07 Volume 1, Issue 1, Aug 2019-Jan 2020 FEATURE ALPAS Bosconians visit the Meiji Jingu (Meiji Shrine). ◀ previous page Aside from meeting Japanese experience and to admire more of it students, we also had the chance to again. meet students from Thailand. Ev- eryone was friendly, hospitable, and Nostalgia always willing to help. Meeting new PAK GENERN! Our Japanese people in this trip is one of the high- Sensei happily repeated this Filipino lights because of the friendships that expression. It was a room filled with were made. The language barrier laughter as we exchanged common existed but we were still able to ex- phrases from our countries while change stories and knowledge. It was we grabbed and enjoyed our Kitkats the people that we were with that and sipped the ever so famous green made each day “bitin” and made the matcha tea of Japan. whole journey memorable. I could hardly remember their names but Oh, what a nostalgia! Brings Aihara textile factory. Bosconians experience dyeing cloth in Aih every moment spent with them is back memories of my three years old ara texture factory forever cherished. self learning Japanese phrases. For Admiration some, it was an unforgettable mo- ment because seeing Japan from an- Nothing can compare ime to actually walking on the streets The feeling of being able to see of it is a whole different experience. Of what used to be a photograph Then came our trip to the Or being able to immense airport, Sensei uttered another In what used to be in paragraphs phrase he learned from us: Bababa To see things before your eyes ba? (Are we going down?) Everyone There is genuine beauty that lies refused to answer bababa (We will). Though my heart belongs to For stepping out the bus, was the bit- my country, I have so much admi- tersweet mark that ended our unfor- ration for Japan and everything that gettable trip. comprises it: people, culture, and Journey, technology. Their respect for time Adventure and environment is my favorite; how People and Bosconians wearing a Yukata, one type of Japanese Kimono, along much they value every minute and Admiration and the with Japanese slippers. how they religiously separate their waste. Nostalgia – On the other hand, their The memory of it all, technology and innovations were Osewa ni narimasu. also praise-worthy, including: the literal ‘comfort’ in their comfort rooms, the researches presented to us, and the exhibits and robots in the museum. As an engineering student, this sparked admiration and inspira- tion for my future endeavors in the field. Indeed, Japan is beautiful in its own impressive ways. And it is what makes us want to comeback, to Kendo experience with Master Tatsuya. Photos by: Ken Acula Illustrated by: Andreane Panes

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