINES, THE PHILIPPINES, LEAVING THOUSANDS HOMELESS. LEAVING THOUSANDS HOMELESS. Martin Yu This season, we’ve had to greet each other “Ingat” instead of the usual “Merry Christmas.” December 25, 2019, Christmas day, was one of sadness and grief as typhoon “Ursula” (international name “Phanfone”) made landfall in the Philippines. The great winds and heavy rain hit the Visayas, affect- ing over 2 million people. Typhoon Ursula knocked out mobile telephone services, power lines, uprooted trees and caused damage to infrastructure, health facilities, schools and homes made of light material. Severely affected were the following areas: Masbate, Ticao Island, Romblon, Northern Samar, Samar, Eastern Samar, Biliran, Leyte, Northern Cebu, Bantayan, Camotes, Capiz, Bacolod, Aklan, the Northern part of Antique and the Northeastern part of Iloilo. The typhoon completely moved out of the Philippine Area of Respon- sibility by the morning of December 28, 2019. Authorities say that the number of people killed by the storm rose to 50, making it the nation’s deadliest storm of 2019. Despite this tragedy, the Filipino spirit continued, and continues, to prevail. As of press time, various organizations are still conducting relief op- erations and rebuilding projects that work to give hope and encouragement to the victims of the storm - organizations that are committed to rebuild not only peoples’ homes but also their lives. Roxas City, Capiz. Photos provided by Martin Yu.

ALPAS BALITA Volume 1, Issue 1, Aug 2019-Jan 2020 12 “OH! ISA PA SA KANAN!” “OH! ISA PA SA KANAN!” Photo by Josep Gutierrez. Allain Josef Ortigas The jeepney or “jeep” is the most common transport groups are seeking to increase the min- The goal is for commuters to supposed- mode of transportation for public commuters in imum jeepney fare due to the additional increase ly experience a more efficient and ‘eco-friendly’ the Philippines. Jeepneys were invented back in tax of P1.50 in diesel products, which will be ef- mode of transportation that would lessen health the early 1950’s in Manila. It became a public fective on January 1, 2020. Philippine Star also risks for commuters, by lessening the smoke transportation solution for the citizens of Manila. stated that 3 up to 5 transport groups are seeking coming from vehicles. This will also result al- It was made to accommodate more passengers, an increase in jeepney fares and planned to file a legedly in drivers being able to receive regular and help people go from one place to another. consolidated petition to the Land Transportation salary as they work by shifts. Up until now, jeepneys are still one of the Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) for a However, drivers and operators are great- most helpful means of transportation for a lot provisional increase of P1 to P2 in the previous ly against this from taking place as they see mod- of Filipinos who commute as part of their daily fare for the first four kilometers. ernization as again mere privatization. Accord- routine. However, commuters are having a diffi- Jeepney drivers spend an average of ing to an article in the Inquirer by Cleng Julve, cult time accepting the rise of the minimum fare, P1,500 on diesel daily. While the government’s “in the guise of “modernization” the government which is continually affected by the ongoing in- P20,000 fuel subsidy in 2020 is of help to jeepney would ease out small drivers/operators to pave flation in the Philippines. drivers, Pasang Masda president Obet Martin the way for the entry of private corporations in According to Cosmopolitan news in an said that it is still a measly “band-aid solution for the management and control of public trans- article written by Monina Eugenio, several trans- high gasoline prices due to the Tax Reform for portation... This results in corporatization.” This port groups are seeking to increase the minimum Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) law.” The is alongside the high costs of each jeepney unit fare in jeepneys from the current P9 to P11 or P12 increase in minimum fare is viewed as a prob- at P1.6-2.2 million, which operators alone must in this coming January 2020 in some areas such lem for commuters, while drivers and their fam- procure, having only an P80,000 loan as subsidy as Metro Manila, Central Luzon, and Southern ilies see it as a necessity in order for them to earn from the national government. Tagalog, in order for jeepney drivers to cope up enough to lift them from poverty. Jeepneys are a staple already not only in with the rising cost of living. Another concern of the people is the our streets but also in much of Philippine society. According to the report of SAKSI, a news- jeepney modernization that was lobbied for im- As news regarding our jeeps develop, we as com- cast show broadcasted by the GMA Network, plementation by the Department of Transporta- muters must keep watch and remain on the line. tion of the Philippines (DOTr) in 2017. FILIPINO OFWS, APEKTADO SA WEST ASIA DULOT NG TENSYON SA PAGITAN NG US AT IRAN Edward Guerra OFWs in Iran. Photo by Philippine Star. Citizens waving their Iran flag. Photo by ABS-CBN News. Matapos ang kagimbal-gimbal na pangyayari noong Enero 2, 2020, Ayon sa datos ng Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas noong 2018, ang mga kung saan inatake ng Estados Unidos o US ang isang Iranian miltiary con- Pilipinong nagtatrabaho sa ibang bansa ay nakapag-remit ng humihigit sa voy sa isang airstrike sa Baghdad, Iraq, na ikinasawi ng Commandante $32.21 bilyon, o 1.3 trilyong piso, na malaking bahagi ng ating Gross Na- Militar ng Iran na si Qassem Soleimani, at isang opisyal ng Iraq na si Abu tional Product o GNP. Mahdi Al-Muhandis, mahigit 3,000 Overseas Filipino Workers o OFWs Ayon kay Zarate, bilang huli, ang kasalukuyang tensyon sa pagitan ngayon ang inaasahang magiging apektado mula sa matinding tensyon na ng U.S. at Iran ay isang malaking banta rin para sa mga naninirahan sa Pil- ito sa Gitnang Silangan/Middle East o West Asia. ipinas. Maaaring makapagdulot ang nasabing gusot, diumano, ng pagtaas Ang matinding tensyon sa West Asia ay posibleng maging isang ng presyo ng langis at petrolyo na nangangahulugang pagtaas sa presyo malaking dagok para sa Pilipinas partikular sa mga OFWs dahil sa posib- ng mga pangunahing pangangailangan at pagtaas ng porsyento ng kahira- ilidad ng OFW deployment ban sa buong rehiyon. Mahigit dalawang mi- pan sa bansa. Partikular at alinsabay ang lahat ng ito sa pagpapatupad ng lyong OFWs sa ganitong gana na kasalukuyang nasa iba’t ibang bansa sa ikatlong “tranche” ng TRAIN Law, o ng Tax Reform for Acceleration and Middle East ang maaapektuhan. “Ito rin ay maaaring magresulta sa pag- Inclusion Law, pagpasok ng Enero 2020. bagsak ng OFW remittances kapag sila’y ipinabalik sa Pilipinas,” ayon kay Sanggunian: Bayan Muna Party-list Representative Carlos Zarate. Inaasahan din ang Aquino, L., …, & Sadongdong, M. (2020 Jan 5).”3000 OFWs to be hit hard by US-Iran pagbagsak nang Gross National Product (GNP) ng bansa resulta ng inaas- c o n fl i c t ”. Manila Bulletin. Retrieved from ahang pagbaba ng remittances ng mga OFW, ani rin niya. hit-hard-by-us-iran-conflict/

