05 Volume 1, Issue 1, Aug 2019-Jan 2020 FEATURE ALPAS STIR INTRAMS 2019-2020: BEGINNING AND ENDING WITH RESPECT Christian Angelo Gajete Another year, another chance to showcase sportsman- ship and collaboration. For the freshies, these consecutive days which were held last October 2 to 4, 2019, were days where they all witnessed and used their hidden skills as Bosconians not just in the field of their chosen courses, but also inside the court. The lineup for this year’s intramurals---which was organized by the Central Student Council (CSC) under President Dorothy Minette Sabela, and was named as STIR 2019 in order to mean a stirring of camaraderie among programs---was organized along major and minor games. Basketball, volleyball, football, table tennis single fe- male, table tennis single male, table tennis mix, badminton single female, badminton single male, and badminton mix served as the major games; while the minor games were com- prised of ML, PUBG, Tekken and palarong pinoy. The Mechanical Engineering (ME), Electrical Engi- CHAMPION. ME students snatched the crown as this year’s overall neering (ECE), Information Technology/Computer Science champion. (IT/CS), and Architecture (ARCHI) programs were matched against each other using the round robin system. Minor in- juries or bruises admittedly became part of the games, but these did not stop the majority of the players from playing. Instead, these served as motivation to bounce back. On the last day, scores were being counted and tal- lied both in major and minor games. IT/CS ranked on 3rd place, ARCHI ranked on 2nd place, ECE ranked 1st, while the overall champion of STIR 2019 was the ME program and its students. This year’s intramurals aimed to strengthen and form new connections and relationships between different stu- dents coming from different fields. As the American Football player Vincent Lombraide once said, “winning is not every- FIRST RUNNER UP. ECE students bagged first runner-up, or sec- thing, but making the effort to win is.” Having practiced the ond place total. Bosconian core value of collaboration throughout the games, one could genuinely say that all have won greatly after all. SECOND RUNNER UP: Architecture students. THIRD RUNNER UP: students from the IT/CS department.

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