ALPAS FEATURE Volume 1, Issue 1, Aug 2019-Jan 2020 06 Bosconian students, along with Engr. Paul Catalan, and Dean Engr. Winston Dereje, visit the Miraikan - National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation. Marianne Fatima Valenzuela MOSHI MOSHI! This was On the other hand, at the end how I’d ecstatically answer phone of this journey, starts another. Im- calls when I was around three years mersing in Japanese culture, and in- old. Fatima, desh (desu)! I’ll confi- teracting with them, triggered more dently add. My aunt who used to curiosity and interest which pushes live in Japan taught me those words me to set new goals. and phrases. The same person intro- duced me to Hello Kitty and Kero Adventure Keroppi. It was an unforgettable adventure I must’ve had Hello Kitty filled with discoveries and treasures collections even before it has been We walked fast. considered vintage or rare today. Be- We ate a lot. cause of this influence, maybe Japan We learned. was the first foreign country that I’ve We discovered. Bosconians and their professors in front of the statues of Don Bosco loved. and Dominic Savio. and most importantly, Needless to say, Japan has we loved the adventure always been one of my dream desti- and the people dearly. nations. Fast forward, last November 2019, I was part of the delegation of Our day always started with the Salesio study tour from our cam- curiosity and excitement; and ended pus. My childhood dream had finally with delight and gratitude— because turned into reality. everyday was an adventure. Journey Each day, we did activities More than a study tour, that allowed us to know more of ‘tis a journey, for sure. Japanese culture. To name a few: we Both a beginning experienced interacting with local and a happy ending. students, we wore yukatas and zoris, A first step of what can be; we learned the basics of katana; we a closing of once a fantasy. did calligraphy writing, we ate Ra- Sayonara. Farewell party at Machida Salesio Convent. men, we crossed the Shibuya cross- ing and many more. Along the way, Introduced as one of the we discovered something new not most coveted opportunity, being part of the study tour has become just about Japan, but also about the part of my long-list of goals which I people we spent our time with. planned to accomplish through hard People work and prayers. Frankly, I have asked several people questions re- People do come and go. garding what it takes to be part of it. When? We’ll never know Since then, I persevered and invested But it doesn’t matter time and effort to be qualified for the How long they stay spot. I balanced both my academ- For the heart remembers ic and co-curricular activities well. Not the nights and days I did my best to excel in my classes But the way it felt and beat and grabbed every chance to serve For the moment it felt complete the college department. Long story short, my hard work finally paid off. Thus, this experience fulfilled my Rector Hamabe teaches the Bosconians with Japanese Calligraphy longing as I have achieved the goal I ▶ next page was once pursuing.

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