13 Volume 1, Issue 1, Aug 2019-Jan 2020 COMICS ALPAS UNITY CHEER DREAM By: Allain Josef Ortigas By: Mark Joseph Dulaca PAGPAPALAYA By: Mark Joseph Dulaca ADDRESS By: Mark Joseph Dulaca THE KITCHEN SINK By: Lara Yvette Magno

ALPAS COMICS / POETRY Volume 1, Issue 1, Aug 2019-Jan 2020 14 SELF DEFENSE Nowadays, there are a lot of cases of kidnapping in our country. It is important to have an idea Crizza Mae Anonical about different self defense techniques in order to protect ourselves from unpredictable occur- rences. Here are some tips and tricks that might help you. 1. 2. If an assailant approaches, Due to the dizziness you can slightly crouch and hit his chin. know hit the crotch of the attacker which is one of the It can cause slight dizziness to weak points in the body. the attacker. 3. 4. 5. You can also hit the back of the attacker. After hitting the back, you can now hit Lastly, if you accomplished the previous steps, It can weaken the assailant. his face using your knee. do the last blow and escape while the assailant is weak. Run as fast as you can and report it immediately to the authorities. IN CORREGIDOR MIDNIGHT RAIN Niccolo Rocamora Vitug Viggo Last field trip: Corregidor before The ceremony: waiting for the list How calm it feels Of those with passed requirements So silent yet so loud To march, waiting for the year levels Curious of what it conceals To be filled with girls. The old boys It eases our minds out Bastion after a hundred years Finally down with? Down with views So lovely and so addicting Of women-objects floating around Maybe its bad, maybe its good For taking, for leaving? In the end, we like the feeling Maybe its not bad if we should Habits to shed By the flow of water, the current: This midnight rain Things never go our way, never Where most of us pour out our pain Was there “our way,” living This midnight rain Is about living with who’s there: Where everything may be difficult to obtain Girls coming into our life, boys This midnight rain Losing the long-kept edges: Where all of our unsaid thoughts remain Joining and parting in waves And this midnight rain That sparkle when brought to light Where everything is left unexplained Outside ourselves. The mystery of this continues When the new None of us don’t know what to do Students come in, the students But the feelings are always loose I keep an eye on now, elsewhere And there is no exception nor excuse Forced to shed old arrangements: I, teacher, play my role hope pain It feels like I’ve felt this before Will not end up as trash, clutter I can’t recall but I have, for sure Eddied, floating into clogging The way that these winds blew Portions of shore: this is water I can tell that this is deja vu All around: bigger than me Bigger than us.


MAKABUHAY TAWAG SA MALAYANG PAMAMAHAYAG Panawagan sa bagong News Writer, Editorial Writer, Sports Writer,Feature Writer, Literary Writing, Editorial Cartooning, Literary Cartooning, Layouting at Photography