ALPAS EDITORIAL Volume 1, Issue 1, Aug 2019-Jan 2020 02 MAKABUHAY The Official Quarterly Student Publication of the College Department of Don Bosco Technical College - Mandaluyong EDITORIAL BOARD EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Danesel Jeanne Avellanosa Art by Mark Joseph Dulaca. MANAGING EDITOR VENTURING VOICES, Andreane Panes CUTTING CORDS SECTION EDITORS WRITING EDITOR Danesel Jeanne Avellanosa Edward Guerra If social media were in a relationship with people, In the right court, and in the right position. People run we’ll all be loyal. Always holding hands with the mouse, to Tulfo because he is much easier to access rather than LAYOUT EDITOR and staring face to face with our screens. We’ll always doing all the process in the court. The justice system Jonas Genova update social media about our day, and we’ll always wait needs to give justice to those who are in need not just for a reply back. We’ll always try our hardest to get val- to those who have money to avail their services. Until CREATIVE EDITOR idation and try to make social media laugh. You know then, the justice system remains transactional, and un- Allain Josef Ortigas how there’s a honeymoon stage in every relationship? less you have means of paying people to process justice Well, for years now we have been locked in that phase for you, then you will have seemingly no voice. PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR with social media. And this has resulted in a difficulty Then of course, every relationship has an An- Martin Yu in identifying what is simulation from what is reality. niversary. After ending 2019 with a bang, 2020 started ARTISTS We have made social media our reality as we al- with a literal bang on January 3rd when a U.S. airstrike Crizza Mae Anonical ways pose for other people. The need for sharing our near Baghdad’s international airport killed the leader of Mark Joseph Dulaca thoughts has become so popular and this shows in pag- Iran’s elite Quds Force, Gen. Qassem Soleimani. es in Facebook for example that always demands us to US President Trump said that he ordered the LAYOUT ARTISTS share our stories, for example: the freedom wall in our targeted killing to supposedly or allegedly preempt a Christian Angelo Gajete school. Don Bosco Technical College has an unofficial major attack, something which Iran denied, yet none- Lara Yvette Magno facebook page named “DBTC Freedom Wall” where- theless promised for a just and “harsh retaliation.” Af- in current students or alumni, or even personnel could ter this, many of us youth in social media replied with PHOTOGRAPHERS submit confessions. The reason to this one sees is that memes concerning potential World War III, and made Ken Acula students couldn’t really freely open up perhaps because a laughing stock out of the matter. Amidst all of these, Ronne Louise Guerrero democratic spaces or platforms for opening up are not what is troubling ultimately for our end lies still in the quite consolidated yet. voices of the people which will remain unheard of if CONTRIBUTORS We all have voices and we want to share our such war continues. And these people will be composed John Vincent Valenzuela thoughts, yet because of these gaps, all we could do is of, finally, by innocent Iranian civilians even OFWs. Marianne Fatima Valenzuela merely to hide behind our screens, where we can easily Do you know the 3-year itch every relationship Prof. Niccolo Rocamora Vitug rant about or compliment others. go through? It’s the make it or break phase. It’s when ADVISER Same are the conditions of having voices yet one decides whether to go or to stay. And in this day Mr. Harvey James G. Castillo still feeling voiceless in the case of people resorting to and age of fixation or addiction to social media, the Rafael “Raffy” Tulfo, a Filipino media personality in the time has come for us to decide or rethink our relation- Join us on: private sector. ship to it. He has this show called “Raffy Tulfo in Action” Our words are powerful. They can make or where people open up their issues to Raffy and he will break. It is up to us whether we’ll choose to waste our negotiate and adjudicate for both sides. One could see voices in an echochamber such as social media, or step how people running to a journalist for their problems, up and really speak also in real life. political or apolitical, could have the same reason as to Real world problems exist once we step outside why some students would cling to a freedom wall. It’s our campus and outside our homes. Real world prob- because people have voices, yet they are voiceless. Or lems that need resolution not in social media as a sim- at least democratic platforms are not efficiently in place ulation but in the real world. Contact us on: for people to air out their sides. It’s disturbing thinking that people can gain jus- Why don’t we start cutting the cords and step @dbmakabuhay tice through someone from youtube, when it’s the gov- outside this digital simulation we are content to call [email protected] ernment that needs to give people the justice we need. ‘life’? Amplify people’s voices, or if not, learn to amplify your own venturing voice.

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