ALPAS FEATURE Volume 1, Issue 1, Aug 2019-Jan 2020 04 BOSCONIANS FIRE UP NEW STUDENT PUBLICATION; CALLS IT ‘MAKABUHAY’ TO RECOGNIZE CATHOLIC UPBRINGING AND RICH LOCAL HISTORY Harvey James G. Castillo Contributor, Publication Adviser January 2020 signifies the turning of a “Makabuhay originally means to give life new leaf as new campus journalists re-establish [or to side with life], which is actually very Cath- the official student publication of the college olic, and the members would like to give different department of Don Bosco Technical College – people’s lives a voice through the use of the cam- Mandaluyong, after having been in hiatus since pus paper,” she connotes. “Additionally, Makabu- mid-2015. hay is known to be the [underground] Mother Here above is the logo of the previous Chapter created by the Katipunan, an organiza- student publication of the college Breaking away from the name of the tion for the masses, in Mandaluyong more than a department, The Egalitarian. previous publication The Egalitarian, the new century ago. The members [therefore] agreed to Previous Vice-Dean for Student Affairs student journos—with their Editorial Board led name the new campus paper as ‘Makabuhay’ due Dr. John Manuel R. Kliatchko, and previous Stu- by architecture freshies Editor-In-Chief Dane- to these combined Catholic and historical mean- dent Welfare and Development (SWD) Officer sel Avellanosa and Managing Editor Andreane ings.” Panes—chose instead Makabuhay, marking a Mr. Glenn Concepcion, served as publication clear shift in tone, brand, content, politics, poet- advisers consequently. ics and aesthetics. Some of the most significant events fea- Upon being asked why the need to change tured by the past publication in the recent two name, Avellanosa replied: “the [newly-scouted] decades include: achievements in sports as Bo- editorial team, along with its new adviser, decid- The logo for Makabuhay, as shown sconians dominated several NCAA categories ed to rename the college publication from ‘The above, signifies many things. First, the from 2008 to 2014; the reorganization of the Egalitarian’ to ‘Makabuhay’ to indicate newness white and gray mountains allude to the Bo- College Department from 2011 to 2012 under when it comes to the members, the editorial sconian motto “Ascende Superius,” mean- the helm of past Dean Engr. Stephen L. Ruiz; the board, the publication vision-mission, and even ing to come up to a higher place. Next, the 60th anniversary of the whole institution in 2013; ultimately the student population.” two letter M’s which visibly overlap signify K to 12 preparations and the inauguration of the the overlapping meaning of Makabuhay Braga building in 2014; the visitation of Don “Makabuhay is a Filipino word [contain- as well, having both Catholic and historical Bosco’s relics; and several national news such as meanings. Finally, the whole logo alludes to ing] history,” Avellanosa furthers. “By changing that of a gray wolf, in honor of the official Chief Justice Corona’s impeachment, West Phil- the title from English to Filipino, meaning by school mascot. ippine Sea dispute, Ondoy/Yolanda relief efforts, shifting language, we are indicating that as stu- and U.S. military/imperialist interventions in the dent journalists we now want to be more acces- College publication history country amongst others. sible. We now want to tell with more intimacy Don Bosco Technical College – Manda- The revival of the campus paper is borne people’s histories and people’s stories. At the through the initiatives of Mr. Roman Torres, the same time, [ultimately] this is to make histo- luyong is not without rich history when it comes current SWD Officer and Vice Dean for Student ry ourselves,” Avellanosa ends, as she cites how to campus publication in the college level. Estab- Affairs, and the Publications Office under the Of- the publication from this point on shall produce lished in 2002, The Egalitarian served as the offi- fice of the Rector, Fr. Vitaliano Dimaranan, SDB. both Filipino and English content, compared to cial student paper for the longest time, having— before when the medium was in pure English. according to available archive—an estimate of Panes meanwhile explains the different 11 volumes all in all, meaning more or less than dimensions of the word Makabuhay. eleven years of publication. HISTORY OF THE MONTH - JANUARY THE LUKBAN PROCLAMATION Andreane Panes On January 1, 1899, General Vicente Luk- seal of achievement and honor. And you, children ban published the Lukban Proclamation which is ad- of Samar and Leyte, participate in all this happi- 2 dressed to the inhabitants of Samar and Leyte. ness, although you did not cooperate in the victory.” The proclamation states that the citizens Amidst this, what is interesting in the proc- should rejoice in peace due to the fact that there be- lamation is General Lukban’s last lines which would came a new Republic, which was a Philippines that is seem at first as a tirade against what Renato Constanti- free from the grasp of the Spaniards. Prior to this, the no would say as the “ambivalent classes” in Philippine people of Leyte and Samar had already established a society, or those who remain idle in times of need. provincial government and declared their loyalty to However, as the proclamation goes on, one would get the aforesaid revolutionary Philippine Republic. the sense finally that General Lukban aimed instead Here is an excerpt from the proclamation: to consolidate the people under the leadership of then President Aguinaldo, all to avoid a reverting back to a “We no longer are slaves exploited by the Spaniards; time of colonial “misery” and “slavery”. we no longer blush on account of our condition, be- The United States of America as a colonizer cause our beloved Filipinas has entered the concert would then come almost two years later. of civilized nations, and bears upon her forehead the Reference: 2 General Vicente Lukban. Photo by Today in Philippine History, January 1, 1899, General Lukban called on the citizens of Samar and Leyte to stand united. (2012, November 26). Retrieved from izens-of-samar-and-leyte-to-stand-united

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