09 Volume 1, Issue 1, Aug 2019-Jan 2020 NEWS ALPAS SALESIANS AND YOUTH WALKING TOGETHER Lara Yvette Magno and Martin Yu to impart methods of following God’s footsteps towards being the salt and light of the world. These methods include the practice of productivity and upholding one’s essence, which was stressed by the former Provincial, Fr. Eli Cruz, in the course of the homily. “Synodo is a Greek word which literally means After the mass, the Bosconians and the “being together” or an ‘assembly’. And looking representatives found themselves amused by the at it in a more Salesian way, the letter ‘S’ stands play entitled “Memoirs”. A memoir is a compila- for “Salesian” while the letter “Y” stands for tion of memories, moments, or even the reminis- “Youth”. Together with the word “Nodo” which cences of the narrator. However, the short play means ‘together’ as in a knot, SYNODO takes was focused on a young lady named Ana, and the Mr. Bernard Canaberal another meaning - Salesian and Youth Together forces around her. It showed Ana’s struggles with Other than the discussions, the partici- (in a journey) or simply put; Salesians & Youth her life, family, friends, and herself. There were pants and Bosconians were able to be a part of Walking Together.” also unique and truly amazing performances like an activity that would enhance their skills which sbd.org.ph the ‘Sabayang Pagbigkas’, interpretative dances, was initiated by Mr. Canaberal. Throughout the shows that were conducted by professional ma- activity, the participants gathered together and The Youth Festival was held last October 26, gicians and many more. formed heart-shaped origami papers. After- 2019 at Don Bosco Technical Institute in Maka- As midday approached, discussions re- wards, they wrote their personal adherence to ti City. Members of the different settings of Don garding the “Ecology-Climate Change” were holiness and posted it on a massive expression Bosco, from High School, Senior High School, headed by the Climate Change Commission Pol- wall. College, AMT, TVET, and around 1,800 Sale- icy Research and Development Division Chief, The talk of Ms. Cabrillas about family sians were present at the event. Fr. Gerardo Mar- Mr. Jerome IIagan. It was followed by the discus- and love was followed by yarn-knitting to form tin, SDB, the FIN Provincial Superior, graced the sions about “Family and Love”, led by Mr. Obet bracelet rosaries that were blessed in the evening whole congregation. Cabrillas of the FEAST movement; and, last but plenary. Countless priests, professionals, motivational not the least, the dialogue concerning the “Voca- For the closing remarks, some chosen speakers, and indeed many talented guests took tion to Holiness of Life” imparted by Mr. Bernard participants set foot on the stage to state their part in this gathering for the young which aimed Canaberal of Radio Veritas. personal commitments, while some stated theirs in their places within the Magone Dome. There- upon, Fr. Provincial gave the traditional Salesian “Buona notte” or “goodnight talk,” and chal- lenged the Bosconians to adore God and abide in him. In that way, they will earn their title as a true “Bosconian”. Bosconians dancing and singing on stage. Photo by Martin Yu. The SYNODO 2019 may have ended, but the morals and lessons that were imparted by the different speakers will forever be instilled in the heart and minds of those who were there.

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